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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56161129 No.56161129 [Reply] [Original]

So we haven’t dumped to absolute zero quite yet, but what is the plan exactly? How will this ever be able to recover without early holders continually dumping? How much will new cex listings even be if that’s the case? It’s like DBI, toad, and all the other shit where early buyers are slowly unloading on every pump except with Fine, there’s a bunch of them. This is my last chance to make it before I leave crypto entirely. I need hopium bros

>> No.56161314

Kek lied about the team tokens and liquidity. It’s over.

>> No.56161328

Is this information from Aizen? Who exactly that person even is?

>> No.56162134

A faggot caller that reveals truth about fake jeet faggot like lordkek. Might buy in when this dumps to 100k. Get fucked fine baggies kek

>> No.56162561

We’re back to $10m-$11m. Not bad

>> No.56162824

No, I have no idea who that is. Just check the transactions from the deployer wallet.

>> No.56164512

wrong chain son. You gotta buy on ALGO

>> No.56164892

One thing that separates us from toad and dbi is the holder count. We’re over double what Toad has and continually increasing. There are around 60 wallets that hold 1t-6t tokens. Previously there were wallets that had 20t+. The pumps will eventually become more sustainable as these top wallets continue to thin down and, with more listings, we will get more holders.

I’ve read a lot of people talk about this being their last hope for making it. This isn’t some niche meme that only certain groups understand (dog coins, frog coins, etc). “This is Fine” is such a well known meme and saying that’s been around for a while. More listings and more coverage will blow this up. Don’t fall for the fud, and make sure to hold onto this shit for dear life. This WILL flip Pepe. Screenshot this mother fuckers

>> No.56164899

Exit pump. Get out while you still can. I've been through this dance many times with memecoins. If it were memecoin season though, it would definitely pump again and surpass ATH but it's not memecoin season atm sadly.

>> No.56165066

Shut the fuck up devil

>> No.56165070

Didn't the dev of Fine rug Pepe or something? I don't know the details.

>> No.56165304

>giga dumped back down to 8M

>> No.56165313

He was right, I'm glad you got blown the fuck out and can't wait for you to lose everything. Remember you deserve it for being such an emotional asshole.

>> No.56165349

Everybody is selling and waiting for exit pumps now that it's confirmed to be a scam.

>> No.56165362

>now that it's confirmed to be a scam
How so?

>> No.56165366

baseless fud

>> No.56165455

Everything is fine. Meanwhile the house is burning to the ground. It’s over finebros

>> No.56165601

lordkek and degenharambe are 2 different people. Harambe is the one who got doxxed and bought the Lamborghini if I'm not mistaken. It's said he also started, or at least helped fund, the blue smurf cat midget ukranian token to try and steal liquidity from Fine. I got a bag of fine and I'm kind of hoping that >>56164892
is right. I mean, most of it seems to make sense. There's only so much sell offs that can happen from the big wallets before they get smaller. I mean, that's the hopium I'm riding with anyways

>> No.56165748

>blue smurf cat
Hmm...would it be wise to buy smurf cat as well then?

>> No.56165799

Lil doggy looks like Paul Krugman lol

>> No.56166028


yeah just buy a token made by the same dev who dumped $20mil of pepe and fucked over his team/holders.

While i do believe fine has all the resources it needs to kick this into 1b+ mcap. There is no guarantee in crypto. Just because you have all the resources in the world to prop up a memecoin doesn't mean people will be keen to buying into it.

I hold 300B of this btw. Just my unbiased opinions. As of right now it is not looking good and i do expect a dip lower to 5m tomorrow.

Getting listed on exchanges don't mean shit these days. That was back in the 2017 2021 era.. when it had meaning. Now exchanges list just about anything so it no longer has any significance.

If the volume doesn't increase to 10-20m from Bitget along with the other 2 upcoming FINE listings this week then i'd hate to say but this will be dead.

>> No.56166078

>buy a token made by the same dev who dumped $20mil of pepe and fucked over his team/holders
In crypto, the scammiest projects always moon hard, which is why I asked.

>> No.56166123

I bought a bag at first, but then sold it back before it took a dump. This is basically my last chance to make money before I quit crypto, so I ended up getting rid of all my bags and went all in on Fine. I got tried of trying to keep track of all the shit I had and going from one thing to the next. It's all too tiresome for me.

>> No.56166296

Nah the thing that separates toad and dbi from this dogshit is that they have rich teams dedicated to building through the bear market and being positioned for next year. No one will remember fine in a month.

