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56118331 No.56118331 [Reply] [Original]

Is owning a car the biggest waste of money someone could get?

>> No.56118363

Why does it look like he's got a lil shrunken head in the small picture but normal in the enlarged picture?

>> No.56118745

3/10 would suck off

>> No.56118769

even owning an old car or any car is waste, gas, maintenence, insurance, goverment fees
imagine not living in country with decent Public Transportation. americans are slaves to cars.

>> No.56118771
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it happens a lot when you see a whole picture of a person look at this.

>> No.56118774

no, NFTs

>> No.56118782

When you open a car, you eventually realize the biggest waste is the insane amount of time you spend driving the thing. It's honestly disheartening if you add up all the time you spend sitting in there, for commuting, errands, traveling. Not to mention sitting in traffic. Like, even if it was more expensive to get rid of the car (it's not) it might still be worth it for the tens of thousands of hours of your life that you'd gain.

>> No.56118797

Public transportation isn’t feasible in sparsely populated areas. You need to be a bug living in the hive for this to work

>> No.56118828

>biggest waste of money someone could get?
who cares, if it makes them happy.

>> No.56118829

why do euros exude pure seethe energy?

>> No.56118835
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They keep winning bros

>> No.56118926

No, and these threads didn't work on /tv either.

>> No.56119100

i would agree but its nearly impossible to fuck a hot woman without a car where i come from

>> No.56119107

not necessarily, if you buy a brand new car, then yes, but if you buy an old car for 5k and manage to drive it for more than 5 years you're winning hard, assuming you didn't have to put much money into it

>> No.56119111


>> No.56119129

fuck I hate posting in Europoor hours
you guys have the most depressing lives

>> No.56119166

Not at all. Every weekend, I can and will drive to anywhere I want at my desire. I will go to the beach to surf, I will buy coffee table off some dude for 10 bucks and throw in the back of the car. The car is great.

>> No.56119180

>not blowing off steam by working on your old, obsolete but good looking car
Ngmi anon. Working on and polluting with old cars is very based.

>> No.56119187

Not buying your asshole faggotbits Jetty boy

>> No.56119205

Why nft, if I may ask?

>> No.56119324

You have to be dumb for a car to make you happy. The excitement that comes from purchasing one goes away after 6 months. Then its just your old car, but youre still making payments on it. Normiecattle will gladly finance a car upwards 100k to look smart, but given that money amount in cash, you'd have to be a nigger to blow it all on cash. Lesson learned: normalniggers are beyond saving financially speaking. They dont mind working until they are 70, gauging at their consumer behavior.

>> No.56119340
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If you live anywhere in America outside of any major city, you generally need a car. Unless your job is a 10 minute walk, or less.

And no, a car gives you a lot of freedom to travel wherever you want, whenever you want, as long as it's not a totally unreliable shitbox, or a sports-car that can't drive in the winter and costs half of your income every month.

Also, good morning everybody.

>> No.56119368

This is only true if you're an incel (one of the perks of being one). Without a car you can't take your kids to school/practices/doctor etc. I've seen single mothers carry around their 2 kids on the bus and it's always a pathetic sight as they struggle.

>> No.56119373

Yes, you could be browsing an image board like right now!

>> No.56119378

newsflash retard: You will also be working until 70 just without the car and house

>> No.56119384

is this a shop? the body and arms looks like a nigger

>> No.56119484

You need a car if you want a wife or kids. You gonna take them around on the bus and metro? It’s also a status symbol and you’re in that game you like it or not. All your peers will judge you on your car or lack of. It doesn’t have to be a luxury car or w/e just something that doesn’t scream poor. Nothing dries up pussy more than a carless dude. There’s exceptions if you like in dense cities like NYC or w/e.

>> No.56119503

You don't "get" a waste of money. You can get a car, but getting a car doesn't also get you a waste of money.
Not if you get a cheap reliable car anyway.

>> No.56119668

I see a car as a mean to earn money and to be free, so yeah it costs money but it s worth it.

Of course it has to be bought without debt and not an overpriced shit.

>> No.56119832

Who is this guy?

