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File: 641 KB, 1300x1300, wealth-per-adult-median-europe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56141679 No.56141679 [Reply] [Original]

You are not fucking suffering, a street sweeper makes more than a doctor, engineer or software developer here in Europe.

Europeans maybe DREAM of saving up 500k at the end of their lives. If you have a really high end job and make 60k here (35k net), if you live frugally and invest, you may even get there, but that's it.
Meanwhile an American software engineer makes that in a year.

>> No.56141709

STFU amerilard wannabe traitor.
We have a far, FAR better quality of life than mutts despite muh gdp and muh less money.

>> No.56141735

If you are employed in America, you are insured over your employer and get access to the best health care in the world.
In Europe not so much, IF you get an appointment they just let you die with your cancer in some hospital hallway. Even IF you somehow are rich in Europe and have a lot of money, you could not get the good healthcare, because the good doctors are not here.

>> No.56141749

>america has a better healthcare system than europe
what a fucking retard

>> No.56141760

Europoors deserve it for their smug attitudes and sexually degenerate behavior.

>> No.56141765

If you are employed. If you are just some bum and try to be NEET then yes, Europe is better. Just sucks if you want to work and git gud and have to pay for all those freeloaders.

>> No.56141767

You have the right to be smug when you're objectively better than the rest of the world

>> No.56141771

>Dies in waiting room
Healthcare in America only sucks if you're poor. But it wasn't always like that, the more we implement Euro style uni healthcare the worse it gets proving what a shit idea it is

>> No.56141773

European cities are far safer than american cities and are walkable + have good transit systems, you'll never have this in america regardless of how rich you are

>> No.56141779

>Best in the world
>Only pull it has is threatening to prostitute itself to America, China or Russia if one or the other pisses them off

>> No.56141785

The American passport is powerful. If you like walkable cities you can just work five years and then go retire in Europe. live like an European 10%er, maybe go back when you actually need a public service like health care.

>> No.56141796

Your walkable cities will son be gone if you keep letting browns in

>> No.56141805

Europe is just retarded in every way. It used to be White at least but now even that is gone.

>> No.56141808

>If you are employed in America, you are insured over your employer and get access to the best health care in the world.

the average american's "doctor" is a nurse practitioner. you don't see real MD/DO doctors unless you need specialist care or surgery, and then you're paying out the ass until you hit your deductible and out of pocket maximum ($5-10k.) and no, it's not the best care in the world unless you happen to live within commuting distance to a major academic hospital. people who live in BASTE RURAL AREAS, for example, get basically third world care. when my dad broke a vertebrae he was airlifted 200 miles to the nearest city, because the local hospitals wouldn't touch spinal trauma.

>> No.56141818

euroanon here
I've been using public health insurance for 20 years and recently switched to private health insurance. The difference is insane, looking back with public health insurance I got treated worse than an animal. I've waited 3 months for an MRI. When I need an MRI now, I can call them and get an appointment the same day. public healthcare only sounds good on paper and socialists like to brag about it unless the actually need it.

tldr; EU public healthcare is not free and sucks ass

>> No.56141828

public healthcare eventually gets you healthcare. people suffer and die because they can't afford private treatment.

>> No.56141852

Sounds like you’ve never used American healthcare. Top tier trauma hospitals in America will make you wait a long time and then give you a $20k bill.

Actual top tier hospitals are in places like Costa Rica and Panama that cater to American retirees. In those places you can have 5+ surgeons focusing on your case with one doctor by your side 24/7. You can’t get that kind of care from the best hospitals in America.

>> No.56141854

tell that to my grandfather who needed to see a cardiologist because of heart problems and had to wait half a year
the treatment you get is not worth the amount of money you have to pay

>> No.56141867

so you're saying she did manage to see a cardiologist for free?

>> No.56141875

no he fucking died 3 months before the appointment

>> No.56141878

>Trust me bro

>> No.56141879

that sucks, sorry to hear.

>> No.56141880

I will concede that wait times are getting worse but that's only bc of socialized medicine that has been ruining our healthcare

>> No.56141891

lmaoing @ g*rmans
holy shit how are they so poor LOL

>> No.56141896

>$20k bill
"Free" Euro health care will give you that bill every year, whether you need it or not.

>> No.56141995

>recently switched to private health insurance. The difference is insane, looking back with public health insurance I got treated worse than an animal.
One of the few perks of working at a big pharma company is, unsurprisingly, they already have Dr's, dentists etc working there and Bulk buy private health care and transport for all the staff.

>> No.56142006

i work in corporate at a leading health insurer/PBM and i still pay full price for health insurance and prescription benefits like an outsider. kek.

>> No.56142020

>Free" Euro health care will give you that bill every year, whether you need it or not.
The average tax contribution is 3.5k.

The US is chucked because people pay thousands for supposedly private care so it should automatically be far better but the US also gets absolutely rinsed on prescription costs

A newer inhaler might cost £5 to make. It'll be sold to the nhs for £45. And to US customers at £120.
^actual pharma insider knowledge of how the game works

>> No.56142037

>The average tax contribution is 3.5k.
Maybe you are looking at per-month figures.

>> No.56142046

General EuroPOORism + very risk adverse (no stonks) + real estate is way more expensive bought compared to rented. So they just sit on their MEAGRE cash and have it inflated away.

>> No.56142064

my ameristan health insurance costs me $2k/year in premiums plus $4.2k annual out of pocket maximum, provided i stay "in network." the worst part, however, is how it's tied to employment.
>hate kike boss
>can't quit if you or your family is sick

>> No.56142084

also dental insurance is a total scam as the maximum annual benefit is $2k, which is basically nothing. dental insurance is for biannual cleanings, xrays, and occasional fillings. anything more expensive than this is likely coming out of your own pocket.

>> No.56142115
File: 865 KB, 1440x2874, Screenshot_20230919_152109_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

About 6.2k. That checks out.

I also just doubled checked that number for the UK

>needs to be over premium
Thing is a total joke

So...... unless I get majorly injured, its not covered, and the frequency of people needing advanced medical intervention is very low by comparison with day to day stuff like broken arms, cuts, prescriptions etc

>> No.56142566

Clear you have no idea how we operate here. They'll just put the bill on credit and save your life in America. If you don't have insurance to pay then you'll still be alive.

>> No.56142637

I hope you fucking die subhumans get off my feed.

>> No.56142681

Let's switch passports, you get to live in Germany and I get to work at some FAGMAN company for 500k a years (more money than a German sees in his entire life).

>> No.56142752

Being in Germany is just so demoralizing.
>Nobody owns a house
>500k for a shit box that needs renovating
>people think you are "rich" earning 3000 Postfax a month
>Even the only good thing of cheap rent is coming to an end
You can't build wealth or anything in Germany. It's a good place to live if you are poor and dumb.

>> No.56143009

>a street sweeper makes more than a doctor, engineer or software developer here in Europe
who shills this shit?