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File: 67 KB, 600x398, monero_coins-5bfd713ac9e77c0051d5583f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56095020 No.56095020 [Reply] [Original]

Please tell me this board still doesn't shill Monero. This "cryptocurrency" has actually shown more stability than actual fucking stablecoins. Its FROZEN a the same price for a YEAR.

Damn you /biz/ for getting me to buy bags of this.

>> No.56095034

Price doesn't matter jeet Bitfuck shill.

>> No.56095045
File: 215 KB, 1200x600, crab-xmr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the crab is weaponised. Few understand.

>> No.56095048

Bitcoin actually makes its holders profitable. There's promise it will hit 1 million in our lifetime and uplift a generation of anons.

No such promise with XMR, fuk you shill.

>> No.56095078

Bitchcoin is a banker-controlled ponzi that can't survive without moonbois and whales manipulating the price. It's going to zero.

>> No.56095080

Monero doesn't pump because it's not a scam. It's a currency.

>> No.56095152

anyone who dislikes monero is a brainlet.

>> No.56095292
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>> No.56095301
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You're not going to get rich quick off a currency which is currently used as a stable, pseudonymous means of transaction, fagtard.

>> No.56095344

its interesting that the two top coins both fail to deliver:

> not inherently scalable
> very low tps
> very high transaction fees with eth (and also btc more often)
> no in-built privacy

its like if you solve all the above problems you're left with something which isn't really a good investment because it lowers the barrier to entry which then leads to saturation and low profit margins.

thats why i'm not super bullish on alt L1s or sidechains.

>> No.56095401
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Oh fugg :DDDD

>> No.56095583

big buy signal right here....

>> No.56095609

>price doesn't matter
Holy cope

>> No.56095680

If you're in crypto only to make a quick buck you're a parasite and a leech. I am here because I'm interested in the technology, the capability, math and CS behind it. You should stick to pump and dump memecoins.

>> No.56095709

>I am here because I'm interested in the technology,
i'm here for ideology reasons. fiat is fundamentally broke and trash and keeps everyone that wages poor af. BTC and XMR are the sollution.

>> No.56095725

There's nothing interesting about the technology, that's the worst reason to be in it.

>> No.56095743

you are wrong. PoW mining has taken money creation out of the hands of centralized forces. PoS indeed is not interesting , banking 2.0 the rich get richer sitting on their money/stake. but PoW is revolutionary. you can't exclude anyone from doing the work and mining the currency. its open and permissionless. on the opposite side in proof of stake you need someone to sell it to (which is asking permission, being granted permission by someone else who has stake).

>> No.56095748
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What do you find interesting then you joyless fag.

>> No.56095757

Lmao, if you really think this you are a literal nigger. No other explanation needed really. Crypto IS a revolution no matter how much parasites there are in it.

>> No.56095773

actually the culmination of technologies made this permissionless open and decentralized, world wide hard currency possible. the tech is def interesting but for many parts you need to be very smart to understand it

for Bitcoin to be a thing we needed :
- internet tech
- cryptography tech
- physical computing tech

i missed a bunch probably it goes deep. if you think the tech is not interesting you are actually just a brainlet.

>> No.56095786

Taking money creation out of the hands of centralised forces isn't tech. I think that is interesting actually but the tech itself is mostly decades old. It's the way the tech is assembled and the game theory that's interesting.

>> No.56095812
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>There's nothing interesting about the technology
Monero's mining algorithm has been modified to integrate with TOR sites to solve the twenty year long problem of crippling DDoS attacks.

>> No.56095871

you create new tech by combining other techs together. bitcoin is new tech. just like how a ryzen computer chip is new tech. or are you going to say its just old tech cause transistors were invented 1947?

>> No.56095877

can't wait for it to run over i2p and with ivp6 new feats.

>> No.56095882

that's kind of what you want out of a currency

>> No.56095889

Nice. I will say, Monero has an absolute lock on "in it for the tech", though for me it's all a means to an end: the best possible money. Even when the tech is made for something else, it's Monero they actually uses it (e.g. ring-CT). Bitcoiners just try to spin whatever narrative they think will pump their coin around the same unchanging codebase while Monero changes the code to get closer to the unchanging goal.

>> No.56095987
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The top image is a screen capture from kraken, explaining how they're suspending XMR.

Below is a screen capture from Financial Conduct Authority explaining why.

It's because, precisely as I've warned over the last couple of weeks, the new regulations coming into effect in the UK and across Europe require a transaction to traceable from point to point.

And..... poooooof.....

Just like, there goes monero, along with every other privacy token and summer of defi product line. Expect additional drops from exchanges in the coming weeks / months.

Dump em while you can bois.... because they're going no where.

May as well short it if that's your thing, and you're allowed to by your exchange.

>> No.56096024
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>you're allowed to by your exchange.
What part of permissionless technology don't you understand retard.

>> No.56096030

Doesn't illeagalise Monero itself so no problem.

>> No.56096031

>Just like, there goes monero
so what you are saying, is that monero is easy to get now but will be harder to get later.

>> No.56096058

Monero is the only actual cryptocurrency. It's fine the way it is and it serves a vital purpose. Speculators should stay away from it and stick to shitcoins.

>> No.56096078

Your either dillusional or shills given that the FCA is literally telling you they're going to ban all forms of crypto transaction that falls into that category.

The best that'll come from that is an exchange possibly auto converting it to USDT. Assuming they don't just void it out the account if you fail to convert it. Next up, possibly back tracing those accounts.

>b.b.b... my usb stixs
Good luck on and off ramping.

It's done.

>> No.56096124
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I can still exchange Monero for heroin and CP.

