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File: 61 KB, 400x463, 820C2918-F0FE-49FA-BFA5-983A4243CE0D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56145878 No.56145878 [Reply] [Original]

Grab your bag before the storm.

>> No.56145898

this is another pepe nft shill scam like those "link pepe" we saw spammed over the last week

>> No.56145926
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>> No.56145931 [DELETED] 
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>> No.56145947
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>jeet rugpull with 80 IQ anons trying to get others in on the ponzi so that they can break even

no one is buying your curry coin

>> No.56145993

Keith what a pleasant surprise to see you here my fren!

>> No.56146019
File: 2.94 MB, 264x480, 1694322699572368.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bear signal for your curry coin

>> No.56146030

We just want to be frens Keith

>> No.56146039 [DELETED] 
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>> No.56146047

most pajeet shilling I’ve seen in awhile

>> No.56146053
File: 323 KB, 678x1072, rossmanunfortunate.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

grab your PENIS

>> No.56146069

Did you buy PENIS coin too?

>> No.56146083
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>> No.56146108
File: 15 KB, 628x119, bizjeets.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They've lost a lot of momentum since the rugpull, but like always you have a bunch of shithead low IQ idiots who invested and are just trying to break even now that their 0.3 ETH bags are worth 0.01

>> No.56146136

Keith lies again, what a surprise. That screenshot is literally you samefagging as a jeet. We’ve never been rugpulled and my 0.1 Eth (not 0.3) is still up. Keith is not a good fren.

>> No.56146148


What isn't is that your coin is an Indian curry coin and you were all rugged.

>> No.56146265


buybizfrens then kill yourself so supply gets scarce. He does it for free btw. He kinda begged in tg group for .1 eth to stop the fud but dev said fuck off lmaoo

>> No.56146307
File: 3 KB, 443x80, bizjeets stateoftheart html.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He kinda begged in tg group for .1 eth to stop the fud
bait or post screencap then faggot. No one is buying your currycoin.

>> No.56146320

What storm? What bag?

>> No.56146564

Frens are here to stay

>> No.56146931
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Got my stack senpai when moon?

>> No.56146945


Bizfrens. Biz telegram that has an alpha channel for token holders.

https://t (dot) me/frensbiz

>> No.56146967

later when biz isn't dead, it might do well

>> No.56146989

why is telegram dead and no buys

>> No.56147114

Calm before the storm? We’re not the average jeet telegram spamming the channel all day and paying for bots to send LFGs. We truly want all the growth to be as organic as possible. I’m sure when the time comes we’ll be hyped up.

>> No.56147356
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Take a guess

>> No.56147415
File: 61 KB, 612x458, 1695066188147280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because you're gay?

>> No.56147598

Train is leaving the station soon with or without you Keith.

>> No.56147729

is there a roadmap?