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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 480 KB, 2000x1000, Litecoin_2-2916557603.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56109941 No.56109941 [Reply] [Original]

What went wrong?

No seriously, I checked out of the market for 7 months. Did something happen, bad FUD or just random?

>> No.56109982

Bloat, token not needed, don't fall for an icon

>> No.56109996

Nothing went wrong, it's this joke of a market. The fact that LTC is not rank #3 tells you all about this clown market.

>> No.56110379

Same story every time. People started buying new shitcoins.

>> No.56110522

Halving opportunists left, now we get natural growth. I still expect a long crab because miners will be dumping this to be bitcoin halving opportunists
This tbqf

>> No.56110531

For the life of me I can’t comprehend why anyone would buy this stupid piece of shit. It’s got all the problems of bitcoin and none of the upside. You baggies should be grateful it hasn’t gone to actual 0

>> No.56110678

How many Boomer coin to make it?

>> No.56110712

Maybe the fact that it hasn't gone to zero me means you're opinion of it is wrong. Ever thought of that?

>> No.56110721
File: 465 KB, 1154x866, 1554585855190.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this lil nigga like you would not believe

>> No.56110742

>it's Bitcoin but with worse price action
Why would I buy this instead of BTC?

>> No.56110817

4k each eventually

>> No.56110911

LTC has got to have some massive price manipulation going on from whales or miners or something. H

>> No.56111166

this isn't bitcoin and other alts adress the problms LTC solved earlier but better
who needs LTC now that we have instant tx confirmation (like tron)
who needs LTC when BTC is already the king?
who needs LTC and mweb when you have XMR?
do you start to see the big picture?
LTC was relevant maybe until 2018 but nowadays it isn't anymore

>> No.56111235

Buy the dip, sell the rip.
We are in 2019 all over again. Higher floor due to halving, floor of $25 in 2019, looks like $50+ is our floor in 2023 so far.

>> No.56111277

When bitcoin becomes globally adopted, noone will want to pay hundreds of dollars in fees to buy goods. LTC fills this gap, plebs don't want to spend hours studying opening and closing channels on lightning, they'll use a cheap base chain instead.
Also, Tron and other PoS shitcoins don't qualify because you need something not backed by VCs and not controlled by a short list of validators

>> No.56111304


Lol. No.

>> No.56111319

no, no one will use LTC as you have better options now with lower fees and fastest tx conf
i used LTC a lot in the past but nowadays it isn't relevant anymore in the sens it doesn't have a real good value proposition. it will not die but it will not skyrocket neither