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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56111796 No.56111796 [Reply] [Original]

Is the market too big to fail now or shit already dying? I’m currently earning some cash doing this crap but I’m reading about other people not earning the same money as when their started and I don’t imagine myself doing this shit forever, but also can’t stop thinking this shit is already part of the new society and also many people have thrived for decades like always.

History is the same, some make it and some don’t.

Don’t know what to think, I used to be a wagie and I hated it

>> No.56111803

thats a man

>> No.56111808

sucks knowing I will never fuck a 10/10 blonde like picrel

>> No.56111827

Probably you can if you take the money route, some people say: is not that you’re ugly, you’re simply too poor.

>> No.56111831

Just fly to Europe and pay a whore

>> No.56111841

no european whore looks like that.. ukkies are 8/10 at best, eastern european prostitues in general are 8/8.8 at best. picrel is some high maintenance instagram influencer.. with a rich gigachad,as per usual.

>> No.56111843

its not the same if she doesnt want you. imagine having a girl like that hopelessly in love with you.

>> No.56111885

There are literally millions of women out there, at the end it depends of how badly you want it desu

>> No.56111988

If you're high IQ to money maxx you're high enough IQ to know its transactional and not real.

t. been there done that. Just bad genetics/race roll.

>> No.56112034

i will get it

>> No.56112054

having a beautiful woman hopelessly in love with you is worth more than gold

>> No.56112087

I fucked a blonde Russian who wasn't quite as hot or pretty but she had spectacular tits and legs and was very fit. Costed me 200 bucks but 10/10 worth it. She licked my balls and the crease between my thighs and cock fuck it was cash

>> No.56112106

200 bucks?sounds like a scam. she knew you were american?

>> No.56112135

and this was like more than 5 years ago lmao. idc though she earned it.

>> No.56112139

imagine being proud to fuck prostitutes when it's one of the markers of someone being greatly pathetic and a loser

it will keep going anon as companies need to advertise, but as actors in the market keep increasing there will be less money to make

>> No.56112165

At least I won't die a virgin and yes I have fucked hookers raw

>> No.56112189

In Eastern Europe every woman is a prostitute.
She probably ate the cum of 100 man

>> No.56112218

I deserve a girlfriend of this caliber.

>> No.56112277

do you guys think girls lurk here to laugh at how hopelessly in love with them we are

>> No.56112475
File: 537 KB, 640x509, flyingd_donutlogo.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why are the kids so feminin nowadays? lack of donuts?

>> No.56112489

If that’s a man then peg my asshole because I am a fag

>> No.56112640

the fact you worried about something as infantile as dying a virgin is a massive indication of why you need to fuck hookers. you never stood a chance. youre mentally 15.

>> No.56112650

Nice pits, and I’m not even a pitfag

>> No.56113177

>will never fuck a 10/10 blonde like picrel
A lot of "10/10s" are empty boring meat sacks that do nothing fun for sex. They spend all their time and effort trying to look sexy, but are dead fish inside. Sometimes their vageen is large and lose, not tight and comfy. Stop putting these things on high thinking they are special. Soon the wall will hit them in the face and you will look away in disgust at the new young vageen.

>> No.56113197

this sounds like copium bro and no, vageen is not something i'm chasing ,don't really care. just wanted to cum on that beautiful face that's all

>> No.56113235

Peoples' interests change over time and what may have been popular 5 years ago might be dead now. There's more and more users every day thus an increasing audience, you just have to make sure you're picking the right subject matter and willing to adapt to changing market conditions.

>> No.56113284
File: 111 KB, 545x537, 1641174703313.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

young men are addicted to having people they don't know say their names and acknowledge their existence. The content creator bubble will never burst.
Look at it as a competitive advantage being given to you - they're giving their money away are you're not.

>> No.56113293


What do you do OP?

>> No.56113932

omg imagine her fucking bbc!!!!

>> No.56113960

I'm doing the content creator thing too OP. I have affiliate links in the description of my videos, but my videos get about 300-500 views after a couple of days. Do you have any advice? My niche is travel/expat living.

>> No.56113974
File: 157 KB, 650x825, Lion_the_king_oftheanimals_lioness_actualqueenoftheanimals.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A lot of it hinges on the bigger advertisement networks, and global shipping in case of merch.
I don't think the market as it is will cease to exist, but it might shrink if the advertisement model that is carrying it shrinks. And the advertisement model can't and won't go away.

And on the other end of the scale: >>56113284
Simps won't stop existing.

