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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56137412 No.56137412 [Reply] [Original]

>overhear a 7/10 waitress saying she makes $30k a year in tips
It's over..

>> No.56137431

That's probably from only working weekends.
t. Kitchen staff

>> No.56137435
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Is this too little or too much?

>> No.56137438

the 8/10 makes 75k on avg.

>> No.56137442

>tfw systems engineer working near minimum wage

>> No.56137445

they barely get paid hourly so probably too little

>> No.56137471

Too much.
Even a mid end girl makes more than a junior software engineer just on tips.

>> No.56137499

the duality of /biz/
IMO that's exactly what I'd expect.
Not enough for a life that's too easy/comfortable, but not shabby given the low-end job.
The real money comes from the guy who falls for her, if she's really a 7/10. There girls could be worth it.
They can make the $30k in a week in other ways, but retaining their souls and dignity is worth it for them, which makes them dateable. Nothing wrong with that.

Junior software devs make way more than that in the US.

>> No.56137510

junior software engineers make less than $40k?

>> No.56137521

they get $2.13 an hour which is an extra $4k a year, $34k a year so $16 an hour which is poverty tier in most cities.

>> No.56137527

>There girls could be worth it.

>> No.56137546

Exactly. OP? That's very much money now days.
It used to be a couple decades ago it was okay but that's poverty levels adding their couple dollar hourly.

>> No.56137631

please submit the IRS a tip so she understands the effects of the leftsit policies she votes for



its up to us to audit these THOTs

>> No.56137642
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Weird how everyone claims to be making 300k a year, but everyone is also complaining about being broke and in debt.

>> No.56137651

>incels are now mad that a 7/10 girl can make $40k/year working a shitty retail-tier job

>> No.56137668

everything you read online is a larp most people are broke only 10% of people in the US make $100k or more

>> No.56137670

Bitch I made 100K a year delivering Pizza.

>> No.56137699
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No, it’s demoralization. They typically make 50-80 depending on the area.

Protip: Besides wood schizo, Ground Floor, Chuddie Hubbie, Pod Anon, and the rest of the /biz/fren Crew, everyone here is out to demoralize (you), give you bad advice, and pretty much fuck your life.

>t. Webshitter

>> No.56137720

Being a hot woman in service is a cheat code in life, they'll make 6 figs tax free in the USA at a popular upper class spot. If you work at a popular miami spot full of new money idiots? You clearing 7 figs in tips a year easy cause some jack ass wants to impress his friends. People really underestimate how much hot women make off rich dorks in the real world.

>> No.56137730

SWEs desperate for a job can be pushed into taking desperate measures.

>> No.56137736

tipping culture is yet another reason America is dog shit
The customer is expected to subsidize the employees shitty pay, so the owner can make more profit on their already over charged mediocre food
And god forbid you don't tip, or tip lightly, then everyone will try to shame you.
I tip the bare minimum, if at all (coffee shop employees, for example, get nothing). Fuck the whole thing

>> No.56137747

>You clearing 7 figs in tips a year easy
lmao even

>> No.56137757
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It's the starting wage of a junior.
None of them are banking 80k a year which is more then experienced ones make.

>> No.56137768

Simp Holocaust when

>> No.56138008

why? if you can pass a 30 word per minute typing test you can make 15 to 20 an hour remotely doing data entry. With IQ of 100 you can trip and fall into a 60 to 80k remote IT job.

>> No.56138029


>> No.56138040

Starting out I was making 65K. I can only see getting 40K if you got into a shitty company straight out of college and your an intern or something. Even at the shittiest companies I’ve been with they started the negotiations at 45K. No one in their right mind would do this for less than 55K out of college.

>> No.56138058

Thanks for reminding me why I cook meals at home.

>> No.56138199

So where can one find one of these mythical data entry jobs, anon? Because all I can find from outside the us is microwork websites.

>> No.56138229

if anal on the first date instamarry #3

>> No.56138255


work your way down a list of fortune 100s websites career pages. anyone who's anything near an actual systems engineer should already be on linked in and have a profile. get to it though generative AI is supposed to replace all these data monkeys in the next 18 months so make hay while the sun shines.

>> No.56138753

The median income is like 50k

>> No.56138782
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your post made me look shit up
turns out i'm 90th pctl
but damn the jump from 90 to 99 is insane, there's some rich mfers out there

>> No.56139074

yeah but she has to be a waitress and no doubt deal with a lot of shit

>> No.56139080

>The median income is like 50k
The median household income is only like 65k
Which would imply that the median individual income is probably in the 35-40k range

>> No.56139094
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>everyone claims to be making 300k a year
I make 70k wfh half the time, 15 min commute to an easy office for the other half the time where I just listen to podcasts and occasionally leave early. I'm just here for /pmg/ and to laugh at crypto idiots.

