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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56106745 No.56106745 [Reply] [Original]

Maybe trannies weren't such a good strategy, how do I short the US tech sector?
Is shorting the NASDAQ a good idea?

>> No.56106805

Wait really? Where? All I've been hearing about is how China and Europe are lagging US tech giants massively.

>> No.56107024

US propaganda

>> No.56107031

So can you post an example of one or multiple of these tech companies from China and Europe that are outpacing the US ones?

>> No.56107041

Europe and China lack oil & gas.

>> No.56107065


>> No.56107201

>the guardian
Any non wingnut sources?

>> No.56107446

Read the actual study it references illiteratefag

>> No.56107613

Just use Google, it has been known for years that China is outpacing the US. The only upside is that the US is leading on critical innovations, but that probably won't last.

I don't know where the fuck op got his info about europoor tech giants outpacing the US, but I guess if you fiddle with the numbers, a shit European phone company who doubled their growth from £25m to £50m in a year technically has much better growth than a US phone company only going from £800m to £950m percentage wise

>> No.56108453

What a stupid meme. You know europe is far richer than China.

>> No.56108513

yes you have russian and german oligarchs buying up all real estate while what remains of the middle class crowds around the trans-atlantic cum pipeline for sustenance. meanwhile the chinks actually have a growing middle class who can afford luxuries unattainable to the average yuro peasant, such as "traveling outside the schengen zone for vacation" and "actually owning a car"

>> No.56108541
File: 90 KB, 1062x789, 2023-09-15_022242.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh china

>> No.56108790

Go on. Compares to?

>> No.56108807
File: 50 KB, 2452x1735, 25075F75-5658-406C-8063-0CD36569721C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56108815

China is placed 81 in car ownership


>> No.56108843

Imagine being bullish on China in 2023. You're either a chink shill or a retard

>> No.56108918

how many more weeks? say the line

>> No.56108931

See: >>56108815

>> No.56109009
File: 3.18 MB, 3264x3264, dollar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure they are. They'll continue sucking USD (dick) for the foreseeable future.

>> No.56109056
File: 362 KB, 640x479, Orel seriously.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Genuinely getting really sick of people responding to "China is experiencing an economic slowdown" as though it's tantamount to the hysterical "CHINA WILL COLLAPSE IN JUST 27.8953 DAYS" videos. You understand that you can say China's economy is facing significant headwinds without suggesting the country's about to collapse like the fucking Bronze Age right?

>> No.56109106

>Chinese and European tech giants are outpacing US tech giants
Nowhere. He's full of shit.

>> No.56111342
