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56090092 No.56090092 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.56090101
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>> No.56090110
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>> No.56090116

explain this to me like i'm retarded
(legally i am)

>> No.56090121
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>> No.56090134
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>> No.56090139

Government spending is going to the moon. Money government gets is dropping like a rock. Government debt going to the moon. Intrest rates being high means government is fucked unless they cut spending (never gonna happen, boomers and niggers and spics need handouts)

>> No.56090148

how can a retard profit from this?

>> No.56090155


>> No.56090159

FRED is too based. Financial corps are the fucking worst at selling data, all my niggas love FRED

>> No.56090181
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The wheels are coming off the ponzi!

>> No.56090185

Horde cash. Wait for the drop in asset prices. Buy at the bottom. Hold to assets.

>> No.56090190
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every data autists got the message and is hunkering down waiting for the impact

>> No.56090194

My whole life I thought the lyric was "I saw the Sun" until like 2 or 3 years ago lol

>> No.56090196
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We live under a new paradigm of negative rates.

>> No.56090205
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>new paradigm
Oh boi

>> No.56090220
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More like, Ace of BASED!?

>> No.56090223
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Can I interest you in inflation

>> No.56090230

Hey if its (hyper)inflation, I change my plan from investing into nuclear energy after the crash to extend my involvement in the Balkan gangs and going on raids and home invasions with the lads in the gated communities

>> No.56090232
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>> No.56090241

for SURE this time bro. the number cant get too big or the government is fucked. just a few more trillion and EVERYTHING collapses

>> No.56090245

Crack-up boom.

>> No.56090246

What is M2?

>> No.56090256

What if the rich fucks continue to prop the market up with all the cash they made in 2021?

>> No.56090271

>rich fucks
define rich kido
anyway "they" are not going to buy your bags for you to have a roof over your head and three meals a day at mcfatfuck

>> No.56090292

I mean the billionaire class. Millionaires are cool but fuck the billionaire soros gates and bezos types

>> No.56090301

aha, billionaires - and why exactly should they keep the economy and the line propped up? So your bags and your deadbeat parents 401k doesn't go to 0? why should they do that?
Grow up kid, if you are over 25 and still a socialist you might want to eat a shotgun

>> No.56090309

What cash?

They're holding assets with fake valuations, not cash.

>> No.56090313

nah you're right dude the government will just use warlock magic to fix the economy

>> No.56090324

I’m not a socialist. I just don’t like soros and gate’s particularly because he’s a fag that’s trying to inject people with poison (which I’m sure you took) but Elon seems pretty based.

>> No.56090328
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>that massive spike upwards toward a surplus

>> No.56090342

Don’t worry guys, a new pandemic will be released tomorrow in order for the bullrun to continue

>> No.56090357

Thanks for confirming that are a high-school dropout or a third-worlder.

>> No.56090369

I don't like the Schwartz clan and their popperian retardation or the brain dead 68er scammer either, though I understand them, they dont exist to prop up the scamconomy or make line of bags you hold go up, in fact they want YOU to make their line go up, if you are not able to provide the consume and liquidity to do that they have no rational to keep your line up

>> No.56090384

>but Elon seems pretty based.
Elon tried to fuck bitcoin by creating the mining council and tried to make miners go ESG.
Basically proves he's a spook in my book.

>> No.56090420

Please stop capping these charts in portrait.

>> No.56090515

We're paying a trillion dollars next year to service the debt. More than the entire budget of the military. Either the government cuts back on spending or we see higher inflation as the government prints away its debt problem.

>> No.56090531

They would have to realize their gains to get the cash from those assets. And they're not going to buy at the top. They're stock piling cash right now to survive the recession and buy up assets when they get close to the bottom.

>> No.56090552


>> No.56090564

>Alliance tranny detected

>> No.56090570

Why do you think the stock market reacts negatively to good news and positively to bad news? They know when things get bad the fed will restart the printers and drop rates to zero. The big question is how bad is the fed willing to let it get before they do that. Save your money, and buy at the bottom.

>> No.56090578

Define the word (((printing))) you god damn brainwashed monkey

I know why, judging by your shit post you don't know why

>> No.56090582


is the housing market going to correct or pump to the moon?

>> No.56090596

The federal reserve expands it's balance sheet by buying treasuries, nigger. Its called stimulus.

>> No.56090603

The housing market is being held up by the labor market. The only way we see a downturn in housing is a spike in unemployment that causes distressed selling from individuals and investors looking to liquidate assets that aren't generating cash flow.

>> No.56090607


which is "slowly" happening correct?

