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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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56107080 No.56107080 [Reply] [Original]

ngl most of my alt bags dumped much more

>> No.56107177

ur not supposed to bring that up, retard

>> No.56107224


>> No.56107350

I bought 250 Link so far over the last month. What am I in for? And what is the make it/suicide on this shit?

>> No.56107363

you just wait op - 2 words: "sleeping giant"

>> No.56107367

1k sui, 10k make it.

>> No.56107372

Fcking A

>> No.56107381

How much money is making it? 1 million after taxes?

>> No.56107388

10 mil is generational wealth

>> No.56107427

reminder that if you're not looking at the btc chart you're not measuring your alt's performance you're mostly measuring bitcoin's performance instead.

~5-6m is what "millionaire" used to mean with inflation

>> No.56107465

reminder that caring about sats in 2023 is peak midwit

>> No.56107603

no, but nice cope. you can always tell who has the heaviest bags because they have an anxiety attack thinking about looking at the btc charts .

>> No.56107641

Correct. Always 1/10 even in 2017. Fucking wild how we all understood everything way back then. Including that it would take years to develop.

1 million is baseline wealth. You can do okay with it if you're smart, but it's not really making it. 2 million is entry level making it.
The link $1k memes were always memes. The realistic price is somewhere in the low to mid hundreds. If you can get just a couple thousand link, you'll at least have a middle class ticket. There's still more time to DCA in. This is investment advice.

>> No.56107660

the 1000 eoy memes literally birthed a generation of forever bagholders who didn't see the clear as day 2020 top. astounding bit of psyops from whoever took advantage.

>> No.56107896

Redistribution before the plunge? Or accumulation before the pump?

>> No.56107906

How's crab before the crab sound?

>> No.56107921

What crab we talking? AMZN crab? Or Lehman Brothers crab?

>> No.56107944

nobody who believed in 1000eoy is a bagholder

>> No.56108136

Link is currently overvalued since its pretty much a ghosttown if you discard a few big apps/protocols that use it once in a while for data feeds. As it stands its maybe worth 1$-2$, however once its integrated into banks to process trillions of dollars and actually becomes valuable and not just a hopes/dreams hype machine it will shoot up hard, but not as much as anons think. Look at Mastercard. Literally half of the world if not more uses their system for payments. They generate such a high amount in fees and overall profit that makes your head spin, but they are still worth only 350 billion. ChainLink's system will process a lot of transactions as well, but the fees/value share wont be as incredible which is the main reason you want to own the token (for staking). I think LINK should be worth around 100$ or maaaybe even around 150$ once the floodgates open, tokenization narrative fully kicks in and the dust settles. That number is still a bit optimistic/inflated though due to my bias and only half of the LINK tokens being in circulation. So if you want a suicide stack to live a comfy middle class life and get minimum wage in passive income from staking then around 5k-7k LINK should do it. If you want to truly make it (becoming a multimillionare) then you will probably need anywhere from 15k-30k LINK. I'm big on ChainLink, but we have to be realistic. If you can't meet those numbers its still worth throwing some money in LINK since it will go up a lot and then reinvest the profits into some other promising mid caps that institutions will gobble up like CVX or Bittensor. That will put you in the make it camp, but it will take a bit more time and work.

>> No.56108596


>> No.56108615

>1k sui
1k * $1.5 = $1500
>10k make it.
10k * $1.5 = $15000

>> No.56108621


>> No.56108748
File: 131 KB, 750x593, 1694739494436.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>September 4, 2020:
LINK: $12.50
BTC: $10,434
ETH: $388
BNB: $20.62
XRP: $0.23
ADA: $0.08
DOGE: $0.002
SOL: $2.71
TRX: $0.03
MATIC: $0.01

>September 4, 2023:
LINK: $5.96
BTC: $25,743
ETH: $1,623
BNB: $214.45
XRP: $0.50
ADA: $0.25
DOGE: $0.063
SOL: $19.36
TRX: $0.07
MATIC: $0.55

>> No.56109856
File: 412 KB, 1363x1524, IMG_7706.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lots of other coins have the same chart retard

>> No.56110005

I like how both of you are larping as og’s but clearly are newfags. The $1k eoy meme exists for a reason.