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File: 355 KB, 599x447, fags left nonfags right.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56154507 No.56154507 [Reply] [Original]

How do we profit off this whole "spirituality awakening" trend?

>> No.56154540

Create content. Was thinking about doing this, but with a genuinely good product that helps. As a finance guy and spiritually awakening guy, I am the most basic of all. Behold my power

>> No.56154589
File: 76 KB, 600x360, 253.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

become a pastor like TB joshua and create a "healing" product that you sell to people for a lot of money

americans might be too smart to pay $$$$ for some water, but you can come up with a more sciencey product like healing magnets or similar

pay influencers on tiktok $100 to pretend your product works they will do it because they have no morals

>> No.56156452

>with a genuinely good product that helps.
This is why you will always be poor.

>americans might be too smart to pay $$$$ for some water
You are wrong here.

>> No.56156564

>americans might be too smart
>they won't buy water
>but they will buy magnets
I understand now why you guys are both fat and stupid

>> No.56156735
File: 105 KB, 398x434, D76F471C-49DA-4A89-B1AB-67852214E532.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

create a redpilled equivalent culture to counter leftist hippie spiritual fags

>> No.56156760

That space is taken up by the right-wing RETVRN meme diet/lifestyle people. e.g. carnivore diet, dubious claims about "seed oil" and nondescript "chemicals" in foods, obsession over traditional agriculture, anti-GMO, sun tanning your butthole, etc.

>> No.56156786

but all that stuff is real

>> No.56156862

These types are just vegans for right-wing people. It's 90% lies, stupidity, or heavy exaggerations, for the 10% of stuff they actually point out correctly. As a rule of thumb, the absolute last people you should ever take advice from is hippies. It doesn't matter if they happen to post bible verses instead of astrology charts.

>> No.56156890

QRD on this “Spiritual Wokening”

>> No.56156915

>dubious claims about "seed oil" and nondescript "chemicals" in foods

Imagine being this much of a retarded fucking goy.

>> No.56156920

Visit /x/

>> No.56156926

Was meant for >>56156890

>> No.56156936

t. butthole tanner

>> No.56156973
File: 44 KB, 680x676, ca9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the fuel I put into the machine that is my body doesnt matter lol

Enjoy your cancer

>> No.56156976

humans desparately searching for a replacement to fill in the void created by a lack of religious and/or collective beliefs but only at a vain and surface level because anything deeper would require commitment to something, you know just enough to have hip looking instagram posts

>> No.56156983

>CHEMICALS could be in this, he said to himself
>there could be CHEMICALS here

>> No.56156998

We should refuse any and all medical treatment for retarded niggers like you when you inevitably burden the hospital system with your lifestyle induced health problems down the line.

Let you disgusting subhumans rot with your own self made problems.

>> No.56157001
File: 293 KB, 828x904, FE803ACC-7B7E-496A-83A6-8B41917CD384.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Religion not needed

>> No.56157008

After your homeopathic herb medication fails to treat your cancer you should be denied treatment because a health influencer told you that chemotherapy had "chemicals" in it.

>> No.56157047

chemo therapy is literally bringing you so close to death that the cancer dies, and hopefully you live

>> No.56157354

>This is why you will always be poor.
Well at least I'll be able to sleep at night.

>> No.56157384

religion is a form of collectivist belief, some set of collective beliefs are necessary to fulfill the communal nature that's in all humans, eliminate one set of beliefs and people will attempt to fill it with another
thanks for the pretentious midwit screencap though

>> No.56157388

Religion not needed. God isn’t real

>> No.56157389

Well the agriculture doesn’t have to be super traditional, but the modern method of industrialized agriculture is alarmingly unsustainable and producing quantifiably lower quality food than regenerative practice.

Carnivore died is stupid, highly processed oils especially at higher temperatures are probably having some seriously negative effects on our health.

>> No.56157447

That’s true man I’m personally over religion because of the oppression LGBT people have faced in its name. Despite recent attempts to normalize LGBT representation in churches its still a big No with a capital N from me sir.

