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File: 151 KB, 720x720, Income-Tax-in-Germany-Explained.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56104197 No.56104197 [Reply] [Original]

Thankfully it only applies to "rich" people a.k.a. everyone earning more than 60k a year.
That's what I needed after 8% inflation, another 2% off my wagie
I hate this place so goddamn much

>> No.56104218

just move already senpai

the same will happen that happened to soviet russia, soon it will become forbidden for rich fags like you to flee the country so they can suck you dry on their spiral to doom

>> No.56104247
File: 374 KB, 1092x1152, 374632867.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Paraguay is the new German ethostate. Get out ASAP.

>> No.56104272

Abdul’s kids aren’t going to feed themselves.

>> No.56104483

Yeah Paraguay looks comfy but the house prices are high.

>> No.56104524
File: 155 KB, 530x749, Bundesarchiv_Bild_146-2005-0057,_Otto_von_Bismarck_(cropped)[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This faggot invented the nanny state to get the normies to buy into a united Germany. Now we get to see how the experiment ends.

>> No.56104541

you are supposed to buy land and build a house yourself

>> No.56104553

60k is indeed rich in yuropoorland.

>> No.56104564

Sorry, but 60k in Germany is not rich.
I earn 65k and I can only afford a one room apartment and a used 10 year old Toyota. And I don't even have kids.

>> No.56104568 [DELETED] 

Vote with your feet

>> No.56104598
File: 22 KB, 480x360, thatsthejoke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56104612
File: 54 KB, 1230x546, Brutto-Netto-Rechner-Gehaltsrechner-Lohnrechner-Sparkasse-de.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I earn 65k and I can only afford a one room apartment and a used 10 year old Toyota. And I don't even have kids.

stop lying faggot

>> No.56104633

die nigger taxation is theft

>> No.56104671

>Huh, you can always leave
>Oh so you want to come in our lower tax country ?
>You just need to buy a property of at least 350k€ and you're good :) (or similar bullshit)

>> No.56104681
File: 991 KB, 1920x1080, fgNMQTHCioTdcoczv7MuHA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Start steaming roguelikes on twitch to supplement your income, Germans are natural Roguelike players. REAL Roguelikes according to the Berlin interpretation.

>> No.56104684

>you are supposed to buy land and build a house yourself
Land is also expensive and house building as well.

>> No.56104688

>just videogame your way out of your problems bro
it's just THAT easy

>> No.56104692

Just take the neetpill. Gibs are going up another 50€/month next year.

>> No.56104696
File: 92 KB, 812x752, aeafabf63b0dfe39.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

combined tax burden at the end of the month is more like 70%

>> No.56104701 [DELETED] 

You don't need to become a citizen, just a tax resident in a select country. Not going to spoonfeed any further.

>> No.56104707

I think it was more because of the rise of communism. Violent revolution was on the table, so to keep the workers civil social security was introduced as a compromise.

>> No.56104708
File: 29 KB, 800x450, 7C079F20-1DDD-4129-9D76-A695A498663B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Germany hat finish

>> No.56104712

>tax is going up
>gibs for neets are also going up
>punish those working
>reward those not
What the actual fuck are these guys doing lol lmao even its beyond a joke now

>> No.56104714

Yeah people still keep falling for the jewish jedi mind trick.
>b-b-b-ut my employer pays half!!

>> No.56104715

Oh ... really ?
And tell me what's needed to get that tax residency ?
Oh so you want to go to andorra for example ? Nice, that will be 50k€ + 15k€~ for paying the parasites just to open a business.

>> No.56104718
File: 53 KB, 550x883, 34534535.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Clown world makes everything possible.

>> No.56104724

Stop lying what?
My flat alone costs 1k
If you count everything, then I cant even do a vacation without having to cut back on other things

>> No.56104727
File: 79 KB, 1024x853, 1694641592127.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Btw, friendly reminder

>> No.56104749

A trick si old it's written in the talmud.
>Bava Kamma 113b:10
>Shmuel says that it is permitted to financially benefit from a business error of a gentile, i.e., it need not be returned. The Gemara notes that this is like that incident where Shmuel purchased a golden bowl [lakna] from a gentile in exchange [bemar] for the price of an iron bowl, which was four dinars, and Shmuel included one additional dinar in the payment so that the gentile would not realize his mistake.

