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56145276 No.56145276 [Reply] [Original]

Got ghosted by my little sister.

>> No.56145453

This is why as a pathetic cringe loser low status autist you should never get emotionally attached to any relatives, the moment they get old enough to be socially aware they will immediately pretend as if you don’t exist in order to avoid being associated with you (low status)

This happens no matter if you were their favourite older brother, cousin or uncle when they were younger, you were likely their favourite because you were the odd one out compared to the rest of your family which made you unique, but not understanding what made you stand out.

Your younger sister became aware of the social ladder system and realised you were very low on it, and thus ghosting you to remove association is how she protects her status

I have 2 Stacy sisters and I can tell you they are very reluctant to be associating with me as their circles are way above me in status

>> No.56145461


>> No.56145494
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>plebbitspacing this hard

>> No.56145501

this guy somehow worse than OP

>> No.56145511

this. Same thing happened to me with my niece - she used to love watching me play retro video games when she was younger, but the VERY instant she became a teenager, BAM - she suddenly stopped associating with me in any way, and always acts sketch around me.

It's almost like the estrogen comes genetically programmed with commands on how to disassociate from low status scum like autists, uggos, greasy boys, etc.

>> No.56145517

Call her and scold her you fucking pussy

>> No.56145529

When you kill yourself do a flip, self pitying people like you disgust me. Grown ass man begging for pity and attention

>> No.56145554

what are the financial implications????????

>> No.56145587
File: 17 KB, 278x300, boomer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I ghosted an entire state after a divorce and 15 years of marriage.
She'll never even know if I die, if I marry again, who it is, where I am, nothing.
and trust me, she deserves it.

>> No.56145613

I never ghosted because no one asks in the first place

>> No.56145658

You're just not sociopathic enough to coerce your little sisters into hanging out with you, losers.
I bet you don't even occupy 90% of the conversation you virgins.
You need to learn from the arabs who talk their ass off how to deal with gentiles, you fags.

>> No.56146772

just dont be loser and they will look up to you and want to spend time with you and then you can fuck all their friends.

>> No.56146850

>he took the bait

>> No.56146883

>fuck little sister's friends
Why not just fuck the little sister?

>> No.56146896

Your advice is to be a sociopath low status loser?

>> No.56146913


>> No.56146955

honestly this, my little sister thinks im the coolest dude ever

wait what was that last part

>> No.56146962

Sorry, oh master of board etiquette. >checked

>> No.56147057

Is she hot? If not who cares

>> No.56147450

That sucks bro. Maybe take it as a chance to refelct and improve yourself.

>> No.56149165

you should've put a baby in her, that would've prevented the ghosting

>> No.56149204

can't wait to read all the SEETHING normie takes on "muh family first" seething HARD to the truth and blaming everything else but the twisted complex social dynamics of a family.

B-b-b-ut f-family always loves you no matter what

they don't want their pretty little mirror shattered by the truth, they will do everything they can to protect it even looking like complete low iq dumbasses

>HAH, I bet it's YOU who's weird as SHIT!

most expected seething

>> No.56149758
File: 201 KB, 717x880, go back.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>plebbitspacer replying to and defending another plebbitspacer
>says "normie"
You have to go back.

>> No.56149770

this thread is up for 14 hours, but my business and finance related thread got delated

>> No.56149785

Imagine caring about being ghosted. My little sister became a tranny and we don't talk anymore, she's completely brainwashed and I lack empathy, obviously I'm expecting she will kill herself at some point.

>> No.56149986

Way worse
Chill out, get pussy, make ,money. Oh also, stop spying on your siblings

>> No.56150052
File: 143 KB, 1000x666, IMG_0640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You’re trying way too hard, dude.

>> No.56150248

seething i see

>> No.56150297

Quit trying to fuck her.

>> No.56151904

Cool it with the reddit spacing.

>> No.56151920
File: 38 KB, 324x500, big_sister.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Absolutely admirable.

>> No.56151931
File: 1.21 MB, 1836x1682, 21.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

L nigma rizz

>> No.56151967
File: 88 KB, 519x446, 1648222143586.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, I tried to avoid this thread. Post your thread again. The janitorial staff are very busy.

>> No.56152000

eh, it's mostly because you project need which is the universal repellent
i'm weirder and lower status than most of you but everyone likes me. why? because i never go to any reunions, say no to everything, and so on
this creates an aura of mystery. people get curious and that alone is enough to make them enjoy the rare experience of meeting with you
of course you have to want to be a hermit naturally. if you try to force it in the hope to be liked like some failed normalfag, you're still going to project need and it will still go wrong

>> No.56152367

just go and talk with other little girl. only one problem is your autism . if someone ghost you just go to another person. it's really works

>> No.56152485

There are only like 10 people on this board. The bots have to fill it up with something.

>> No.56152748

>the moment they get old enough to be socially aware they will immediately pretend as if you don’t exist in order to avoid being associated with you
No, only sisters are like this. Only women do shit like this in general.

>> No.56152889

>i'm weirder and lower status than most of you but everyone likes me. why? because i never go to any reunions, say no to everything, and so on
>this creates an aura of mystery. people get curious and that alone is enough to make them enjoy the rare experience of meeting with you
I was wondering why I was told i'm so likeable when i'm also low on the social status ladder. I do this to.

>> No.56153023

What the fuck is going on in this thread? Are these all AI generated posts? No one is being coherent it’s just Markov chain bullshit with wildly inconsistent tones and thoughts.