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56151330 No.56151330 [Reply] [Original]

>Realtor.com reported that Nevada emerged as a “flashpoint” for a massive wave of foreclosures during the 2008-09 economic downturn, which was fueled by a sub-prime mortgage crisis.
>In Las Vegas, one in every 1,796 houses was in foreclosure in August, behind Columbia, South Carolina and Fayetteville, North Carolina.
>One in every 2,224 housing units in Nevada had a foreclosure filing in August, beating out Illinois, South Carolina, New Jersey and Delaware, according to the new report.

>> No.56151364

>recession proof job
>quarter million dollars in cash
i look forward to physically, sexually, and psychologically harming overleveraged retards who will lose their homes in the upcoming recession. you will cry, you will beg, you will scream, but it doesn't matter -- you WILL take my abuse.

>> No.56153591
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Foreclosures aren't even 1/20th what they were during the last bubble.

>> No.56153663

ok and? home prices in nevada are still up 100% in the last 3 years

>> No.56154049

We're also not even 3 years into the down part of the cycle

>> No.56154082

try a therapist

>> No.56154100
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Take a look at how many people are late on their credit card and auto loan payments.

>> No.56154130

Oh lemme guess faggot you make 200k a year as a software toilet cleaner and you coincidentally live in Las Vegas county huh?

>> No.56154151

Yeah he is gonna be the rapist he said it in his post.
Cant you read?

>> No.56154201
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Don’t forget the student loan debacle

>> No.56154204
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>1:1000 people that moved in won't contribute anything and have to bail

>> No.56155009

i'm a senior manager in a financial compliance role that is vital to the continuing operations of a fortune 100 company. cope and seethe.

>> No.56155071

Yeah and I'll bet it's conveniently in las vegas, faggot.

>> No.56155088

>people who claim to have high paying jobs are conveniently able to post on 4chan at work
Big hmmmm
>no see it's wfh
Yeah sure buddy.

>> No.56155099
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>Vegas kickoff

>> No.56155279
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Don’t forget most homebuyers in the last 24 months are buying at ATH prices, at the highest rates in 25 years, and with only a 1 to 5% down payment. Most of them working in inflated job markets that are now seeing an acceleration in layoffs.

>> No.56155312

people will see this as demoralization but $250k savings isnt that big of a deal depending on your age
I'm 31 and work a shit factory job and have saved $200k
I don't think you can make under $100k where I live and survive on your own

>> No.56155384

...it's almost 2024? Might wanna get a new chart.

>> No.56155673
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Listen pal, the only chart you need to look at is the one that charts your wealth the moment you invest in Nyan Cat Money token. Your life will be forever changed. It's still early, but once we get this train rolling its going to the moon and there's no stopping us. In 2024 you can either drive to work or drive your lambo. The choice is up to you.

>> No.56155916

kek, no one has even mentioned the big flash point event coming up in las vegas soon...The culinary union, the one who represents nearly all of the hospitality workers in nevada is about to go on a strike. Shits about to get super real in las vegas and most people dont even realize it.

>> No.56155948

>soon...The culinary union, the one who represents nearly all of the hospitality workers in nevada is about to go on a strike.

When? And I haven't heard anything about it

>> No.56155965

yes like other anon asked, when? please elaborate. i was planning on going to vegas in mid-winter but i will delay if i cant get a decent meal.

>> No.56156046


>> No.56156070

SO many things are brewing in the background all over the country. Its all going to be happening at nearly the same time too, this along with the rumors of another shutdown really gets the noggin joggin.

>> No.56156089

>senior manager in a financial compliance role for a top 100 company

Kek. This wagie is a cashier at Mcdonalds

>> No.56156114

This is also probably the 1 industry in the US that isn’t profitable enough to afford wage increases. When you’re barely able to sell rooms for $30 a night there’s no way these shitty hotel casinos can afford it now

>> No.56156116


>> No.56156173

I bought in 2013 for 220k it's now worth 600k

>> No.56156379
File: 55 KB, 1000x560, vegas room rates.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>$30 a night

That doesn't even cover the resort fees.

Visitors to Vegas rose 21% last year. Casino profits are up 17%.

Fontainebleau is set to open in the Fall after being abandoned for 15 years.

They're building the A's a $1.5 billion stadium. MGM just dumped $2.3 billion on the Sphere.

This is after they spent $1.9 billion on Allegiant Stadium, and $4.3 billion on Resorts World.

Vegas is doing fine.

>> No.56156411
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>Cali fags are bad with money.
>Ruin Cali.
>Run to Nevada.
>Still bad with money.
This is fun.