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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 631 KB, 879x493, rwa3245.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56140605 No.56140605 [Reply] [Original]

Let's discuss RWA, frens

>> No.56140618
File: 304 KB, 1080x1672, Screenshot_20230919-104921_DuckDuckGo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Curio (CGT), around 500k mcap

>> No.56140651

aaccording to a recent report of the Bank of America one of the Shovels for the upcoming RWA Goldrush is Avalanche and its Subnets.
To run Subnets AVAX has to be staked.

>> No.56140829

>Circulating Supply 353,987,412
>Max Supply 720,000,000

No thanks, get dumped on

>> No.56140853

You Like poison Finance $poison.

Mint rwa Like gold or Stocks.
Low Marketcap and new ui in the making

>> No.56140946

AVAX is hardcapped and deflationary also most of it will be staked to run Subnets.

>> No.56140972

Just another fomo scam like AI, Cross-Chain, Interoperability and yada yada.
be better newfag, mass layoffs are coming and gentiles will be culled, including you

>> No.56140974
File: 200 KB, 1191x666, rwa24323.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek compare marketcap and price chart, its clearly getting brutally dumped on. aint touching that shit. Also the hype is clearly gone and will never reach 2021 levels again. its washed up

but check out Centrifuge (CFG), most tokens in circulation and 95mil mcap. and mentioned in every Binance Research doc for RWA tokenization, along Curio (CGT)

>> No.56140980

There will be hundreds of thousands of Subnets, all of the staking AVAX to run their Validators.
>Also the hype is clearly gone and will never reach 2021 levels again
its still the only Network that scales and that solved the Trilemma. its also the only Blockchain network with Sub Second finality and its the only network that offers fully customizable Subnets.
nobody even competes with them.

>> No.56140982

also in that picture
is an Avalanche Subnet.
is also balls deep into Avalanche

>> No.56141054

okay chapeau, then it will prolly be a race between avax and polkadot subchains

>> No.56141060

>and polkadot
cant scale and has no sub second finality.

>> No.56141097

why would you want that? Seems like way to much work to implement that. I also couldn't imagine banks giving the power of the house market away, dont think they would use it in the near future. Maybe if you want to hodl for 10-20 years or gambling on the hype pump...

>> No.56141140

because it gives incredible liquidity to any asset class, if people can fractionally invest in things, instead of buying a whole house (not even mentioning the whole process of maintenance for some assets)
tokenizing makes it incredibly easy to invest in anything, and for everybody no matter how much capital he has

>> No.56141158

>why would you want that?
Because of all the advantages it brings:
>reduces administrative burdens arising from manual paperwork and disparate record keeping
>removal of unnecessary intermediaries simplifies fund administration which is lowering both financial and logistical complexity
>inherent transparency of blockchains can improve risk management by enabling more precise tracking and asset analysis
>to simplify and reduce the cost of regulatory compliance.
>tokenization introduces 35-65% cost savings compared to traditional securitization
>overall enhances market efficiency and liquidity
>creates new business models
Its a true gamechanger, thats why everyone worth a shit is bullish on RWAs and tokenization.

>Seems like way to much work to implement that.
It takes not even a minute to launch a Subnet and connect it with CCIP.
>banks giving the power of the house market away
they dont give any power away.

>> No.56141177

Yeah it will be a utopia guys. Just like how computers and the internet made all of our lives better and shortened us to the current 10 hour work week

>> No.56141194

>Yeah it will be a utopia guys.
>Just like how computers and the internet made all of our lives better
they did
>and shortened us to the current 10 hour work week
I retired early thanks to the Internet and Crypto, if you cant make use of the tools given to you its a (You) Problem.

>> No.56141316
File: 26 KB, 611x611, c27.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stay poor doomer. its gonna be rwa-autumn and you stay on the sideline

>> No.56141327

reminder that this thread is started by a binance research shill, shilling the worthless L1s in it.

