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56092397 No.56092397 [Reply] [Original]

Hello fellow bizarians

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I come to you in time of great need, you guys have always been my family therefore I have the need to give back what you gave me.

I'm here because I want to whistleblow on a few actors in the Moonbeam community (specifically admins) who I've contacted due to my knowledge of them supporting a scammer (the Beamswap CTO Žiga Flis (pic related , https://www.bizi.si/ZIGA-FLIS-S-P/ , https://zemljevid.najdi.si/podjetje/8598711000/ziga-flis-sp).). This is not the "main problem", but first let me explain how I know this...

Žiga Flis is a guy I know from high school, we went together to the same high school, Šolski Center Celje (as computer technicians), he's about 1-2 years younger than me. We used to drink together/socialize on a few rare occasions. I mostly hung out with another friend of his Sancho (not him real name, his nickname). Sancho and Žiga Flis live basically in the same Town (Žalec) so that's why I know Žiga Flis, through Sancho.

We started a facebook group called PoorCryptoFags in which we basically disgust crypto, some time after the start of the group, probably 2-3 years, I invited Sancho and Sancho invited Flis. Flis back then was working for himself over Fiverr. In the DEFI summer of 2021 he took work from Fiverr as a freelancer. He took work from people who didn't know how to code or check what exactly he did, so he implemented (that's what he named it) a dev/stability/insuranceFund fee which basically took 2% of every transaction and transferred it into his OWN WALLET. He then proceeded to brag about that on our private facebook group, while also braging about not paying taxes and how he bought a car and couch with the profits. After I said "This is great future extortion material" he proceeded to delete the before mentioned posts on our facebook group, since he realized how stupid that just was, but about 30-40 people still saw the posts.

>> No.56092402
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I'll even provide pictures of the conversation and give you translations to it, since it's in Slovenian slang, since why would anyone write literary Slovene in a FB group about crypto. You can google translate some of it, but some words are a bit cut off since it's slang. For instance instead of using the full term "kako" someone says "ku". It's the same word, but an slang abbreviation or instead of "noter" it's notr, because fuck the E. I'm Šala (the potato picture guy) in the converstion. The other people are all redacted, since they do not want to be exposed... They did nothing wrong, therefore I color coded them so you guys can easily get who's saying what. I left in me and Flis, I don't care about exposing myself.

This is the scam I've been talking about, implementih insuranceFund variables into the smart contracts he was selling to unwitting customers in the DEFI summer of 2021. Also if you look at any projects he worked on or was involved, they all basically fell apart leaving investors stuck and broke. He also, back when Pokemon GO was still a thing, used a GPS spoofer to teleport around major cities and catch rare pokemon so he could sell them for hundreds of dollar.

I'm a Polkadot investor among a few other things and I dropped 1250 DOTs into the moonbeam ecosystem on the crowdloan. I've been following the Moonbeam twitter ever since day, one day I literally saw Žiga Flises face on the moonbeam twitter and that's when I got really mad thinking to myself "not in this ecosystem mofo". He was doing money grabs and scams everywhere and that's the reason I will not let him do what he pleases in this ecosystem. I then even heard from Sancho that Flis told he that the only reason he went into the polkadot / moonbeam ecosystem because there's a lot of fund money to get. After I noticed this I first took to twitter, commenting on every single of the moonbeam posts where Flis or Beamswap was mention, warning them.

>> No.56092410
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After that I went to the moonbeam discord into the "scam_report" channel and told the admins (while tagging them all) what's up (I even provide screenshots of this). First they literally deleted my post outright w/o even listening to anything, I wrote it again and told them this is serious and they should take it seriously. After that I was told to talk to fjagosti. He told me they would investigate. I then proceeded to post on the moonbeam foundation forum in order to warn other people of beamswap specifically. After that they outright closed the thread while also banning me from their twitter. I then proceeded to post to 4chan for literally 10 months straight warning people about Flis and Beamswap, because the moonbeam foundation of course didn't find out anything, even though I've provided plenty of proof. The only thing they did was try to silence me as much as they could. Recently I noticed that Beamswap made a grant proposal (https://forum.moonbeam.network/t/beamswap-tranche-2-ecosystem-grant-proposal/1152)) and I immediately took to write another comment about that Beamswap is just another of Flises money grabs, I wanted to inform the community that this project is not worth it (turrizt, pic related) deleted my comment (this guys also deleted my first comment on the Discord, w/o even tryint to read it), he then proceeded to inform me that I didn't investigate thoroughly ( look at the talkig_to_another_moonbeam_forum_admin picture ), this made me mad, since I'm literally the guy who KNOWS FLIS and is trying to inform everyone about his behaviour, while moonbeam foundation is ridding on their high horse, since they don't want to admit that they made a big mistake. I then proceeded to again explain to turrizt with even more detail than I did to fjagosti and he didn't even respond.

>> No.56092416
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I waited for like 1 day, no response, I then told him that he's trying to ignore the problem and that I will go to 4chan, reddit and twitter to shitpost the truth about them (moonbeam foundation), Žiga Flis and Beamswap. He then proceeded to delete my account from the moonbeam forums... Nothing new I guess... And now I'm here again, telling you people about how the Moonbeam foundation rewards money grabbers and scammer who run a dead end project with fund grants, while ignoring and silencing my every attempt at informing them about Beamswap and Žiga Flis, while also trying to prevent every attempt at informing the community, so they don't invest into beam swap

TLDR: The moonbeam foundation rewards money grabbing scammer while silencing whistle blowers. The admins who silenced me are fjagosti and turrizt. The scammer/money grabber is Žiga Flis the CTO of Beamswap.

Link to drop box of facebook conversations, discord conversations, forum threads and me getting banned from everything: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/14Ssrf0Fsu_ks3llXP9nP0UuSLTTNe2H-?usp=sharing

Thank you for not trying to silence me 4chan, this is why we need you!

>> No.56092423
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I will be posting this for the next few months every single day, no one will silence me... I told turrizt that their forum rules only work on their forum and that they can't combat me with bans outside of their own forums, hiding behind their rules !


