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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 118 KB, 705x702, 2A1311B9-9C92-4DC2-9876-A496008D3ABA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56099542 No.56099542 [Reply] [Original]

Come check us out, we are a community meme token basically created for biztards by biztards. In the last 24 hours we have hit a 10x and now sitting pretty at about 3x. I’m not sure when the next pump will happen but right now is a great entry point. Tokenomics and distribution are solid and we also had anti sniping and bot measures in place shortly after launch. Tax is 0/0, and dev only holds 4%. We also have a private group the Citadel where we discuss governance of our token, as well as upcoming projects where anyone that has membership will have the opportunity to be on the ground floor. Entry is maintained by our telegram bot that scans your Bizfrens token count. Current membership requirement is 5M for the Citadel.

site: frens.biz

>> No.56099568
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>> No.56099573


>> No.56099592
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comfy :)

>> No.56099605


this token?

>> No.56099611

Did u bought 0.10 eth from presale?

>> No.56099627

Biz coin for the people by the people. That 0/0 tax is pretty sexy.

>> No.56099630

OP spammed this fucking garbage for a month straight 20 times per day just for a couple hundred bucks fucking lmao
OP if you literally did ANY other actual work instead you would have made at least 5x that by now. a homeless crackhead beggar on the street made more than you.

full time spamming a board for a 24K mcap shartcoin LMAO

>> No.56099646

A month? We were shilling it for a week before it was released and trying to give people on the board a good entry. Gtfo with you fud fag, every token starts off at small mc.

>> No.56099655

I hope presale friends are as comfortable as I am. I only bought 0.05 ETH and it's now worth 0.136273 ETH. I really expected it to be a rug pull, so that 0.05 ETH wouldn't mean anything to me. I hope we're all on the same page. Let's take this to the moon

>0 Tax
>ca renounced
>lp burned
>jeet filtered community

3 key factors for low market cap shitcoins to reach 1-2 million market imo and we got it all.

>> No.56099670

gee man this market cap is so low. I won't "invest" in this.

>pumps x100

What do i do wrong /biz/

>> No.56099684
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>jeetcoin has already been rugged
>dev has already dumped
Kek, should've listened to Keith

>> No.56099698

oh ye, I feel really dumped. I feel so sorry for not listening to you Keith.i sent 0.10 ETH to a stranger, and now I have 0.25 ETH. Fuck u devs.

Btw im 100% sure you bought the 4chan pass because you couldn't get the captchas right. You're dumb as fuck ong lmao

>> No.56099711
File: 352 KB, 1549x693, B6998181-BD6B-4236-A447-E1A1E7E03554.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here comes the liar Keith again, look at the 4% wallets one is dev’s. He hasn’t rugged a penny. Any other lies you want to spread queef?

>> No.56099714

this is very good project 4channel wow

>> No.56099722

businesses and finance fourm.,, do not sleep on this very big moonie moon token

>> No.56099727

Guys this is the same guy. We just broke his feelings with "facts" and now he's going to speak with his broken english for some reason we don't know why KEK. Go on, speak ur mothers native language. Make the village proud son.

Samefagging nigger.

>> No.56099733

oh top keks and many pepe to you anon !! you got repeated numbers , very good sign

biz fren is bless by keks him self!

>> No.56099739

imagine you were keith irl. why even exist

>> No.56099740

stick to the script when promoting token, this is disruptive posting not helpful for teammates

>> No.56099741

Isn’t that other 4% for airdropping to biz chads who make fun of Keith? That’s golden I heard they were going to take screenshot submissions and and choose a winner. Keith literally begged our dev in tg for the early entry, then threatened he would keep fudding us on the board if he didn’t. Our dev told him he doesn’t negotiate with terrorists, based.

>> No.56099750

many pepe the frog to you too anon ! you got repeating numbers as well too !! this whole project bless by top kek and double numbers
wow good community and good project !

>> No.56099758

4channel ignore paid FUDDER name keith

he very disruptive to token promotion on this site, biz fren very good project while made in india it still have good development on it

>> No.56099769

omg is this real lmao

>> No.56099783
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>> No.56099791
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You boys must be seething with rage at the fact no one fell for your rug.

>0.10 ETH into 0.25
OK, now try and sell it. See what happens.

>> No.56099794

wow this coin sell like hot cake

this presale go, have many buyer lined up for moonie moon coin !

do no get caught without this hidden jem business and finance fren top kek !

>> No.56099798

keith you fat white america? stop spreading paid fud on good project

>> No.56099799

TL;DR you nigger, I'm not reading all that just for an obvious rugpull lmao, cope and seethe, my only toxic relationship is pond

>> No.56099802
File: 636 KB, 200x242, 54DC15EA-1859-4983-A9C5-8367F8E45F5F.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hilariously yes it is. I don’t know what it is with tripfags but they’re always the most insufferable faggots.

>> No.56099807

Why the 85% transfer fee?

>> No.56099814

So you'd rather get fucked by a vaporwave than make some money with a possible rugpull?