>> No.56157454

I agree people should just be allowed to enjoy things and religion really restricts you

>> No.56157718

youre about 30 years too late

>> No.56157733

>he consumes seed oils and avoids vitamin d to own the chuds

>> No.56157737

You evangelize them to the Roman rite

>> No.56157776

its just retards walking into an mlm

>> No.56158260
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>carnivore diet is stupid

>> No.56158264
File: 181 KB, 700x524, 200-hour-ashtanga-yoga-teacher-training-in-rishikesh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Move to Rishikesh, become a yoga guru, and profit in bobs and vagene

>> No.56158287
File: 160 KB, 480x687, 480px-The_Ladder_of_Divine_Ascent_Monastery_of_St_Catherine_Sinai_12th_century.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In a society devoid of socially enforced Christian ethics, people revert back to paganism and old heresies. Pride is the easiest attack vector satan uses to destroy people, and this new age stuff is incredibly self-centered and 'individual experience' focused. Same as it ever was, all you can do is pray for people, set a good moral example, and take your own repentence seriously

>> No.56158578

Imagine thinking god's existence is up to argument, you are probably such a retard you think god is an actual tangible being rather than a concept or a unity of concepts that forms the moral axis of a human. You dumb fucking son of a prostitute don't even dare replying to me.

>> No.56158598

LOL, well said.

>> No.56159364

Humans eat meat alright but they have not eat meat every single day. They hunted, and occasionally they manage to kill an animal. They did not eat beef from basedfed antibiotics infused immobile cows every single day

>> No.56159427
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religion managed to keep the basis of civilization (the family unit) together for thousands of years. at least in muttmerica, the absence of religion since the latter half of the 20th century has yielded a single motherhood crisis. on this basis alone i think religion still has a place. "intelligent civilizations" are a few percent of the population desperately trying to make things happen, while a terrible undercurrent of self-destructive nigger cattle subhumans threatens to destroy everything. the primitive niggerbrain only understands shame and physical pain, which is where religion comes into play.

>> No.56159504

She's kind of hot

>> No.56159539
File: 1.16 MB, 1440x2874, Screenshot_20230921_130825_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At primary, I.e. elementary, school we were taught
>a sentence is supposed to make sense

>> No.56159639

Found the fat lard. Post waist.

>> No.56159648


>> No.56159656

Atheism exists only by rejection of judeo christian feudalism and monarchies , so now that jewish or goy christians are not in power (jewish christians died 2000 years ago, so they really cant be in power, only christian goys survived), they still need a bogeyman & need to dream up threats of nazis harming atheist democracy. Ie creating more & more narratives & pictures to delude themselves into a fake sense of righteousness, because atheists never hear from non-atheists that atheism is awesome. This is why atheists desperately turn to eastern guruisms, hoping the gurus will tell them they are decent people. It works because the gurus capitalized on these empty followers by embodying the drug-free asexual old wise character. Gurus expressed the emptiness the atheists were feeling & then played the character which would be the opposite of their emptiness, which in turn reinforced their projection as him being an enlightened master. This gets to be a self-sustaining loop where the worship & admiration of followers feeds to the confidence of the leader, who becomes fulfilled & the character becomes easier & easier to play until it becomes unnoticeable.
So atheists have no external validation besides scam artists banking money & sex from them.
An atheist is a fatherless girl craving to hear from her father that she is a good girl, but all she does is spending her life on casual sex & posting on instagram how she loves the dalai lama & fair-trade beauty creams.

>> No.56159667
File: 68 KB, 750x1000, 1624049829242.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dubious claims about "seed oil" and nondescript "chemicals" in foods

>> No.56159736

Sell those vibrating rocks or teach them about self sustainability.

>> No.56159764

If you don't eat meat every day you're a faggot

>> No.56159785

nice selfie

>> No.56159925


>> No.56160102
File: 100 KB, 900x900, ssri2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lack of religious and/or collective beliefs
Yes this totally.

Niggas is replacing 3000 years of Judeo-Christian teachings on human nature and the structure of the universe for some new age goofy-ass shit and 100 years of profit-driven therapy (which has morphed into profit-driven SSRI prescriptions).

The results will not be good. Because the modern ego cannot accept the 3000 year old solution, the way to profit is to invest in PHARMA, or Huxley SOMA.

The choice is God v SSRI, take your pick.

Personally, I chose God, but will profit off the SSRIs.