>> No.56092427

>The moonbeam foundation rewards money grabbing scammer while silencing whistle blowers
That's like every crypto (((community))) why do you think anon abandoned crypto

>> No.56092582
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Not true, not every single project tries to silence me. Some are transparency supporters and no mater what I post, even if it is the CEO together with trannies they will not ban me

>> No.56092595
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I did this to iExec RLC, just look at very single post of their, I'm always in the comments section critiquing their shit, they literally follow me even though I post picture of their CEO with trannies all the time, telling them they're shit and that they haven't finished working on the core feature promised 7 years ago... the public worker pools, they take it like a real man, since they get it's true and are trying to put out a good product for us to use

Also look at the picture I'm posting... I told turrizt I'm coming for their asses, he banned me from discord, I'll be making face accounts soon in order to pester him. I told him this is war

>> No.56092602
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It's like I tell him exactly what I'll do. I literally told him this will affect their market cap, yet he proceeded to make me angrier which only gives me more motivation

>> No.56092605

No. They are just not yet desperate enough. The crypto experiment failed. It revealed that human nature is fundamentally flawed. Crypto is not the solution and got abandoned by anon. Try to herd among normal faggots to make cash. Anon looks into the future and for the "it" of tomorrow not some failed has been of yesteryear

>> No.56092606
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I don't get it how they're so dumb and handling it soo poorly. It's like he doesn't even care about the project getting dragged through mud

>> No.56092613

It's human nature they are desperate. Don't be surprised. Jump ship as long as you can. Let the rats sink with their bags

>> No.56092628

Nah man, it's ok. moonbeam is still a good project, the tech itself is insane. Do you know that you can literally borrow assets on chain X while borrowing assets on chain Y and do it all on Polkadot/Moonbeam...

This really is kinda ground breaking, you're on 1 single chain, yet can borrow from other chains, due to XCMP (HRMP currently, but XCMP is the next upgrade to HRMP, morphing HRMP to XCMP)

HRMP (XCMP-Lite) HRMP has the same interface and functionality as XCMP but is much more demanding on resources since it stores all messages in the Relay Chain storage. When XCMP has been implemented, HRMP is planned to be deprecated and phased out in favor of it.

Also Polkadot 2.0 is coming out, only good stuff will come from that, it's a bit weird no one is talking about it, but that's good in a sense, I don't want it to be a marketing stunt

>> No.56092639

You got brainwashed. Sorry anon, try to deprogram yourself. Good luck. This board is dead btw, you are not going to reach anyone here that still cares and the cabals of discord and twitter scammers and mlm ponzi players know that

>> No.56092641

i meant to say LEND assets on chain X (for instance moonbeam) and borrow assets on chain Y (eth, polygon, avax, arbitrum, optimism, bnb chain)...

If you don't believe me, here: https://app.primeprotocol.xyz/

When people realize how much value Polkadot brings with XCMP (HRMP) people will start killing each other over DOT. And with Polkadot 2.0 in sight (go read about it... https://cointelegraph.com/explained/polkadot-20-and-the-future-of-dot-explained ).

The fact you'll be able to dynamically assign/sell/buy core-time is insane. More projects will be able to onboard to Polkadot due to that, since now you need to literally buy core time for 2 years and that's just the way it is. Later you'll be able to buy 1 block of core time I guess, which is insane.

Also it'll have a lot of deflationary pressure due to and I quote from the article

"Moreover, revenue from coretime sales will be channeled into the Polkadot Treasury. DOT tokenholders decide how Treasury funds are distributed through OpenGov. Treasury spend is fluid, and tokens not assigned to projects bidding for funds are periodically burnt.

The burning mechanism creates deflationary pressure on DOT, which is nominally an inflationary token."

>> No.56092646

Tell me 1 other chain, except for Cosmos who can do this ?

And if you think this board is dead, why are you here? wtf

>> No.56092661

Also, I got GLMR for free off of putting my DOTs in their crowdloan, it's literally free money and I even get my DOT back after their parachain expires, which is very soon... It's like, I lend my DOT for them to buy the parachain slot and they give me tokens for free and I even get my DOT back. Not sure why this is bad in any form

But you can explain it to me if you can, I'm listening. I'm also invested in other projects in the ecosystem... So it's really no big deal. I'm also invested in stuff outside of the Polkadot ecosystem, so again, no big deal

>> No.56092666

Ask yourself, do YOU need it?
I'm here to clean, report scammers, advertisers and discuss macro economics and trying to find the next "thing". I have currently 189 threads hidden

>> No.56092680

It's like, saying non-arguments "you got brainwashed, deprogram yourself, dead board" while not providing any arguments or anything doesn't work on me... You gotta at least give me some solid arguments why anyone else is better than what I'm saying.

Who else can lend assets on chain X while borrowing them on chain Y while all that being on the same chain? Tell me 1 project that isn't related to Polkadot or Cosmos, since these 2 are the only layer 0s in a sense. While Cosmos is literally behing Polkadot, because Cosmos doesn't have shared security with it's "parachains", they don't call em parachains, forgot how the term on Cosmos is. Also gov 2.0 of dot is superior, also Polkadot 2.0 will be again ahead of Cosmos logic

But yea, sure explain it to me

>> No.56092681

And what do YOU do with it? Yes, same as the rest, you want to make money, fiat, dollars. l'm completely out of crypto. Dumped my cold stored btc I held from 2015 on in July. Not looking to ever get back, crypto failed, it's a shame but it is what it is

>> No.56092698

I mean, do YOU NEED bitcoin? No... See...

I mean, you can pay fees with it, parachains need DOT to buy parachains, you can vote on gov proposals and soon you'll be able to buy core-time directly with it, you can stake with it, therefore securing the network... So yes, DOT is part of the ecosystem. You can't do anything on the ecosystem without it?


While parachains easily have a throughput of 1000 tps (this will scale even higher with XCMP and Polkadot 2.0), since the relay chains and parachains are separate entities...

