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56126411 No.56126411 [Reply] [Original]

How is German inflation so high? Expert Economists told me this would bring prices down.

>> No.56126459

>Expert Economists told me this would bring prices down.
>Expert Economists
'experts' deserve the rope

>> No.56126520

I hate (((experts))) like you would not believe it!

>> No.56126529

I hope most of them are ukraine people (that will move back eventually) but I'm to afraight to look up how many sand people actually came

>> No.56126537

whether or not you hate migrants, you have to agree that europe is not having enough kids and europeans will go extinct at this rate. someone needs to use the land. if not europeans, why not arabs

>> No.56126545

That's a lot of Big Brown Dicks from Greta and Rebecca

I'm sure Hans will suck some too

Germany deserve worse than that for betraying France 3 times in 100 years

>> No.56126549

You tell me.

>> No.56126556
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Need more. Shrimple dimples.

The space rocket brain surgeon robot should be operational by eoy.


>> No.56126562

brown ID confirms brown hands, you need to go back where you came from, we don't want you here.

>> No.56126563

You've got that backwards anon. Less CNN.

>> No.56126570

>europeans will go extinct at this rate.
The amount of White people is at ATH right now and we can afford a halfing. Hyperinflating browns is not neeed.

>> No.56126576

The future of europe is brown and that's a good thing, daily reminder that literal arab countries like Malta are already part of the EU anyways

>> No.56126581

There's a natural "boom and bust" cycle to birth rates. When a nation is in the bust phase of its cycle and you flood it with invaders *that's* how they go extinct. When the birth rates are low you need to "circle the wagons" and protect the people you have. Maybe you formally surrender some territory but you don't flood the country with immigrants, that just makes the destruction certain.
Fucking retards. Stop watching television.

>> No.56126622


>> No.56126626

Why are people surprised? The Germans started a war in 1914 knowing it would end western civilization. It did end it. We're all living in the post apocalypse and people are surprised that our countries are visibly dying? I suppose they did a good job of managing the slow collapse over the last century.

>> No.56126631

There never was and never will be a future for browns

>> No.56126638

>birth rates
>muh jooze
>absolutely nobody mentions the sanctions which tripled the price of basic energy
>which increases the cost to both transport and manufacture goods, driving prices up
This board blows, no material analysis just idealism

>> No.56126666

I'd argue the British are much more responsible for both World Wars than the Germans and it was done for the sake of finance.

>> No.56126677

>Jews provoke a proxy war with russia
Oy vey goyim it’s the bolsheviks who caused this!

>> No.56126679

That's bullshit though. The Germans were solely responsible and they did it because they were terrified of Russia modernizing and the French funding them doing it. The bongs could have probably averted it by declaring clearly that they would back Russia unequivocally but everyone thought that would lead to war. The (((city))) begged Asquith to stay out of the war as they'd all be ruined otherwise and so it turned out. Finance is rarely wrong.

>> No.56126712
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Honestly why should we care? Its always muh money muh possessions muh careeer with white people. Atleast arabs somewhat care for each other outside their quran wars. Its always "I got mine" with white people.

>> No.56126728

1.2 million (Germans?) also left.
That's only a 1.4 million net increase!

>> No.56126729

Only "positive" things migrants do are drive down wages and reduce unemployment.

>> No.56126761

Don't you mean increase?

>> No.56126773
File: 30 KB, 480x360, 31814FA8-77BB-4FB0-B365-D54ED7924329.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s a global problem for currencies too tightly coupled to USD. It won’t end anytime soon. Get into crypto while you still can Anon. Or don’t I really don’t give a fuck about retards who still haven’t gotten the message. Wake up niggers, you are a fiat slave

>> No.56126794

Lol they were certainly not solely responsible.

>> No.56126847
File: 167 KB, 1000x1524, 71zLrTximRL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>The Pity of War makes a simple and provocative argument: the human atrocity known as the Great War was entirely England's fault. According to Niall Ferguson, England entered into war based on naive assumptions of German aims, thereby transforming a Continental conflict into a world war, which it then badly mishandled, necessitating American involvement.


>> No.56127203
File: 93 KB, 804x1024, Jew_Behind_The_Curtains.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We should fuck your mom's pussy, instead.

Nobody is using that dusty desert anymore anyway.

>t. go fuck yourself sandbag

>> No.56127214

I have no problem with anti semitism so long as you don't use it as an excuse to ignore the mechanics of how things actually happen

>> No.56127229

Afaik it’s about half Ukraine

>> No.56127263

Why are browns always looking to emigrate their country? Why can't they just stay where their culture and history is?

>> No.56127268

Because they're either criminals in their old countries or they want the free shit in White countries.

>> No.56127279

Lmao remember when everyone was laughing at Canada for accepting 1mil refugees annually? It feels like it was only a few weeks ago but things have already come so far that it feels like a very low number already compared to the status quo.

>> No.56127286
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>that will move back eventually

>> No.56127297
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>> No.56127483

Kys kike