>> No.56160187
File: 87 KB, 720x405, soma.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have a bite

>> No.56160225


>> No.56160229
File: 7 KB, 190x265, E93FFABC-66B3-48B9-94E3-C0E772F97CA7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Open a Bible store or sell slightly edgy but wholesome bumper stickers. Or just grift as a Bible thumping conservative. This shit is all cyclical and gay anyway. I’m starting to feel like that Drunk Irish Weeb Metokur… It’s just the same shit happening over and over and it’s a big comedy. F

>> No.56160346

Kek at all the seethe at this post from glasses wearing 5'9 buzz cut faggots who think avoiding canola oil will finally make girls look at them without frowning.

>> No.56160403

No I’m sorry you’re a retarded fucking loser

>> No.56160435

>structure of the universe for some new age goofy-ass
That depends, I like the blend of pagan, stoic and gnostic ideas, among others. Some of that is older or as old as Judeo Christian ideas.

>> No.56160496
File: 1.38 MB, 449x498, 1695143676883843.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hurr just keep building Nimrods tower higher. What could possibly go wrong!

>> No.56160543

Wait a min. Isn't that house on the spiritually woke side the same house used in the MDE making tap vid?

>> No.56161110

Hinduisms roots are older. I prefer the more ancient spiritual practices. The act of communion with the spirit and the universe is far more refined in the yogic traditions. Not to say that prayer doesn't have it's merits, it's amongst the strongest forms of manifestation practices that exist. But the undeveloped Christian believes more in the organization than the divine, and so it's not uncommon that the average Christian is spiritually undeveloped. They perform the rituals and know not what they mean. They attack others for suggesting there's another path. And applying a personality to The All sounds ludicrous to me, and reeks of mass mind control. Keep it simple stupid, universal love is the principal. Jesus Christ was a devotee to universal love, and yet it's such a rare virtue expressed by his self proclaimed followers.

>> No.56161122

>unity of concepts that forms the moral axis of a human
Explain every polytheistic religion ever then.
Explain every ortopraxic religion ever then.
I'm tired of trad larpers on this website thinking that Christianity is default religion.

>> No.56161147

>sun tanning your butthole

>> No.56161208

>spiritual awakening
is a way to bamboozle women to sleep with them. abstract ideas is not an effective method to convey information but it appeals to the emotional side of women and sounds smart.

>> No.56161290

>"spirituality awakening" is a recent trend
zoomers are so god dammed retarded

>> No.56161305

This anon gets it.

>> No.56161322
File: 65 KB, 639x639, pills-ssris.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hinduisms roots are older. I prefer the more ancient spiritual practices.
Understood, good stuff.
The point was that our modern egoism is discarding time-tested ideas for newer, shinier profit-driven guidance. OP asked how to profit.

>> No.56161503

>our modern egoism is discarding time-tested ideas for newer, shinier profit-driven guidance
Impossible to argue against. I wish I was taught actual spirituality when I was younger, but unfortunately I had to learn it myself. Or maybe it always had to be that way.

But yeah, the way to profit, possibly the most moral way to profit, is to teach. Spread the wisdom, create guided meditations, create hypnotherapy sessions, and make ad revenue or sell materials that will genuinely help, like incense sticks, or singing bowls, whatever helps your customers commune with the divine.

Did you know that the EPA in fish oil is equivalent to an SSRI? I take that shit daily, we all have a degree of depression or otherwise, plus it's good for your joints.

Shit man, even Carl Jung stated that the birth of the psychoanalyst is rooted in the mass deficiency of the spirit. What is psychology but a sterile, clinical form of communion with the soul?

>> No.56161847

Anyone that uses this word in reference to people is a retarded faggot.

>> No.56161928

If you don't think that seed oils or microplastics in food are legitimate concerns then you're retarded, simple as.

>> No.56161948


Lotta fedoras tipping to this post when all the guy is essentially saying is be gnostic.

You are the retard.

>> No.56161963

Holy cope
Seed oils are bad. More specifically unsaturated fats. Foods do have chemicals, but depends what you are talking about. Could be about all the chemicals from spraying in the fields (which I learned about in my very left wing college class btw) or plastics seeping chemicals especially in liquids. Enjoy dying early fatty with your unhealthy diet
I'm a 6ft Chad who is ottermode. Get fucked

>> No.56162138

>and nondescript "chemicals"
this is literally the problem, in most cases we dont get to know what these chemicals are that they are using...what does artificial flavor mean? It can mean many many things, there is no specific chemical called "artificial flavour" so were left not being able to properly identify things. This is literally one of the major issues.