>> No.56092700

If you BELIEVE in it, so be it. Some Humans seem to need religion. From my point of view the trilemma was never solved and is unsolvable, the alternative to the trilemma solution, the oracle problem was also never satisfiable solved. L2 - n+1 is no solution.
At the end of the day, crypto is just a database, a database that is inferior to existing databases that can communicate with each other and can be scaled. If you want to remain in crypto that's your choice. For me personally the experiment ended, I did not find the solution I was looking for

>> No.56092716

And parachains are neither a real solution to the fundamental problems neither are avax c-chains and other band aid solutions. Good luck out there also, you are currently doing what every baggie does, advertising his bag

>> No.56092723

There's where we have to disagree. The experiment is a literal success and yes the blockchain trilemma got solved by Polkadot, maybe even Cosmos

>> No.56092737
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>> No.56092738

No. They are going to run into the same problems as everyone else IF they get actually used. But as said good luck with your bag. Crypto has in its entirety become disgusting cancer. And I don't want to have anything to do with it anymore

>> No.56092754

I mean I'm not even shilling my bag, I'm just explaining stuff. All the tx on polkadot are done within seconds, while paying literally less than 1c for most of them, while it being decentralized.
How is that not solving the trilemma?

I agree with you on avax, since avax is centralized, but DOT isn't... While it not even having XCMP (this will immensely help with de-loading the relay chain), while also Polkadot 2.0...

And you need to understand, I have many bags, DOT is just one of them and I'm talking about it because it's connected to the scam itself... Not sure why you think I'm specifically trying to shill it...

Again, can you name any other project where I can access other chains from it while still being on the same chain? Can any other chain make calls to other chains and pretend like it's all on the same chain? While being decentralized, fast and cheap? Because this is what DOT does, I've been using it for literally almost 2 years and this was always true with no problems (outages, slow downs, fee spikes)

>No. They are going to run into the same problems as everyone else IF they get actually used

No, just no. Because parachains are specialized blockchains who can only do a few things, therefore they're fast and cheap no matter what. Like take eth for instance, it's a general blockchain therefore it doesn't do anything fast because it isn't specialized to do a little subset of problems fast and optimal. Parachains literally solve this due to them being optimized to do the things they need to do fast, because they aren't generalized blockchains. That's the whole point

>> No.56092771

But that's the thing... Imagine if ethereum were specialized in only doing DEFI or NFTs, I'd be fast, since I'd be specialized to only do certain commands that DEFI or NFTs use. Because it's a general chain, not a specific one it can't be fast, therefore tokens on Ethereum are limited by the speed at which ETH can execute general commands, not specialized ones.

You can make a specialized blockchain which only has a little subset of certain very very specific commands for a certain specific use case (DEFI, NFTs) and it'll run much much faster... Do you get my point?

Moonbeam, Aster, Phala, ..., (other Polkadot parachains) use only a very little specialized subset of commands compared to like Ethereum, NEO, TRON, Vechain, which are all general blockchains with general use cases in mind.

The same concept applies to Cosmos

Do you see my standpoint?

>> No.56092774

>"Specialized" databases
>On which you need to pay for every tx to make an entry
>Which becomes more expensive the more it is actually used
>databases which are all islands in that are never going to be able to effectively communicate with other databases
>I'm not shilling my bag
I'm sorry for your condition. There is nothing I can do. You need to want to deprogram yourself if you don't that's your decision. Anon abandoned Blockchain, if twitter discords and whoever wants to keep running the ponzis, that's on them. Good luck

>> No.56092811

I mean, what do you want me to say, it's like you don't even understand crypto, yet you pretend you do.

>"Specialized" databases

You can rollback a normal database... or change it, so it'll look like it never happened... SELECT FROM WHERE

>On which you need to pay for every tx to make an entry

Yes because computations cost you electricity, it's literally the same with a conventional database (MySQL, MongoDB, ...).

>Which becomes more expensive the more it is actually used

Not true, because parachains are specialized, the costs will literally never exceed stupid big number. Even if the whole world would use Polkadot (after the XCMP update + Polkadot 2.0 is intergrated) It'll never reach 50$ per tx or even 1$. Currently I'm paying less than 1/100 of a cent, even if the fees spike by 100x it'd be paying 1cent, which is nothing

>databases which are all islands in that are never going to be able to effectively communicate with other databases

Not true, I've already explained it to you, but you don't listen. I've told you that you can loan an asset on chain X while borrowing an asset on chain Y (https://app.primeprotocol.xyz/)) while it all being hosted on Polkadot, you never need to switch chains, it already works dude.

Literally polkadot is a layer 0 designed to easily talk to every single other chain with 0 problems. THIS ALREADY WORKS... Look

The Cross-Consensus Message Format, or XCM, is a messaging format and language used to communicate between consensus systems.

Consensus systems as in Ethereum, XRP, TRON and other chains. This is literally built into the base layer of Polkadot. It's literaly the thing Polkadot and Cosmos are able to do. They connect all the parachains and other blockchains together. In DOTs case it's through XCM (Cross-Consensus Message Format )

>> No.56092823

>I'm not shilling my bag
You challenged my view point on Moonbeam and Polkadot still being good tech, I try to explain it you since you don't seem to understand it at all trying to say made up stuff, then you defend yourself with emotional arguments, while I'm literally telling you that they're not even true?

Like the
>databases which are all islands in that are never going to be able to effectively communicate with other databases

while DOT has a built in messaging protocol that can easily communicate with every single alone standing island... What's the deal? Are you not reading what I'm saying.

DOT is a layer 0, connecting other chains and parachains in one big ecosystem, therefore I can lend assets on chain X while borrow assets on chain Y with no problems (example: https://app.primeprotocol.xyz/))

It's like, what more do you want me to say anon?

>> No.56092832

You learned the pitch very good anon. And are you buying goods and services with your dots, are you waiting for the world out there to chose your "investment" to run whatever on this database and buy bags so you can sell the bags for more dollars than you paid for them? Also on the "borrow" thing. Why the fuck should anybody buy a crypto token to borrow something, that makes no sense for 99% of the world population

>> No.56092846

Again, emotional arguments with 0 points to back anything up

>Why the fuck should anybody buy a crypto token to borrow something

Do you realize that 80% of the top end New York penthouses are EMPTY, because rich people buy them to borrow against them? In order to get more money so they can buy stonks? It's all very logical if you get how money works

>that makes no sense for 99% of the world population

I mean, 99% of the world pop is poor, therefore it doesn't matter, since the top 1% have more money than probably the bottom 80%, so why do you care what poor people do? It's not like they affect the market in a big way?

