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56099951 No.56099951 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.56099957

Yes, but they didn't have iPhones in 1999

>> No.56099971
File: 155 KB, 1080x1557, 12qc7d6gtwnb1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welcome to late stage capitalism.

>> No.56099994
File: 26 KB, 360x268, Untitled1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's right, the only way the everything bubble and inflation can be fixed is with high unemployment.
Whatever happens to poorfags is none of my concern anyways.

>> No.56100004

just raise the interest rate to 10-20% and the house is worth 105k again

>> No.56100024

your tricks won't work any longer once the demand for the dollar will be entirely gone

>> No.56100063

ok doomer. this is no different than any other inflation cycle. eventually inflation will roar back stronger and the fed will have to cut the hawkish talk higher for longer bullshit and raise rates above the real inflation rate whether they like it or not. which will cause a deep recession and all of these prices to tank. then a new cycle will begin and we start all over again. it's really not that complicated it just takes much longer than the ADHD adderall generation can comprehend

>> No.56100080

He's wrong and deranged. And so are you.

>> No.56100095

That's a whole lot of words to say "this time it's different, this fiat currency will print into infinity forever!" but in reality it will fail like all the rest

>> No.56100108

No he isn't, the only way to effectively deflate asset prices and kill the "cancer" in the economy is to make a bunch of people unemployed, it has always been this way and it will always be this way, just make sure you're essential at your job or have a financial cushion to survive the coming downturn

>> No.56100111

?? i'm saying this time is no different. you aren't special, this is not the first time an economy went though an inflation crisis. they all end the same way. a deep recession (or depression) that causes deflation. i'm not sure what you are trying to say about fiat currency

>> No.56100116

All these people bringing this up are therefore in favor of shipping back tens of millions of Mexicans and "legal" immigrants who have taken middle to upper paying jobs from Americans? Finally, lets get the army to start rounding these people up and deporting them. Prices will come down as a consequence.

>> No.56100125

On a long enough timeline there are no more cycles, only complete destruction brought about by collective ignorance and hubris. The permanent death of fiat is inevitable.

>> No.56100126

>No he isn't
Yeah he is chump, and so are you.
>to make a bunch of people unemployed
>muh precious rich people and corporations

>> No.56100138

Nope, no need. We just need a genuine, good old fashioned Recession (a Capitalist based Business Cycle concept) to pop the bubble and bring prices down to where they reasonably should be. The problem is we keep kicking the can down the road and trying to control the economy through money printing and artificially low interest rates from the past decade (all more akin to central-planning style Communism than actual real market Capitalism) which leads to inflation which leads to this grossly overvalued housing market and other overvalued assets/goods. Recessions, if they are actually allowed to happen in a true free market, would fix inflation.

>> No.56100206
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Capitalism isn't the problem, the political corruption of money is the problem.

1) Hard money forces positive sum activity as everything has to balance.
2) Hard money fell out of favor for transactional not economic reasons during the industrial revolution.
3) Politics always favors soft money because it enables easy and opaque theft.

Social spending acts as a supply-side subsidy for labor, a worker CAN'T sell their labor for less than subsistence, but what happens if we give them food stamps, subsided housing, Medicaid? Well now they can sell their labor for less than it costs to produce!

But wait! How were those social programs paid for? Deficit spending? Exactly. Deficit spending is an expansion of the money supply (simple dilution), it robs ALL income earners and gives to asset holders (as an increase in money supply will naturally inflate assets), a HUGE and on going parasitic transfer of resources from income earners to oligarchs, THIS is the driving force of the wage/productivity divergence seen since the 60s.

Notice that this also suppresses incomes of higher paid workers by convincing them the nominal gains on house value is wealth instead of inflation, why boomer dominated fields (mechanical engineers etc) get paid so poorly, $60k seems like a lot if you bought 30 or 40 years ago, but you haven't gotten wealthy, your real terms income has just drilled through the mantle.