>> No.56090609

yeah, you have no idea wtf you are talking about
stop writing, go back to you wherever you came from drooler

>> No.56090616

Depends. Wait for the September jobs report. If unemployment goes up again i think thatll indicate a weakening labor market. We just gotta watch and wait.

>> No.56090618

Really, who the fuck released those brain dead parrots on the board. was there a prirat ship that crashed here

>> No.56090619

I'm with you the whole way OP. But what assets are you talking about? Crypto is already near bottom but for example housing is at top.

>> No.56090638

Stocks, housing, crypto. Crypto has a lot more to drop

>> No.56090645
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> Crypto is already near bottom

>> No.56090646

>no argument
>autistic reeeing

>> No.56090651

>Crypto is already near bottom
Anon crypto is a highly speculative asset and as soon as real shit happens every normie and institution will be dropping high risk assets in favor of cash.

>> No.56090656

You guys have been saying this shit for 2 years now

>> No.56090663

Then go dump all your money into stocks then.

>> No.56090681

I've actually been buying 1 month treasury bills from treasury direct.

>> No.56090687

A ton of people saw 2008 happening years prior it just takes awhile for the dominos to fall. Delinquencies on debt is already increasing and savings rates are the lowest they've been since 2005. Cheap and accessible debt ALWAYS causes a boom and a bust.

>> No.56090697
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>it just takes awhile for the dominos to fall.

>> No.56090698

every deflecting post you show more that somebody need to cut your tongue out and cut your hands off so you cant spread your brain rot. Stop posting and go back

just as information, the treasury can emit as many treasuries as they like, if the fed doesnt buy them, its doesnt buy them and the fed has no reason to buy them no, and if no private investor buys them they dont buy them no matter how many treasury bonds the treasury """""prints""""". Oh and btw, that wasnt't the reason for your "line go up" you goddamn idiot

now pss off and never post agaon

>> No.56090790

>never post agaon
You're either a high school drop out or a third worlders.

>and if no private investor buys them they dont buy them no matter how many treasury bonds the treasury """""prints""""".

You're retarded if you think the fed won't buy them. Its called quantitative easing. The fed had been doing it since 08. And they'll do it again after the next economic downturn.

>> No.56090810

Is the fed buying treasuries right no?
You might want open up the fred website instead of parroting shit some advertiser planted in your brain

>> No.56090859

zelensky here
thanks goyim!

>> No.56090887

>the fed tightening in an inflationary environment means they won't restart QE when a recession hits

Certified retard moment you had right there. Its almost like when inflation is above the 2% target, the fed tries to reduce liquidity to cause disinflation! And when we have deflation and high unemployment, the fed start buying again to stimulate economic growth and achieve maximum employment!

>> No.56090912

aha, so its a natural law according to the shit planted in your brain. interesting, I would love to see the physical equation of the fed buying treasuries being a natural law

>> No.56090917

what is your measure of inflation?

>> No.56090934

looks like it's all setting up for a financial implosion right before Great Reset.

how would hording cash be a good idea if cash itself is at risk of being hyperinflated to offset this immense debt?

>> No.56090941

another one that knows the physical equation about the fed buying treasury. Please share

>> No.56090942

I don't understand how you can be this dumb to argue this shit. The fed has a dual mandate, maximum employment and price stability. When one is fucked and the other is good, they sacrifice the good to help the fucked one.

Do you understand how the federal reserve works? How do you suggest they actualize maximum employment without changing monetary policy?

>> No.56090950

aha, so what is the equation of the natural law of the fed buying treasuries emitted by the treasury when inflation is far far far over the 2% target?

>> No.56090958

We won't see hyperinflation without a period of deflation before hand. Keep cash on hand to buy assets during the deflationary period, because the fed will inevitably need to start injecting liquidity into stop the bleed. Look imagine you're transported back to 2019 with the knowledge you have now. Wouldn't you want to get as much cash as possible to buy the 2020 bottom and then watch as inflation takes asset prices to new highs?

>> No.56090967

>period of deflation
you are stupider than a piece of bread

>> No.56090975

Are you drunk or retarded? Type your shit out in a less retarded way. Are you saying the fed stops pumping liquidity into the market when inflation is above 2%? Yes they second part of their dual mandate is price stability. So they stop buying and start tightening to bring inflation back to the 2% goal.

>> No.56090997

its the first part marxist, price stability is always before full employment
yes yes yes we know marxist that you collectivist retards would love hyperinflation and line go up pretending that you did it for da proletariat

>> No.56090999

Did markets go down in 2020? Did their prices DEFLATE, perchance?

