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56127675 No.56127675 [Reply] [Original]

Ngl feels good to see so many pajeets seething & drawing so much attention towards my main bag. Comfiest hodl if you ask me.
Here's a free thread for you to FUD, don't be shy. Vent it out Sanjeet.
>t. entry price $4

>> No.56127699

It's called Avalanche because it's going down.

>> No.56127707

kek based

>> No.56127710
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>> No.56127714

checked and keked

>> No.56127740
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absolute state of /biz/, it's like no one hear reads the news or the board is just filled with paid shills., maybe both.

They are coming for you're scam shit coin devs anon.

icp, cardano, avax, xrp, algorand... it's happening, they are going to get wiped from the board and sued into oblivion

>> No.56127829
File: 96 KB, 929x1175, CFTCchain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>56127714 ("checked" lmao)
average avax fud interaction
absolute inorganic pajeet dog shit
feel so bad for you I'll even gift you this one time a couple of (you)s, go flex them to your manager and u might be on the race for that juicy 2k rupees EOM performance bonus<3
You got the wrong memo anon, Avalanche is the CFTC chain, if anything, any other crypto looking forward to remaining legally compliant will have to become a subnet, easy as.

>> No.56127869

People on telegram are freaking out and started to feel negative about avax without listing a single reason that isn't just "bad price"

That's the smell i like, Keep it coming

>> No.56128397

Based, witnessed

>> No.56128412

now that avax is dead, what are we investing in bros?

>> No.56128432


>> No.56128441
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Oh yes, the totally organic copy pastes that is going to make me short on AVAX

>> No.56128461

>When they kill me, i win

>> No.56128554
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>>t. entry price $4

Holds from 4$ to 150$ back to 9$ (going sub 4$ before eoy)
ACTAULLY BRAGS ABOUT IT. "m-m-uh...you g-g-guys its fine, look fuders still in p-p-p-profit"

>> No.56129203

seethe brown

>> No.56129823

My entry is between $3 + $9. Never took a single profit, I think I may be retarded. We've basically fallen right back to where I bought in.

>> No.56129832

>it's just so heckin comferino watching my entire profit from the bull market go unrealized and evaporate le fuddies

>> No.56131591

Kek, how is your blood not boiling?

>> No.56131812

>why yes, I did forgo a 40x and held through a 95% drop
>lol yeah, this is my comfiest hodl
>heh, how do like them apples, Sanjeet?
Weird flex desu. You’re oddly happy to be holding an astroturfed pump and dump inflationary scamchain dropping faster than you can say “double spend”

>> No.56131998

nobody cares what these ICPoor losers have to say. their FUD articles had zero impact on Avalanche and its adoption

>> No.56132320

No reaction to BTC pumping whatsoever

>> No.56132378
File: 66 KB, 811x629, coinmarketcap.com_currencies_avalanche_.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It gigadumped right before the BTC pump, just to ensure it missed out.

>> No.56132419


>> No.56132456

Not feeling mega comfy here bros
literally same here. rode it all the way to $150. Thought I'd just keep accumulating through the bear at like $40-50 bottom and sell next bull. Completely ass-wrecked.

>> No.56132468
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Early investors of #DOGE coin are moving over to #COGW

>> No.56132472

I am financially assraped.

>> No.56132507

kek look at this loser trying to cope pretending others are jealous of your stale bags. down $6 since july. I Don't Got That AVAX Nigger kekekekekek

>> No.56132635

My butt hurts.

>> No.56132656
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>zero impact on Avalanche and its adoption

>went only down
>only adopted by 95% underwater bagholders with use case of holding Turkish bags

>> No.56132784

Who exactly are these “ICPoor losers” and what do they have to do with a doublespending inflationary turkroach print and dump scamtoken? Are these “ICPoors” in the thread with you right now?

>> No.56134105

AVAX isn't dead imo but regardless i won't be investing into AVAX. I would rather go for assets that i believe are more promising in terms of usecases and tokenomics like NXRA, TRIAS and RIO.

>> No.56134236

>icp, cardano, avax, xrp, algorand...

Can't believe we still have people going heavily into these alts, what's the end goal if I may ask cause i see nothing exciting from this projects.

>> No.56134356

>what's the end goal if I may ask cause i see nothing exciting from this projects.

Avax doesn't deserve top be grouped alongside this shitcoins because it boasts on an ecosystem that’s consistently innovating, and the same can't be said for others.

>> No.56134450

I agree with this because there are a lot of notable projects building on Avax at the moment a few examples include Arkefi and Traderjoe.

>> No.56134682

Avax is the most wrongly judged, unreasonably hated and maliciously targeted project in crypto history.

It feels like ongoing crime at the moment, The most "unfair" shit i've seen in this market, If that means anything at all..

>> No.56134805

Avax is dying, from top 10 to top 15 and now out of the top 20. This coins is for cucks.

>> No.56135241

>Avax is the most wrongly judged, unreasonably hated and maliciously targeted project in crypto history.
second most anon

>> No.56135258

Nothing. Other than link there's nothing really worth buying if avax is dead literally everything else is a scam.

