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File: 113 KB, 1920x1600, multi-chain-dvp-using-ccip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56150421 No.56150421 [Reply] [Original]

How can CCIP between two private bank chains be positive the price of LINK?

There is no "gas" fee on either chain, the chains are "private" so no DONs. Just private Chainlink nodes operated by each bank side, nothing out in the open.

Am I missing something? The only CCIP revenue will be from public chains and eventually private to/from public chain whenever that happens.

>> No.56150434

>Am I missing something
Yeah, you missed everything. You're fucking dumb.

>> No.56150443

>SpamShit thread
herbs applied as per usual

>> No.56150445

Then enlighten me. I don't see how and why privately operated Chainlink bank-nodes will have to market buy LINK.

>> No.56150451

private chains have to have the wrapped link token on it, I guess they have to get some link from a public chain, CCIP it onto their private chain and pay with that.

Then sergey can CCIP back to public blockchains

>> No.56150463

Meta transactions. Bank pays a transaction fee in whatever currency they want and it gets converted to LINK on thr backend to pay nodes.

>> No.56150476

Why? There are no gas fees on either side and the bank operates the chain and the Chainlink node.

So theyre going to pay their own private Chainlink nodes with LINK? It doesn't make sense as there arent any DONs involved. The DON cant have any view of the private chain, as it is... private.

>> No.56150536

You think link is to cover the gas cost of a native chain currency? Are you retarded? It’s to the payment required for cross chain comms of any kind and can, CAN, have cost of service in LINK impacted by native chain costs of gas but in no way is this the only fee. Again; are you retarded? You think nodes perform high value work for free?

>> No.56150565

>shut it down, the goyim are noticing

one day you will wake up and realize your purchase of link tokens was only to illegally subsidize (aka security) the building of a globohomo 2030-infrastructure that will further distance the jews from the gentiles

tldr: token not needed, thanks for the money
t. sirgay

>> No.56150575

they have to pay the CCIP nodes they're using, fuckwit

>> No.56150655

CCIP charges a fee plus the cost of the gas required for settlement. The fee is a percentage of the value bridged between chains. Doesn’t matter if there is no gas costs on the private chain, the fee still gets charged for the messaging/bridging

>> No.56150693

How the fuck will we know tho? There is no CCIP-chain, both private chains are private.

I find it hard to believe that they will pay each other LINK to send each other messages.

Youre implying that the public Chainlink nodes will handle bank-to-bank CCIP. So the KYCd nodes will also have to be approved by the banks?

If the private bankchains are publicly viewable, then sure, I can see how this works. Publicly viewable private chain -> DON network -> another publicly viewable private chain

>> No.56150700

No feedback

>> No.56150701

There are 11000 banks which make up Swift and every single bank will run their own cl node. They all write messages whenever a command is sent, this could be whenever someone buys something using their credit card, etc etc. Each of these messages will use a CCIP fee to process the message onto the blockchain, just as they do today when facilitating the trading and settlement of traditional assets, there is a fee involved.

>> No.56150713

>the fee is a percentage of the value bridged
eh, as far as i know, NOPs set their fees. So if a bank has a high value service agreement with a NOP that (upon the full release of staking) requires a high amount of collateral to maintain, that NOP will damn sure charge more than a NOP bridging some rando's token from one public chain to another.

i'm constantly in awe that anons (mostly fud trannies, but certainly some innocents get caught in there too) still don't get the tokenomics of LINK. it's really not that complicated.

>> No.56150726

>There is no CCIP-chain

>> No.56150729

>how the fuck will we know, though?

click any transaction ID, and scroll down to the field "Destination Gas and CCIP Fee"

>> No.56150740


so the whole world will be able to view txs on private bank chains?

>> No.56150744

Anon means you missed all of the pump and dump scams. It's over.

>> No.56150748

they won't use *their own* nodes, they'll use a selection of independent nodes with a long history of flawless SC service that both parties can be assured aren't in the control of the counterparty.

>> No.56150754

Ccip is not the only thing they are working on..

>> No.56150760

they'll be able to see that they swapped X token for Y token, yes

>> No.56150762

yes, we'll be able to see assets between chains basically in real-time. there are ways to obscure this, though. remember mixicles?

>> No.56150777

so theyll let KYCd DONs to view & write to their private chain and pay them with LINK, then it makes sense

insane that this type of information will be somewhat publicly available

>> No.56150778
File: 1.56 MB, 1044x984, 1685976677309763.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>future of finance
>Half the transactions are just people dumping their avax bags
Woa, so in the future banks can use CCIP to use their private chains to also dump AVAX? That's so crazy.

