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56138406 No.56138406 [Reply] [Original]

What are good reasons to not get rich?

>> No.56138450

Show his cock

>> No.56138465

jews and taxes

>> No.56138469

time you could spend doing other shit

>> No.56138482

like what? Getting rich is solely so you can do more shit than normies/NEETs. Literally just a tool to do anything you want and avoid working for jews

>> No.56138493

Most of my clients are HNIs and it seems like the majority of them are either divorced and/or have at least one child with addiction issues. My guess is it’s a combination of the breadwinner being a workaholic and his/her dependents not having to work at all that makes this situation so common. So I guess a downside to being loaded is it seems easier to wreck your family life.

>> No.56138494

Having everything you want, with no purpose, is quite the living hell.

>> No.56138534

are there any examples of someone who got rich and improved their personality? I think a lot of pathetic guys get rich and it becomes the basis of their own self worth, and they start trying to buy friends/love instead of being a pleasant person

>Getting rich is solely so you can do more shit than normies/NEETs.
yeah but most people wont do that theyll try a more expensive lifestyle for a few months then go back to playing vidya like always

>> No.56138538

Religious beliefs. That’s literally it

>> No.56138561

I grew up middle class and most people I know are divorced and have no real family connections besides coming down for a holiday or two a year
>Having everything you want, with no purpose
Sounds like a personal issue. If you have money, you can amplify any idea you could dream of and bring it to reality. Whether that's building an animal shelter, building a band, touring the world, traveling the world, curing a specific illness in your family, or just building out the biggest family possible
>Religious beliefs. That’s literally it
what about it? How is working as a wage cuck better than being wealthy and taking care of your community/church/family?
> I think a lot of pathetic guys get rich and it becomes the basis of their own self worth, and they start trying to buy friends/love instead of being a pleasant person
wouldn't being wealthy and a pleasant person be ideal? The majority of wealthy people I met do not want anyone knowing they are rich at all. They do a lot to hide the fact

>> No.56138567
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that’s my wife

>> No.56138572

Sure you could, but you it's impossible to taste the honey, without vinegar.

>> No.56138592

Yeah divorce is pretty common regardless of net worth. But how many middle class kids end up on heroin? Obviously some do, but as a fellow middle class kid, I am confident trust fund babies outnumber us per capita in the junkie population.

>> No.56138632

> vinegar
what's this supposed to mean? I don't see how anyone is morally better wage slaving instead of building a business to get wealthy. It's a lot of work to build it up, then a lot less work when you outsource the work to your team and simply manage and figure out ways to scale, then you've basically made it, just keep reducing hours from that point on. Literally only seems like a skill issue.
>trust fund babies
I agree, but I would just not tell my family about the money. I would not give out any money unless it was an extreme situation and made it seem like I moved hell to make it happen. That and making sure to let my parents live in a nice real estate property of mine

>> No.56138639

Yes you could, and then never experience joy, ever again.

>> No.56138653

>Yes you could, and then never experience joy, ever again.
lol why? Not sure what's with the cope. Sure, you can't take vacations again, but you can live/work/travel anywhere you want anytime, so you don't even care

>> No.56138669
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Interesting how people in poverty don't need to take vacations to be happy.

>> No.56138677

To cope about not being rich of course.

>> No.56138679

>The majority of wealthy people I met do not want anyone knowing they are rich at all.
sounds like they lowkey did want people to know theyre rich lol

>> No.56138694
File: 215 KB, 640x923, BodhidharmaYoshitoshi1887.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're incapable of going out into the woods with nothing more than the robes on your back and be happy, you will never know it in this lifetime, my child.

>> No.56138711

>I would just not tell my family about the money. I would not give out any money unless it was an extreme situation and made it seem like I moved hell to make it happen

So in this fantasy you’re going to be very wealthy but live a wagie/tier lifestyle to keep it a secret from your wife? This fantasy is now in neckbeard territory. Please touch grass.