>> No.56141392

>advertising buzzword shitcoins on Tuesday morning

Hmmm something doesnt add up here.
Also the 80s/90s shit on today’s world

>> No.56141393
File: 57 KB, 1071x824, curio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>says avax hype is gone
>is shilling picrel, a stupid L1 created by nobodies

>> No.56141400

>stay poor

Ahhh yes the official slang of every ‘21 shitcoin thats now down 95%. Maybe its time time to get some new material

>> No.56141415
File: 51 KB, 815x476, 234df.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

zoom in retard. picrel is for this year. it pulled an 80x from the bottom in march, and is still only at 500k mc now.
all time chart looks fucked because emission was really high in the beginning, but all coins are in circulating now.
Polkadot parachain is tech ready and coming this year aswell

>> No.56141459

>only available on pancakeswap
>13k liquidity
>5 issues on the contract
>De.Fi Score 37/100, 4 high risk items
topkek gtfo with your stupid GOVERNANCE TOKEN created by a woman, you're embarrassing yourself

>> No.56141488

>only available on pancakeswap
they have their own dex "capitaldex.exchange", on eth and skale, you fucking retard

>> No.56141501

>"I dont know what timezones are"
>"only people allowed to post here are poorfags like me"

>> No.56141515

no liquidity on that shit exchange. sell 800$ worth of cgt -> 12% price impact xD xD
you must really be desperate trying to find exit liquidity

>> No.56141545

Stupid, stupid, stupid. This shit is so stupid. Only way rwa get adopted is if they are ‘regulatory compliant’, ie backdoored up to your molars. These itty bitty shit stains will never be. Look up erc 1400 and where the makers are headquartered. Sell your soul then buy some of that if you want in on the eat the bugs economy. Rwa is death to freedom. Death by tokenization

>> No.56141561

how do you get this far into a tokenized assets thread and not mention LCX

>> No.56141841

ur right and wrong.

CBDC don't even exist and look at what the HELL quant did.

give me one CBDC they issued, they don't have a damn usecase.
just partnerships and hype.

Cryptos are a speculative asset, everyone here knows RWA is a scam retard. don't be so autistic

>> No.56141963

It all sounds a lot like you create something that will create the same kind of bubble of 2008. Investing in a house partially is the entire reason of the 2008 crash

>> No.56141980

so what do you tokenize and what not? The line gets very vague very fast. The idea of tokenising money seems the only logical one to me. Ofcourse I can be completely wrong

>> No.56141989

ok doomer

>> No.56142050

Almost everything can and will be tokenized.

>Business Assets
inventory, infrastructure, equipment and machinery that is used in the operation of a Business
PMs, oil, Agricultural products and other natural resources
Art and any other items with historical, cultural or aesthetic value.
>Financial Instruments
Bonds, Stocks and other securities that represent ownership interest or a claim on a RWA or Business
>Intellectual Property
Patents, trademarks, copyrights
>Real Estate
Land, residential properies, commercial propeties and other real estate investments.
cars, trucks, boats, airplanes and other modes of transportation.

and thats just scratching the surface

>> No.56142147

No rwa is not a scam, it is the end game. Tokenize your house, it is controlled by ’the protocol’ and suddenly you have roommates. Your tokenized car gets divided into time shares. The gig economy is the tokenization of your life. How’s that going? Not a new process, just exponentialized by blockchain. Dystopian af.

>> No.56142193

Absolutely true, no one will own anything. Even the rich will never own anything outright. The designers of the economy, the bee keepers, will be the only ones with exclusive rights to anything. But even they will need to scan a QR code to get around. Endless circles of manipulation and economic repression

>> No.56142196

When I read this I dont know wich problem its trying to solve or wich use case its trying to fill. Could someone explain that to me?

>> No.56142226

see >>56141158

>> No.56142441
File: 818 KB, 1418x1559, 1645984135287.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I won't discuss jackshit, I only care about kava rising above avax and link soon lmao

>> No.56142563

This is a very promising narrative in crypto and capable of sending Bitcoin back to 60k we've been waiting for...
I'm always happy with the developments happening there especially from

>> No.56142565

tokens are just IOUs. imagine the headache of owning a house with 5000 other retards who each put 100$. imagine taking decisions on important stuff democratically. some owners want to airbnb the homes, some dont: you have to vote. you want to hire x company to do the roof because you know they're serious, but other owners want to hire y and z company because they're cheaper. you have to vote. imagine letting retards have a voice on complicated questions.

>> No.56142607

fractional home ownership already exists mind you. many sites like lofty.ai or arrived.com but honestly owning real estate with thousands of people sounds like a nightmare: not only as a fractional owner but for society in general, giving investors who only care about money way too much power in a market where real estate is scarce

>> No.56142641

>Circulating supply 6,568,515 RIO 8.76%
>Total supply 55,000,000 RIO
>Max. supply 75,000,000 RIO

kek, no thanks. get dumped on

>> No.56142666

How would property ownership even work until there is legal clarity for DAOs. Can they even own a property no, so a company is formed which can. Until DAOs can hold property, the deeds can be NFTs on IPFS showing the DAO as the owner it won't work. Buying tokens from a company that actually owns the property is just a grift.

