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File: 167 KB, 1465x996, ZoomOutYouJew.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5614882 No.5614882 [Reply] [Original]

I'm sure this time its different.

>> No.5614956
File: 207 KB, 1338x1358, ripple payment spec 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>measuring price in BTC like a retard

Bitcoin is dying. Merchants are dropping it and no one using it for payments anymore. It's nothing but a speculative bubble now. PoW is a broken garbage that relies on inflation or outrageous fees.

XRP will actually be used in real world. It will penetrate markets measured in trillions, not billions.

>> No.5614971


>> No.5614992
File: 547 KB, 2500x1250, Vericoin 2018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5615041

they have been saying that for 4 years now.
until now, the banks are still testing xrp.

>> No.5615047

What makes this better than lets say visa?

>> No.5615072


2015 - Banks will never use Ripple. $XRP is dead. Sorry bag holders.

2016 - Bank announcements are just proof of concepts, they'll never go live. $XRP is dead.

2017 - Fine, 70+ banks are going live but they don't use $XRP. How come dumb bag holders don't get this?

2018 - ...

>> No.5615165

- outrageous forex fees
- shitty security
- reversible transactions
- creating a bank account is required (most of the world's population is excluded)
- not easily programmable like ripple
- government imposes restriction on businesses (at least one government froze Uber's bank account)
and the list goes on

>> No.5615250

Ripple charts look like they're full of Jewish noses

>> No.5615271

shhh, I want to see pink wojaks when ripple crashes and btc does a 20% day

>> No.5615314

What do I gain by buying XRP itself?
Are you saying they will be using this token for anything at all?
By this token I mean literally the exact token - $XRP that we are currently buying.
Is it true that they can they print more without anyone's permission or consensus?

>> No.5615341

>- reversible transactions

this is actually a good thing when done to prevent identity theft

>> No.5615382

The thing is, even if ripple wins xrp is still worthless.
One transaction burns 0.00001 XRP. There's ~100B of them. Even at 20M tx/day that's only 73000XRP/year.

>> No.5615421
File: 279 KB, 808x805, 88952B6D-EBAA-44EB-8CA9-39C1003AC013.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5615432

umm how exactly is xrp going to help stop government from restricting businesses? their whole play is compliance/bank/govt

>> No.5615480

I sold a little while ago, would you keep BTC and buy XRP after the dip or buy something else?

>> No.5615486


Normies got a taste of altcoins. I don't think they are going back.

>> No.5615534
File: 228 KB, 1488x996, ripple comp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some third world governments are unstable and have economic issues

>Is it true that they can they print more without anyone's permission or consensus?


-The supply is fixed. There's no inflation.

-The current transaction cost for a standard transaction is just 0.00001 XRP.

-The transaction cost is not paid to any party: the XRP is irrevocably destroyed.

-Ripple consistently handles 1,500 transactions per second, 24x7, and can scale to handle the same throughput as Visa.

-Ripple Labs's share is locked in 55 batches, only one batch can be unlocked per month. It would take them 5 years to unlock them all. This makes their incentives 100% aligned with XRP holders. Ripple Labs is always working on creating new partnerships and expanding XRP's marketshare.

-Ripple doesn't use proof-of-work anywhere which requires inflation and/or outrageous fees (like Bitcoin)

-Ripple is more decentralized than Bitcoin. With Bitcoin, you have no choice but to trust whoever purchased the most hashing power (currently it's a chinese company called Bitmain). With Ripple, you can run your own validator and setup your own trusted validators list. 10s of non related reputable public and private entities around the world are currently running validators (e.g., MIT, Microsoft, ..etc), many more keep joining.

-The software is open-source (Stellar was a fork of Ripple).

>> No.5615561

do your own research, all these answers are in literally the first link on google probably fucking retard. how can anyone invest in crypto while knowing nothing about the NUMBER FUCKING 2 IN THE MARKET

>> No.5615844

kek. THANKS BRO. I'd rather these ripple faggots take the time for me.

>> No.5616463

>The supply is fixed
>The transaction cost is not paid to any party: the XRP is irrevocably destroyed.
How does this work? Wouldn't you run out of ripple eventually?

>> No.5616539

I don't think you understand the orders of magnitude involved with 100,000,000,000 XRP and a 0.00001 burn every transaction.

>> No.5616564

Say hypothetically XRP become the standard currency for the world.

>> No.5616590
File: 96 KB, 750x728, kjgg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

KEK shills have rabies

>> No.5616749

yea but lets say some of them 100B XRP are lost due broken hardware/lost keys etc and the whole world doing transaction in XRP....the day will come when the supply goes down -->price up and suddenly 0.00001 will be a lot of money (look at bitcoin)

>> No.5617108

When this shit will fucking correct? Wtf is this move from 1$ to 2$