>> No.56138720

this. It's always some loser weirdos claiming spirituality woowoo, then they're the same people that cry spells of depression and do nothing with their lives
Why would you want anyone to find out and potentially add a security risk to your life?
Why would you have to disclose anything? Live a fun life but dont say how much you own. She'l obviously know you're rich but not really know how much

>> No.56138737

She would only ever consider you if you were extremely handsome, rich or some sort of drug dealer in her social circle desu

>> No.56138758

You know why it won't solve your problems, because you don't want to solve your problems now. You want more. And guess what, you'll always want more. Hence, you will always have your problems, and never be happy.

>> No.56138764
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Your wife made out with trey songz

>> No.56138770

>Why would you want anyone to find out and potentially add a security risk to your life?
to incel-flex like i said in >>56138534 but without going full retard and driving a lambo.

>> No.56138774

why wouldn't I want more? More challenges, more adventures, more experiences sounds pretty good to me. Stop doing all that and you've accepted death.

>> No.56138780

Oh, so you do agree that you need vinegar to taste the honey, or life is a living hell. Interesting how we had to do a little 10 minute dance for you to admit you agree with me.

>> No.56138785

you waste your youth looking at the link chart while a fat middle aged man spends your money on making more money for himself without you profiting. at least that's the biz version of getting rich

>> No.56138788

Storage is 6 cents per gb that's a reason not to bother getting rich

>> No.56138895

>good reasons to not get rich
Do you know where you are? This is /biz/, and that's all they talk about here. Not business, not finance. Just becoming rich on crypto without any effort. Sheesh.

>> No.56139006

There are none if you earned it or were raised to steward wealth properly and are smart about it.

>> No.56139127
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>Why would you have to disclose anything?
>Why would you have to be honest to your wife?

Ask your tendiemaker, kiddo.

>> No.56140170

Does anyone have the Twitter screencap from years ago when the movie came out when she (perhaps drunkenly?) claimed he was the biggest she ever had? Now she is a wife and a mum, so the past is the past.

>> No.56140175

Maybe you won’t be able to enjoy the little things. Like a bag of m&m‘s. I don’t know.

>> No.56140308


Take a lesson from the Greek Stoics: The less you want the more you have.

There's a lot of bullshit that comes with building wealth and keeping it. Stop and ask yourself if it's really worth it. As a banker who works with a lot of wealthy clientele and is around a lot of money, I don't envy their lifestyles, the burdens they've taken on to get there, and their retarded spending habits to justify to themselves that all the bullshit they deal with is worth it.

>> No.56141261

maybe you can become boring, risk averse, and stop doing things.

>> No.56141379

You become alienated from everyone in your life. They slowly loathe more and more that you neet. Especially if you start buying things they can't.

>> No.56141405

Because most of money is backed by absolutely nothing.

No true value, no creation. Just flying digital numbers meaning nothing which are printed by governments.

>> No.56141426

>the only choices are being a lazy rich bum or "wageslaving" for "jews"

Truly an america moment. Have you ever heard of something like helping other people and contributing to your community?

>> No.56141562

>Have you ever heard of something like helping other people and contributing to your community?
no we just waste money on charity to make ourselves feel better

>> No.56141759 [DELETED] 

Getting a date with Daddario.

>> No.56141816

aspiring human

money is a tool. if you have money, you can do what you want. if you don't know what you want, money won't help.
most people just want to be consoomers. it feels fulfilling in your hardwired monkey brain. try to think for yourself

>> No.56142182
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More of your strength goes to support the immoral system via taxes.
You're more likely to get divorce raped as the incentive for your master to divorce you scales higher.
You waste a lot of time and youth trying to get rich.
You become accustomed to being an expendable cog in the system rather than actually developing real human survival skills.
You'll never be sure if women or friends actually like you for you and not your wealth.

>> No.56142245


1. Gold diggers. Can be fun but also can be soul destroying and demoralizing.
2. Past paying your bills you get very little extra happiness and potentially much more anxiety as you get more money.
3. The price you paid to get the wealth may not be worth it. Many wealth people are workaholics incapable of experiencing joy.
4. More psycopaths. The lower class are full of emotional idiots and addicts who have their particular charm but the upper class attracts a certain polished psycho who will gut you with a smile on their face.

>> No.56142252

Why are western women so ugly financially speaking

>> No.56142718

m&ms are disgusting goy slop..