I also gave you this

See, this is the "normal peps" use cases being explored by normal peps firms. Since they get that you can make a specialized parachain on dot, which will always be fast and cheap...

I think you're losing this argument on the fact that you ran out of solid arguments which make sense, besides the desperate outcries in trying to make me sell my extra lamboland ticket

>> No.56092855


>And are you buying goods and services with your dots
it's like asking me if i'm buying goods and services with my amazon stocks. No?

But I did buy goods and services with my other crypto investments, eth, btc, ... Since those already x20-x100 or some shit, DOT didn't x100 already, therefore I'm still waiting

Do you get my point? When it does a x100 due to it being good tech I'll start spending a little portion of it on goods and services yes of course? Just like with a Amazon stock?

You don't get money, it's obvious anon

>> No.56092859

Wow. You are totally terminally brainwashed. You are no different from the scammers you are complaining about.
>Ib4 not an argument
Not everything is an argument
Thanks for confirming my decision why I personally abandoned crypto after 12 years. Such big hopes, so crushed. There are other things not yet totally perverted

>> No.56092871


>> No.56092881

You do realize that I can put my DOT on Binance (or like 15 other exchanges who have the same feature). Put it on my binance card and go into a grocery store and spend my DOT for groceries. I'm literally doing this, just not with DOT. And binance even gives me cashback on every single buy. Or I personally meet with someone willing to buy it from me for cash on hands, or I visit one of literally hudreds of OTC desks.

>Thanks for confirming my decision why I personally abandoned crypto after 12 years. Such big hopes, so crushed. There are other things not yet totally perverted

Dude, you said you got out in 2015, you're the guy who's making shit up. First you say you got out in 2015 which is 6 years after BTC got invented, now you're saying you got out after 12 years, so what 2021? You need to make up more believable stories in order to make me sell my literally money making machine.

You're pathetic at best with your arguments and poor level of knowledge. You don't get crypto, economics, money, anything

Any more delusional, emotional arguments?

>> No.56092888

It's like, you have 0 good arguments and don't want to understand anything, while trying to come of as if you get stuff, while you can't even read what I'm saying to you. I'm presenting you with reality, yet you don't seem to want to accept it. Do you have anxiety issues? Is this your way of controlling them? Since anxiety is loss of control. You got really emotional towards the end on me there. Is that the anxiety speaking?

>> No.56092901
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>> No.56092906

No. You are pitching, you are making a sales pitch and you are so brainwashed you don't even realize it. That's crypto these days. Tbf, the scammers are just smarter than you. Gtfo advertiser

>> No.56092912

You're a schizo thinking you're a white knight
Nobody gives a shit because it's a literally who project and everybody knows crypto is a scam
You're just wasting your own time and energy sperging out about this shit

>> No.56092927

Again, calling me brainwashed while literally not winning any argument, while making up stories of being a hardcore 12 year holder is pathetic. I literally caught you lying...

Again, emotional arguments, saying I'm a schizo, white knight doesn't mean shit to me. People who are hater are literally worse off than me...

>Nobody gives a shit
Then why do you insist on being here and reading through the thread while also insisting on writing something to me?

If anyone is the schizo it's you two guys with your uber emotions. Please stop, go to another thread guys, try to convince other people. If you two got scammed out of your bags I'm very sorry for you. Buying PEPE and SHIB wasn't a great choice for you two I guess... Sorry you got scammed guys, should've DYOR

>> No.56092951
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im here to laugh at this dumbster fire of a thread

>> No.56092963

I actually used crypto in the beginning to acquire goods and services. Bought in 2015 for a longer hold and held through the 2018 correction. Should have sold at 69k but well. Being a millionaire is being a millionaire, I don't complain about the money but your kind of user advertiser type that doesn't even realize he is advertising and the scams just disgust me, I'm happy I'm out, as well out of this thread.

Good luck, maybe you find bigger fools, not here

>> No.56092972

>You're just wasting your own time and energy sperging out about this shit

Said the guy who read the whole thread and commented on it, while he thinks it's all shit. It's like, I use my energy the way I want, while you use your energy in something you deem shit? Do you always do the things that you deem shit? Are you happy with that?

Nice, I guess I'm a comedian! Thank you for your support. But you can recognize that I'm just arguing my stance and these 2 are like trying to sell me that I'm the brainwashed one, while calling the thread shit, while they're still here and reading it. Why don't you people do something else with your life if you think that the thing you're currently doing is shit? I don't mean you anon, but the other 2. They literally are being weird about it

You really can't seem to take a defeat?

>> No.56093959

Hi op,

I'd just like to say that Moonbeam itself is a scam. I could go a little bit further and call Polkadot a scam as well. So you found a scammer scheming in a scam ecosystem, big deal. You take it personal when you shouldn't

>> No.56093965

If you want to get even with him report him to the tax man lol

>> No.56094026
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I did, you should've look at the pictures. I literally discuss in the pictures why this makes 0 to no sense. And literally from this comment I can say your IQ is 0 and void

>I'd just like to say that Moonbeam itself is a scam. I could go a little bit further and call Polkadot a scam as well. So you found a scammer scheming in a scam ecosystem, big deal. You take it personal when you shouldn't

Sure, elaborate. You can't just say non-arguments and think you said anything "I could go a little bit further", go all the way, explain yourself and tell me exactly why Polkadot and Moonbeam are scams... You need to be specific, I don't take half answers from anyone. Either you can argument exactly what you mean, pinpoint the problems or just shut your trapper

>> No.56094048

are there people who actually care about this?