>> No.56142683

you know that the number of buyers can also be limited right? for example a house with max 50 buyers or something. just sayin

>> No.56142694

This shit filters so many midwits it's insane, Max supply is irrelevant, Total supply is the most important thing

In reality you need Total supply+Emission rate to gauge inflation

>> No.56142695

A lot of these RWA coins are on Polkadot, why not just buy Polkadot?

>> No.56142712

>imagine the headache of owning a house with 5000 other retards who each put 100$
you own a token that represents your financial interest in a property.
>imagine taking decisions on important stuff democratically
you wont take any such decisions. this is not a DAO.
>some owners want to airbnb the homes, some dont
read your rental agreement contract to find out if thats okay or not
>you want to hire x company to do the roof
you wont take any such decisions. you seem to confuse tokenization with a DAO.

if tokenized you can use it as collateral.

most RWA tokenization will happen on Avalanche, why not buy AVAX?
additional to that every RWA will depends on Oracles, so why not buy some LINK too?

>> No.56142733

> imagine taking decisions on important stuff democratically

This is already a reality for literally every single strata housing complex or apartment building. DAOs and voting would make this so much more efficient

>> No.56142740

DOT is a good buy of course, but also already marketcap in the billions. the thing with those RWA projects is, you have realistic chances of 100x, and that's before the big bullrun even is truly hitting off. it will be like DeFi summer 2020, all those sick narrative projects going 100x 8months before the real bullrun

>> No.56142778

What RWA projects are using Avalanche? I do agree with Chainlink as a good buy though

>> No.56142780

Don't see how that's related to the thread you retard

>> No.56142794

then kindly gtfo

>> No.56142799

You know that's kind of hard on a legal point of view right?

>> No.56142801

All of them are garbage faggot

>> No.56142802

It’s a huge gamble. I like to play safe and invest in the infrastructure but I do have some Polyx. Not sure what else is good buy. Curio gives off jeet vibes. I am mostly looking for newer projects with decent mcap like 20+ million at least.

>> No.56142823

I supposed you'd just tokenize the stock in the company using Securitize or something. But that wouldn't be "tokenized property". kek, There's just going to be companies formed just to hold shit isn't there: "this company was formed to own one dog".

>> No.56142844

Yea im not disagreeing with you, DOT is very decent as an infrastructure bet, I have a huge stack of SNX for example. but i still think its not bad to have bags of those narrative projects, with insane ROI potential. as i said, if you were around during DeFi summer 2020 you would understand

>> No.56143007

collaborated with KKR to provide tokenized exposure on Avalanche to KKR’s healthcare fund.
Next Securitize initiated the offering of tokenized shares in a Spanish real estate investment fund, they are actually the first to offer such digital asset securities under the EU’s new pilot regime for digital assets

>Intain markets
a tokenized marketplace for asset-backed securities.
They facilitate the administration of more than $5.5B in assets across more than 25 deals.
Wilmington Trust, a leading provider of wealth and institutional services for M&T Bank Group, partnered with Intain to ‘apply blockchain technology to mortgage-bond transactions.’
Leading trust banks involved in the U.S. securitizations market, WSFS Bank and UMB Bank, already work with Intain to provide Paying Agent services.

a digital securities firm in Luxembourg, they are building a tokenized private credit protocol that aims to open up investment opportunities in the private markets.
its also the first company to offer tokenized securities to professional investors under the EU’s upcoming cryptocurrency regulatory framework - MiCA

is a financing platform, allow established financial services to create Funding Pools that are collateralized with tokenized RWAs. These Liquidity Pools faciliate funding for businesses whilst offering innovative products to investors. AmFi’s current focus is on democratizing access to capital for smaller businesses in Latin America.

