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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56100392 No.56100392 [Reply] [Original]

itt we talk about supply and demand and explain economic principles to a newfag investor

>> No.56100443

The scarcer something is and more people want it the price will go up (because more people will bid it up)
The more abudant something is and less people want it the price will go down (because the seller has to compete for buyers and not the other way around)
It pretty much means that the optimal market price of something is where the demand and supply curves meet.

>> No.56100451
File: 322 KB, 842x718, wtf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf is this shit

>> No.56100455

max supply = unlimited. demand = none why would anyone pay a $25 fee to send $100. Ladies and Gentleman, Ethereum.

>> No.56100478

Prices tend to rise to the highest level at which the entire stock can be cleared.

>> No.56100500

Rent free, ladies and gentleman!

>> No.56100510

i been short since 3k