>> No.56104758

Btw i'm a frenchcuck that work remotely for US businesses hesitating to go in andorra, so if you have a better option go on but it's always the same bullshit (OR you'll still pay at least 25-30% taxes)

>> No.56104765
File: 274 KB, 346x358, 3478437dsdfjhsdfjhfs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look, you have to get out before the multicultural sodomy mandates drop for the glorious bold future of diversity and inclusion. The Germans in Paraguay will welcome and help their own. Germans naturally reorient to extreme ethnocentrism once out of range of the mind beams that continually blast the country.

>> No.56104771

Well someone ultimately has to pay for the millions of 65-80 IQ shitskin niggers the cucked German government lets in. 80% of them end up not working and being a net drain to society. Oh, and naturally the state has to expand its public sector to be able to deal with the sheer amount of worthless nogs. The salary of these government/social workers won't pay itself. What a pathetic, retarded nation Germany has become. Full of self righteous leftoid scum who destroyed their countrie's future.

>> No.56104784


Yeah good luck moving. Hope you don't mind moving away 1000km from everyone you know, seeing as germany already has a lower tax (at 70k income) than:
-the netherlands: 49.5%
-austria: 48%
- spain: 45%
-portugal: 45%
- etc

>> No.56104792

Thanks for nothing, american

>> No.56104801
File: 87 KB, 1280x723, 582221d6-0001-0004-0000-000000476448_w1280_r1.77_fpx30_fpy45.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56104811

I just want to live in south america and fuck cheap pussy, ok?

>> No.56104816

That's one of the few advantages of having 0 friends and 0 family.
When your country becomes a shithole you can just leave without looking back.

>> No.56104821 [DELETED] 

>And tell me what's needed to get that tax residency?
Stop sucking cocks and use the internet, retard. Any country where you can get a temporary residence visa will give you a tax residency.

Since you're an EUfag, you can move to Portugal pretty easily, apply for NHR and pay around 10% first year and 20% afterwards.

But that's just one of the options.

>> No.56104822

keep in mind the real tax burden is much higher

While this >>56104696 also includes shit like VAT on food (which also exists in other countries), it's still important to consider that half of your social security and health insurance is "paid by your employer" which is really just a trick to make you think it's half that. In reality it's still coming out of your salary, it's simply not included in the official calculation.

>> No.56104828

Stop being rich, you faggot.

>> No.56104837
File: 189 KB, 1440x810, 1440x810_306778.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got another one. Right there.

>> No.56104862

Hitler was way to nice to us and the British.

>> No.56104873
File: 210 KB, 413x450, 345345dgdgdg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't believe this communist hag was in charge for so long.

>> No.56104962
File: 155 KB, 1000x750, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56104972

Thats what I did faggot. Found a hot gf and live with her now far away from Germany. Feels good knowing that you can crash anywhere in the world and be fine. I also do come back from time to time to see the old friends family etc etc

Post 2015 Germany drove me way too mad. Germany started being shit before, but thats when they started really hitting the gaspedal towards the wall

Those that kept shouting ‚fuck Germany‘ fucked up the country to a point where I also have to say.. Fuck Germany. Im beyond mourning this place that has millenia old history just to be turned into Somali in the span of a couple of decades

>> No.56104987
File: 18 KB, 1200x630, F5fD5mzXYAAGSJg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will never get traitors that dont even put up a fight, and do nothing but whine

>> No.56105012

take your meds

>> No.56105057

>uhm actually im super brave for staying and fighting

Thats just cope for not being able to leave because youre either scared of losing too much or too scared of the unknown.
How exactly are you fighting by staying? You vote AfD and talk shit on the internet? Impressive ‚fight’. You dont even need to be in Germany to do that

>> No.56105113

Fight for what? Demographic warfare is a scorched earth tactic.

