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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56095148 No.56095148 [Reply] [Original]

i just wanted to run a business man but i’m fucking poor.

i unironically like just selling stuff, counting profits, taking stock, trying new things it all feels like a video game to me. but i’m too poor and inhibited to actually gamble around like that.

i would buy cheap shit from china but with ebay you have to fuck around with their shitty payment providers.

>> No.56095223

Good, think about all the heavy fuel oil that burns into the atmosphere to ship cheap plastic Chinese shit that goes straight into the landfill after a month.

>> No.56095415

ok, but my life sucks. when do i get anything?

>> No.56095538

how old are you?

>> No.56095548

Life sucks for everyone retard.

>> No.56095747

mines worse

>> No.56095754

>but you have to fuck around with their shitty payment providers


ngmi faggot kys now wagie

>> No.56095804

hello fellow merchant. you can be more succesful in a small town. city folk have the luxury of many retail stores and instant mail delivery. out in sneedville a simple merchant like yourself will have more success selling things in a little shop or even a van. if you have a vehicle go around mechanic shops selling hardware zipties tape driver bits air tool fittings etc. making a little money by merchantmaxxing is funner than waging or trying to make it big with ecommerce.

>> No.56095821

Insanely over saturated market that has been monopolized by Amazon ages ago you dumb retard. The days of owning a shop that sells stuff is over. Can’t compete with the mega corps.

>> No.56095840

shoot yourself fat retard

>> No.56096018 [DELETED] 

Fuck you
>t. Living in hyperinflation
>Old parents to care for
>2k worth of loan shark debts because of the (((crisis))) in Lebanon
>Making 200$ a month in toilet paper money
>Sleep for dinner
I can't even work on freelancer or fiverr or even PayPal because of (((sanctions)))
God bless motherfucking god-damned cryptocurrency

>> No.56096067 [DELETED] 

If any crypto friend can help a hyperinflated brother out I'd unironically appreciate it
And remember, Monero is sound money, safe mode

>> No.56096074 [DELETED] 



>> No.56096092 [DELETED] 




>> No.56096136

I didnt get a credit card for Amazon FBA as a NEET. Fuck this gay earth.

>> No.56096157

Just run a services business. Lots of the same type of work, minus taking inventory, but you aren’t required to have much/any upfront cash. For example, it costs nothing to advertise yourself as a hand for hire for small businesses, think CRM management, SEO, ect. And it costs very little/nothing to start doing the work when someone contacts you.

I don’t think the lean startup has gone out of style, it’s still very relevant to todays world.

>> No.56096162

Go sell toilet paper, snacks, and beer on the Appalachian trail. It's the last great merchant real life RPG adventure available in 2023

>> No.56096170

All I’m good at is working with Excel, which I am pretty good at. I don’t think there’s a market for that service though. Could be wrong?

>> No.56096688

There’s absolutely a market for that. Take a gander on fiverr, learn some integrations, and promise the moon

>> No.56096819

Filled with pajeets who appear to me more skilled than I am.

>> No.56096839

yeah but that just means you can charge a premium for being white. nobody wants to hire pajeets unless they have to, doesn't matter if it's cheap.

>> No.56096943

I did the learn to code meme too late. I can make cryptocurrencies but I don't think there is still a market for it.

>> No.56097491

Sure, but also play to your strengths. Your in a rich area, target companies who would hire people like Mr pajeet on fiverr, but in your local area and who would pay a premium to either have you in person or have you relate to them and actually care about their business. Not a no name

>> No.56097499

You don’t have to code. Cleaning is a classic service business with low up front costs. You could do ad-hoc financial analysis. Just pick up ideas from people local and international you think you could provide well.

>> No.56097537

sell drugs

>> No.56097630

Came here to post this. Be that professional guy and don't snort your own coke.

>> No.56098302

sell drugs?

>> No.56098307

how to figure out how to buy wholesale? also a lot of dealers (wholesale) are fucking snitches...

>> No.56099021

>ngmi faggot kys now wagie
Ugly Midget.

>> No.56099033

Don't, local drug dealers will try to get you arrested and local cops will try to kill you or frame you.
Competition is so high for dope dealing, not worth it.