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File: 90 KB, 898x712, binancecollapse.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56108677 No.56108677 [Reply] [Original]

Quite ironic considering bobos were drumming up fear porn about how Binance's collapse would send bitcoin to $3k a few months ago.

It appears the FTX collapse essentially priced in Binance's eventual demise as well. Binance has been getting a flurry of resignations which is signalling it's collapse and the market is just like "eh".

>> No.56108692

binance still is number 1 crypto exchange and continues for long time. you worse than pig and dog.

>> No.56108719


that said, i like cz

>> No.56108722

Who could have seen this coming?

>> No.56108728

The market is responding by being dead. Binance had all the liquidity, on both sides of the pairs, to make price go up and down.
Now that they're in bunker mode we're seeing what "real" volume looks like and the answer is, it's jack shit.

>> No.56108828

>market is just like "eh"
Nice try my dude.

>> No.56109518

already priced in

>> No.56109597
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dont care, they made me withdraw everything already for being a leaf and i just DCA on kraken now

>> No.56109619


>> No.56109625

funds are safu

>> No.56109644

>normie-tier executives think crypto is dead and are abandoning ship
Bottom signal. Bullish af.

>> No.56109650

CRO bros we are gonna make it

>> No.56109688

Binance is the market

That's why these people are resigning. Binance is manipulating the fuck out of crypto markets and nobody wants to be anywhere near that now that the SEC is sniffing around.

They are not going to collapse like FTX. It is not a question of solvency. They are very solvent. It is the fact that they have been manipulating the markets to enrich themselves and what they have been doing is very illegal.

>> No.56109732
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Please tell me the shift manager at the Binance Pizza didn't resign too!

>> No.56109738

This is so obviously an attempted jewish takeover of bitcoin lol


>> No.56109750

>now that the SEC is sniffing around.
Hilary Clinton's campaign finance CFO???

You believe this shit???

Jesus Christ!

>> No.56109758

Binance is not Bitcoin you stupid Chink fag.

>> No.56109763

Gary Gensler is the chairman of the SEC, he met with SBF several times.

SBF violated campaign finance law.
Gary was the CFO of a presidential campaign for Hilary Clinton.

This is the most hilarious bullshit I've seen in crypto since Craig Wright.

>> No.56109774

SBF and Barry Silbert of DCG successfully neutralized all the competitors and CZ is their last boss.

The jews want to control all Bitcoin exchanges to manipulate it.

You have to be a fucking retard to not see this.

>> No.56109780

Same here, but at least we have really good ETF options in Canada. Being able to buy spot ETH tax free at this price is a no brainier.

>> No.56109784

What is your theisis for growth, if not for adoption by enterprise or organic decentralized use?

>> No.56109815

You have to not understand what a permissionless system is to think that matters you. Statist cuck.

>> No.56109824

I think CZ is going to jail. He's seen as pesky little annoyance who dared to elbow his way into the exclusive club of global finance and they are going to make him pay for his insolence.

He's also undoubtedly guilty.

>> No.56109828

Get the dick out of yer ass retard.

The jews are clearly making moves right now to capture the bitcoin onramps so they can manipulate it in the future.

This is the entire reason they're going after CZ.
This coincides with blackrock filing for an ETF.

The winklevoss twins tried to get an ETF 8 FUCKING years ago and were constantly denied until the kike barry silbert fucked their exchange with forged documents in the Gemini earn program.

Now all of a sudden larry fink is filing for an ETF and the SEC is going after CZ????

Use yer fucking brain you god damn yamika fuck.

>> No.56109851

Do you have any idea how many goy got denied approvals over that last 10 years?
Do you have any idea how many more got arrested for unlicensed money transmittal?

The fucking JEWS are closing the door on Bitcoin with this move going after CZ.

Sure I can still transact and do whatever I want, but you know when completely corrupt kikes destroy competition through backhanded means to put us all in a corner it's fucking bullshit.

>> No.56109870
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So stop using kiked surveillance coins.

>> No.56109889

sad you have no argument and everything I said is true.

Bitcoin is a put option on electricity and set to be the world reserve currency.

The kikes are using a literal criminal to go after CZ who I don't even like, but I can only call it as I see it.

>> No.56109893
File: 329 KB, 1164x776, 1672974988082776.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

>> No.56109919

If Bitcoin were to become a world reserve currency wouldn't its transparent nature solve a lot of financial corruption issues?

>> No.56109940
File: 323 KB, 700x505, 1694703910846999.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so how are we supposed to trade bnb shitcoins then?

>> No.56109953

It solves everything.
The game theory of mining puts the most efficient energy producers as benefactors of the Cantillon effect.

This is the opposite of ESG which this retard >>56109893 is repeating quotes from.
Yeah I never forgot Saylor and Musk started the ESG approved mining council.
Another prong of attack against the network.

>> No.56109978

useless jobs

>> No.56109983

I'm not understanding the game here, if bitcoin solves the problem of financial corruption globally why are corrupt bad actors advocating for it to become the global reserve currency?