>> No.56143016

a broker-dealer and inter-dealer broker, has announced today plans to fully integrate the Avalanche Blockchain with INX.One the world's first and only fully-regulated, end-to-end platform for listing and trading both SEC-registered security tokens and cryptocurrencies

is developing a platform that aims to consolidate the global on-chain capital markets and provides investors with an expanding set of strategies designed to generate sustainable yields across a diverse range of institutional-grade asset classes.

streamlines the process of connecting capital in the nearly $1 trillion reinsurance market, increasing accessibility to this traditionally ambiguous asset class.
reinsurance is ‘insurance for insurance companies’ it allows insurers to transfer their risk to a reinsurance company. This ensures that they can maintain a healthy balance sheet to allow for seamless payouts when claims are made.
The Re protocol gives accredited investors the opportunity to provide backing for real-world insurance policies and companies across a variety of risk portfolios. To achieve this, Re is building a dual product model on Avalanche. This involves the main dApp that lives on the Primary Network and a Subnet designed to store all private information – demonstrating the versatile use cases of Avalanche Subnets.

>> No.56143929

L M A O this really sums up the altcoin market. That dude wants people to buy his coin after it did a literal 80x.

>> No.56143941

Yep. No one is ever going to need to send money to a scam altcoin team's founders to buy real estate. EVER. With that said, a lot of these scams solely based on narrative

>> No.56143954

a lot of these scams will pump*

>> No.56143963

regardless of what timezone you're in, you were still here shilling your altcoin. What a shitty ass "retirement"

>> No.56143980

this is where you bring Kleros court right?
>pajeet judge shows up at the door to give the ruling, gets shot

Lmfao crypto just can't find a serious use case

>> No.56144004

RIO ruled out. What about the remaining projects there?
>Get pumped on NXRA and SNX.

>> No.56144018

>"nooo this board is supposed to be for poorfags like me why you talk about crypto on a crypto board???"

>> No.56144047
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>it's like a title, but but wait for it, on da blockchain! Also, it doesn't grant any legal rights to the asset!
da futucha o finarce!

>> No.56144059
File: 605 KB, 1169x1494, 939C3526-222A-4122-B7C2-D692AFE8E672.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

excuse me for phone posting but here’s an except from coast guard proceedings regarding the benefits of digitizing the maritime industry


>> No.56144180

>it doesn't grant any legal rights to the asset!
RWAs usually involve a combination of traditional asset custodians and blockchain based custody solutions to ensure the asset is properly managed.

>> No.56144262

LINK is the only way to tokenize real world assets
there, I said what everyone's thinking

>> No.56144309

>LINK is the only way to tokenize real world assets
Chainlink gives direct access to trustworthy data and is critical for many RWA linked applications but its not where the Assets are actually tokenized.
That will be done mostly on Avalanche Subnets (and other Blockchain networks).
basically LINK and AVAX are the shovels in the upcoming RWA goldrush.

>> No.56144326

Thanks for this. I briefly looked at some and came to conclusion that securitize looks most promising

>> No.56144395
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and its just the tip of the iceberg and more are coming as the Ava Labs BD team is aggressively expanding.
So buying AVAX is kinda like investing into all of these projects because all of them will have to stake it for their Subnets.

>> No.56145734


>> No.56145914

Link is required. you know what else is? regulatory approval. LCX is the only exchange in the world with tokenized assets issuance approval AND they're partnered with LINK... Do the fucking math retards, they have already tokenized diamonds as a proof of concept

>> No.56146157

>Link is required
yes and so is Avalanche.

>> No.56146197

anon sirs TrueFi scam or not?

>> No.56146695

fuck off monty with your shit exchange with no liquidity. nobody cares retard. you're shitting up all the groups trying to be relevant.

>> No.56147421

SNX is obviously huge, anyone who sees potential in rwa should hold a bag.

>> No.56147996
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tfw printing with Centrifuge CFG already

>> No.56148116
File: 178 KB, 800x2000, 20200527-LCX-Benefits-of-Tokenization-Infographic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some dumb fuckers in this thread, no doubt

>> No.56148263

get a load of this chink lmao >>56146695
only one exchange, worldwide, who can and has issued asset backed nfts. there is no prize for runner up

>> No.56148382
File: 171 KB, 1440x900, Tokenized Bond.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread is about tokenization and niggas don't mention LCX already has tokenized bonds???

I understand we all have our horses we're betting on, but this is a very serious narrative that could drive a chunk of the global economy in a decade or so.

I think a key adoption point will be driven by the amount of sheer time it takes to process all of the paperwork and owners; tokenization eliminates much of this. The cost savings to banks and such will be immense. Industries like real estate title companies will be decimated.

>> No.56148399
File: 140 KB, 1362x882, Project Rosalind.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In fairness to Quant, they were confirmed part of project Rosalind, the UK CBDC project.