>> No.56150794

Banks will stake AVAX to run their Subnets

>> No.56150806

nobody knows for sure what the full implementation of the mature network will look like, but the roadmap from both whitepapers lead me to believe that yes, what we've discussed is generally how it will work. don't forget about DECO too, which will allow NOPs to service customers without actually knowing the specifics of the smart contracts they're servicing. LINK is currently the only web3 project that has a shot at taking just about the whole pie.

>> No.56150814
File: 1.13 MB, 1440x3040, Screenshot_20230920-145916_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is asking for an accident

Common now!

>> No.56150816

absolutely insane if the LINK token ends up securing "private" economic activity between banks in the SWIFT network

>> No.56150820

oh, and you can be damn sure banks will KYC the nodes they work with. There will definitely be a place for anonymity in web3, but it sure as hell won't be in the banking sector

>> No.56150824

the ol' BBC

>> No.56150836

this is why we're so bullish on the project. if they accomplish their goals, which they're making consistent progress toward, it doesn't matter what the rest of crypto does -- LINK will have a piece of it.

>> No.56150893

"private" doesn't mean the chain is a complete black box that nobody can see or know anything about. it just means the banks have total control over the nodes.

>> No.56150905

Zero chance of this happening.

Also, to back up, outside of faster cross border settlements, how does any of this improve the current system? Is using Link substantially cheaper than current wire fees? What % of the total transfer would the cost be? I think currently it's like somewhere between 1-10% depending on the amount

>> No.56150913

>Zero chance of this happening.
it's literally what's happening though

>> No.56150918

Focus on counterparty risk, guaranteed execution and Payment/Delivery rather than speed.

>> No.56150933

they ran an experiment

>> No.56150984

yes, costs will go asymptotically to zero. i don't understand people who think their LINK will yield them 10% in perpetuity. the true value of LINK now is the rise in price once the network is securing QUADRILLIONS of today's dollars worth of assets and supply/demand push the price through the roof as everyone using the network needs to buy LINK to do so and everyone servicing the network will have to lock LINK into smart contracts to service customers. i'm stoked about staking now because i'm yielding thousands of LINK tokens basically risk-free at the moment. Once the network is fully mature (say, 10-20 years), i doubt my whole stack will yield me more than a few LINK every year, which will be enough to live lavishly off of.

did you listen to the talk Serg had with the ANZ guy? The ANZ guy literally said CCIP made their eyes widen once they realized you could effect the transfer ALONG WITH instructions for what those tokens are to do once they reach the destination chain. the possibilities are endless. the example he used was an employer contribution to an employees retirement plan can take FIFTEEN DAYS to actually make it into the asset the employee wants it invested in. CCIP demonstrated it can be done in minutes.

>> No.56151050

just for shits n giggles

>> No.56151055

Nigger low cost doesn’t mean it’s free. It’s FASTER because it took only 15 mins for finality while 15 days in current system and it’s more efficient. I smell quantard in this thread kek

>> No.56151067
File: 321 KB, 945x664, 1691726701892169.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There is no "gas" fee on either chain
But there is a node fee.

>> No.56151068

if the APY goes down such that you only make 1 link a year, it'll be because that 1 link is worth $81,000. so who cares

>> No.56151112

do you know what asymptotically means? it never actually reaches zero, so no, it will never be free. game-theory must be satisfied, NOPS must be incentivized to act appropriately. but the sheer volume of transactions flowing through the LINK network will ensure that NOPs make bank even though they're only charging 0.01% of the value they're transferring.

>> No.56151159

Sergey repeatedly said CCIP is not a blockchain you absolute retard.
>I find it hard to believe that they will pay each other LINK to send each other messages.
I find it hard to believe you're this stupid. Any use of CCIP requires payment either in Link / if a different token is used, it is converted to Link. Go find something to think about that is within the realm of your IQ, this ain't it.

>> No.56151172

>So theyre going to pay their own private Chainlink nodes with LINK?

Anon, DONs are supporting the private blockchains. That's how the Chainlink network works.

>> No.56151189

This is possibly the dumbest post I’ve ever seen here

>> No.56151400

The private chains will still want/need to interact with public ones. You can't avoid the blockchain showing transactions publicly, but what you can do is make it impossible for anyone to know what those tx are doing via encryption and various privacy preservation methods.

You might see a tx on CCIP and have no fucking clue what chains were involved or what happened in the tx. All this for a nominal fee, of course.

>> No.56151457

Apparently only 5% of biz anons, after 5 fucking years of daily spoon feeding, still comprehend that Link is a network of networks(to achieve decentralized security standards) or that Link is not a blockchain. Once Link realizes a proper valuation I will never look back on this place, I used to think I had a debt owed but no longer.