>> No.56110084

>why are corrupt bad actors advocating for it to become the global reserve currency?
They aren't. They want it to become a digital asset they can manipulate the price of on the futures market.

>> No.56110114

Well this the final battle that bitcoin was conceived to fight.

>> No.56110156
File: 229 KB, 655x674, 1688567226314996.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They want it to become a digital asset they can manipulate the price of on the futures market.
Which they'll fail at just like they've failed to manipulate gold in-the-limit (44x since '71 versus 42x USD expansion)

>> No.56110188

If your value proposition for Bitcoin is that it's value will go up you have lost.

The dollar is 7.5x weaker than it was in in 1971. So a 6x in 52 years.

>> No.56110196

bisexual finance?

>> No.56110217

There’s probably at least some truth in this.
CZ made it his mission to destroy FTX before FTX destroyed him and for all anyone knows it was binance pushing price down to trigger the liquidations to 15k but if they can hold the price where it’s at and just push price around to life off the liquidations then I suppose that’s what they’ll do.
Crypto really is the scummiest space but I guess I can’t blame the guy for trying to save his company. Better people have done worse things out of desperation

>> No.56110295

best alternative? kucoin, kraken, bybit?

>> No.56110301

>Bianance = Binance US
Except it doesnt

>> No.56110344
File: 225 KB, 569x715, 1689165224669750.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek. USD is worth 2.4% (1/42) what it was in '71, not 13.3%. As in said, gold has 44x since '71, which shows that despite gold being far easier to manipulate than BTC (high physical settlement costs, not trustless, going through de-monetization etc) 'they' still failed to suppress gold over the last 50 years, just as they will fail to suppress BTC going forward. Second, BTC will not act as a mere -1x inverse of fiat until full capitalization, until then it will act as a LEVERAGED inverse, a leveraged inverse with neither liquidation risk nor volatility decay.

>> No.56110509

>he actually believes this
It's all spelled out in the SEC suit. CZ controls all the keys period.
It's why they couldn't come up with the ordered audit and everyone is running for their lives.

>> No.56110753

>cz controls the keys of his exchange
What kind of retarded fucking fud is this?
Kys bear faggot
You’re a disgrace for promoting Sbf propaganda. Obviously cz a based and the jewish establishment is doing anything they can to bring him down

>> No.56110761

resignations happen all the time, new people take their place the same day. Literally a nothingburger. binance fud is the new china ban or tether fud

>> No.56110791

what about Kraken tho
what about Kucoin, Huobi

they can't take every fiat onramp

>> No.56110938

Yes Crypto is all about a white collar turf war between greedy Jews and slimy Chinks. Let's just forget that both are criminal actors for their own benefits wanting to corner and monopolize the industry to serve state actors and institutional insiders.

>> No.56110953

Binance Fart Chain
Ching Chong CZ
Tofu construction
Check em

>> No.56111219

So what? Is there any company who doesn't experience resignations? They can be replaced and there will always somebody who will fill those.

Come back when CZ is the one who really disappeared.

>> No.56111244

Funds are SAFU

>> No.56111249

honestly it's good that they are busy fighting each other

imagine if we actually had a World Government with no one to oppose them, like all the libtards want, crypto would be fucking toast

>> No.56111265

Blackrock and the like trying to get rid of cz obviously. However, they are no match to crypto chinks

>> No.56111276

crypto is fucking toast what have you been smoking?

>> No.56111280
File: 235 KB, 727x860, 1677441548127902.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>crypto is fucking toast
The world of finance has never been more bullish on tokenised asset, or been closer to all-out adoption.

>> No.56111329

>I think CZ is going to jail
he will be far outside of us jurisdictions
tell me are the three arrow capital guys in any kind of jail yet

>> No.56111332

>2 more weeks

>> No.56111372

>solve a lot of financial corruption issues?
That's gonna be a littal prhaaaaablum, okay

>> No.56111378


>> No.56111381

lmao its a no brainer for sure

>> No.56111662

binance = SAFU

>> No.56111675

holy shit kill yourself already lmao

>> No.56111700

nice fud,imagine being a cryptofag and actively fudding/cutting the branch you are sitting on.

Unless you're a bear fag ,then you can go kys

>> No.56112014

I'd rather roundhouse kick your ugly bitch ass into the concrete first lol

>> No.56112255

When? In the future?
Two more weeks bro hurrrr

>> No.56112344

people are deliberately ignoring the coming tidal wave because it will ruin the entire market and they are not psychologically capable of imagining their own complete money-death. Tether will die too

>> No.56112418

>Binance US

>> No.56112584

Give me your address bitch and it can be in 2 days

>> No.56112654

>2 more days bro
>trust the plan

>> No.56113599

ahh yea another AI bot post

>> No.56114278
File: 416 KB, 565x720, 1686925308085983.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dumbass motherfucker. The game is to make crypto cheaper so they can bag more and let things pump. I'm ready to DCA on BTC, Matic REEF and RIDE. I can't be fooled by their shit in the market.

>> No.56114357
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Get it anon. You are gonna make it.