Even illegal immigration, seen as a driver of wage stagnation, is merely a justification for further debasement, or do you think the goblins come here for our magic clay and not our social welfare spending?

There are no political solutions, and not in the poltard "violence is the answer" as violence is of course wholly political, there are no political solutions because politics is a memetic parasite that never fixes anything. There are only technical and economic solutions, and BTC is just that, a technical fix for the political corruption of Money.

>> No.56100277

He thinks you are a doomer, but we are just realist imaginary internet funny money stackers.

>> No.56100289

>Capitalism isn't the problem
>the political corruption of money
You can't corrupt what's inherently corrupt. So yes, capitalism is the problem.

>> No.56100307

Mass deportation now. Total (((REIT))) Death now.

>> No.56100450

Money is necessary for effective economic calculation, the problems you have with capitalism ARE caused by statist corruption of money

>> No.56100475

Not capitalism or 'communism' but jews.

>> No.56100498

Barter economies are a thing. Money is just a waste of paper used to justify the bullshit amount of wealth a small percentage of the population has.

>> No.56100523

the state did this
central banks have backed housing relentlessly.
so have governments, propping up banks, mass immigration to keep demand high when it sags, artificial scarcity via zoning.

>> No.56100549

It's capitalism. The rationale to blame the jews and only the jews is not only a capitalist defense mechanism, but also a form of religious derangement formed by other rival religious groups.

>> No.56100568

Post nose

>> No.56100583

From what I can tell because of viruses factors high interest is actually making multi family more profitable to construct which is why we are seeing continued growth in multi family construction permits. This is also why we are probably seeing rents drop in some areas.

>> No.56100591

Post chin.
Religion is a tool utilized by capitalism to keep fools like you under control and distracted. Your obsession with the jews is nothing more than religious derangement.

>> No.56100597

Really good teachers should be compensated for excellence. Bad ones should be fired. Instead of that basic system we have open pedophilia and child grooming operations.

So fuck you. End public schooling.

>> No.56100624

>muh free market
>muh privatized schools.
You fools really are just billionaire simps.

>> No.56100694

>How were those social programs paid for? Deficit spending?
Most deficit spending was used for war and to cover cutting taxes. No one wants to pay the piper but at least 1/2 at any one time wants to make something happen.

The political solution is to either dissolve large, stagnant accumulations of capital(via taxes, anti-trust, etc.), or cut spending(which won't happen because voters will not stand to see things like medicare cut)

>> No.56100897

>Really good teachers should be compensated for excellence. Bad ones should be fired.

What salary should "good" teachers be paid?

>> No.56100960

Barter is transactionally ineffective, trading using a commodity intermediate is as old as time, BTC solves money, it is the first trustless money the world has ever known, and as such, the last money the world will ever need, the systemic economic value of trustless money is nearly incomprehensibly vast

>> No.56100976

Not my problem lol

>> No.56100994


That quote is proof that most CEOs are retards who are the product of nepotism and the Peter Principle. Stirner had it right when he said that if workers realized the power they had and decided to put their hands in their pockets rather than using them for labor, there was nothing that the capitalist class could do about it. We see that now with the "quite quitting" movement and an excellent example is how Ontario now has the equivalent GDP of Mississippi, due to most Canadians in the province working less and engaging in more bullshit time in the workplace.

>> No.56100999

And then when people mugged you and stab you, you'd wonder where all these niggers come from. They came from the poverty you wanted them to be in. They have nothing to lose so they'll fuck up somebody that does lmao. Enjoy getting used as a cock sleeve by Tyrone.

>> No.56101054

>deficit spending pays for other stuff, too!
And? Social spending still acts as a supply-side subsidy for labor, social spending is still deficit funded.
>The political solution is to either dissolve large, stagnant accumulations of capital
This solves nothing. New money flows into liquid assets regardless of where the money was injected into the system. Labor functions as an illiquid asset, as such monetary expansion will always produce a parasitic transfer of resources from income earners to oligarchs.

