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56143620 No.56143620 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.56143666
File: 81 KB, 1096x616, elonut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek the leech :D

>> No.56143672

Why is he adamant in destroying what he bought for $40 billions? He could have created a new thing for much cheaper.

>> No.56143676

digits reveal you are the vile mouth of satan the great traitor. kys kike

>> No.56143678

>buy twitter
>kill it
sounds based to me

>> No.56143683

i used to think he was a smart guy. i've come to realize he's a massive retard who got lucky with government gibs (tax credit gibs on tesla, government contract gibs with spacex.)

>> No.56143722
File: 244 KB, 1170x1295, IMG_8899.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>”free” speech
>you have to pay for it

>> No.56143731

can i say "nigger" with the gold package? or is that a platinum only feature?

>> No.56143749

Idk I stopped clicking links to that shit when they account walled replies

>> No.56143769
File: 438 KB, 2000x2288, Doh Nutkinson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56143782

I liked some of his ideas. I like that he's fucking up the little commie playground. I can't however get on board with "X" and will never acknowledge it as anything other than twitter and will probably never go back the day that they get rid of the twitter domain name.

>> No.56143796

You can do it for free here on 4chan :)

>> No.56143801

Maybe it was his job, just like the bankmankike wanted to kill crypto with gary and frens. He totally fucked up the first run up in 21 with the dogshit normalnigger manipulation, now killing muh free speech, you wannabe nazis think he is far right, but he is just the same govpuppet like the rest of the jews.

>> No.56143825

We don’t appreciate Hiro nearly enough

>> No.56143829

It's so you have to KYC your account by linking it with a credit card, he's removing anonymity.

>> No.56143844


It's plain absurd how long this site has held out. Only reason I can think of is that it is a legitimate FBI honeypot and data gold mine.

>> No.56143854

What about paypal?

>> No.56143870

>He could have created a new thing for much cheaper.
Not really, what he bought is the network effect.
The real question is if he can make more money with 1/20 of the users but who all pay something.

>> No.56143956

its full of glowniggers that is for sure!

>> No.56143976

Based Musk FINALLY doing something about Twitter threads since the mods won't.

Still retarded though lmao

>> No.56144038

>OMG I CANT BELIEVE MUSK [insert unpopular change here] to TWITTER! HE'S DESTROYING IT!
You people keep saying this but I haven't seen any evidence that Twitter is losing users. If anything they seem to be gaining them. Maybe I'm wrong. I never used Twitter. But this shit happens with Google too. Remember Google plus and all the changes with YouTube? They're bigger than ever.