>> No.56096144

Monero is not an asset, it is a currency. The stage is set for a circular XMR economy.

>> No.56096165

in either way. if you are smart, you would want your hands on the soon to be completely dark currency (monero) and on the surveillance money (bitcoin).


>> what are atomic swaps.

you literally can't stop monero from being used unless you ban all and any cryptocurrency.

>> No.56096173
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>monero is...LE BAD

>> No.56096191

ultra kek

>> No.56096270

Exchanges actually abuse Moneros principles and have a whole bag of "paper" Monero - look at fucking chink Binance - they regularly suspend XMR withdrawals because of XYZ, but everyone knows it's because they simply run out of real Monero on their exchange. CEX are the cancer of crypto, same as taxes for crypto (lol as if the gov has had anything to do with it EVER), Monero would be much better without this. There are already platforms and a network of P2P sellers for cash/other crypto, even in my shithole country lol and it's much easier and cheaper to buy/sell to them and pay ZERO TAXES.

>> No.56096331
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Lol as if a decentralized peer to peer currency holding its current price while being banned and demonized by normies is a bad thing. Just sell now Anon we really don’t need your weak hands for where we are going. You can stick to cash lol

>> No.56096379

if monero truly becomes "the banned" one its kinda over for all other "private" currencies. and will be defacto the winner of the non-surveillance economy. its obvious that 2 networks will develop. Bitcoin already won in the public blockchain domain space. only bitcoin is relevant, maybe a shitty ethereum is too. all the rest isn't then in the non surveillance space it will be monero. imagine NOT having a bag in the dark space. imagine being that stupid, its almost as stupid as letting your wife divorce rape your assets with the help of daddy goverments surveillance state tools. LMAO

>> No.56096642

>it will hit 1 million in our lifetime and uplift a generation of anons.
this is some sad shit. yea im sure the kikes are gonna uplift you real good buddy.

>> No.56096652
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Reminder that Bitcoin's exorbitant price is NOT the result of organic real-world supply & demand but is instead the result of 10+ years of demonstrably fraudulent trading by a cabal of profiteers who are counting on you to take the bait and FOMO in every time they initiate a pump.

Reminder that this same kind of market manipulation is how utterly useless memecoins are also able to inexplicably attain multi-billion dollar market caps.

Reminder that price action in a market this spectacularly fraudulent is therefore not truly representative of an asset's actual value and is an inherently meaningless metric.

Reminder that such fraudulent trading is not consistent with long-term growth and stability.

Reminder that Bitcoin is now rapidly losing real-world economic relevance to Monero as *reliable* privacy and *full* fungibility become evermore necessary for truly permissionless crypto transacting. https://moneroinfodump.neocities.org/#MoneroReplacingBitcoin

Reminder that maxipads are delusional bagholders who actually believe Bitcoin can continue losing real-world economic relevance without it negatively impacting the price.

Reminder that those same maxipads will attempt to distract you from Bitcoin's downward spiral with constant appeals to historical price action that, as seen, is inherently meaningless.



Reminder that actual ADOPTION = sustained & growing utilization by non-speculators as a medium of exchange in a real-world economy for the purchase/sale of goods & services.

Reminder that Monero is the only cryptocurrency that has consistently growing demand from non-speculators due to it becoming the exclusive medium of exchange for cyber-related black market commerce.

Reminder that this growing demand makes Monero the only cryptocurrency with a guaranteed floor since commercial users will continue buying it no matter the price or market conditions.

>> No.56096673
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>There's promise it will hit 1 million in our lifetime and uplift a generation of anons.

haha holy shit, imagine actually believing this.

>> No.56096694

I think I should slurp some XMR and CYMI. Both have been fairly stable in this bear market.

>> No.56096935
File: 1.12 MB, 920x1128, pathetic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's because, precisely as I've warned over the last couple of weeks, the new regulations coming into effect in the UK and across Europe require a transaction to traceable from point to point.

lol isn't fully permissionless transacting the *key* selling point of crypto? Its literally the only reason to use it over legacy payment systems, PayPal is a helluva lot more user-friendly and offers consumer protections.

Behold the absolutely cucked state of crypto, boys. Once upon a time it was all "fuck the government!", now its all "we can't survive without governmental approval".

>> No.56097875

one of the fundamental parts of financial gain is hiding the true value of the wealth gained from griefters
the people who talk shit on monero are kids in their 20s who haven't made any serious money yet

>> No.56098221

>Nooooo why is this currency behaving like a currency instead of one of my meme tulip shitcoins.

>> No.56098301

flat in a bear market aint too bad

>> No.56098362
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looks at this midwit normalfaggot lmao
>its all "we can't survive without governmental approval"
except for xmrchads of course

>> No.56098385

but le heckin privacy I'm an epic haxoriino ordering drugs from the dark nets fuck of glowie xddddd

>> No.56098750

PayPal banned me after I tried using one of their (((consumer protections))). Monero is way more user frenly.

>> No.56098775

Monero cant scale
You wont make a fortune with this coin
Monero has serious problems in terms of security when it comes to more and more adoption

>> No.56099344
File: 546 KB, 2894x4093, monero5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys! Its me ^_^ I'm here to make friends


>> No.56099962

Hey I wouldn't doubt this prediction. Where we are going, minimum wage for niggers will be 100k, houses will be 10 mil and a million US dollars will be effectively worthless. You laugh but it already happened. Pennies and nickles used to be worth something, now they are worthless. Noone will be giving up their crypto if this country doesn't get its shit together with the money printing.

>> No.56100538

imagine if the dollar is eventually put on the BTC standard then subsequently taken off of the BTC standard so that the government can horde all the BTC just like they did with gold.