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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56138396 No.56138396 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.56138411

Go back

>> No.56138463

I will go back
And meanwhile you guys, and any post 2023 /pol/migrants(lmfao), will only be shilled dogs and memecoins from now on.
The selected have been selected for years, now the psychic prison that is 4chan will keep the rest

>> No.56138485

we gotta downvote the fuck out of this, what are botfarm prices these days?

>> No.56138887

>oy vey, I figured out an angle and the goyim might figure it out!
>*kvetches* the bot farms cost how much?! I'll just pay some third worlders!

>> No.56139277

>that font rendering
what the FUCK

>> No.56139286

Psychic prison? I need to know more

>> No.56139711
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>> No.56139810

Kek the most upvoted comments are low IQs who bought the fud from years ago. And there are people in that thread who still think LINK is just an oracle. Reddit is filled with retards. I just went to the shiba inu and Safemoon reddits for fun and they look exactly the same.

>> No.56139819
File: 53 KB, 853x206, 1734567234.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56139831

We have to keep normies out.

Deploy and downvote fellow anons! Spread FUD all over and make them fear!!!

>> No.56139834

Based but still need to go back

>> No.56139841

Thanks. Downvoted and wrote a nice piece of fud ;). Fucking hate nulinkers, shilling yo rdit now, after all the effort we put fudding them years ago?

>> No.56139849


>> No.56140495
File: 540 KB, 1125x1409, 1693781596444874.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all the comments are talking about how OP is a baggie and that the coin gets hard dumped each week by Sergey
Kek, even reddit knows it's a pump and dump

>> No.56140503

OP, leave our lair. You are not one of us and never will be.

>> No.56140870

I've been perma shadow banned since 2020 for anti vax comments god I miss trolling the crypto reddits

>> No.56141166

Jesus Christ I hope the comment section is all anons trolling reddit or they really are morons over there.

>> No.56141176
File: 280 KB, 1426x921, 1665707678803080.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These Link fudders on Reddit are the same Redditfags who convinced /biz/ to fud their own Link bags back in 2018.

>> No.56141179

>spamshit thread

>> No.56141201

I see the facts you put forward but I'd like to point out that much convincing was hardly necessary since 2018 must've been close to the peak of anons' general obsession with hating reddit, it being the #1 insult on the site around that time like trannies is now (or was recently).

>> No.56141204

kys baggie

>> No.56141205

>2018 must've been close to the peak of anons' general obsession with hating reddit
And yet /biz/ did reddit's bidding.

>> No.56141214

Quite ironic.

>> No.56141221

The world of finance is diving head-first into tokenised assets, and just got spoonfed the internet of tokenised assets by Swift.
You can drop the act.

>> No.56141233

It's almost like this psychic prison uses a krav maga technique to counter and revert momentum that anons generate.
It really is the best psychic prison.

>> No.56141237

we used to actually go to reddit and downvoted link posts summerfag

>> No.56141247

And by "we" you mean you and your fellow redditors.
We know.

>> No.56141408

>the /pol/migrant cries out in pain as he strikes the redditor

>> No.56141442

I just visit for the coom. They have some decent coomer sections. And home automation / gardening occasionally.

>> No.56141526

>will only be shilled dogs and memecoins from now on

so, like things that actually make money?

>> No.56141662
File: 1.76 MB, 1399x1622, whatasurprise.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>worshipping the words of an ESL porn addict / rapefugee that works for MLM scam companies
oh wait lol its a namefag
im not even surprised