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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56119551 No.56119551 [Reply] [Original]

>Kleros Sirs, why is nobody talking about this?
-Clement changing tokenomics at will, which enriches him, his friends, and other sybils registered in PoH at the expense of PNK holders
-Whitepaper falsely advertising an idealized system while the devs built something that was not functional and would lead to financial losses that were not supposed to occur
-Team misappropriating cooperative budget to host parties and travel for pleasure
-V2 release date deliberately lied about to the community repeatedly (Clement says this is so devs work more urgently, but ultimately this just misled countless of investors)
-Staking rewards not delivered on time as promised, causing financial loss to investors. Staking rewards delivered manually and anywhere from 1 to 7 days later than promised.
-Team having more tokens than the amount staked in general court, meaning they can collude on any case they want; team refusing to disclose personal wallets
-A majority of cases are either mirrored photo cases on Proof of Humanity which the team intentionally obfuscates rules of registration on the front end to trick people into breaking rules, or frivilous cases made by Clement or others in order to silence others or artificially boost case count

>> No.56119591

>Whitepaper falsely advertising an idealized system
It was a dumb system from the start, even in theory. It doesn't account for scenarios where the gain a threat actor could receive outweighs what they'd lose in the drop in token price. If a favorable decision would significantly benefit them in some ways off-chain they may be happy to take the financial hit.

It works on average for small cases but if it might catastrophically fail in important cases then you're setting yourself up for disaster.

The only point of the token was purportedly to provide a market force mechanism that would prevent resourceful threat actors from being able to game court decisions by buying up tons of tokens. Given that this is the exact scenario where someone might actually want to try to game the system (someone with a lot of money willing to lose some of that money to exploit something important to them), not only is the whole system fatally flawed, the token is pointless

That said, I can respect it as the only crypto project that is actually at least trying to do something useful and non-financial.

>while the devs built something that was not functional and would lead to financial losses that were not supposed to occur
What is this in reference to? I haven't checked /biz/ or crypto stuff in years.

>> No.56119627


>> No.56119645

FYI I'm not some loser trying to shittalk some financial asset or whatever, I'm just a software dev who finds cryptocurrency technology interesting and Kleros was one of the only ones I ever found that wasn't just trying to do some pointless financial bullshit. But unfortunately they also ended up basically doing pointless financial bullshit with their Schellingcoin-based token thing per Vitalik's 2014 proposal (https://blog.ethereum.org/2014/03/28/schellingcoin-a-minimal-trust-universal-data-feed)) (Ctrl+F "schelling" in https://kleros.io/whitepaper.pdf))

>> No.56119653

Yeah, it is over for Kleros

>> No.56119654

Why do I even bother posting on this board

>> No.56119669

What lowcaps do you think have potential?

>> No.56119673


In other words, low value high volume disputes.

Don't use kleros to secure an optimistic rollup.

But do use kleros to arbitrate social media content moderation.

If Beef Jezos wants to spend %51 of the market cap (in reality many multiples more because of market depth) so that he doesn't get banned from a forum. . . so be it, but the forum can just fork such a user out of the forum subjectivocratically

>> No.56119679

I will buy Kleros (Ticker: PNK) if you post girls with smaller boobs.

>> No.56119719
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