>> No.56094058

a good friend invested in moonbeam even after i told him it was a scam
you just need to look at the tokenomics to be convinced it is a scam. do it anon, and explain to me how it is not a scam
he was programmed like you, totally sure to have found the next crypto gem that will make him a millionaire
i really wonder why some can spot scams easily and some are totally blind to the facts
also, i hate scammers and I want them dead

>> No.56094062
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this is ICP tier

>> No.56094106

Again, can you explain the tokenomics to me? I'm very interested in hearing YOU EXPLAIN THEM

I got every single GLMR for free. What is your point? I didn't buy a single GLMR, yet I have them

It's literally the biggest parachain crowdloan on Polkadot... With at least 48,346 people investing through the crowdloan... People who invested through 3rd party sites (example: parallel, bifrost) don't count in with them

Oh well boys, was a great time you trying to explain jack shit with 0 arguments at all, calling everything a scam while literally saying nothing to explain anything, but now I've got work to do around the house. So i'll be back in a few hours if this thread is still alive.

Please make any point, try to explain yourself further than "this is bad because tokenomics"... It's literally the most basic non-argument ever. Calling something a scam without actually knowing what it does and how it works is not how you make money or achieve anything in life...

>> No.56094126
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unhealthy amounts of cope

>> No.56094150
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No amounts of arguments

>> No.56094160
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>51 replies
>30 made my op
>he claims he's not brainwashed

>> No.56094177
File: 106 KB, 2868x1200, 6196d58a14e0e32847e4f1cc_Polkadot Parachain AuctionMoonbeam-glmr-weirdo-rocks-estimated-token-release-schedule.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what is there to explain honestly? there is a slow and growing release of tokens (inflation)
also see how few tokens were allowed in the crowdfunding (pic related)
and it's not over, there are still +30% of tokens to be printed

you had to buy DOT to get GLMR "for free" so they aren't really for free in the first place
plus you could buy GLMR without DOT at the time of the crowdloan, it was around 0.25$ per GLMR if i'm correct

>"this is bad because tokenomics"... It's literally the most basic non-argument ever
how can you even say that tokenomics aren't important? sure the blockchain works, but if the tokenomics are bad then price will only go down (as it is since launch). what do you want us to say? something like "sure the tokenomics are bad and almost anyone lost money in it but it still works!!". bro that's just an EVM blockchain like many other exist but this time it's on DOT, nothing revolutionary
what am i missing according to you?
(and i'll not even start about kusama and moonriver)

>> No.56094283

Just because the toke is inflationary it doesn't mean crap

>how few tokens were allowed in the crowdfunding

this literally says "i don't know how crowdloans work", not crowdfunds, at least get the name right

>you had to buy DOT

yes? did i ever deny it?

>plus you could buy GLMR without DOT at the time of the crowdloan, it was around 0.25$ per GLMR if i'm correct

this whole sentence is wrong

>many other exist but this time it's on DOT, nothing revolutionary

can you do this on any other chain... You lend your assets on chain X and borrow assets on chain Y... You can do this on moonbeam

>what am i missing according to you?
you don't get that inflation has literally nothing to do with anything, ethereum used to be inflationary for years
you made the thing with "you could buy GLMR without DOT at the time of the crowdloan" up from thing air and said "it was around 0.25$ per GLMR if i'm correct" which is also made up

>how can you even say that tokenomics aren't important?

because they literally aren't, it's just something people got in their heads as it being the only deciding factor in any crypto project, even though literally no one cares mostly about it. Why isn't HEX #1 ? It literally has the best tokenomics if you really look at them? Because except for the tokenomics it's literally no use at all

You have projects with amazing tokenomics that literally don't even exist, since they're soo low that they're irrelevant
Everything you said made 0 to no sense. Now really, I have to do work around the house, I just keep passing by the damn computer and just can't resist looking at this shit. Because you guys just don't provide any arguments whatsoever.

You keep spewing the same old bullshit that most people spew on /biz/.

>> No.56094312

Also, the inflation is like 14-16%, I'm currently getting around 24-26% on my DOT, therefore even if it mattered it doesn't, since I'm ahead of inflation. But again, you have a ton of inflationary tokens that simply work (ethereum used to be one for years and no one knew it's going to become a "maybe" deflationary token. Because it's not 100% deflationary right now, it all depends on the fees)

It's like explaining anything to you people is hard. You just see stupid stuff that really doesn't matter much at all

>> No.56094337

Also, just read about Polkadot 2.0, it'll have more deflationary pressure after dot 2.0 is implemented


It's like, you guys don't understand anything. You try to argue something you haven't researched for literally more than 10 min and all the research is garbage either way. No wonder you don't have a lot of money if you just look at the tokenomics and decide where you'll put your money based on that

And why is this even a shill thread? I've literally started the thread because I'm outing some fagget developer I personally know and want him gone from Polkadot. It didn't even start as a shill thread, another guy just literally started talking non-sense and I argumented that it's non-sense, defeating him in every single point while even catching him on a lie... It's like, you guys made this a shill thread by saying stupid stuff, I just can't for the love of god simply ignore you guys saying non-sense

>> No.56094450
File: 113 KB, 916x1132, Screenshot 2023-09-13 144001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Just because the toke is inflationary it doesn't mean crap
inflation is a part of the reason its going down. as well as token unlocks that are dumped. it's all linked. if more tokens are to sell than people want to buy then price go low, and as it go low people sell and it keeps going lower (look at the charts!!)

>this whole sentence is wrong
nigga please, read this (pic related) and acknowledge you are wrong

>can you do this on any other chain... You lend your assets on chain X and borrow assets on chain Y
you mean only between DOT parachains right?