>> No.56162185

You can sell $1000+ courses to ex Christian spiritual but religious women on things like “Awakening the divine feminine goddess” which is just some tantric sex stuff and pop psychology in the language of Hindi sounding words.

>> No.56162189

The Mediterranean diet has been around for centuries and it's considered amongst the highest quality diets on earth. They use olive oil, which is composed of unsaturated fats. The proof is in their longevity.

Of course, they evolved alongside olive oil, so perhaps there's something in the genetic makeup of the Mediterranean that can tolerate these types of fats, but unsaturated fats aren't necessarily unhealthy. I'm willing to accept that perhaps olive oil is an outlier amongst unsaturated fat, but I refuse to believe that olive oil is unhealthy.

>> No.56162205

Zoom in faggots. She looks about her age. Strong and vital looking though. My granny was bedridden at that age.

>> No.56162680

hire a few actresses and start a dumb hipster cult in a nice looking place. an ex coworker of my gf did that and she and her group charged a lot of money to the dumbasses that attended their place

>> No.56162722

Short it. Whites don’t have a spirit.

>> No.56162770

I think my sister is trying to start a “women’s retreat” thing. Not as lucrative probably but you just guilt women in an extended social circle into thinking they are a bad person unless they spend $1k for a weekend at a cabin doing meditation, yoga and listening to some fellow roastie ramble about the divine feminine.
I want to just gather some homeless and autistic women on SSI and use their collective funds to make a petting zoo homestead with me as their spiritual leader. I’m a retard caretaker by trade. Developmentally disabled women are pretty easy to deal with.

>> No.56162934

Go take some tylenol and sterilize your gut
Language is dying along with every other aspect of our culture.

>> No.56162946

make a buttplug company focused on kundalini awakenings

>> No.56163282

>God isn’t real

>> No.56163556

How do I reddit gold your post

>> No.56163834

we are not evolved to eat meat every day, for thousands of years human diet evolved in a particular fashion
eating meat every day is as retarded as not eating it, or eating grain everyday

>> No.56164638
File: 15 KB, 357x259, carrot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

eat your veg bro 100% safe and effective

>> No.56164696

Create a business where you fly these guys out to the Peruvian/Ecuadorian/Colombian rainforest and have them trip their balls off with some indigenous """shaman""" with Ayahuasca.

>> No.56164726
File: 19 KB, 353x338, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tech bros and fleece vests:
Like peanut butter and jelly.

>> No.56164883

Olive oil isnt considered a seed oil homie

>> No.56165199

yeah but he was blaming the problems on unsaturated fats. seed oils and olive oil are diff, yes, but not all unsaturated fats are equal

>> No.56165270

where can I find these influencers to pay

>> No.56165282

>which has morphed into profit-driven SSRI prescriptions).
This. Ive never met anyone who got better on therapy. its all just a profit farm out. So many r*dditors in particular love recommending therapy but not a one has gotten better after spending thousands. They all love to shill it as some solution.

>> No.56165735

It makes perfect sense you sterile autismal retards
It's a conversational style, perhaps something you wouldn't understand from never talking to people in real life

>> No.56165756

God tier bait

>> No.56165922

She looks younger than my MIL who is 20 years younger

>> No.56166618

>God (you presume abrahamic) or anti depressants
>Implying that those are the only 2 modes of existence
Nice degenerate and manipulative Hegelian dialectic you have going there, slave.
Well done ignoring the multitudes of other modes of social organisation such as the gnostics of prechristian Europe and the middle eastern, the Zoroastrian Iranians and Persian, the polytheism of Hinduism, Buddhism, Hellenist mythos, Roman religion that contract hundred if not thousands year empires across India, the Asians, ancient greek and Rome.
You are evil for ignoring this and constructing your reality to the historical exclusion of all others, without even so much as a mere acknowledgement of other cultures or moral systems.
This typical for cattle such as yourself.