>> No.56105156

>You dont even need to be in Germany to do that
You don't even need to be German to do that

>> No.56105169
File: 17 KB, 1200x630, F56_gkLWkAApnd6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im not leaving my home country
Nothing to do with scared
Thats what being patriot means
Care about your own shithole, nigger

>> No.56105180 [DELETED] 


>> No.56105210

This. Germans need to have some sort of cultural awakening and start getting 4-5 children each asap or its over.
When I came back the last time and went to some birthday party of an old friend I unironically heard the ‚there are too many humans on this planet and humans suck‘ line and nobody besides me said anything of got irritated. Then this German girl unironically brags about going to some muslim friend of hers where they said ‚vallah‘ and ‚inshallah‘ at the table because thats something to brag about somehow?? Then you turn on the radio and its climate hysteria and climate experts talking 24/7. add to that the current green socialist governmant fucking everyone over and Germans taking it in the ass as with the new mindblowingly ridiculous heating law. I saw Annalena Bearbock on the TV next to my father and called her an embarrassment and he who doesnt even like the green party somehow gets mad at me because ‚she must be extremely intelligent to be in that positions‘
Literally the only based encounter that I had in Germany was some Indian that I randomly met that talked to me for 30 minutes and votes AfD and pretty much told me that Germans are pussies that don‘t defend themselves which is true of course

>> No.56105220

Where did you move to?

>> No.56105239

You’re getting confused. There’s “rich” which is roughly anyone earning in the top 50%. And then there’s untouchable that don’t have any rules applied to them, roughly the top 2%

>> No.56105244

oh boohoo
what's the difference between 100km and 1000km anyway

>> No.56105270 [DELETED] 

All europeans should be 250% taxed for climate change.

>> No.56105285

Yeah you can only really make that argument if you live within 50km of your family.
If you live in the south and move to the north or vice versa what's the different if you move another 100km to switzerland instead of munich

>> No.56105288

where did you move to based anon just wondering?
I'm in UK but this place is going to shit too

>> No.56105489

this only works in a monoculture ethnostate
no human (european) is going to be happy about giving money to animals (brown eyes) and either taxes come down or you remove the excrement colored segment of your population.
there is no third option, and everyone has seem what happens to tax income in the most stained areas.

>> No.56105531
File: 24 KB, 766x416, Screenshot 2023-09-14 at 13-34-40 Québec Budget 2023-2024 tax highlights Baker Tilly Canada Chartered Professional Accountants.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

44% you are rich!

>> No.56105551

No, even in an ethnostate it doesn't work

>> No.56105624

you forgot monoculture. ethnostates are a requirement as it prevents an obvious inferior outgroup, like browns in the west. but monoculture is necessary too.

>> No.56105797

>no human (european) is going to be happy about giving money to animals (brown eyes)
You have no idea, the people in my countries are fucking retarded. These are the same golem who'd be more concerned with weed than muslims chopping their daughters into kebab meat.

>> No.56105986

>there still gonna be some retarded clowns in germany who gonna defend taxing the "rich" (workers)
let that sink in

>> No.56106064

>muh portugal for freelancers
complete meme
>apply for NHR and get 10% for 1 year
completely false

>> No.56106111

Well who do you think is going to pay for niggers and other jobless shitskins you imported, anon?

>> No.56106133

Salut. En tant que free-lance, c'est 50k à déposer en caution. De plus, l'immobilier est impayable.

>> No.56106192

Can someone tell me why Germany so leftist? They have a huge nanny state, import refugees, and arrest anybody for disagreeing with the government on their shit policies.

>> No.56106195

Ouai je sais, merci, faut pas oublier aussi les ~15k€ a filer aux parasites & gouvernement qui gribouille 3 papiers pour "créer une entreprise".
Il prétendent que ça met ~2 mois pour faire tout le process, mais dans les c'est plutôt ~6 mois (Je connais des gens qui ont une résidence entrepreneur, j'habite pas très loin).
Je me demande c'est quoi l'endroit avec le moins de taxes possible, le moins de délais, et qui requiert pas de se faire dépouiller à l'entrée (Une rançon ... euh caution, c'est un cout d'opportunité, puis ça demande de faire confiance à ces fils de putes, rien ne dit que dans 5 ans ou plus ils vont vraiment rendre le blé quand je me casse).

>> No.56106237

The answer is always the same: jews

>> No.56106278


>> No.56106293

Soigne tes messages un minimum stp, c'est presque illisible. On dirait de la prose de bougnoule avec un qi à deux chiffres.

Il y a plein d'options dans le monde, en fonction de ce que tu recherches, désires etc.