>> No.56091030

There is no point in correcting you or explaining anything to you
you are so full of yourself brainwashed retards that invaded this board in 2016. You are the cancer that killed this board, you are the dirt that keeps user numbers down and made this board a grave of you huffing your own farts

>> No.56091037
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ayo hol up
so spending is to the roof
tax receipt dipped low
and yet deficit is fixed

>> No.56091062

You know what happens to prices when lending is tightened and no one wants to buy anything and everyone begins to hoard cash right? Also since all the prices were set during a period of low interest rates and high inflation most companies haven't paid their employees the difference so they can afford to come down in price which will begin a price war. This is all speculative but it certainly can happen since the only reason deflation didn't happen in 08 was the interest rates were already pretty high so companies couldn't afford to lower prices.

>> No.56091082

define deflation
and no, it doesn't mean just le prices for goods go down, there is an actual mechanic why prices go down, its not charity and it has nothing to do with interest rates

>> No.56091087

Time to forgive the debt, by firing everyone.

>> No.56091089


Federal govt employees are hard to fire. Unless...

>> No.56091094

Investors with a 2% mortgage can sit on empty houses for a long time.

>> No.56091099

I mean it's as easy as your dollars value increases which makes goods and services cheaper which also makes your debt more expensive as well

>> No.56091126

Shut the fuck up you brainlet.

>> No.56091143

no. that doesnt mean deflation. It has nothing directly to do with the "value" of dollars
it just is a mechanic to reach equilibrium between offer and demand again - in short it means when offer isn't able to find demand at whatever price level and the producer reduces costs by cutting staff or perform other things to be able to offer their wares for a price where they can find demand and still cover their production costs. In the worst case, it means cutting production capabilities and firing staff to bring demand and offer to an equilibrium again

sorry lad, you got officially brainwashed, deprogram yourself by monetarist scum

>> No.56091164

Which investors retard? The ones who bought with cash? The ones who took out a balloon loan? You don't understand the real estate market if you think everyone investing in residential housing takes out 30 year fixed rate mortgages. The "lock in effect" with owners that have low rate mortgages only works when we have low unemployment and people can afford those monthly payments.

>> No.56091174

Explain what happens retard as opposed to sperging out in threads across the board when someone mentions the Fed printer

>> No.56091201

it was a multitude of bail out mechanics that got applied
yes one was reducing rates to 0% and the fed loading up on junk bond treasuries, but by far not the most important. The most important was the reduction of capital reserve requirements for banks getting reduced to 0, banks loading up on long term junk bond treasuries, giving out loans like drunken sailors to the private sector that pumped assets with this loans and at the same time, the fed doing the helicopter money shuffle with stimi checks and also retail driving asset prices. Nothing more nothing less

>> No.56091222

>if you think everyone investing in residential housing takes out 30 year fixed rate mortgages.
Some of them buy with cash. Even the 15-year mortgage rates were insanely low a couple of years ago.

>> No.56091228
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>horde statist shitcoins while tax receipts fall and interest payments spike
You can't say you weren't warned.

>> No.56091237

>Nothing more nothing less
need t correct myself, nearly forgot that offer was also heavily screwed due to the lock down bullshit creating an extreme dis-equilibrium between artificially depressed offer and increased demand due to every private fag from retail to funds getting free cash

>> No.56091262

And to finish this lection in extreme basic macro
No, if the fed just "buys" treasuries equities line isnt necessary going up, if the access to loans due to Basel 3 being a thing and banks still sitting on worthless reserves in form of long term junk bonds at between around 0% not giving out loans like drunken sailors

>> No.56091268

Buy 1 month t bills then

>> No.56091280

>the economy is going to b collapse because – numbers on a screen!
So close yet so far away.

>> No.56091290

those numbers on a screen have meaning, they represent liabilities, collateral, risk, liquidity....

>> No.56091302

hold btc newfag.

>> No.56091309

Get 1 year GIC (5% interest) if you want to play this game. One cannot time the market.

>> No.56091338

The 1 month t bill is 5.5 and way more liquid.

>> No.56091423

> a ponzi that was run into the ground by scamstreet and street shitters
>with 0 use case
lol baggies

>> No.56091459

>I don't like the Schwartz clan
Probably the biggest scam in crypto but it’s fast and fees are cheap and they have superb marketing. I’m trying to be the scammer and not get scammed but that comes with an entry fee

>> No.56091481

>just two more trillion guys and itll happen!!!1

>> No.56091485

US Federal Liabilities exceed the debt ratio Nazi Germany had several times over when they invaded Poland and France

>> No.56091489
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>he fell for the "BTC is a speculative asset" psyop
New money flows into liquid assets, money is the most liquid asset, BTC is better money than gold, gold has kept pace with debasement (44x versus 42x monetary expansion since '71), BTC has yet to reach full capitalization. Pop quiz hotshot: What does BTC act as until full capitalization?

