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561379 No.561379 [Reply] [Original]

>You will never be a northern european who's biggest problem is deciding what to major in.

>> No.561391

Northern Europeans are simply Eastern Europeans without track suits.

>> No.561412

>you will never be a north american where minimum wage is enough to live with dignity

>> No.561415

>tfw living in the greatest country on earth

>> No.561440

>That feel when Ausfailian
>That feel when facing a generation of unemployment thanks to our worsening economy, ridiculous university debt, and millions of imported immigrants

>> No.561444

You all have it easy.

Try living in Bosnia

>50% unemployment
>Import out the ass
>White plague
>Muzzie, Serb, Catholiban Croat crazies everywhere
>everyone just can't wait to get back at eachother's throats

>> No.561445



>> No.561455

Thats a sick dream. We live under basically communism here.

>> No.561479

>That feel when country is full of plebs who complain about cheap university debt
>That feel when motivated immigrants will take the lowest jobs because plebs too busy plebbing off the government

>> No.561480

Try living in Georgia
Not asia
Not europe
Not in EU
Not in NATO
Corruption everywhere
No future for anyone without bribing people

>> No.561485


>Taxes 10% higher

>> No.561486
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>> No.561488

>swedish friend
>getting 2K USD a month because of an "aspergers" diagnose
>he's perfectly OK and goes out clubbing, does roids etc
>goes to college while getting free money and free appartment

Communism is awesome.

>> No.561492

This thread is pure cancer.

>> No.561495

Well, i'm on welfare and i just bought gold.
To anyone saying "get a job", my country is in depression, negative growth.
Of my country's GDP over 60% is the public sector.
And that's just the economic side of things.
Tell me, what else is that if not communism?
Filthy socialist.

>> No.561498

I goddamn hate when my Swedish family visits the US, they're like a bunch of blonde haired non-religious Ned Flanders. So happy and so boring, "Here cousin try this falukorv it is mighty fine tasting"

"No thanks Ludvig I'm not I'm not a fan of that"

"Oh okay cousin perhaps you would like like me to cook for you some al dente pasta American style"

"No I'm just going to make a panini"

"Are you sure? I can make meatballs, I hear they're really big in the US"

"No Ludvig I'll just have my mozzerlla and tomato panini"

"Do you want me to cut the tomato for you?"

It's like fuck off with your sincerity ya know?