>> No.56139111
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>the guy pooping innawoods isn't a demoralization agent

>> No.56139367

Tip-share is a thing, just have personality in an economy where people get drunk and vacation. The opposite end of this coin is to work at a dive in a cheap economy where people only pass through, but still like to drink and eat. Find an exit off the US highway system where some old-timer is ready to retire and sell whatever bar he's been running since the 70s, modernize and equip it to operate on simple logistical systems, hire a manager, and be that old boomer owner who shows up from time to time to toast with the resident bikers. Become a /biz/boomer, live around your bar in rural Wyoming, and be happy.

>> No.56139489

>just hang out with boomers on Le Edgy Motorcycles all the time
I'd unironically kill myself

>> No.56139495

This isn’t a lot of money retard, unless they work 1 day a week or something. Almost their entire pay is in tips

>> No.56139652

Wood schizo is only demoralizing to jannies. Ground Floor and Chuddie Hubbie only demoralize shibaggies. And Pod Anon just wants to post his desk and talk about code.

>> No.56139662
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Reminder to jannies: do not ever go outside

>> No.56139687
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That's it? 30k? I make 12k a month after taxes and I don't have to dance for nickels to normies.

>> No.56139698

>140k a year
>posts images sideways
I hate diversity hires so much its unreal

>> No.56139829

Median Household income is like $67k
Median salary is around $45k

>> No.56139858
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250 actually. Taxes, equity, bonuses, etc.

>> No.56139873

doing what?

>> No.56139911


>> No.56140065

I know you edited sir gay in that pic you faggot chainlink shill. Don't think you're smart subcounsicuslly implanting the idea to buy your faggot token

>> No.56140242

You're valuing the one I've ejaculated in way too low.
3 is way too skinny irl, you just can't see it in the pic, and the pic is 15 years old or sth.

>> No.56140264

>they work 12 hours a week
>and their parents pay for rent

>> No.56140330


>> No.56142291
File: 303 KB, 960x1568, DBJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Computer hardware security. Basically reverse engineering firmware, inspecting boards, checking for the usual stuff like JTAG, UART, SPI, etc. I'll run my logical analyzer on any kind of suspicious pins or exposed wires. I'll do chip analysis and see if debugging is enabled on any of those. I will pull nand chips, BGA chips, read the contents. Testing USB, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, zigbee. I'll pull apart the firmware try and pull binaries or any kind of password files. If I can pull up line area then I got to open the thing up and hide up road and find the goods. The main point is producing things that are reproducible. Would not believe the amount of crap people leave behind on devices. Oh, and web security stuff / Mobile app stuff because there is always a web and app interface.

>> No.56142311

I'm too retarded to understand 3/4th of this post but that is an amazing happy merchant fren

>> No.56142444

Lol I did this in my teens before college. How do you get paid to do it?

>> No.56142455

Find a silicon valley company looking for a security engineer.

>> No.56144015

she'd divorce you in 3 years for some dumbfuck police officer and take half your shit in the process. Facebook in a bikini.

>> No.56144055

thats nothing. im a professional delivery driver and i use all the gig apps. and on top of that am hired by the chief delivery company in the US. im making on avg almost $60k/yr doing this in terms of tips, paid mileage, service fees, etc.
dropped out of comp sci in college and more than 50% of my income goes directly into crypto.
the waitress is the retard because the real money in tips is out on the roads

>> No.56144646

who pays for this? what kind of company would care about this? are you a fed or contractor? ive worked in big tech and nobody cares about this there

>> No.56144687
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I deliver pizza and made $19k in tips last year working 3-4 days a week

>> No.56144892
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I work for a video conferencing department of a large company. Vendors want to use us, but before we give them the goahead, we test their hardware first. It makes us look bad if their shit isn't secure. Cost benefit analysis wise, my tests are worth it.

>> No.56144970

I make over 300k a year, but it's not in the currency you're thinking of.

>> No.56145726

i used to use lifesize all the time through 2 differnet companies and nobody ever came to check our servers or hardware

>> No.56145784

waitress is one of the easiest jobs on the planet. she gets hit on by a guy occasionally? OH THE HORROR

>> No.56145824

Those ages must be vands right, you would just dump all the data for people aged 26-34

>> No.56146490

30k a year in *just the tips'*