>ethereum used to be inflationary for years
ethereum was an ICO and it was different in several aspects:
only 20% of tokens where not for sale and for the team/project otherwise the whole supply was available at launch
eth has to be mined (and it was profitable)
with ETH you have a whole ecosystem that anyone with ETH can participate in and launch projects
ETH was and is widely used
It was revolutionary at launch and new

>Why isn't HEX #1 ? It literally has the best tokenomics
wtf anon??? have you ever been on HEX website? It's even stated in the FAQ that's it's a ponzi. They are like "it's not a ponzi because..." while describing a ponzi
if you dont realize that tokenomics are important you'll be gettin rekt. that's a good indicator of how much value you'll lose with inflation

You haven't explained the value proposition of moonbeam beside being an EVM blockchain on DOT

>> No.56094521

>therefore even if it mattered it doesn't, since I'm ahead of inflation
you are ahead "token wise" not dollar value wise, especially as DOT price also dropped
you have to understand that ANYONE who bought DOT for parachains (so around 2021) is loosing money right now and since a while already. it doesn't retain users. plus the constant dump of fresh token aggravate this situation

>you have a ton of inflationary tokens that simply work
because there is more demand than sell pressure, and usually it doesn't stay that way long unless for very famous projects with a lot of buy pressure

>You try to argue something you haven't researched for literally more than 10 min and all the research is garbage either way
I just proved you I know more about moonbeam than you with my previous post, so stop whining now and pretending you know everything and we know nothing

>And why is this even a shill thread?
anyway thanks for your post outing a scammer but we can also talk about the project itself

>> No.56095644
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Premined supply owned entirely by Moonbeam and dumping on unsuspecting "investors". Look on the left side of the picrel and notice how everything is a buzzword. Almost the entire token distribution belonged to Moonbeam and VCs. Half of the people you will interact with that are closely related to Moonbeam don't even exist. Aside Bitcoin and Monero, the entire cryptocurrency stage is one big ponzi. Good luck

>> No.56097431

1 / 2
Dear OP, RazerBoyV1 A.K.A Matic Kolenc Trplan.

After nearly two years of enduring relentless harassment, dissemination of false information, and the public sharing of my personal details and images, which have severely tarnished my reputation, it has become evident that you may be struggling with unresolved mental health issues.

I find it necessary to address and clarify the points you've raised, which seem to be founded on a few isolated messages from a crypto degen troll group, lacking substantial evidence:

1. I never offered my services on Fiverr; I have only utilized it for purchasing non crypto related services.
2. There have been no recent acquisitions of couches or cars.
3. I have not integrated your purported "dev/stability/insuranceFund" anywhere. This assumption is based solely on a handful of humorous messages I shared.
4. All the funds allocated by MBF are meticulously documented on the blockchain and are being disbursed transparently to users. The data is accessible on chain for your scrutiny.
5. I have no recollection of engaging in GPS spoofing for Pokémon GO or any associated sales. It's puzzling where you acquired this information.
6. I have dutifully fulfilled all my tax obligations, unlike your activities in ETH mining. A formal report has been submitted to FURS.

>> No.56097436

2 / 2
7. I never issued threats. My inquiries were simply an attempt to understand why you persist in spreading misinformation. I am genuinely concerned for your well-being.
8. Regarding the OTC desk, a mention of Emporium in Ljubljana was made. I have not visited that establishment. As indicated in my messages, I simply had a contact for the service, similar to any visitor of localbitcoins website.
9. Your entire narrative hinges on isolated messages from a crypto degen troll group, coupled with your subjective interpretation. There is no substantial evidence to support your claims. Regardless of the length of your text, it carries no weight without evidence.

You are requested to remove all defamatory, false, and inflammatory content posted on social media platforms by Friday, September 15, 2023. Failure to comply will necessitate further action.

Don't bother replying as I wont be engaging with you here.

>> No.56098041

Nope, only reason why it's going down is because bitcoin still didn't hit 70k. You don't actually believe that it has anything to do with inflationary, deflationary... It literally does not matter, even the token unlocks, they don't matter. People tend to think it does, but in the end the only thing that really maters is what Bitcoin does itself, not the tokenomics or token unlocks

>nigga please, read this (pic related) and acknowledge you are wrong https://moonbeam.foundation/take-flight/
ah, sure I guess I was wrong, that's apparently the ICO price... But still, this doesn't change anything.

>you mean only between DOT parachains right?
nope, any EVM compatible chain in Moonbeams case. But it can be also done for any other non-EVM chain, that's literally the thing with DOT, it can communicate seamlessly with other chains ... Because it's a layer 0. XCM does that, you'd know if you'd read the full thread

>You haven't explained the value proposition of moonbeam beside being an EVM blockchain on DOT
Well, that's the value proposition, because it talks to other EVM compatible chains and uses their liquidity. I know that on any other chain this doesn't make much sense, but here due to the XCM protocol it's literally amazing

>> No.56098088

>you are ahead "token wise" not dollar value wise, especially as DOT price also dropped

yes, I mean, that was never even said. You can't just say stuff that no one mentions and present it like I said it

>because there is more demand than sell pressure, and usually it doesn't stay that way long unless for very famous projects with a lot of buy pressure

Again, never said that's not true. I just said you do have them and it literally does not matter if inflationary or deflationary

>I just proved you I know more about moonbeam than you with my previous post, so stop whining now and pretending you know everything and we know nothing

Again, never said I know everything and you know nothing. But people mostly tend to not even argue their stance point. Calling someone brainwashes with 10 emotional arguments is no defence/attack on someones views

>anyway thanks for your post outing a scammer but we can also talk about the project itself

True, I never said we can't, but people are literally trying to reverse uno me in the sense like I even wanted to start any conversation about the project itself. It's just one of my positions I hold... Literally had 0 intent on "shilling", I'm just defending what I believe to be the truth and most of the things are said are 100% true. Ok, maybe I forgot that the ICO price was 0.25$, since I didn't invest through the ICO. I crowdloaned it, therefore I forgot, since I didn't go through the ICO, I was never really interested in it. But all in all that's the only thing that I didn't know in a sense :D. Again, not that important really. You can't expect me to exactly know every single thing about 1 of like 20-25 projects I hold. But I still know a lot about it

>> No.56098094

check mate

>> No.56098207

Moonbeam is slow as fuck, get this shit outta here

>> No.56098315

define slow

>> No.56098477

It's like about 22%, not the entire supply.