>> No.56101070
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>the problem caused by big government
>can be fixed with an even bigger government

>> No.56101076

Imagine not owning a gun, imagine having a shred of remorse for mag dumping a nigger.

>> No.56101083
File: 335 KB, 900x853, 1694244354396083.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since this is a reddit-tier slide thread, I'm surprised no one's spamming that Breezewood photo.

>> No.56101108

Sorta related, but uhhh

>> No.56102136

>communism is when there are low interest rates
Room temperature IQ.

>> No.56102152

Because housing follows the rules of free market capitalism: Boomers drive demand for those communities.

>> No.56102161


>gets a crappy house that is nearly falling apart
>dies from starvation

>> No.56102574

>what is money printing
>what is millions of immigrants coming to your cities and increasing demand
>what are free shit regulations that inflilate costs
yes it's totally capitalism, nigger

>> No.56102581


>> No.56102595

That's what you get anyway, just without the upside.

>> No.56102622

why the hell are teachers getting paid 69k?

>> No.56102631

The irony is these CEOs also want to make sure that you can never buy a gun. Ever wonder why?
>"Unemployment needs to be 40%."
That's why. They want you disarmed so they can finally just let the mask down and do the things they want, because otherwise you would shoot them.

>> No.56102634

seriously, also ahve they not studied TRICKLE DOWN ECONOMICS? I swear liberals are so fucking stupid

>> No.56102672

if this guy was found in a dumpster roughly chopped into four pieces, i think jew CEOs would be a lot more cautious with their words and actions. in minecraft.

>> No.56102679
File: 384 KB, 1079x1078, Screenshot_20230914_053626.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56104978

Maybe it's more about that people started realizing that if you're a high school teacher you're literally as smart as any high scholer will be at the end of the 4th year, which isn't smart, therefore you can't expect a big pay check for being stupid. High school 24 years ago was more important then it is now... Everyone literally has a college degree

>> No.56105125

how long does this stage last

>> No.56105126

>late stage capitalism.
only retards say this

>> No.56105268

Holy shit, you guys are both so retarded. The only reason why Money is corrupt is because it can be used to buy goyslop, drugs and transactional sex. BTC doesn't solve this because at the end of the day, you can still use it to buy not goods but bads.

>> No.56107182

>enforce price brakes, make that place "livable" for even more idiots
>more idiots move there
>slums arise, demand explodes
Good job, idiot.

>> No.56107203

What stops you from buying a house and waiting for it to appreciate even further?

>> No.56107234

Retarded image made by, expectedly, frogposter faggot. All the things on the right coexisted with the things on the left. Industrial revolution didn't invent morality. Neither did religion. Morality is why your species survived the longest and evolved. Because we saved each other instead of killing. If there is a "primodrial truth" it would state that only way to survive is to love each other.

>> No.56107379 [DELETED] 
File: 467 KB, 2560x847, 2560px-Government_Revenue_and_spending_GDP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now they tax you so can have less money.
Then they give your tax money to welfare recipients and investment founds so they can drive up the prices.
And now you want more of it? When will you learn?

>> No.56107398
File: 467 KB, 2560x847, 2560px-Government_Revenue_and_spending_GDP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now they tax you so can have less money.
Then they give your tax money to welfare recipients and investment funds so they can drive up the prices.
And now you want more of it? When will you learn?

>> No.56107543
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>> No.56107564

heh yea right. i might be a low-income worker now but i'm a future billionaire so i will never support equitable economic policies

>> No.56107657

Average teacher salary in 1999 was closer to $40k, not $65k. Almost seems like he's using the real (inflation-adjusted) values for teacher pay, and he's right that wages have not gone up much/any faster than inflation and haven't been keeping up. But then he's using nominal/non inflation-adjusted numbers for housing, which makes the problem seem worse than it really is. Average home in 1999 was $161k, which $291k in 2023 dollars. Median sale price is now down to like $416k for homes in the US today. Housing has outpaced wages and inflation for sure, but it's not as bad as the disingenuous faggot in OP's screenshot would like you to think.