>> No.56119875

I own Toyota Yaris and I am happy
7 years+ and apart from changing brake pads once, it still runs perfect
oh yeah
> decent public transport
not even in 95% White Countries like mine
clearly a faggot who has never taken in public transport

>> No.56120071

No car = no pussy, no way to get to a job, no way to make any money.

i'm not sure what liberal utopia you live in where you can just not own a car and be a member of society. that shit might fly in NYC but not anywhere else.

>> No.56120096


add homeless blacks everywhere and you have the average american shitlib city

>> No.56120115

Far from it man, but it kinda depends on where you're at. I'm in the countryside. I hit up the town 'cause I'm running Uber and handling errands for the locals.

Plus, I'm chilling alright 'cause I'm all about that DIY life.

Got a bunch of offline clients for my Uber hustle, and it's probably 'cause I hook 'em up with some sweet entertainment during their 1-2 hour rides with my holoride retrofit device, as they can game, stream movies all packed into one ride.

>> No.56120118

Driving fast and smoking fat stogies is about all I enjoy anymore

Also the price and performance of the car is irrelevant when it's at the limit

>> No.56120129

nah cars provide you with freedom of movement. That's invaluable. What's really a waste of money is subscription services like netflix, spotify, OF, etc.
>public transport
what if you don't want to live in a pod? I like living in the middle of nowhere. I can do whatever the fuck I want and there's noone in the vicinity to notice or care.

>> No.56120136

If you're tired you can just get on a bus here in europoor shithole and not need to worry about crashing when you drive. They increased the price tickets at night so the low class vermin doesn't use it at night (based). But I still hate public transport, niggers used to be rare in this shithole but now every other week I smell something bad and I check to see what it is and it's a black woman. When ameri-mutts complain on the internet about nogs it sounds like trolling but I now know from real life experiences that blacks don't wash.

>> No.56120172

my girlfriend bought a Q7 2022 with a loan, I want to break up with her for that

not even joking

>> No.56120184

It's even more depressing to spend that time on or waiting for a bus and you'll be wasting even more time

>> No.56120206



>> No.56120259

Cleanest truth seen, asides the spiting y'all doing on here.

>> No.56120932
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>Say cars are bad
>Americans got into turbo seethe mode.


>> No.56120945

Nope, it's your average 3rd wave feminism western woman fren

>> No.56120960

Lol wow. I just gotta know, where is this place?

>> No.56120968


>> No.56120982
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>taking out a loan to buy an Audi
What would Nick Rochefort say?

>> No.56121052

Rhet Chiptune

>> No.56121065

>Is owning a car the biggest waste of money someone could get?
no, that would be options trading

>> No.56121079

>massive bike lanes
>tiny foot traffic lanes
fucking awful, bikers are the biggest niggers of city traffic

>> No.56121257

You only serviced your breaks ONCE in 7+ years??
Might want to get those checked bro. And maybe an oil change at least, would also recommend NEW TYRES unless you want to fucking die.

>> No.56121275


>> No.56121348
File: 993 KB, 2442x3164, average-commute-to-work-by-state-city-9_compressed_2378788f2d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Safe real estate in dense areas with lots of public transit is more expensive than real estate in less dense areas + automotive expenses. , unless you get completely retarded on what sort of car you buy. And those high density, public transit dependant areas end up having longer average commute times than less dense automotive dependant areas. Since having a car both saves you money & time, why would you not want one?

>> No.56121372

Not having to deal with the public makes a car infinitely worth it just from that alone.

>> No.56121687
File: 1.85 MB, 1026x1090, kek2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>even owning an old car or any car is waste, gas, maintenence, insurance, goverment fees
>imagine not living in country with decent Public Transportation. americans are slaves to cars.


>> No.56122318

>You only serviced your breaks ONCE in 7+ years??
Tires and oil are regular expenditures, not pain in the ass or any kind of failure

You could then count new shoes and food to make up for the burnt calories for the fags who walk or cycle
Let alone hepatitis and whatever flea transmitted plague you get from public transport

>> No.56122345

if you dont have money to cover car expenses easily, you're doing something wrong. a car is freedom. am i supposed to haul tools around on a bust full of black teens and homeless people. only lowlifes ride the bus in my city. people look for houses as far away from bus line as possible because its trashy.

>> No.56122473

There are plenty of investment grade cars. Alternately, there are money saving cars that don't die: /diy has this all figured out. A five cylinder German crate from 1980 or thereabouts.