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56144955 No.56144955 [Reply] [Original]

Only in cryptoland do you see so many people buying because of brand recognition. It's not even funny at this point. So many ICP threads to this very day even after knowing what they did behind the scenes. So many LINK threads even when knowing full well, by pretty much everyone, that Chainlink will keep it's downtrend to a tragic end. So many good projects out there that go somewhat unnoticed because of this, like Kava and Kaspa even though Kaspa has recently gained a lot of popularity.
You don't see tradfi investors buying Apple just because it's $APPLE but because they will release something new soon, etc. Why does this happen

>> No.56144967
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Because only in cryptoland rugpulls are rampant and VC's can frolick amongst themselves fucking hundreds of thousands of people over with little to no repercussion.

>> No.56144971

buying more link rn. please describe how this makes you feel, im getting the lotion.

>> No.56144974

bagholders trying to dump on each other is a tale as old as time. Nothing new under the sun here

>> No.56144977

post transaction ID or you're a larping pajeet.

>> No.56144979

What I know is that KAVA shills are insufferable.
I'm gonna guess you're an insomniac Korean.

>> No.56144980

As if the "good guy" old school projects are untouchable and immune to that lmao OP himself mentioned ICP and you can throw in more shitty ass projects like Fantom in there, too. Buying popular things because they are popular is objectively retarded and it's an issue with cryptocucks (aka 90% of this board including me).

>> No.56144981

don't ruin this for me I need op's reaction. shut the fuck up. thanks

>> No.56144991
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>kava mentioned

>> No.56144996

What shills aren't insufferable in this fucking board? What exactly do AVAX/ICP/LINK/etc niggers gain by trying their absolute hardest to trick you into becoming their exit liquidity?

>> No.56144999

Most link holders in this board are larping pajeets lol

>> No.56145008

ICP was always a VC scam. FTM got fucked because 1) Andre left the project and 2) multichain was the killing blow that completely fucked everything beyond the point of no return. Now they're forced to deal with the Chinese with the hopes of recovering those funds back (spoiler: they won't).

>> No.56145009

it's friendly fun banter don't like it you can always filter things out and don't see those threads anymore i think you just need to stop being a little bitch newfag and learn how this site works

>> No.56145014

You should've bought Nvidia shares instead of complaining about Apple faggot.

>> No.56145019
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>You don't see tradfi investors buying Apple just because it's $APPLE but because they will release something new soon, etc.
Tell that to the people that bought in before THIS absolute disaster was announced.

>> No.56145030

Teach me how to filter you faggots and I'll stop complaining. Thanks.

>> No.56145034


and that is precisely why most crypto are unregulated securities. pump & dump scams need to be completely sniped before they even start

>> No.56145038

Check Kava's price history again and you will see why people don't want to buy your bags bro. It's really not that hard, you know?
Just like Tesla fucked over a shit ton of boomers years ago even though they got their shit straight (a little bit) years later. A few outliers don't represent the collective.

>> No.56145043
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>> No.56145044

>tfw missed out on GME
>tfw missed out on NVDIA
>tfw missed out on the crypto bull run of 2021

>> No.56145045

thread ended here by the way

>> No.56145052

Water is wet: the post
this thread is fucking boring. jannies do your job NOW

>> No.56145055

For the record I don't shill those things ask jannies he'd love to dox people if given the chance.
I'm telling you op is probably a Korean, has insomnia, bought $500 (at most) KAVA in Q1, and he's here shitting up the board.

>> No.56145062

FTM got fucked over by hackers. Not the developers' fault besides being slow to deploy a contingency plan.
Andre always comes back...

>> No.56145241

>You don't see tradfi investors buying Apple just because it's $APPLE
that's exactly what they did, even after all time high, and it turned out to be the wise choice

>> No.56146582
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To be fair, the vast majority of ICP threads are FUD

>> No.56146624

>so many icp threads
>search icp
>only this thread
Meds. Now.

>> No.56147368

If ICP is a scam, what makes a 2018 crypto tourist like you an expert on this subject? You're holding a tokenized BEP, ERC20, IOU token, residing on ETH side chains or some ETH code-base fork like BNB. You probably don't even know the difference between IOU token and standalone modular or monolithic blockchain.

Muh multichain fantom bridge. MOVING TOKENS FROM A TO B residing literally on ETHEREUM is interoperability according to this faggot.

How can this be called interoperability when two tokens are residing on the same fucking blockchain. You retarded faggot. ICP puts a mirrored copy of Bitcoin that updates in real time inside their smart contracts (canisters) Muh multichain, muh interoperability... 99% of the bridges have been exploited. From polygon, to your fantom shitcoin, all bridges have been exploited.

Your Fantom shitcoin will remain IOU token till eternity. You need a team of computer scientists, cryptographers, engineers to build real interoperability between TWO different blockchains.

Muh Andre, some random blockchain developer employee guy..... fuck outta here, you retarded dumb faggot.