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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56095479 No.56095479 [Reply] [Original]

>1% taxes, donated to vets
>Memable as fuck
>First Tucker Carlson coin
>American /biz/tard founders
>Ethereum mainnet
>Safu contract (getting audited today)
>Guaranteed CMC listing
>NFT collection week after launch
>Basically the same as $TRUMP that hit $5M

>> No.56095494
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>> No.56095498

what can you use it for?

>> No.56095502

0.1 min buy-in (NPP - no poorfags policy)
We're setting up some twitter promos rn, and paid for an audit to certify its safu

Live now, 1.5 ETH raised so far https://www.pinksale.finance/launchpad/0xf403562620d849fB28d839f73232B17ddfF34E31?chain=ETH

Tg @tuckercoinUS
site: tuckercoin.us

>> No.56095531

Making money

If we hit the 5 eth softcap we'll launch, we limited the hardcap to 30 eth so it can pump, don't want a huge presale

If it was we'd fill like 10 eth to fake the volume, these are all real buys so far

>> No.56095619
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We blew an ETH on bad shills yesterday but found some decent ones today.

A guy followed by CZ is gonna shill us on twitter soon, and then some alpha groups with genuine followers. So this might turn out sweet very soon.

>> No.56095721

Jesus you scammers aren't even creative

>> No.56095787

I fucking love these shitposts man, got tired of these pajeets false hyping it up in the tg and dm'ing me to sell their promos

Keep shitting on it please

>> No.56095798

More like Sucker coin amirite
Cause only suckers are buying

>> No.56095805
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>> No.56096432
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Another .1 buy we might hit soft cap before any paid shills are deployed kek

American Chads rise up

We're in talks with a dude who's followed by cz to do a Twtitter post for us (among others). Only /biz/ chads are in so far!

>> No.56096502

>pinkjeet prescam
no lol I’m good

>> No.56097053
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Update: We cancelled the pink shit because we got screwed by our auditor.

Go ahead and withdraw your funds if you bought sirs.

The idiot auditor told us to cancel because of the TradeOpen function without accounting for the fact we'd manually add the LP and it's an auto-add. And we listened. $2k in /biz/ buy-ins and $1k in launch fees wiped out kek.

We'll relaunch once we deal with the auditor and improve the code.

>> No.56097060

*not an auto-add

Go back to the sale and withdraw whatever ETH you put in. We'll notify yall when it's back up