>> No.56166342
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>rich team
the same team that is unable to list this shitcoin in any cheap cex?

>NFTs are worthless/cheap garbage
>The 1mil DBI treasure chest got buried and no more clues because token is worthless
>Money spent on boomer videos that goes nowhere
>scam pumps after every new video failed since baggies were selling the pumps looking for exit
>craig and the wallet with more DBI than uniswap still around..

At least FINE is a scam that can print money

>> No.56166406

The 100m wallet is burning 1m a day. It's burned 10m (20k) so far. /biz/ is going to suicide over missing dbi.

>> No.56166438

Burning tokens that have already been bought doesn't do anything.

>> No.56166490

Stupidest cope ever. It's up 150% over the last 2 months for a reason. I'm done spoon feeding you niggers have fun with fine.

>> No.56166998

>It's up 150% over the last 2 months
After a 95% dump 6 months ago.
Kek what a shitcoin.

The same scam pumps after each video didn't work anymore so they started to "burn"

>> No.56167781

Google SHIBTOSHI and SQUIDGROW, only reason Im still into crypto. I keep a moonbag of FINE tough even tough the dev is a liar.

>> No.56167812

Are you the guy who sold 4trillion toad to buy $FINE and currently down 40k USD ????

>> No.56167836
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pic very related

>> No.56168009
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>No one will remember fine in a month
The meme itself, whether it's directly tied to the token or not, is being used more and more. That's what gives me more confidence in it is because it's a common and relatable meme unlike everything else I mentioned earlier. I highly doubt it will be forgotten so easily, especially considering marketing hasn't fully started.

DBI is a mostly failed project that's reliant on a group of frail old alcoholics and (former?) drug addicts. The star of the show, The Dev, ghosted his own event which was just one of the reasons for the giga dump. He had at least 3 visits to the ER since the project started, that I know of anyways. If something happens to him again, it's over for real. The "real life meme" idea is unique but the project was mismanaged to say the least.

I forgot to mention that I still have a bag of toad but that's only because I have nothing invested in it. I held it since around May and took my initials out on the pump, so I'm letting that ride with zero risk. No point in swapping that over given the potential it. With the team having split up, Pepe will eventually fade away and the "frog killer" narrative will be pointless, but who knows..

>> No.56168018

No!!! In fact, I took my initials out during the ath, and I'm 100% in profits right now!!!!

>> No.56168057
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>Up 150%
>$7,500 daily volume
Dumb nigger alert. Nobody is buying this shitcoin except the scammer devs weak fake pumping to try and create fomo. Stop trying to shill your dead scam on /biz/ Andrew.

>> No.56168624

I also think the Smurf Cat meme isn't as mass compatible as Fine. Seems to be primarily a TikTok trend and therefore has a limited audience of people who "get" the meme. Fine on the other hand is not only more widely known but also easier to understand at first glance. Not to mention the weird шaйлyшaй handle of Smurf Cat.

>> No.56168646

Dude what are you taking about? It’s fucking ogre

>> No.56168708

>6mil mc
Glad i sold at 12mil mc..
This shit is going down but i'll buy back at 4mil at least, just in case the scammers send it

>> No.56169150

>price going down
>holders going up

What do I make of this?

>> No.56169260

A lot of holders just have dust, so real holders are actually less.

>> No.56170198

Which is a good thing. The less big wallets, the less the pumps will get dumped.

>> No.56170520

Remember when that guy made a thread telling people to buy at 25m and i called him out on his sheer retardation?
Yeah that was pretty funny

>> No.56171046

I have no interest in that shit. I prefer holding Dua and Hbar over investing in shitcoins that lack real utility.

>> No.56171807
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>> No.56171831
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That's a pajeet's business, I am accumulating QANX with the aim of achieving substantial gains, which has already yielded me a 3x return in the past few months.

>> No.56172025

Last chance to exit.

>> No.56172349
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No thanks rabbi. Top wallets are slowly thinning out while new buyers make their way in. I’m feeling bullish. In fact, I’m feeling Fine

>> No.56172935

Its always the same story with shitcoins, normies and newfags ape in and get rugged or exit liquidity. Not touching it with a 10ft pole, especially when there are based gems like Egld, Ride, and Zcash with utility and long term potential.

>> No.56173139

It's always the same with these bot comments. Insult then shill utility coins that never go anywhere.