>> No.56107659

This is /biz/ not r/socialists
Go back faggots

>> No.56107664

Every corporation is a mini communist totalitarian dictatorship.

>> No.56107674

You just cherry picked kike data that doesn't reflect reality to bullshit all that

>> No.56107745

Let's be honest. Teachers unions got the entire profession cucked. The oldest teachers in my freshman year of high school back in 04 lived like kings and queens. They had negotiated contracts where they got such good wage increases that they were earning 180k per year during those last years of employment. Nowadays you start at 69k and get replaced when you get expensive. Super fucked and cucked

>> No.56107775

If the US did what the soviet union did post ww2 (just build a fuckton of dirt cheap housing everywhere) housing prices would crater permanently, good luck doing that through the mess of nimby red tape though

>> No.56107784

least retarded natsucc

>> No.56107807

I'm surprised too.
Mossad must have made budget cuts.

>> No.56107835


Cherry picking is comparing apples to oranges (nominal housing prices vs real/inflation adjusted wages) like OP's screenshot. I'm comparing apples to apples. Even then it's quite obvious that housing prices have outstripped inflation, but cherry picking and comparing different things makes it look worse than it already is.

>> No.56107853

The numbers you used are official numbers. Official inflation is 3.x% which is not reflective of day to day reality.
OP I assume, is a specific example. That house thej vs that house now. Teacher salary then vs teacher salary now.
No kikery needed.

>> No.56108013

central banks is communism retard.

>> No.56108052
File: 31 KB, 720x755, proxy-image (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Houses cost more and teaches don't get paid six figures so I want the person to become an interchangeable economic unit of production for some faceless international collective to burn for the Greater Good(TM)!!!"
Most teachers should be replaced with Britannica<dot>com articles and there should be more emphasis in elementary school education for literacy and basic skills. Middle school should be focused on technical skills while high schools should be replaced with apprenticeships and GEDs.
For history, show The Greatest Story Never Told.
As for housing, end subsidies and loosen building and zoning codes.

>> No.56108308

24 years later and teachers are still getting paid too much.

>> No.56108325

The collapse is coming, I can feel it

>> No.56108758

>Let's be honest
>proceeds to lie out his ass

>> No.56108817

The fact that you think I'm lying is sad. I'm talking about a public school music teacher who was making 180k per year because she had been there that long 20 years and worked her way up. Nowadays salary negotiations are fucked and cucked for teachers. They could never get those kinds of contracts. The fact that you think I'm lying out my ass shows how much the world has changed since 1999. Alot changed after 2000. Back in the day you could start mopping and sweeping a floor for a building and work your way up in the company. Now those jobs are third party contracted and complete dead ends. America is so fucked

>> No.56108823
File: 629 KB, 528x444, antiftwats.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what you morons "late stage capitalism" is actually when the markets have been cornered by a small handful of (((nepotism))) hires all working together to create monopolies and destroy small businesses or aka communism. It is hilarious to see communists complain about not having such a small piece of the markets and resources and thinking the solution is to give away what little resources and freedom they have left to the (((psychopaths))) who destroyed everything in the first place, oh and give them their guns so they can a monopoly on force as well, dont forget that part. You people truly are fucking retarded

>> No.56108829

what you morons *call* "late stage capitalism"

>> No.56108856

>communism is when billionaires own everything
your mind on bullshit

>> No.56108891
File: 270 KB, 450x360, texan2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"billionaires" are a totally different thing than the "party" dude trust me, You know because one are called "party members" while the other are called "billionaires."

>> No.56108925

Being a privilieged party membrr in communism gives you mabye a second car. Thats not the same thing as a billionaire

>> No.56108934


end public schooling? and cripple poor people's prospects of attaining an education? lol, lmao even. surely that'll do WONDERS for society.

>> No.56108940

>All Stalin had was an extra car!!! They definitely had no private mansion!!!
You are so dishonest and frankly I assume malicious (you want to destroy the west, given your willfully ignorance, having no ancestors who lived under communism).