So, let's break it down. Seed funding, strategic funding, take flight community event, 2012 moonbeam crowdloan parachain bond funding/reserve, treasury, long-term protocol & ecosystem development, liquidity programs, developer adoption program. At least that is not all part of Moonbeam, then you have key partners & advisors, probably not all part of the moonbeam foundation... purestake early backer, probably not part of the moonbeam foundation and then you have founders and early employees and future employee incentives... these are part of moonbeam, so moonbeam peps have like 22% of the supply which was probably mostly dumped at above 10$ i guess. Therefore I'd guesstimate it's about 12-16% at best. True it was premined, you can't have it any other way really, since how are you even going to crowdloan if you have no tokens to give out to people. What would be the incentive for people to give their DOTs to moonbeam if they don't give you anything back? There is none, therefore every single parachain project was "premined", you can't mine a PoS coin...

But I get the premined issue, but there's literally no way around it on any polkadot parachain. Except if they didn't even do a crowdloan, a few projects just straight out bought the parachain, but still, even if that's true it'll still be a PoS chain because Polkadot just works like that. The collators of the chain need to talk to the relay chain and the people doing the staking on the parachain side of things need to stake in order for the collators to even work. You can't mine, since I guess if that were the case the relay chain should also be a PoW... But I'm not 100% sure on this one, maybe a parachain could actually be PoW while the relay chain is PoS, I never thought about it to be honest, not sure what the technical limitations would be. But like PoS is cheaper then PoW, therefore ... Dunno man. Thank you for that, I never really thought about that!

>> No.56099231

intaradasting thread fellow kekec. gimme ur glmr bullrun prediction. u think its gonna hit previous ath?

>> No.56101059


>> No.56102127
File: 206 KB, 1861x889, Screenshot 2023-09-14 111023.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Well, that's the value proposition, because it talks to other EVM compatible chains and uses their liquidity. I know that on any other chain this doesn't make much sense, but here due to the XCM protocol it's literally amazing
in my previous understanding and after reading it again i understand it works ONLY with other polkadot parachains
could you point out where it says it works with every evm blockchain please?
in my understanding: projects dev on evm can have a presence on moonbeam allowing them to be interconnecte with other DOT parachains
but you can't directly interconnect to ETH from moonbeam for exemple

>Nope, only reason why it's going down is because bitcoin still didn't hit 70k. You don't actually believe that it has anything to do with inflationary, deflationary... It literally does not matter, even the token unlocks, they don't matter. People tend to think it does, but in the end the only thing that really maters is what Bitcoin does itself, not the tokenomics or token unlocks
i disagree here. first check pic related, it's GLMR price in BTC. You can clearly see that it looks like the dollar price chart. It is because inflation on GLMR is higher than BTC (and it's not hard money). While I agree that during bullrun alts tend to outperform bitcoin we can clearly see here that GLMR lost a lot of value against BTC

>> No.56102249

I already posted this a few times, please just read the thread if you're interested...


Introducing Prime Protocol, the first cross-chain liquidity protocol that allows users to manage assets across multiple chains - all in one place

See, it literally works as if you're on 1 chain, but manages everything on other chains... If this is done by directly manipulating the other chain or if the assets get bridged to moonbeam, I'm not a 100% sure on this. But to my understanding if I draw a conclusion from the docs

"At Prime, we are pushing the boundaries of decentralized finance by breaking down the silos between blockchains and creating one of the first cross chain xApps."

While you also should read through

Read the "Why do some transactions take longer than others to process on Prime?"

So therefore I conclude that Prime protocol is easily able to execute transactions on other chains, query the result and give you the answer on the Moonbeam chain, while you can ALSO finalize a tx on any other chain that would otherwise take longer on let's say on Polygon due to a congestion for instance...


You could make a parachain of any other NON-EVM chain and do the exact same thing

This is the true value proposition of Polkadot/Moonbeam... It's a multichain future boys, you need to start accepting that Polkadot is multichain king. There will be failures along the way, yes, but just from this 1 protocol I can clearly see this being the missing piece of the puzzle. Cosmos does exactly the same thing, it's in direct competition to Polkadot and is its only competitor

>> No.56102258

>u think its gonna hit previous ath?

Depends, if people actually realize the true value proposition, which you guys don't i guess. Since you don't understand the simple fact that with XCM you can execute a tx on a different blockchain, while still being on Polkadot/Moonbeam, then maybe.

Also the inflation on the token isn't really that bad, I'd argue it's about 3-5%.... Yes you get 8% per year if you stake, BUT not everyone is staking the token, therefore it's not 8%. If every single person actually staked the token then yes, the inflation would be 8%, but they don't, so it's not

>> No.56102346

while i understand it better i think there is a misconception here (i might be wrong)
all of the interoperability is done with Axelar (or wormhole) and not directly thanks to moonbeam
On prime docs it says:
>Currently, Prime leverages Axelar to securely deliver these messages and Wormhole as an alternative route. Both Axelar and Wormhole are excellent solutions, and the integrations with each have been fully audited.
I think the point of moonbeam is being an EVM compatible blockchain which then allow to deploy projects on moonbeam easily to reach the polkadot ecosystem (and others ecosystem thanks to Axelar/Wormhole tech)
my main point is: it's not a polkadot/moonbeam tech, it is an Axealr/Wormhole tech used on an EVM blockchain on DOT ecosystem (moonbeam)

>> No.56102358

you are obviously shilling bags at this point, faggot. whats this thread about again?

>> No.56102362

bro i think you need to read again the docs
it says it works (so far) only in-between parachains. While it can be adopted by other blockchains than DOT, it isn't yet
In addition of that it leverage Axelar/Wormhole tech to be able to cross-chain with other blockchains using moonbeam

>> No.56102545

So, it can be, but at the current time is not YET?