La Géorgie, c'est 1% sur ton CA, visa d'un an sans rien à faire si tu as une nationalité UE.

La Roumanie 10%, Albanie pareil etc. Et puis tu as l'Asie ou l'Amérique latine, bref des dizaines d'options.

>> No.56106299

taxation is theft at any percentage

>> No.56106363 [DELETED] 

You're right, it's actually slightly less than 8% for the first year.

>> No.56106427

>Soigne tes messages un minimum stp
C'est vrai que c'est vulgaire, mais il n'y a pas tant de fautes que ça ne déconne pas, on est sur 4chan après tout.

>Il y a plein d'options dans le monde, en fonction de ce que tu recherches, désires etc.
Je veux juste arrêter de me faire défoncer.

>La Géorgie, c'est 1% sur ton CA, visa d'un an sans rien à faire si tu as une nationalité UE.
Comme d'habitude, il y a un problème quelque part n'est-ce pas ?
Je vais regarder plus en détail, je te remercie.

>> No.56106539

I only see 10% on pension payments from other countries, where did you read <8% for the first year?

>> No.56106641 [DELETED] 

not your personal accountant, go pay up like I did

>> No.56106658
File: 339 KB, 537x528, 5546dfhdhd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isn't taxation more extortion than theft?

>> No.56106712

>go loose your time & money to parasites just to check that I'm indeed bullshitting you
I'm good thank you

>> No.56106773

It's repeated extortion, re-occurring incessantly from the cradle to the grave,
So slavery would probably be a nice definition, as any collectivist scheme is insidiously based on the premise that you don't own yourself.

>> No.56106788

>German economic """scientists""" recommend raising the maximum tax rate from 42% to 44%
>German workers recommend hanging economic """scientists""" by the neck
guillotines when?

>> No.56106801
File: 112 KB, 511x671, muscular frog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't care g*rmans need to pay debnts. Next time don't chimp out and try to kill the rest of europe 2 times in a row in less then half a century. Dindus of europe.

>> No.56106818

What has stuff that happneed 100 years ago, to do with anything?

>> No.56106904

it was the exact same German state that carried out those things and that state is still alive.

>> No.56106923

Binance just sent me a mail that I won't be able to convert EUR to crypto. What did they mean by this? Is Binance dead as an on ramp?

>> No.56106927

Excited for the Bundestagswahl in 2025

>> No.56107006

Das beste Deustchland, das es jemals gegeben hat Anon

>> No.56107015

Retarded pole spotted, go die vs russia so your woman can prostitute here

>> No.56107054

Bismark is actually overrated the same way Kaiser Wilhelm is underrated
Bismark also gave jews citizen rights and liked jews
Yes the unification and the ethernal peace with russia was a good thing

>> No.56107063

post hand mehmet

>> No.56107078

So you are a pole?
Great you hate Germany, but let me guess you also hate russia like a retard. And then you make a deal with the devil and in 30 years poland is like germany now

>> No.56107083

No it wasnt. and no they dont
You're just retarded

>> No.56107154

Don't bother. This faggot is obviously bad at budgeting.

I make around 65-70k. My wife gets 700/ month parental support money plus on top to the 250 child rearing money.
Comfy 4k after taxes, medical& social security of which taxes are a small part due to our family oriented taxation.

Can afford to have a stay at home wife, the house will be paid of before I turn 36.

Germany as a single earner sucks, but for a family man it's quite alright.

>> No.56107179

>tfw pay 40% taxes in America for NOTHING

>> No.56107207

taxes are progressive, so you only pay those additional percentages on the amount that's above 60k. meaning, you can't earn less after taxes if you get a raise. to complain effectively, you have to get informed first

>> No.56107236

The extra taxes for medical and retirement are NOT included in this
Its 30% more

>> No.56107249

Does that make 60% tax (before 19% VAT) ok?

>> No.56107311

That's the point, governments lower the threshold of "being rich" to have more people to tax more and do so without triggering the masses.
Poor people will of course support politicians that want to "tax the rich".
Win win psyop

>> No.56107518

This is p much similar (if not less than) living in NYC.

>> No.56107527

all the conservative high test men died in WW2.