>> No.56166636

>God (you presume abrahamic) or anti depressants
>Implying that those are the only 2 modes of existence
Nice degenerate and manipulative Hegelian dialectic you have going there, slave.
Well done ignoring the multitudes of other modes of social organisation such as the gnostics of prechristian Europe and the middle eastern, the Zoroastrian Iranians and Persian, the polytheism of Hinduism, Buddhism, Hellenist mythos, Roman religion which constructed hundred if not thousands year empires across India, the Asians, ancient greek and Rome.
You are evil for ignoring this and constructing your reality to the historical exclusion of all others, without even so much as a mere acknowledgement of other cultures or moral systems.
This typical of wilfully blind if not malicious cattle such as yourself

>> No.56166699

Ok Jordan Peterson. We all know you're just too ashamed to admit to being a Christian, so you have to toy with semantics and definitions to sound "smart, actually" when you say you believe in "God." I respect the average evangelical mouth-breather more than you. At least they have fucking courage. If you can't take the leap of faith, preferring to cower in fear at what your peers might think, get out of my face faggot.

>> No.56166822

Its simple faggot, you either have teleological morality or the modern emotivist nietzsche faggot delusion shit

>> No.56166845

I swear Reddit has been invading this website. Not a few weeks ago an anon unironically used the term "late-stage capitalism." What's with you losers, go back to your shitty website, this one's shitty enough without you

>> No.56166860

Sex cult.

>> No.56166896

Your sky daddy isn’t real bro

>> No.56166908

Cool, I'm not religious. While we're sharing info, you will never be a woman. Go back to your shithole of a website you absolute faggot.

>> No.56166929

>buzzword seethe

>> No.56166939

Olive oil is only healthy if organic and cold pressed, kept away from sun and not used for cooking. Any heat will denature it and ruin it’s bioavailability. The reason meds benefit so much from it is because they follow all these rules. Their olive oil is of the highest quality and they mostly use it uncooked.

There is a lot of science to nutrition/health. Ignorant people like you get manipulated easily by the jews

>> No.56166977

>unsaturated fats
I sure hope you meant trans fats. Unsaturated fats are some of the best ones for you. Omega-3s for example.

>> No.56167033

Yes thankyou, jews and muslims are retarded sandniggers and have been just as destructive as feral niggers to this planet

>> No.56167064

it's zoomers. their commie jew professors talk to them endlessly about the horrors of climate change and not cutting off childrens penises. capitalism is the new "patriarchy" now that feminism is considered lame. it simultaneously means everything and nothing to them. it's just a social signal to display awareness of the approved issues.

but the boomers deserve it for leaving their kids to be raised by the internet and commie zealots. oops!

>> No.56167291
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Pantheism is a sham. Polytheism makes no sense. God is noncontingent existence, being itself, however you want to describe it. If that doesn't exist nothing exists, and because it exists everything else is contingent, in other words, there can only be one.
>pre-Christian gnostics
Gnosticism didn't exist before Christianity, unless you mean they were gnostic before being converted. But anyway you're interpretation of those societies is very rose tinted. Sure they functioned with a collective religious mythos different than the Judeo-Christian one, but there's a reason they were deemed savages by Christendom. I'd recommend the first 2 parts of this book for the differences without Christianity in modern society and ancient society.

>> No.56167370

>Indeed, I want in part to argue that what many of us are still in the habit of calling the “Age of Reason” was in many significant ways the beginning of the eclipse of reason’s authority as a cultural value; that the modern age is notable in large measure for the triumph of inflexible and unthinking dogmatism in every sphere of human endeavor (including the sciences) and for a flight from rationality to any number of soothing fundamentalisms, religious and secular; that the Enlightenment ideology of modernity as such does not even deserve any particular credit for the advance of modern science; that the modern secular state’s capacity for barbarism exceeds any of the evils for which Christendom might justly be indicted, not solely by virtue of the superior technology at its disposal, but by its very nature; that among the chief accomplishments of modern culture have been a massive retreat to superstition and the gestation of especially pitiless forms of nihilism; and that, by comparison to the Christian revolution it succeeded, modernity is little more than an aftereffect, or even a counterrevolution—a reactionary flight back toward a comfortable, but dehumanizing, mental and moral servitude to elemental nature. In fact, this is where my story both begins and ends.
This goes so hard he doesn't need periods

you might like Dominion by Tom Holland as well, who has a similar thesis about the radical moral, philosophical, and sociological shift Christianity brought

>> No.56167468
File: 179 KB, 2000x1333, redpilled tanning.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't tan his butthole
that's how the jews win