>> No.56091492

soros is in cash you fucking retard

>> No.56091496

>that are a

>> No.56091541

nah, soros is bleeding cash like an idiot because Alex is a giant failure

>> No.56091566

Have you seen the yield curve, you dumb nigger? The Fed doesn't need to buy, but they would if push came to shove. Deficit spending is still BRRRRR as debt is paid with debt. Cry and seethe, doesn't change the math

>> No.56091588

Could you please provide the physical equation that defines that natural law. Also as said above, the fed buying treasuries doesn't necessarily makes line go up

You heroin junkies are going to have a rough awakening when what you consider natural laws aren't going to materialize, and your lines going down

>> No.56091612

Could you be any more of a fag? I think some aliens in Alpha Centauri haven't been blinded by your glowing faggorty yet.

>> No.56091613

>Could you please provide the physical equation that defines that natural law.

Are you a sovereign citizen? Do you quote the articles of confederation when you get stopped by the police? Does your mommy need to come change your diaper and wipe the drool off your face?

>physical equation that defines natural law
Lmao dude fuck off retard

>> No.56091658
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Expect they don't. That's the 'beauty' of fiat, debasement is just dilution, everyone cries about "the debt" as though the bad thing happens in the future "It's a ponzi!" like it's going to blow up, but it's not a ponzi, a ponzi pays out old money, fiat counterfeits money, "the bad thing" already happened, they've already stolen your money and spent it, shit doesn't start getting lit unless the goynigger stops taking it in the ass, but here we are, the workers show no signs of revolt, as long as they have their blue cat people fucking whales in IMAX they will continue to slave.

>> No.56091772

The coppers are not filling their quotas and new york has started to cut overtime for coppers
I would be more worried about a pack of niggers or a bunch of highway men by now

>> No.56091906
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Sure: t*nd, where t=time and nd=nigger dicks you've sucked at time t, you'll notice that like monetary supply this equation approaches infinity in limit.

>> No.56091962

there is nothing like infinity in a human system
the infinite cartesian room is a lie

>> No.56092351

The west just lets in any 3rd world spic and pays him half no matter if he's a criminal or lazy fuck doesn't matter GDP is GDP.

You want to retreat into the country?
Sorry goy your cows produce global warming!
Your tractor isn't green!
You own too much land for a white man!

This is all rhetoric that the communists in D.C. say.

>> No.56092407

Because the people who caused it need time to maximise their ability to profit from the situation then exit the markets before they let the whole thing collapse.

>> No.56092417

>for the Horde!

>> No.56092476

That was the (((AI))) run

>> No.56092944

Cool. So what do we do now? Should I get a gun?

>> No.56093034

>Yes I'll just hold onto this thing that's losing value while I pay interest on it, and maintenance, and taxes, while bonds can be had for 5%+
Even if you're renting a 550k place for $2,800, that just breaks even with current bond rates BEFORE you factor in all the costs of owning a rental, plus you need to either do work yourself dealing with issues or pay a company to do it for you, and I'm even assuming you just own it and aren't getting bled for a couple percent in interest too.

At no point is investment in property currently lucrative. It only makes sense when rates are low and prices always increasing a few % a year like clockwork. As soon as it goes sideways for a little while, everyone gets cold feet.

>> No.56093045

>still not owning a long and short range firearm with sufficient ammo in the year 2023 AD
ngmi, it's just common sense at this point, no matter the circumstances

>> No.56093082
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>> No.56093130

Those 5% bonds won't last long. Meanwhile, houses will go up another 300% by 2030.

>> No.56093171

I live in one of those cucked, gun free, EU countries, fren. But you are still correct.

>> No.56093214
File: 28 KB, 520x518, Ace-Of-Base-The-Sign-1645726068-520x518.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit how did you know? SOMEBODY SHUT THIS THREAD DOWN NOW

>> No.56093251

So, what do?

>> No.56094442

>He thinks with cash means le money on hand and not funds from yet another loan
Let me tell you about the jews

>> No.56095163


this would be a boomer holocaust

>> No.56095218

If you're a zoomer, that's acceptable. If you're older than 30 oh shit nigger what are you doing?

>> No.56095300

Then whose propping up the S&P when the wealthy are all in treasuries and retail is going broke? I know one thing, if everyone is expecting a market crash then it’s never gonna happen

>> No.56095316

>government is fucked unless they cut spending
lol not happening
taxes will be raised instead
better tighten that belt waggie
austerity is gonna be tough on your kind

>> No.56095324
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As a 30 year old boomer I didn't register the lyrics at all. Like I would easily recognise the tune but wouldn't even be able to guess the lyrics because I never cared. Until I learned Max Martin helped with the song and then saw they actually had a weird sign in the music video. Really makes you wonder what it all means.