>> No.56148409
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Thank you Anon for sharing all of this. I will check out each one...

Greatly Appreciated.

>> No.56148526

Selling shitcoins to retards

>> No.56148548

You'd need a property management company to oversee the house, this is just "REIT on da blockchain", only without any benefits, even theoretically, as you'd need the entire structure of an REIT plus blockchain overhead
>if tokenized you can use it as collateral
you can already use stock in an REIT as collateral, retard

>> No.56148917

I work two days a week from home, earn a little less than before, but the amount of effort and responsibility i have to put in is laughable in comparison. So geht fucked if you're too stupid to utilize opportunities.

>> No.56149055

fucking based. Centrifuge kinda leading the rwa way right now

>> No.56149062

Someone slurped some curio and it fucking 4x
Almost guaranteed money come bullrun.

>> No.56150042

>only without any benefits
see >>56141158
>you can already use stock in an REIT as collateral
and with tokenization you can combine it with anything else. its like money Legos that work across all assets and all industries to create structured products.

some people really need to read up on the topic before starting to type.

>> No.56150077

You've been crying for days about how banks don't need tokenised assets, but the simple reality is that they absolutely love them.
And for good cause; interconnected tokenised assets have none of the issues relating to cross-border transfers, nostro-vostro, clearing houses, ... that traditional assets have.
AND them being interconnected instantly solves any liquidity issues.
The benefits are absolutely enormous.

>> No.56150089

>You've been crying for days
so why are they like this? why is there so many whiners the moment you start talking about Tokenization?

>> No.56150110

Obviously something in this concept is upsetting a fundamental belief they held.
He's been in pretty much every Link thread these past few days spouting the same anti-tokenisation talking points, so I'm willing to bet he had some kind of interest and/or stake in Chainlink not actually being the real deal, and this idea got smashed with all the latest news.

>> No.56150135
File: 498 KB, 1038x1558, Screenshot_20230920-141802_DuckDuckGo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

big fucking news for Curio

>> No.56150561

>He's been in pretty much every Link thread these past few days
wait, its just one guy thats seething?

>> No.56151029
File: 235 KB, 800x672, 1681433103481294.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have ALGO and am providing liquidity for/and trading RWA like real estate and PMs. I gamble with my CHIPS, I stack my VEST, and am looking forward to owning many game collectibles while currencies around the world fail. I can make leveraged cross chain trades as well… but outside of milking BTC moat there really aren’t other chains I think are worth investing in. Ultimately my APR is strong, based, and I don’t care that you don’t play poker with my friends. I’m FINE.

>> No.56151132

most of this thread is advertisement for shitcoins. Just to reiterate to anyone who hasn't been around prior cycles, a lot of these "RWA" coins will run on narrative, but no one, I repeat no one, will ever use them for their utility. Take profit once it runs. You're welcome

>> No.56151260
File: 925 KB, 1172x1231, 1692501458622419.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no one, I repeat no one, will ever use them for their utility

Either that or there's a sudden uptick in tokenisation haters.

>> No.56151279

reminder he's samefagging shilling his shit token
nobody cares about your no liquidity shit centralized exchange. almost all banks and brokers and tradfi exchanges will offer this. and regulated asset-backed NFTs and tokens have been traded on DEXes for a while.
tldr: your shit exchange: not needed.

>> No.56151369
File: 137 KB, 1200x675, lynch nuke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you Anon, fascinating. I didn't realize Citi was already there.

Citi turns to tokenization
Another key driver behind mass crypto adoption will be tokenization, or bringing traditional financial assets onto the blockchain.

Citi said it "could be the killer use case" for blockchain technologies, estimating that tokenization could "grow by a factor of 80x in private markets and reach up to almost $4 trillion in value by 2030."
Efficiencies cited include disintermediation within financial markets, composability with cryptocurrencies, and ultimately a "shared 'golden-source' infrastructure" upon which different asset classes could exist on the same network.

Naturally, there are clear roadblocks on the way to this "golden" standard.

Regulatory clarity is perhaps the largest, with few jurisdictions offering a clear framework for adopting traditional assets on-chain.

There may also be pushback from those in the financial industry, reports Citi, as the disintermediation such technologies offer could render their jobs obsolete.