>> No.56107547

Frankly Germany shouldn't exist as a country. Its incredibly fortunate that twice in the 20th century it started a European civil war (once to prove it was top dog and secondly over the terms of the peace treaty) there was a stronger power we needed a buffer against. Now Russia is dead we don't need Germany anymore and it is finally time for it to pay its war dues. That means balkanization into its pre unification form. This will be a slow process, but it's already beginning. I feel sorry for modern day Germans. You didn't ask for this. But it is the sin of your fathers you must now pay.

>> No.56107558

>people in germany get taxed 44% on 60k
oh my lmao

>> No.56107579

What does this have to do with this thread? Absolutely nothing. Keep your jewish hatred to yourself
No we dont

>> No.56107581
File: 121 KB, 341x355, mfw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Georgia = 1% on gross income

- "If in fact, you do not qualify, then in the event of an audit, you will be liable for having obtained the status fraudulently and the upshot will be retroactive 20% tax + penalties going back 3 years."

- "Georgia’s Tax Code provides the tax authorities with a powerful weapon: Article 73.9.b allows them to retroactively reclassify any transaction if the form of the transaction doesn’t correspond to its substance."

- "Even if you figured out you are genuinely a contractor, not an employee, you’re not fully in the clear just yet. The Revenue Service has another ace up its sleeve to slip you back to paying 20%… Consultants do not qualify. "

- "To make matters worse, the law doesn’t specify what kinds of consulting this applies to, meaning it applies to any and all consulting activities, or activities that could even be reasonably viewed as consulting.

- "A very important consideration here is that calling your activities something other than consulting, while the true nature of them is consulting, doesn’t make a difference. In such cases, the RS will be quick to refer to the same “substance-over-form” law discussed above and reclassify your “internet marketing service contract” as a consulting agreement in a heartbeat."

Cool, so you can be retroactively considered as a "consultant" (All freelancers can obviously very easily be considered as such).
So, after a parasite known as "accountant" will give me his educated guess,
Government bots will still knock at my door after 8-12 months, and magically retro-actively consider me a consultant (as they are incentivized to do so),
and therefore charge me 20% taxes + a little surprise.

Obvious scam.

>> No.56107922

Nothing is the sin of our fathers retard. No have no idea of history, the first was mainly caused by Russia and Austria and the second I'm forbitten to talk about, but is Europe now saved that we lost

>> No.56109489

How come dishonest and malicious people like yourself don't apply the same logic to America and it's best friend who have decimated multiple middle eastern countries multiple time over 50 years to the tune of astronomical profit?

>> No.56109534

Meh, you do you brother. I have been here for 4 years, never had a problem.

Even if I get the full treatment, I would still pay less taxes than I would in my shithole at minimum. Plus, I am not paying for retarded shitskins who basically hate me and what I represent but for a culturally homogeneous people who still has a bit of dignity.

And I don't think I even need to specify that in case of a problem, you can simply leave if you really don't want to pay. .

>> No.56110558

I have similar experience with some Indians.

>> No.56110584

Its not 40% on 60k but 40% on everything above 60k, thats why its called tax brackets

>> No.56110646

>it is finally time for it to pay its war dues.
You, sir, know absolutely nothing about the past 100 years. Very sad indeed...

>inb4 trollpost is le trollpost

>> No.56110671

As if you could build anything by yourself you DYI-let urbanite soishit

>> No.56110713

Why do they dress like clowns

>> No.56110717

Is 1900 eur netto considered poor wage in germany?

>> No.56110744

cope harder, faggot. your race is garbage tier

>> No.56110763

>150 years of feminism
>proud girlboss slay queen women everywhere
>4-5 kids each
AHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHA cope germutt you reap what you sow
Europe welcomed women's rights with open arms and cheered how progressive and civilized the west is

>> No.56110771

Of course that retard doesn't respond.
Probably a disinformation bot.

>> No.56110795


>> No.56110810

It's accelerated americanization. Hell, there's now terminology like Afro German, as if German isn't an ethnicity but a topological descriptor like American.

