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56147646 No.56147646 [Reply] [Original]

Dominic Williams is a Cicada 3301 member who solved the puzzle and was accepted into the organization. They created the idea for the Internet Computer (codename TYLER) and then funded it with their massive wealth from getting into Bitcoin early. They are whales and have huge control over the markets, yet are unknown. There were many TYLER candidates in the past but they didn't live up to all of the requirements of building a free, un-censorable web. Their price actions are being advertised on the Veri Doctores YouTube channel as seen with the changing titles last year and in early 2021. Why? To attract a small number of likeminded individuals, those who enjoy puzzles, reason, and have an affiliation for anti-establishment, pro-freedom political perspectives. So that they will control a substantial portion of future of the Web, shielding it from the enemies of freedom and reason.

>> No.56147650
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>> No.56147652

Daily reminder OP is Veri Doctores, a retard who was caught trying to make it look like his videos were prophetic by changing the descriptions of them. He also runs a twitter account called "Tyler" which he claims is some kind of AI, it's just him.

>> No.56147657
File: 3.27 MB, 514x9992, TIMESAND___ALL+2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.56147682

My intention isn't to spoonfeed info. I respect Cicada's decision to keep this a mystery and only draw in the right people. If you're interested then start looking into it. Your tools are 4chan archives, Google, YouTube, and the Wayback Machine. Keywords are: TYLER, Cicada 3301, Veri Doctores, Project Mayhem 2012 (PM2012), And a few others you'll discover along the way.

You'll find the forum thread about TYLER candidates from a decade ago is very enlightening. And shocking once you realize how similar the candidates are in design and intention to ICP. Good luck, and have fun.

>> No.56147952

I analed Kevin Van Dam

>> No.56147960
File: 3.89 MB, 535x3589, TIMESAND___wNYsbh7iMq3490r09d99u7iM9qHvhfvP46gJ6gJhI8dGvsb43qd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.56148489

But surely it's just a coincidence that an organization of people who shilled BTC super early for ideological reasons rather than financial, basically ensuring they held and didn't sell, and now collectively hold probably billions of dollars worth of BTC (affording them tons of power in controlling the market of a small cap coin like ICP), and also shilled Ethereum, are now shilling ICP. It's just a coincidence, pay no attention! There's nothing going on here, it would be illogical!