See guys, it's not all made up, is it? The polkadot ecosystem is young

I mean, I'm not sure exactly why they'd use Axelar and Wormhole if you literally have XCMP and XCM

The Cross-Consensus Message Format, or XCM, is a messaging format and language used to communicate between consensus systems.
One of Polkadot's main functionalities is interoperability amongst parachains and any other participating consensus-driven systems. XCM is the language through which complex, cross-consensus interactions can occur. Two blockchains can "speak" XCM to seamlessly interact with each other using a standard messaging format.XCM is not meant to be only specific to Polkadot, but rather its primary intention is to define a generic and common format amongst different consensus systems to communicate.
It's important to note that XCM does not define how messages are delivered but rather define how they should look, act, and contain relative instructions to the on-chain actions the message intends to perform.
XCMP, or Cross Chain Message Passing, is the actual network-layer protocol to deliver XCM-formatted messages to other participating parachains. There are other ways to define transport layer protocols for delivering XCM messages(see: HRMP and VMP).

So XCM is the formet, XCMP is the passing protocol. But it's true that currently it's HRMP, XCMP has not been implemented YET, it's the next big feature of DOT, XCMP will also unburden some load on the relay chain... Maybe Prime protocol uses Axelar (good observation) for now, since HRMP is less efficient than XCMP will be? But guys, XCMP is still able to pass messages in between different chains (outside of dot parachains, sorry that I kept saying XCM, I always mix it up)..

See, we both learned something from each other. I guess no one uses the XCMP yet, but It's still true that it can pass messages cross-chain

>> No.56102555

Then don't read it, what's your point, other people than me literally wanted to start talking about this. It morphed from a scammer outing thread into a moonbeam / polkadot discussion thread. Why do you hold me responsible for it? Do you want to learn new information or just call me a shill? I don't care really in the end. I got some new info and other people did too, which is helping us all

>> No.56102586

True yes, thanks for the info

>Upgrades continue to strengthen what XCM can be used for, including the XCM-to-EVM capability, for example, which allows developers on other chains to trigger function calls on Moonbeam’s EVM and access all of its features from their home chains.

>In addition of that it leverage Axelar/Wormhole tech to be able to cross-chain with other blockchains using moonbeam

True, some other guy pointed that out.
So I guess I'm half right. It will be able to do exactly what I was saying, it just currently uses Axelar instead of XCM and XCMP (currently HRMP, since the update hasn't been pushed out yet). But in general I wasn't wrong, XCM and XCMP will be used to talk to any chain that you want to...

See guys, we're learning from each other, sharing good info. I knew I at least had the general concept of "polkadot can talk to any other chain and execute transactions there"... Because there were A LOT of people in the thread who said that's not possible and whining how we have isolated islands (isolated blockchains), but my point for the whole time was "that's not true" and I was right and Polkadot is therefore amazing, because it enables exactly this/will enable it at a future point.

Please realize that the Polkadot ecosystem is in it's EARLY DEVELOPMENT stages!

Kusama and Polkadot don't even communicate, YET ! That's the point really

>> No.56102670

>True yes, thanks for the info
I mean, It does work in between other chains, but currently no one uses it, but the WHOLE VALUE PROPOSITION is that once the ecosystem boots up properly it will be used instead of Axelar and/or Wormhole.

>> No.56102921

never heard of moonbeam but since it's neither Chainlink or Bitcoin I'm going to not research it any further.
thanks for playing

>> No.56102937

XCM stands for cross-consensus messaging. It is a format or language that defines how a message can be sent between interoperating blockchains, and makes sure messages are delivered and interpreted accurately, in order, and on time. It is created for, but not exclusive to, Polkadot.

XCMP stands for cross-consensus message passing, which is one of the transport methods of XCM. XCMP allows parachains to exchange messages with each other on the Relay Chain of Polkadot or Kusama and do not require a specific format.

Using a simple queuing mechanism, XCMP ensures accurate communication between parachains and all kinds of information sent between smart contracts, pallets, and more. The flexibility of this communication allows for ultimate future-proof interoperability not only between the parachains themselves but also between the other mechanisms of the unique blockchains, like smart contracts.

HRMP channels are horizontal relay-routed message-passing channels. It is a stop-gap protocol that passes messages using the Relay Chain. The temporary HRMP channel is intended to be phased out when cross-chain message passing (XCMP) takes over allowing direct parachain to parachain communication.

GMP stands for general message passing. It is the term used to describe the latest evolution in cross-chain interoperability using XCM outside of the Polkadot ecosystem. GMP allows developers to connect smart contracts on different chains together to move tokens, data, and payloads.

XCMP is used within the DOTsama ecosystem, it uses the XCM message format. XCM is a general messaging format for parachains or ANY OTHER CHAIN. HRMP is the old soon to be deprecated, slower version of XCMP + XCM (Instead of doing parachain to parachain communication you have to go through the relay chain, so parachain -> relay chain -> parachain instead of parachain -> parachain). GMP is used to interact/transfer stuff on other chains (eg: eth, trx, neo, ...)
I think this clears all the confusion.

>> No.56102947

>why do you hold me responsible for it?
because youre the fucking OP, are you completely retarded? this was your idea and you cant even stay on topic for half a dozen posts before rambling about which shitcoins are better than others, and more than that its just mostly you spamming butthurt about being called out on being such a natural shill that you dont even seem to know that youre doing it. but i know youre doing it. im not interested in whatever the fuck moonbeam is and im yet to hear why this is anyones problem but a bunch of retarded fucking baggies

>> No.56103069

Why do you comment then? If you don't care, do you really have so little life in yourself that you go in a thread commenting on something you don't care about? That was my point earlier, but I guess you just made it even more clear that you don't care and I just told you that you can fuck off in a different thread.

We literally went from people saying that Polkadot can not in any way/shape or form interact with other chains than parachains, now we'll 100% proven that it can do so. People started talking about this themselves, it wasn't even me. You do get that? Have you even read through the thread itself? I mean why would you, you said you're not interested, then go BE FREE, stop wasting your time on stuff you're not interested in. I'm not the one chaining you up telling you to read anything, you insist on going into threads you have 0 interest in and telling people who are interested in it that they're shilling. I've literally learned a ton of new information from people who started pointing out a few flaws in my logic and I pointed out a few flaws in theirs. Therefore people who actually wanted to learn, learnt... You get what I'm saying? People taught me new information and I'm grateful for that and I taught people some new information and I guess they're grateful for that also...

TLDR: Don't read stuff if you don't care about it. Go and touch some grass