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File: 95 KB, 750x640, 1694050568119421.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56099174 No.56099174 [Reply] [Original]

>meet qualifications
>interview goes VERY well
>STILL don't get the job
What does this mean? Happens a lot. Some of the best interviews I ever for jobs that I had all the qualifications for went nowhere. Did they find a dude with more experience and were just using me as a backup if he said no? Was I a quota?? They were never planning on hiring me huh?

>> No.56099218
File: 89 KB, 300x300, EAA203CB-14C4-4A81-B7A9-5CA49925703E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mein Gott, sieh dir die Judenbrüste an

>> No.56099233

Wtf that strap thing ?

>> No.56099235

Frau next door..

>> No.56099268
File: 52 KB, 900x695, Saturn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

black leather, and her opal necklace is the birthstone of libra which is exalted in picrel

>> No.56099275

happened to me before too. Rationally its either:

1) The company ended up not having the money
2) They found a better guy
3) It went well in my head only and not in reality

regardless, its fucking infuriating how they just never get back to you

>> No.56099311

But what if they were never planning on hiring you? They always get back to me though idk what ur applying to.. I've even had the same company give me 3 2nd round interviews this year(big company, different departments)..

>> No.56100274

Mark on the hand and the forehead…

>> No.56100332

If you think an interview went well, it probably didn't. Job interviews are basically the same as a "date" with a roastie. If they aren't literally sucking your dick in 20 minutes, time to go.

And let's keep it 200 - you're a fucking loser. You are desperate for any positive feedback, and most people are pretty "couth" in professional situations so they will act positive if you manage to fool them and break the seal to get an interview. But they can tell *instantly* that you're a 4chan posting schizo sperg incel as soon as you walk in the door. It was literally over before it began for you. They are just being "nice' so that you don't explode on them with an AR-15.

Seriously. As soon as you speak to them, the normie's instinct is "how can I make sure this savage animal stays calm long enough that he doesn't kill me." They think less of you than a pitbull or a hippo.

>> No.56100349

That's based though that's how I want people to perceive me


>> No.56100367
File: 62 KB, 500x344, DA964323-0D82-416B-89EE-CA3473604178.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s for cracking the code of both the torah and the stock market

>> No.56100409

I knew a jewish girl in college who looks like this. She works for disney now

>> No.56100426

Is that Pi? Fuck I should rewatch now that I'm j-woke. I liked it even before I was.

>> No.56100435

It’s free on youtube

>> No.56100446

I've been on the hiring side for paid software dev interns, all students, HR will filter a list of 100-200 candidates to about 2 dozen. Then we pick out the top ones that look like they have the most relevant skills/interests to the work we do, or if they've done a lot or worked at good places or go to a good school (you get a sense of the good schools after working/interviewing with students from different ones).
If the interview goes well and they're very strong we'll try to get them right away, sometimes within a day or two.
If they're good but not overly strong, we'll keep interviewing for about a week or two to try to get someone better. Then we'll rank them from strongest to weakest and try to get the strongest candidate first. If they don't accept we go down the list and try to get the next most qualified.
This can go on for up to about 3-4 weeks and if we don't find anyone good that's still available, we get tired of interviewing will just settle on someone mediocre because it's better to have someone rather than no one.

>> No.56100537
File: 7 KB, 232x217, 1682363199498479s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>interview goes VERY well

Apparently you have a hard time reading body language. It's ok, it happens to us spergs all the time. I'll tell you this though about my past record with interviews:
> The sad reality is that the interviewer already knows within the first few seconds of seeing you if they're going to hire you or not. Your looks along with demeanor on how you speak (your first impressions) ARE EVERYTHING! Bad first impressions will kill the interview. They're just being polite from that point forward even though they're already insta rejecting you after the interview is done.
> I got hired by a group of guys who had very relaxed body language throughout the whole interview, and they had the "warm smile" expression aka you just KNOW that they like you. There's no "thinking they like me" here. You just know.
> On the other end, the interviewers that ghosted me after the interviews were those with very intimidating/hostile body language (ie: one of them kept hounding me with questions based on every answer they gave and they put off a "concerned' look while doing so) while some of the other interviewers acted like they didn't want to be there at all (ie: one had his legs crossed and didn't give me eye contact at all; another dude was leaning towards me with that same "concerned/wanting an answer out of you" expression that's an instant red flag)

Yes yes I know that was a long read, but that should help multiple spergs around here who are having a hard time landing jobs. This is just a starter guide though, you all seriously need to learn reading body language, along with grooming and practicing with your own voice in a recorder so you all don't sound like Kermit the frog or Barry White when speaking.

>> No.56100550
File: 196 KB, 720x875, Screenshot_20230913-210436.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You schizos skills must he terrible, you are a larper, disinfo agent, or a very blind man.

>> No.56100565

Does it make sense to alter my body language mid-interview if I sense hostility, or am I already cooked by that point?

>> No.56100577

interviews were just a courtesy, the position was actually being held for another person from the start. my company does this all the time.

>> No.56100602

What do you mean by *in* picrel?

>> No.56100608

No, it's already too late at that point if the interviewer is giving off hostile or disinterested vibes. Just continue and finish the interview calmly to avoid any further awkwardness. I know this is difficult to do since you'll likely get nervous and your body goes into "fight or flight" mode so you start shaking and stuttering and bouncing your legs and what not (any sign of nervous body language is BAD, gives off literal SBF vibes).

Handling these situations unfortunately is about trial and error and overall, practice. You have to throw yourself into the fire (many in person interviews) to train yourself to keep your nerves at bay and increase your confidence (of course, people can sense fake confidence too if you're fuck ugly aka the reason why my previous post said to focus on your visual presentation+grooming too). Mock interviews can help you prepare for real interviews if you have a hard time landing real ones.

>> No.56100671
File: 77 KB, 173x250, 3t34634634634.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shes 17 in this image
but she is now 21

>> No.56100678

I'm gonna bet it's not going as well as you think. It's also not all about qualifications; hiring managers will reject you in a heartbeat if you're giving off red flags.
I don't think they'd interview you if they just intended to reject you, unless the interviews you're getting stuck on are actually just phone screens. Later stage interviews are expensive.