>> No.56108947

ah yes you are so against a few hundred people having 60% of the resources that you want to give 9 people (politburo) control of all the resources. All of non party members will be dirt poor and starving but it's fine because the party members will only have an extra car (which isnt fucking true btw, they will have the resources and property of the entire state at their disposal).

>> No.56108954

>is not only a capitalist defense mechanism, but also a form of religious derangement formed by other rival religious groups.
What the fuck? This guy has to be jewish.

>> No.56108962

Look, you have no idea how much a billionaire owns. Let alone someone like Bezos, Gates or Musk
Even if a privileged party member owns a better house, that puts him in upper middle class at best

>> No.56108968


those are the places that should get bulldozed for freeways. it's like the backrooms of suburbs.

i can't understand how people survive in those, if i lived a month in there i'd blow my brains out.

>> No.56108973

Ok but it also puts everyone else int he projects eat shit and die you stupid fucking nigger

>> No.56108974

Show me how Gorbatchev lived? Noone of them owned anywhere close to a billionaire

>> No.56108984

This isn't even true, there are a lot of party members but they have ranks, the higher ranked the more they have. It's very weird that most people have no understanding of communism, despite all the people who talk about it. Modern China is a good example of a communist country, with respect to the government.

>> No.56108989

You mean everyone else having a job, a home and vacations?

>> No.56109024

>Even if a privileged party member owns a better house, that puts him in upper middle class at best
Not all party members are equal retard. Lower ranking party members might be like the middle class, higher ones live like kings. Open a book, kid. I know zoomers don't like to read.

>> No.56109044
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>higher ones live like kings
Bulshit. This is where the east german head of state lived

>> No.56109046

pfft, Castro was just a humble banana farmer like everyone else, he isnt a billionaire living in a palace you silly chud

>> No.56109119

China is national socialist not communist you retarded projecting fucktard. China has billionaires and a stock market you massively retarded motherfucker

>> No.56109137

I honestly don't know a thing about east germany, but I'm not sure it's a great example.
Castro was rich as fuck and live in luxury, which is funny because cuba is a shithole. You need to do some more research, ese.
>China is national socialist
No. I also said with respect to government, not economy. Retard.

>> No.56109299

dude teachers do not start a 69k it is far less

>> No.56109335


Primary residence doesn't actually translate to where they spent most of their time. Communist Party leaders were very much aware of the importance of appearances. Stalin's primary residence was in an apartment in the Kremlin, but in reality he spent most of his time in one of his large country estates. And in the summer time he spent it in his mansion in Crimea.

>> No.56109346

None of that is close to a billionaire. Or someone like Gates, who is the biggest landowner in the US
I think some people dont know how much money that is

>> No.56109678

>Stalin having a state monopoly on violence only puts him at an artificial middle class life!!!
Shut the fuck up you dishonest dog.
Stalin and every other communist leader was the equivalent of a billionaire in terms of financial, political and social power.
You are so unbelievably dishonest, it's frankly evil.

>> No.56109715


You have a child's understanding of inequality and power. Your obsession with billionaires betrays your envy of them. Being a billionaire doesn't matter if the powers who control the economic and political life of a society have all the men with the guns. China has the highest concentration of billionaires in the world and yet they all cower in fear of the CCP, and the billionaires who have dared to criticize party have been disappeared for doing so.

>> No.56109741

no, thats what the OP did you tremendous fucking retard

this is why no one cares what happens to poorfaggot goycattle like you, you're literally too stupid to live

>> No.56109746

maybe the teachers should get real jobs instead of indoctrinating the youth about faggots and trannies and equality for shitskins?

>> No.56109902

>good teacher
A percentage of all future income. Say 1%. Overnight you'll get only the best possible outcomes as teachers are incentive to actually give a shit about teaching useful practical things that lead to employment and success.

>> No.56109935

Communism already exists in the US, just not the way blue haired troons thought it would