>> No.56151391

>can combine it with anything else.
This statement has no meaning. Your linked post is empty dotcom era vc bait vomit.
>solves any liquidity issues.
Does no such thing. In the house example, it's not even "an REIT with additional overhead" it's a SINGLE PROPERTY REIT, full fucking retard.
>he's also a stink baggie
Ahh, I see, you're a retard. People hate on tokenization because it's only spammed by the dullest shitcoin bagholders (link, avax etc)

>> No.56151413

>Does no such thing.
If tokenised assets cannot cross over to other tokenised assets on other platforms, then liquidity is fenced in.
Interconnectivity releases that liquidity across all tokenisation platforms.

>People hate on tokenization because it's only spammed by the dullest shitcoin bagholders
And roughly 99% of all the world's financial institutions lmao

>> No.56151600

>99% of all the world's financial institutions

Great explanation of Citi and broader financial industry tokenization goals and testing:

>> No.56151785
File: 61 KB, 1079x412, shiti.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow! Surely Citi has their fingers on the pulse! Let's check their chart, they must be hitting ATHs everyday!

>> No.56151822

It's literally the 3rd biggest bank in the US, but ok.

And it's not just them, it's the entire financial industry

>> No.56152207

People keep talking about RWA and forgetting about cryptocurrencies payment. CYMI is going to melt faces.

>> No.56153098
File: 173 KB, 1411x942, Citigroup connection.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Citi was in it from the very beginning

>> No.56153111

Are there not enough chainlink threads already?

>> No.56153195

RWA is the super mover. Arkefi through AllianceBlock has started with real arts, cars, and other collectibles. Fucking massive.

>> No.56153238

neat. what software is this?

>> No.56153268

>bee keepers, will be the only ones with exclusive rights to anything
Like their IWI Tavors

>> No.56153715

is that the ticker? looks like CGT is the governance token. Is CUR its actual token?

>> No.56153891

Rowan (RWN) is a great RWA crypto project. UK based. Runs on its own low-carbon blockchain, has physical products working with sustainable energy (solar panels) and making it profitable for customers as well. Only 1.5m marketcap. The exchanges it is on are not popular that is why it is still so low.

>> No.56155251
File: 190 KB, 1080x831, Rtokens.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>RWA becoming the next bullrun hype

Bullish for RSR

>> No.56156562

For yields, Pendle and Spool are the RWA projects I am watching closely. My portfolio is going to be 30% RWA.

>> No.56157280


>> No.56157289
File: 72 KB, 600x600, 1695157629724290.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What happens if someone steals my real world assets without stealing my private keys?

>> No.56157311

Checked. Vc’s in full force building pnd rwa products

>> No.56157345

Open a ticket on kleros court and wait for your number to be called

>> No.56157858

this here.
very useful osint tool

>> No.56158294


>> No.56159693

Mass layoffs will be due to AI and tokenisation making many lawyers, accountants and other white collar workers financially surplus to requirements.

>> No.56160481

Recently picked up some CFG as well as i have been hot on RWAs and crypto payment assets which was why i got some CYMI and ACH as well.

>> No.56160605

>mass layoffs

Your inexperience is showing. This is one of the many dumb things that gets parroted on biz. Man I'd love to be a fly on the wall watching some autist bring chatgpt into the courtroom and have it cite law that's incorrect/been superseded years ago. In before:

>i i it will do all le paperwork

yeah because legal firms don't already have shittons of boilerplate forms ready to input (client name here). WOW AI will save so much time!!!!

again an area you have zero experience in. GAAP and tax law is incredibly nuanced and situation specific. Tech might make audit more efficient but prices for those are already a race to the bottom and a way for firms to sell other services. There's an massive shortage of accountants right now and you think there will be layoffs because of a smart computer? hahahahhahaah

>other white collar workers

ahhh the "others"... we can't forget about them and all the "other" work they've been doing. WTF

>> No.56160908

CYMI is going to be a boomer. I ain't fading it for anything.

>> No.56161301

>yeah because legal firms don't already have shittons of boilerplate forms ready to input (client name here). WOW AI will save so much time!!!!

It will save on employing those firms and everyone who works for them, retard.
>you think there will be layoffs because of a smart computer? hahahahhahaah
Yes, that's the point of AI and smart contracts, retard.
>we can't forget about them and all the "other" work they've been doing. WTF
Everyone who does a tedious job signing off on contracts and deliveries is going to be automated out of a job. If you can create a smart contract that only completely when all of the criteria has been met then you can cut out the middle-man entirely saving ridiculous amounts of money and time in the process.

You sound like a luddite.