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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 14 KB, 200x200, 1691364298874703.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56120289 No.56120289 [Reply] [Original]

I sold
Holding this shit for 4 months
What a fucking relief

>> No.56120405

Same. Fuck this turd and it's indefinite 2 more weeks.
>inb4 ngmi

>> No.56120462

If a shitcoin is unable to hold, reach or go past 10mil mc in 1 month or less it's a failure.
Imagine still holding this trash.
Faggot devs don't want to make money, just want to farm people and feed Q-boomer schizo tier clues
simpul as that

>> No.56120497

No reason for them to never announce, not have a dev, not identify team wallets, not list on cexs, AND do insider dumps other than farming.

>Muh mu mu Shibarium delay



Toad TG is the lamest shit in crypto, it reads like a mental health support group, not a crypto project.

Pathetic bitches.

/biz/ should never forget that Shiba insiders are the greediest, most heartless scammers in crypto.

>> No.56120622

Pretty much this, nailed it

>> No.56120634

You nailed it man.

>> No.56120771
File: 59 KB, 600x600, imagine-paying-taxes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sold for what?
At least TOAD is stable.
Are you the faggot who dumped 0.5% of the supply to buy FINE, only to lose 25% within a day? lmfao

I held both fine and gnome cat, but I sold both of them at x5 for more TOAD.

>> No.56120812

Who fuck my toad?

>> No.56120889

>Selling next pepe to become even bigger toadkuck
kek poor retard toadies cant get a rest just 2 more weeks toadie

>> No.56120931
File: 144 KB, 1080x1262, 1694467053493435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SHIB fell 99% before it went to the moon, surprised that some of you guys have such weak hands. I have literally all my money wrapped up in TOAD and I don't give a shit. My TOADies stay LOAD-ied. I missed out on so many other huge moons, I couldn't care less if my $2,500 gets wiped out to zero. It's not like I had any money to begin with.
>inb4 baggie cope
In the shitcoin game, severely retarded diamond hands are how you win.

>> No.56120944

Samefagging ONE FINE baggie. Kek. Hey nailed it man good job dude high fives himself. LMAO. Mentally ill

>> No.56120951

Two more weeks! At least you admit you're a retarded baggie tho

>> No.56120953

Why does everyone expect to make fat stacks in a month? When this does fucking moon I will be so happy for the faggots who sold too early and missed out YET again. Especially on this one because of how early and how many billions we all own. It’s already trending back up and continues to have higher lows.

>> No.56120957
File: 135 KB, 1165x782, Loreoftoad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Toad lore

>pic related

>> No.56120962

>It is only one guy
Whatever helps you cope, chart says different tho rope yourself seppukutember tranny!

>> No.56120966

>a month?
You mean four going on five while being actively farmed by developers! Try again scamtoshi!

>> No.56120975

>When this does fucking moon
It won't! Saved you the trouble now go take your meds!

>> No.56120976
File: 107 KB, 1044x1059, 1694281210421187.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can mock me all you want, at the end of the day I'm either losing all my savings or making $850,000 in one trade. If it rugs tomorrow, we'll all pool money on Arkham and find the owners of the deployer wallet and the early whales. The question of "WHO FUCK MY TOAD?" might become very serious.

>> No.56120981

Meds now!

>> No.56120985
File: 74 KB, 1739x310, Shibdev.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is the wallet.

>Pic related

>> No.56120990

So many ex toad holders MAD because they sold for a loss, like how stupid are you guys? All you had to do was hold and wait. Now you’ll end up buying back in but not even have enough for a suicide stack.

>> No.56120996
File: 411 KB, 3168x3080, 1683616316801544.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Somehow, I get the feeling you hold TOAD and you're just FUDing your own bags, or, god forbid, you actually bought the top at 15M during the ETH conference and lost a bit of money. There's just something about your posts that doesn't seem honest.

>> No.56120998

This. Everything is fine retards

>> No.56121003

He sold all his stack to buy 8.5 eth worth of FINE at 44000 its now at 41000. He is literally has to FUDFUDFUD to get you to sell or he will lose his TOAD stack. LMAO HE IS A BAGGIEEEEE

>> No.56121004
File: 402 KB, 1024x959, 1688256158306604.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uh oh... everything is FINE... bros...

>> No.56121055

Finally the biz shakeout has finally begun. I was starting to worry

>> No.56121109
File: 61 KB, 480x498, 1693449484959247.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56121270

>Everything is FINE
Nope, FINE is a shitcoin that's dumping.
Everything contains many things that are not shitcoins which are rugging as we speak.

>> No.56121292
File: 309 KB, 730x486, Early_Jones.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least there is a definite event in which we can assess whether it’s a bust or not. Everyone holders and fudders alike are waiting on shibarium and from what I hear it’ll be here in literally less than 15 days

pepefork2 will be the token to rise next, careful what you fade frendos

>> No.56121302
File: 62 KB, 1242x1223, IMG_7272.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m exactly the same boat fren, comfy in here

>> No.56122054
File: 623 KB, 390x918, BlackSwan - ChatGPT News Sniper.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would rather invest in a project that has a track record of performance and utility. Like blackswan dot biz has been for months. Just waiting on phase 4 to release and we are hitting 50m easily.

>> No.56122152

How much further does biz need to capitulate before we can pump?

>> No.56122539

Sold it to who? If theres someone still buying that means they know something you dont. Dont tell me I didnt warn you, anon

>> No.56122824

Kek Blackswan of all things on its way to fuck your toad toadlets kys faggots

>> No.56122878

Blackswan 16 bit jeet scam isn’t even at half a mil

>> No.56122981

I sold 3.5% of my stack

>> No.56123843

scamtoshi trying to slide this thread with pepes again kek this bump is for you negrortoshi