>> No.56110843
File: 56 KB, 440x622, Bundesarchiv_Bild_146-2005-0057,_Otto_von_Bismarck_(cropped).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did it ever occur to you that germans have always been leftist spergs? even that one time they tried being far right they ended up with racist socialism.
not only did they come up with 'scientific socialism', but no in an attempt to curb the power of socialists their conservative upperclass invented the nanny state - and guess what they called it? - state socialism.
germans are literally unable to not think in terms of socialism. that is because the core of socialism is obedience and that is the german's default mode.

>> No.56110918

Most of us had to do it in our lifetimes, anon.
That's kind of the point, you're being a crybaby cvck.
Keep grasping for straws when people easily move to Dubai's 0% and Bulgaria's 10% before incentives.

>> No.56110940

>German isn't an ethnicity
It's not an ethnicity since Mohammad can stay 5 years in Germany and be legally allowed to call himself German retard.
You need an ethno-state for it to be an ethnicity.

>> No.56110964

Euros are all tax cattle anyway who cares? You'll always be poor there. Euros love government telling them what to do and miniature everything lol.

>> No.56111001

Just go to Switzerland fucking retard. Germany is not going to be a happy place the next decade

>> No.56111008

Germans are really fucked, never met a good one. You sound allright though.

>> No.56111015

Better to give one trillion euros to poland than to niggers. Germany should be wrecked completely economically - its the only way to wake up the blind masses and make the immigrants leave. As long as there are gibs they will come.

>> No.56111044

Im sorry anon your father is retarded, she is at the position because greens only have retarded women as their head, thats policy, same with the current one, fat AND retarded

>> No.56111170

Good Mornings Sirs
Indian are very very Based Sir, thank you very much

>> No.56111317

bro just don’t report ur taxes lol they can’t tax what you don’t declare

>> No.56111343

you can literally do anything you want, and the government might or might not know, and if they know they might or might not care

but taxes, they will know and they will care

>> No.56111452

fuck off, we're full
Seriously the immigration from Germany and france is driving the renting price up in the sky. And don't even think about buying a home.
This last point is what making people thinking twice coming over here. Swiss people are 60% rentoids and it is not in our culture to own a home, where as everywhere else in Yurop, they all dream about buying a home.
I'll tell you where I'm living, the m2 is 13k, so for a house, it's 2M, but the taxes are small

>> No.56111508

From what i heard from a family member buying a house and some apartments there is that, in contrast to germany, the mortages are taken not with the goal to pay it up, but to just finance it lifelong and either the kids pay it or the bank gets it, through that the monthly payments are low increasing rent profit or decreasing living costs but its not really about being debtfree at some point

>> No.56111551

>42% tax
In any solar system, that is a greentext level shitpost. How the fuck are Germans not just dropping out and going on bennies?
Your employment barriers are so comedic too, you have to be a unionized 8 year asslicker to get approved for a job making 45k, and immigrants are barred from taking those positions. Literally making German people the slave class for the immigrants they bring in

>> No.56111559

Try understanding tax brackets before posting retard

>> No.56111697

This places needs a revolution

>> No.56111706

Am i the only one that finds her hot
Dont get me wrong i hate her aswell

>> No.56111839

No one wants to work libe that, hence (((worker shortage))), which just is young people hoping out.

>> No.56111840

That is far too high even with tax brackets.
Just do a flat income tax on everyone. 10% federal and 10% local. Done. Make do with that money. If you can't, maybe your government program isn't necessary and you should cut it.

>> No.56112019

same in sweden. no housing taxes, people usually just pay down their mortgage to 50% LTV at which point you dont have to make additional payments unless you want. 30% of the interest expense is tax deductible to income taxes

>> No.56112158

You don't need to declare a tax return in Germany if your tax class is 1.

>> No.56112244
File: 169 KB, 1080x1262, 61869a08b0ee67922b18ec5f2b02de2b1b118b9b40eb73ea6fdeef796129ed0b_1[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Germany is a vassal of the great goblin. What happened wasn't your fault

>> No.56112251

Based sweden

>> No.56112281

Why don't you cucks just move to Bulgaria/Romania?

>> No.56112705

>1k parent support gibs
I don't get why niggers like u even get support

>> No.56113389

>Pipeline to Russia got blown up, can no longer suck Putin's pipe.
>Ports sold to China
>Krautoid women have to apply at brothels if they want to qualify for unemployment
>44% income tax

Holy shit nuke them before they start another Weimar.