>> No.56151478

never said it was a blockchain

>> No.56151499

you sound very angry fren

>> No.56151517

>You might see a tx on CCIP and have no fucking clue what chains were involved or what happened in the tx. All this for a nominal fee, of course.
yes there's plenty of ways to obfuscate information, just like with crypto today
all this is is a new FUD angle, and not a very good one

>> No.56151548
File: 9 KB, 489x107, Screenshot 2023-09-20 112252.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you functionally retarded? Who takes care of you?

>> No.56151584

>Link is a network of networks to achieve decentralized security standards
lmaoing at deluded bagholders delivering word salads right in your face in the most condescending tone possible

>> No.56151603

he asked "how the fuck will we know". I answered him with the CCIP explorer. this isn't complicated, anon. I think your anger is clouding your judgement.

>> No.56151646


> Node -> someone/dev ops team running a server hosting the Chainlink node application (ignoring the redundancies in case that one server goes down)
> group of Nodes = DON aka Decentralized Oracle Network where participating nodes facilitate in delivering data/messages to and from a specific dapp
> DONs => All the DON in existence make up the Chainlink network

makes sense?

>> No.56151660

You quoted the "there's no CCIP chain". Don't be a ding dong, acknowledged you fucked up your messaging.

>> No.56151696

or maybe you need to take a step back before jumping down people's throats over some dumb "gotcha"

>> No.56151727

lmao'ing that you're too dumb to get it
you're actually just stupid and that's not my problem, don't answer questions you don't fucking understand, nitwit.
No, you need to step back and realize that anonymous img boards are used for routing out stupidity to get to valuable information, guess which side of that you're on?

>> No.56151778

Chainlink can't even integrate all the scam ghost chains like cardano and rose but you think they can integrate hundreds of obscure bank chains?

>> No.56151787

what decentralized security standard is being achieved through this network of networks, midwit?

>> No.56151815

nothing I said in this thread was inaccurate
you just assumed I thought CCIP was like a bitcoin blockchain or something, because you want to rage against someone on the internet. it's not healthy.

>> No.56151856

Nigger are you retarded?

>> No.56151892

>private nodes

>> No.56151895

I literally still don't get it.

Can someone draw me a crudely made diagram on mspaint?

>> No.56151966

>bitcoin blockchain
you're just feigning stupidity for (you)'s right?

>> No.56151979

who are you quoting, schizo?

>> No.56151987

he is insane with anger kek

>> No.56152041

A leading standard given their history.

>> No.56152131
File: 507 KB, 1946x1095, rektskellydavid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.56152726

second tier nodes will involve the banks at different jurisdictions/countries. 1) they will keep their own record of the rwa/money in and out 2) if the first tiers try to fake a transaction, the staked links on these nodes will be confiscated.

>> No.56153475

10-20 years,

ok lol
tell you what ill buy 100 link tokens and forget about it.

and in the short term gamble in other coins that will moon before link ever will .

anyone who invested into link the past 3 years is down bad.

im so thankful i have been buying other coins.

anything but link is the name of the game.

i figure we still have a 2-5 years to get cheap link.

>> No.56153720

You pull the shitcoin slots all you want, bro

>> No.56153860

linkies just starting to realize private chains literally wont be allowed to use any public token or public network

>> No.56153906

Udderly based

>> No.56153924

>and in the short term gamble in other coins that will moon before link ever will .
alternatively: you lose money like a retard

>> No.56154291

i invested in kas heavy in november last year. im good. without link.

the only diffenerce is i wont marry my bags like you salty retards still having to wage 6 years holding link lol

>> No.56154304

and you just hold link and conitnue to wage for 20 more years bro.

i like link its a good project but im here to make money. im going to buy link but its still too early.

>> No.56154318

>15 posts by this ID

>> No.56154334

>CCIP between two private bank chains
there is no reason to use crypto bullshit for this, especially not public crypto bullshit

>> No.56154977

Sorry pal I think I’m just gonna use Link.

>> No.56154978

>t. midwit

>> No.56155135

What about a thousand private bank chains, retard?

>> No.56155142

>Am I missing something?
yes but i'm not going to tell you what it is

>> No.56155378

>there is no reason to use crypto bullshit for this, especially not public crypto bullshit

Private bank chains are crypto…. Also it’s not about 1 private chain to 1 private chain. Every bank will need to operate with every other bank. Some maybe hyperledger implementations, some cords, etc. having a single connector to speak to all other chain types both public and private will make their lives immensely simpler