>> No.56142765

>Greek Stoics
>Seneca the Younger
one of the richest Romans alive, advised to Emperor Nero
>Marcus Aurelius
literal Roman Emperor with immense power and wealth
>the burdens they've taken on to get there, and their retarded spending habits to justify to themselves that all the bullshit they deal with is worth it.
This is what interested me enough to start this thread. Is the burden worth it? I do think it's likely worth it but you have to limit yourself to a quality lifestyle and experiences and not stacking stuff or trying to impress people. I think actualizing the maximum utility you get from money is probably around $10M. After that, it's just to buy yachts or take on some ridiculous projects larping that you're saving the world like Elon. That dude is literally the richest public person and even he still hasn't made a budge changing anything in the world. I would just get to $10M and completely shift to the arts and building out a family/community.

>> No.56142779

Because the west is just a financial extraction farm and attractive people aren't allowed in those.

>> No.56142852

>You become alienated from everyone in your life.
Just don't flex on anyone. I don't care for normies/NPCs at all. Was alienated as a kid and I'm alienated now that I make more than anyone I grew up with. No difference except with money I can do less things I hate and afford doing more things with people I like

>> No.56142856

depends what you mean by rich. but generally
>family and friends, if they learn you're rich, will almost assuredly change how they treat you.
>you will never know or trust another person again because they might just be trying to take advantage of your wealth
>even if you only want to be friends with other rich people, generally speaking because there's less of them you're not likely to find someone who you like.
>you WILL become detached from other people regardless, because the things that will cause you stress will be so different from what stresses a 'normal' person out that you might as well be living on different planets. think about how hard it would be to be friends with like, an african jungle tribesman.
>those changes in your personality will make it even more difficult to keep old friends/family
>when you don't have to answer to anyone you'll also lose your filters and start saying really rude awful shit because why should you care what the plebs think?
>that detachment from reality and unwillingness to face unpleasantness, even if its true, will isolate you and can drive you to ruin
>and you'll never see it coming because you've put yourself in a bubble because you're rich, why should you ever experience discomfort ever?
then there's shit like addiction (gambling, drugs, hoarding, etc), the fact you probably don't actually know how to manage money so you might just squander your fortune, and maybe a mental breakdown if you get all the money you want but realize there are things you still can't get (finding love or companionship, solving societal problems, you're still going to die).

now you might not give a shit about any of that in which case who cares, but 'making it' isn't like a finish line. you'll still have shit to deal with. it'll just be really alien shit that nobody will ever sympathize with you for.

>> No.56142864

>immense power and wealth
The Roman Empire had the equivalent GDP of what Chad has today.

>> No.56142877

>No true value, no creation
As opposed to making no money? At least making money you generally have to provide a service/product that people want. Most NEETs leech off society and don't make anything impressive. If they could make impressive stuff, they would likely be wealthy from the talent like Picasso or Paul McCartney etc

>> No.56142896

>helping other people and contributing to your community
the wealthier you are, the more you can help others. Without money, you're generally very limited to what you can help. Help yourself first, then focus on others.

>> No.56142995

>You'll never be sure if women or friends actually like you for you and not your wealth.
Most people date because of genetics. They are physically attracted to the other person and looking at them gives them dopamine. The other option is coping through wealth.
As for anything else, just have a fun life and don't care too much. Audit people who share the same values and hobbies. Let it be.
>Gold diggers. Can be fun but also can be soul destroying and demoralizing.
Like I said above, it's all transactional. Either genetics or for affording a grand fun lifestyle.
>Past paying your bills you get very little extra happiness and potentially much more anxiety as you get more money.
Most people are anxious going paycheck to paycheck and fearing their boss will fire them
> The price you paid to get the wealth may not be worth it. Many wealth people are workaholics incapable of experiencing joy.
Workaholic thing is probably true, but I don't think joy means just not doing anything. Mindfulness and enjoying the present is a skill.
>More psycopaths. The lower class are full of emotional idiots and addicts who have their particular charm but the upper class attracts a certain polished psycho who will gut you with a smile on their face.
Somewhat true but poor people face psychos willing to kill them. Rich people generally only experience psychos willing to bankrupt their business ventures to monopolize their own ventures.

>> No.56143680

no money =no golddiggers, no taxes, no goverment following your ass and no fake friends. of course i would prefer being rich