>> No.56136362

Other than some dank memes i didn't see any rational explanation for the recent dump. What the fuck happened really?

>> No.56136409

Avalabs dumping

>> No.56136449

They just unlocked 9.5 million tokens few weeks ago but the paid shills are of course instructed not to talk about this at all.

>> No.56136463

This is not unique to avax.


>> No.56136495

That has happened every three months for the past year and a half

>> No.56136500

Well it's the rational and true explanation though

>> No.56136638
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Did you vent out enough already Sanjeet? Maybe you need some extra time, it must be stressful to sit here all day eyefucking catalog, looking for new AVAX threads to instantly raid in exchange for like $20 a month (a fortune in India I suppose).
I almost pity you, it'll get better! (maybe)

>> No.56136660
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everything is dumping, some a few more cents than others

>> No.56136667

This is projection. It must be stressful for you to sit there all day making new avax threads and spamming them full with different IPs. $20 a month for all that work, damn. I would pity myself too.

>> No.56136670

why is nobody talking about pangolin not working for like 2 months now

>> No.56136695

their swap and exchange still works but their tokens page which I previously used to gauge all avax shitcoins hasn't loaded for 2 months it's annoying as fuck

>> No.56136745

Chainlink unlocked 2.5% of its entire supply the other day and its pumping. Solana had annual 35% or more inflation. Seems to be uniquely Avax that inflation harms. Why?

>> No.56136764

Didnt even realize it was down. Used to farm thousands of pangolin tokens back in the day but for some reason everyone preferred Trader Joe and it just gathered all the liquidity up over time. Sold my Pangolin for Husky when it mooned, made a quick $30k and reinvested it in Avax and havent looked at the shitcoins since.

>> No.56136788
File: 399 KB, 1280x720, average avax enjooooyor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>made a quick $30k and reinvested it in Avax and havent looked at the shitcoins since
Holy based desu

>> No.56136842
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Husky was a good time lmfao it was the only time I got a 500x since I was there in the first few hours but my poorfag ass only put in $25 which I then gambled away entirely on absolute garbage like Lydia, Pefi, wonderland and wonderland bootlegs (some medieval bullshid i cant even rember)
took me awhile but avax shitcoins exist solely for VCs to swindle your avax from you
I might be delusional but for Husky to still exist for this long it's almost guaranteed to go on a Doge tier autism run when Avax sees adoption

>> No.56136889

Also it's not like Pangolin ever died, even in the bull market having 500M TVL and currently 13M TVL
but when you get funded by danielesiesta (literal sicilian mafia) szifu, and SBF VCs, people will always flock to where money can be made.
Regardless both are created by Ava Labs as with all shitcoins
If you expect avax to moon, expect a significantly higher rate of return from shitcoins

>> No.56137022
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>I had a 50x and then the team dumped it 95% and I held the whole way down
>cope much, Sanjeet?

>> No.56137640

The asset is based anon, and with the innovation from Brillion I can accumulate it safely in my smart wallet by linking my bank account. I'm also doing same for my Btc and Matic.

>> No.56138275
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What is pangolin in first place?

>> No.56140227

Retarded opinion there are a lot of other projects that are building real life usecases in the Web3 space and some examples are NXRA, TRIAS and MNW.

>> No.56140413

>Avax is dying
You obviously have no idea of what is being built on avax with projects like Pangolin, Arkefi and Traderjoe there's no way anyone sleeps on the ecosystem.

>> No.56140515
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>You obviously have no idea
You obviously have no idea how this grift works and like to suck Turkish cock and enjoy providing exit liquidity for Gun and gang

>> No.56142260


thats the problem with proof of scam

>> No.56142350

Lol checked, based and fpbp. Avax baggies are infuriated over this comment, because it's true. Hahahahaha

>> No.56143656
File: 6 KB, 275x183, therapy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And those "real life usecases in the Web3 space" by uhhh *check notes* NXRA, TRIAS, and MNW are right here in the room with us?

>> No.56144968

Avax Chan is so kawaii dont you think nigger kun?

>> No.56145083


repoasting from other thread:

lotta people fudding avax price action as of late.
reason being is they're all financially illiterate, even the big influenzas on X
to get an accurate read on where we are in relation to crypto dumps of old, you shouldn't look at the price chart as it doesn't account for token supply inflation, check out the market cap charts instead. last cycle eth went down 94% in market cap. avax is down 90% in market cap.

if we went down another 30%, that'd give a token price of about $6

not sayin it goes there but

>> No.56145998

unironically fomo’d from this pasta
any counter?

>> No.56146031

>unironically fomo’d from this pasta
>any counter?
AVAX holders stink so bad because they lost 95% of their money holding onto a Turkish ICP clone and are no longer able to afford soap.

>> No.56146146
File: 75 KB, 220x213, Screenshot 2023-05-30 164203.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kava fags cry the saltiest, most nutritious tears.

>> No.56146534

Every AVAX fud now has the "95%" in it every single time. Totally organic.

>> No.56146601
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>Erm actually we're only down 93% from all time high, not 95% stupid FUDDERS
The absolute state of AVAX baggies lmao