>> No.56099816

this also paid fud

this not real., this coin is legitimately project with good development on going

>> No.56099825

I had a seizure trying to understand your broken English Suresh, goo back

>> No.56099826

Buy an ad

>> No.56099828


Ignore paid fudders in our biz fren fourm today

lot of paid FUDDER in here disrupting us

>> No.56099830

Just ignore, it's yet another piece of shit

>> No.56099831
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>Rug it

>> No.56099838
File: 659 KB, 828x1358, 84E8285F-CFF6-4EF9-9116-B1437831B16D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what a rug looks like Queef. Nice try though.

>> No.56099842

fuck you fat whites

this is very good project.. , stop fudding good coin

>> No.56099853

just type keiths name to warosu. Im too lazy to provide the evidence but hes only strat to extort new launched coins. I mean if he gets 0.10 eth from one project every month, village is proud.

>> No.56099863
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I wish I was paid to post in this jeet circus, I'm only looking for a gem
Not lying, check the contract here de.fi/scanner

>> No.56099872

he is 100% from india and projecting his insecurities to other people. I mean if he is not indian, how could he afford to live with 0.10 eth pay checks? kekkk.

so tell us keith, is the village very angry with you because you couldn't extort bizfrens dev?

>> No.56099888

4channel lot of paid fud in here

this coin very good buy now DYOR but no sleep on it

>> No.56099903
File: 1.61 MB, 2448x3264, nigger jeets tongue my anus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yeah, give me 0.1 ETH goys!

Kek you guys are almost certainly newfags. Not all of us are from India.

Post skin color

>> No.56099916
File: 133 KB, 1170x818, photo_2023-09-12_20-36-56.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all the audit websites besides De.fi show a 100/100 score, not gonna lie. I think De.fi doesn't take into consideration that 'blacklisting' and 'transfer limit' are not flaws after the contract is renounced.

pic tokensniffer

>> No.56099922

lol based. I still think you are kinda retarted for using inspect element though lol. Don't you think you are just being pathetic?

>> No.56099931

What kind of psyop is this? It's funny cause the pajeet style is so blatant that it might be a fake pajeet trying to fud but but i could also be a real pajeet acting like a fake pajeet

>> No.56099932

I remember fag OP was shilling this shit nonstop last month with his stupid destiny wife pics, couldn’t even fill a 5 ETH presale lmfao shitty jeet scammer

>> No.56099941

He took all these screenshots before we released the token, a blank token with no code always shows up as such. And honestly I don’t know why Keith is trying to fud a genuine project to this extreme while showing off his little Rolex and gold chains, ultra weird flex imo.

>> No.56099949
File: 5 KB, 445x64, lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well then it's a good thing he is pretty slow.

>keith what do we have here

>> No.56099952

>no cold wallets
>no bricks of cash in multiple currencies for emergencies
>no white skin
>no blue eyes
>no daytona 2018 explorer worth 100 jeet annual salaries
>no nintendo wii
>no mein kempf
if you knew how much assets I had right now while shitposting on /biz/ you would shit and spend the next year trying to scam me. Good luck, I'm hidden behind 172 proxies

I fucking love /biz/ and you poor fucking jeets that got into crypto 10 years too late

>> No.56099959

we need to delete fourm

check TG messages panniuu , this has gotten out of hand

>> No.56099967

what about the transfer fee?

I took the screenshot now, check for yourself

>> No.56099989

This is not good keith. We did not pay you to show your colors. delete this post soon or no payment. this aan emergency. u will delete now.

>> No.56099993
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>> No.56100015

Yeah this is not keith. Anyways, Tax is 0% and no your screen shot is not fake. Probably something to do with de.fi because contract is literally forked from Hpos1* (the one that reached $160M Mc)

>> No.56100081

Thanks for my BIZFRENS safe in my eth wallet as promised in the pre-sale.

>> No.56100109

I sold half my stack already for profit you deplorable faggot go suck start a shotgun

>> No.56100158

Do you want me to start the slow clap now for you being hood rich?

>> No.56100178

Yes this the one frens! The next 100x gem! The token it is good the token it is very good just bought 100k of the token yes this the one my biz frens!

>> No.56100205

My biz friends, prepare your anuses for the next gem token. This the token for the million gains my friends the token it is definitely not a scam! Buy the token now for the gains!

>> No.56100229

The next gem has arrived my frens! The community it is good and the token it is even better for the gem! Buy the gem for the gains or be the poorfag!
>the verification it is not required

>> No.56100267
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U fucking faggots relaunched this shit because the first one is dead? Holy fuck this is why I never buy anything shilled by biz anymore. Fucking scum.

>> No.56100281
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>> No.56100285

I was calling this out on the first thread and they didn't listen

>> No.56100294

Yes the audit it is the good audit the token it is not a scam at all. Do not listen to Keith he is the bad man he fud for the money. You can not fud the next gem do not fade this one the gem frens! The community it is the strong community ever!

>> No.56100353

Lol no wtf. So in your opinion HPOS/10 dev is satoshi? Are u fucking retarted
didn't listen >up 10X whoops!

>> No.56100368

In time like this I’m remind me of the old German saying:
“You want the next gains, you buy the next 100x gem”
Well my friends the token it is the gem. With the community like this how can the token not be the gem? Buy the next gem for the many moons my frens!