>> No.56095376

An estimate of the total money supply

>> No.56095407

M2 is just M1+savings deposits under $100k.
M3 already bounced, the others will in time.

>> No.56095413

Bitcoin and blockchain has been around now for 15 years and there has been functionally zero adoption and zero innovation in this space. It's vaporware. Cope.

>> No.56095436

Wtf are you talking about?
Lightning networks? Atomic swaps? Defi futures contracts?
There's been an incredible amount of innovation.

>> No.56095458

BTC has only existed for 14 years and has already reached 1% of the necessary capitalization to dethrone fiat, during that time it has functioned as the best short of fiat, and therefore the best performing asset class, the world has ever seen. Stop searching for some other use-case, the use case of crypto is MONEY, BTC is the first trustless money to ever exist and therefore the last money we'll ever need.

>> No.56095535

take a break, dude

>> No.56095667

Based Elliot Wave Reader

>> No.56095673
File: 44 KB, 479x361, 1A0DC91A-ACFF-4515-953E-A29182B3C717.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Crypto is already near bottom

>> No.56095695

>has already reached 1% of the necessary capitalization to dethrone fiat
1% makes for a nice balance between sounding significant while still leaving a 100x on the table. For me though, that's not enough upside for something that's never going to happen.

I think he's right, you guys should try and understand what's happening properly.

>> No.56095859

It's hoarde*

>> No.56096823

Convert to Judaism

>> No.56097358

I liked your pun, anyways.

>> No.56097367

When Congress and Senate ban themselves from stocks/active trading, Baron the hatches and throw a reef in the main.

>> No.56097410

>2 more years

>> No.56097423

I've heard this last year
Sp500 year to date is 17%.
Gold is 6%
/biz fucked me hardcore this year, because I fell for this meme

>> No.56097643

Jews apparently have a rule: 1/3 in cash, 1/3 in assets, 1/3 in real estate
What I know for a fact is that many goyim don't even know what an ETF is

>> No.56097649

Did it win?

>> No.56097681

Just 2 more years trust the plan bro

>> No.56097691

theres more institutions than you can count that have to constantly buy with a mantra that the investor made the choice of investing right now, and the institution is just in a role of distributing that cash, they're not going to put it into treasuries.
like pension funds, index trackers and many others

>> No.56098334

Debt paid with debt is identical in-the-limit to straight printing. The reality is they can't kill BTC without killing their own grift

>> No.56099003

are you the same daneposter that shit up the thread on /pol/?

>> No.56100029

How come I keep seeing all these charts indicating the economy is fucked but I see no evidence of it in the real world? In 2008 I had friends losing jobs, I knew a couple people that got foreclosed on and just overall decline in living standards across the board. This is a fake recession. There’s too much money in the economy to get a real recession. The melt up has already started

>> No.56100341

People are more used to coping with a smaller budget since covid. Its not that there arent signs, you just dont know what to look for.
Petty theft, fraud, robberies, etc. are all up

>> No.56100480

Markets won’t move any more than 30% in either direction ever again.

>> No.56100574

>As a 30 year old boomer
mcfucking kys PLEASE

>> No.56100769

You're lost pal

>> No.56100974


It is happening. It slowly happening.

>> No.56100978

It is happening but not before a massive melt up

>> No.56100991

Ice, Refinitv, etc sell different data dumb nigga

>> No.56101039

The US still has the biggest military in the world and its soldiers are fat and mostly happy. Dollar still has some life left.

>> No.56101053

Historically 2008 was a unusually fast recession. Recession usually play out over years. Plus the real recession dosen't start till the fed drops rates again.

>> No.56102313

No QE and BRICs dumping dollar back in the 2008 this recession is different.

>> No.56102315


>> No.56102480

which crypto save you from fiat collapse?
Bitcoin and etherium seem to drop with the dollar for some reason

>> No.56102492

Because of a lot of it isnt actually as bad as it looks on a chart and can be absorbed.

>> No.56102608

Government is spending more than is takes in revenue, therefore running a huge deficit right now.
The same way normie cattle are dipping into their saving and racking up credit card debt to stay afloat, they spend more then they earn.

>> No.56102692

it means nothing. normies literally dont even know what any of this means. the government will keep bailing out and life will go on. people will own nothing and they will be happy.

>> No.56102694


>> No.56103479

Billions are not enough for trillions