>> No.56167472

>its now edgy to pretend to be a christcuck

man 4chan memes have really come a long way

>> No.56167553

But I am a Jew

>> No.56167596

>a reason they were deemed savages by Christendom
Lol Christianity was mass adopted by the underclasses at the beginning (the slaves, the prositutes, the thieves) because it was only the bottom of society who could resonate with the loser philosophy that 'the meek will inherit the earth' compared to most other non abrahamic believe systems which said that only the strong, dedicated and virtuous will dominate and shape the world.
The irony of Christianity is that it metastisized by denying to other belief system that which it practiced (brutality, genocide, persecution) therein becoming the Masters of deception i.e. look at the brutality of the holy woman wars, the persuction of Muslims and relentless slaughter of pagans. The abrahamic religions espouse this moral derangement and sanctomoniousness yet you are just as guilty of barbarism as the Hellinists and Romans. You are hypocrites lacking self introspection, cattle to be herd by books instead of your heart and blood.

>> No.56167629
File: 81 KB, 1439x1100, IMG_7233.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>oh, you believe in god?
>that means you believe in an established religion that I am familiar with

>> No.56167779

>because it was only the bottom of society who could resonate with the loser philosophy
Are you saying you don't believe in human rights and undesirables should be slaughtered or enslaved? Look at where slavery is still practiced in this world and tell me that those societies are truly successful. You don't understand, Christianity has already won. Humanity is now trying to strip the tradition(foundation) from Christianity without losing everything modern people have come to take for granted. It won't work, you're fighting a losing battle.

>> No.56167996
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>> No.56168504

>Implying that there weren't slaves in the 700 years of dark ages and holy Roman (Christian) Empire that dominated Europe.
Again, you are back with the sanctomoniousness of the typical slave, where you deny the historical moral impropriety of abrahamic religions. The point isn't that pagan religions weren't barbaric but that abrahamic religions, tout their 'moral superiority' while remaining wilfully ignorant to the barbarism that these religions historically inflicted on their in and out groups (to themselves and all outgroups) over 1000+ years of history. The dishonesty you display is insipid.

>> No.56168530

Your supposed to tan your ball sack, not butt hole.

>> No.56168859
File: 70 KB, 670x900, OneWay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol you put 'moral superiority' in quotes. it might be easier to have an actual discussion if you just admit you're a nihilist and your perspective is self serving. refer to the quote here:

dude, just like... repent and be saved.

>> No.56168984

Gr8 b8

>> No.56169227
File: 70 KB, 500x376, IMG_3163.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My brother in Christ you check out the high magick/ golden dawn material. It’s yoga for the European psyche. A blend of mystery traditions, Kabbalah, alchemy, sacred geometry, chakra work, meditative visualization to transcend the reincarnation cycle that pairs very nicely with the work of Jung. A true seeker will dip his toes in the water of several traditions while studying but eventually it’s time to pick a path that speaks to you and settle on a practice. Buddhism is the second best imo but you have to just find what resonates personally with you. Best of luck. Because like others have said the other options is being a hylic.

>> No.56171642

Making money being spiritual isn't gonna actually help imo. Only by putting in effort and do the process we can earn money. I believe in crypto which is highly rewarding and risky at the same time. That's the reason I dmor and invest is solid gems like SOL, ONE, TARA, QANX and ATOM.

>> No.56171800

This is true and everyone who is upset with you for pointing this out was rused and they're too proud and too stupid to admit it and so they double down. They suffer from sunk cost fallacy which is also why they're poor bagholders. Lol.

The point still stands however, the alternative health grifting is a profitable and will never end. This isn't a fad it's just the same thing as snake oil salesman sold 100 years ago wearing a new disguise.

>> No.56171828

*is a profitable venture

>> No.56172650

Best post itt

>> No.56172684

Okay so your posts are just pilpul then, albeit really shit pilpul. The rabbi who ate your foreskin would be very disappointed in your weak subversion skills

>> No.56172848

As one of G_ds Chosen, I resent that you believe you can speak to your superiors in such a way. Never forget your branding slave

>> No.56173008

>high magick/ golden dawn material. It’s yoga for the European psyche.
I picked up a Thoth Tarot deck and started learning through that. It's pretty cool shit. And yeah, pairs very well with Jung. European Yoga is a pretty good comparison, that shit goes deep.

I always found that eastern styles of spirituality focuses largely on the consciousness while western spirituality, at least outside of abrahamic religions, focus on the subconscious. I believe it is one's duty to harness both

>> No.56173023
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