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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56115340 No.56115340 [Reply] [Original]

Wish I could have decent, intelligent conversations about crypto with informed investors.

>> No.56115349

>intelligent conversations
choose one

>> No.56115356

well here you can only find shitty retarded conversations with clueless gamblers

>> No.56115357

>intelligent conversations
>informed investors
you should go back into the coma, you're not ready for 2023

>> No.56115364
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>> No.56115369 [DELETED] 

Wish crypto would get the fuck off my business and finance board

>> No.56115388
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>> No.56115393

Then why are you on /biz/?

>> No.56115395

buy a cryptopunk and go join their private discord

>> No.56116338
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But this board tried to buy you XRP pre-settlement, Kaspa pre-megapump, Pepe pre-hypepump and Kava pre-gigapump (that one still has not materialized but I'm betting on it).

>> No.56116346

>informed investors
you're only talking to a bunch of bots and indian scammers. you're a retard lol

>> No.56116350

call me when there's actually something going on here besides retarded spam from the same shills talking about the same coins. thanks.

>> No.56116359
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How about another joke, Murray? What do you get when you cross a mentally ill bagholder with a board that abandons him and treats him like trash? I'll tell you what you get. You get what you FUCKING deserve.

>> No.56116363


no such thing exists here. return to reddit or whatever shithole you came from

>> No.56116369

/biz/ is a shithole

>> No.56116372

>wish crypto would get off my /g/ board
>wish crypto would get off my /biz/ board
crypto is the most fucking cancerous pseudo """industry""", confirmed.

>> No.56116376

>water is wet

>> No.56116379

I could not have possibly articulated that any better. You're goddamn right.

>> No.56116385

how do i profit from repeating movie quotes repeatedly as if this place were some sort of mental asylum

>> No.56116396
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And they all got fudded just as much, too. XRPbags went back to their cuckshed once their little pump dissipated into thin air. Kaspaniggers were being called paid shills too and pepe was the most inorganic meme coin rally I have ever seen

>> No.56116399

>implying nft collections are any better than gambling your money on worthless shitcoins

>> No.56116408

Fantastic psyop. Not buying your bags though. Unless...

>> No.56116419

you faggots have never spent any meaningful amount of time in crypto twitter and it shows. you want to see a real shithole go there for an hour. you'll come back here crawling in fear and complete disgust.

>> No.56116425
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>What you fucking deserve
>Two to three AAAAAAAAAAAAAA threads

>> No.56116433

Kava is unironically good, though. If they actually manage to poach erc-20 devs to work with their sdk and build defi around it it'll be a no-brainer buy. Bought to see what happens next year.

>> No.56116505

you buy it to join their private discord to have intelligent conversations about crypto with informed investors as OP asked. its not to invest. if you cant drop 100k on an NFT without an expectation of profit, you should stay in the kiddie pool here on /biz/

>> No.56116892

it might be a shithole but it's still the best place to discuss crypto

>> No.56116917

If I made a discord and shilled it here on /biz/, with the caveat that you have to prove you have at least $30k in one or more crypto wallets. Would you join?