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56149241 No.56149241 [Reply] [Original]

>pumps the least
>dumps the most
The most pathetic and cucked shit coin I've ever seeeeen.

>> No.56149890

token not needed

>> No.56149893

remind me of this shit post in a year

>> No.56149923

it pulled a 10,000x already. by now its just a safe investment, without real down- or upside. not make it material

>> No.56149935

It's going back to 3c because that's what vcs paid for it because that's all it's worth

>> No.56151307
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>> No.56153547

King shitcoin

>> No.56154773

>remind me of this shit post in a year
btc is barely better than tech stocks at this point, eth is not far from getting there

>> No.56154822

Check the eth vs btc chart. Why anyone would by this shitcoin or any other is beyond me.

>> No.56154869

Every shitcoin pumps once against BTC and never makes another high in sats

>> No.56154892
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Welcome to the club.

>> No.56154931

it'll see $10k this cycle. just shut the fuck up and wait a year.

>> No.56155015

the bigger the altcoin the worse the upside

eth is just for those who are too wealthy to go anywhere else *and* actively use stuff on ethereum itself
if you don't use any part of defi or you have <9 figures eth isn't for you

>> No.56155027
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Clearly you don't hold any POND (like me), then.

>> No.56155049


>> No.56155061

>10K g-guys!!!
Remember back when ETH was supposedly gonna hit 10K and it lost like 70% of its value? yeah

>> No.56155069

Now that is pretty based alright

>> No.56155089
File: 224 KB, 823x737, TerryCovenant.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buy a literal russian crypto
>shocked that its a scam

>> No.56155095

Just say that you're too much of a poorfag to stake ETH and actually gain substantial returns bro. Lol.

>> No.56155098

not sneeded*

>> No.56155103

I wouldn't want even my worst enemies to hold that worthless shitcoin. Good riddance.

>> No.56155277

I just treat Eth as a stablecoin these days. I'm loading up on some for the next bullrun when new eth-based shitcoins start popping up.

>> No.56155447

Remember the whole "muh tripling halving event" thing for ETH going to 2.0? lmao

Yeah I feel like thats gona happen to Bitcoin this halving

>> No.56155646
File: 2.03 MB, 1280x951, 79614691182177459291.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"bro the whole nft and defi space has been nothing but scams. i've been looking for something legit to put my money into forever and this Nyan Cat Money token seems to be the real deal. not just another meme project and these guys have a legit roadmap with a ton of utility and dapps. i honestly think it will 100x over there next year. have you looked into it at all? i could send you a link to the whitepaper if you're interested..."

>> No.56155711

ethmaxis think people care about greenwashing. the people who do care about "using less energy" and being "green" will hate ethereum forever for being uncontrollable by the government and unblacklistable for wrongthink, you'll never get them to support you.

had they not moved from proof of work to proof of woke things would likely remain the same for them in the long-term. but now ethereum is competing on yield which it can't do in the bear market against governments, and it can't do in the bull market against other yield generating assets.

they've pushed themselves into a corner and let bitcoin take the whole energy => money pie. the money => money pie has a century headstart on ethereum and is a much more transient market at the edges.

>> No.56155747
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There's nothing green about having hundreds of servers validating things all day.
It's the same bullshit as using coal power for electric cars.

>> No.56155839

>hate ethereum forever for being uncontrollable by the government and unblacklistable for wrongthink, you'll never get them to support you.
Hudson Jameson loves shit like this fudder. Ethereum is simply becoming what it was destined to be like a beautiful butterfly dancing in the sky. Remember Brown Backpack Guy?

>> No.56155887

the high estrogen males that can rationalize something incongruous like progressive politics and a decentralized financial network are such a small minority they might as well not exist. that is the point, proof of woke appeased nobody that wasn't already part of ethereum.

real men simply don't care and pick the best performing asset, feminine men simply don't care and disregard all of it as a right-wing scam.

>> No.56155894

to be fair why would you want them too? you only but shitcoins to earn more btc and you wouldn't want to reinvest in said shitcoin once theres a new shitcoin out because that one will have more pump potential

>> No.56155913

Might as well just buy the S&P 500, same difference.

>> No.56155930

tell that to the guys still holding bags of sol, avax, link, atom, algo, icp, etc. every cycle new "investors" make the same mistake and just end up our exit liquidity.

the beauty of an open market like this is financial violence against the uninitiated is both encouraged and rewarded.