>> No.56114221

alright anon, time to float back down to reality

>> No.56114533
File: 21 KB, 500x401, 1635784135219.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With content creator you mean onlyhoes or what? Cuz if so, you're probably too ugly for it, cope and seethe, dilate even, gargle if none of the other options is available, also, check out pond now that you're here kek

>> No.56114561

I think he doesn't mean that, I think he's talking about garbage like dropshipping

>> No.56114567

Yes, get a fucking job

>> No.56114571

He means affiliate marketing kek

>> No.56114576

not the topic, still on point

>> No.56114630

I have a fucking job you retard I'm trying to make extra side cash.

>> No.56116268

>you never stood a chance.
Never stood a chance at what you fucking loser?

>> No.56116975

>implying it all isn’t transactional

>> No.56117206

Women are dumber and less picky than they're made out to be. Just don't use dating apps.

>> No.56117222

Good eyebrows

>> No.56117408

Why do people always ignore richfags warning everyone that it's all about face and looks? It's always poorfag chads bragging about how much pussy they get and rich bros warning that women just care about looks, with ugly poorfags fantasizing about getting the girl when they finally hit a certain number in the bank

>> No.56117774

Content creation is the future for most people but nobody will be making money off ads. You can find out more at twetch dot com. When someone follows you, they pay you 10 cents. When they like your content, they pay you 5 cents. If they retweet you they pay like 3 cents and any responses their retweet gets will pay you 1 cent.

>> No.56118723

/biz/ tell me your strategies on how to win her over her bf

>> No.56118780

That’s how it seems when I observe them and the shmucks they talk to, whenever I try chatting them up they run away, or the hotties don’t want much to do with me

I wonder what I’m doing wrong

>> No.56118868

>I wonder what I’m doing wrong
nothing, they just dont like your bone structure

>> No.56118872

I know a guy in Russia who runs a dozen onlyfans whores accounts, he takes an 80-90% cut for managing their shit, sexting the simps and milking them of their money. Basically all the whore does is take photos. I've seen some of his chats and jfc, there are SO MANY seemingly successful near-chads begging, chatting up and throwing money at 7/10 ewhores and begging for an emotional connection. End of a civilisation stuff, very sad, but makes me feel better about myself that I'm not one of these sad faggots.

>> No.56118876


>> No.56119351

Thats a 7 though. Im scandinavian so my opinion is influenced by seeing the real deal everyday.

>> No.56119366

lmfao, tragic shit

>> No.56119439

Kill simps

>> No.56119573

some high class escorts do, they're models.

>> No.56119584

>content creator
Just call them e-whores, that's what they are

>> No.56119596

That's like 6/10 in my shithole. Literally hooker tier. You're probably an Indian if you think that ugly beast is 10/10 lol lmao even

>> No.56119630
File: 147 KB, 680x498, IrZGfnKv-ZeRYFx1mOdlAS6vS8VfX_gVGsbMOVauS4E8nmEJZpMKbHd-tW4D2hls0qRJ4uqEhJzh9yGKJTo9q3hEOYytCbkSANcM_U170VR1g0h8MyWLRIbL55tVpNNVP7TJPt6c16xsFMd_4zV4Dr9jIPCQgndv-7s0ErPCK7R5O4YSODgzzuNZKg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ukkies fall into these categories:

1. Turkish rape-babies: short, swarthy, troll-like features
2. Moldovan-adjacent: exceedingly dim-witted, functionally retarded, short, direct descendants of agricultural serfs who act and behave exactly as you would expect
3. Russian-adjacent: The hard Slavic, crocodill smoking, vodka drinking, track-suit wearing, scammers and prostitutes
4. Polish-adjacent: Kurwa Nemecy, all the Polish jokes are true, basically they are Poles
5. Ukrainian Jews: rat-faced kikes such as Zelensky, Victoria Nuland, Anthony Blinken. These are the Ashekanazi Jews who really hate whites with a burning passion because of pogroms in the late 1800s and are true believers in Moloch-worship, spirit cooking, bad shit nigga
5. Estonian-adjacent: these are the super-model Ukranians, due to their Nordic genes. Small in number, they do not redeem Ukraine from being a corrupt shithole.

>> No.56119652

I have. I'm a loser, too.

>> No.56119658

But Estonia is a third world shithole worse than Ukraine.

>> No.56119692
File: 10 KB, 250x186, 121019_maloimuschie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Da. I warned you about Ukkies bro.

>> No.56119701


>> No.56119706

>be shitskin jew
>wants to fuck this
>also shitskin jew: "we need to annihilate this, muh BBC"

>> No.56120517

I looked her up. The pic in OP is the only one where her Germanic ancestry is showing. In the rest of her pics she is your typical wop bimbo, and it looks like she got bogged recently. Her breasts are fake at the very least.