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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56089028 No.56089028 [Reply] [Original]

Feels like 2019 again here

>> No.56089064

>coin goes up 3% after -22% over a month

>> No.56089525

Yeah that's 2019 for ya

>> No.56089561

Perfect time to stack.
What are we thinking of accumulating bros?

>> No.56089570
File: 61 KB, 480x498, heh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2019 is a SCAM and 2019oshi is a SCAMMER

>> No.56089588

Kaspa and INJ

>> No.56089594

Fuck you keith.

>> No.56089599

Every thread on /biz/ is:
1- a larp
2- weak bait
3- a scam
4- rage farming
created by different spambots for other bots to take a large dump in.
/biz/ officially fucking dead - lowest post counts per day ever, highest bots counts per day ever!

>> No.56089622
File: 17 KB, 500x508, thinking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>da bots!
Could it be that cryptards really are this boring/insane?

>> No.56089654

KEK never stop posting these

>> No.56089692

How high do you see kaspa going?

>> No.56089743
File: 72 KB, 500x335, 4820713744_71280443ec.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go ahead and light that shit off

>> No.56089760

>a bot complaining about bots

>> No.56089765

Just realistic? No black and white in here, just shades of grey. But the grey has become quite dark as of late

>> No.56089851
File: 844 KB, 240x240, tumblr_nhsosppJ4p1r0ksuho9_250.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"standard fireworks"

>> No.56091519
File: 171 KB, 495x416, 1661840217254.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the magic year where I was slightly happy, I still had hopes in the market and I was still waiting for the XOR card like a bitch, it wouldn't be bad to go back to those times, some nostalgia doesn't hurt

>> No.56092707

Man what was so magical about 2019? One of the best years of me life as well

>> No.56092727

2016, 2018 and 2019 were all around great years. I wonder if we'll ever get another run like that.

>> No.56092742

What's gonna be the FTM of the next bull? I missed buying that shit at .05 and bought fucking PNK instead.

>> No.56092745

I mean .005 not .05

>> No.56092749

18 and 19 were absolute hell in regards to crypto.

the most magical year was 2020, the DeFi summer was absolute nuts, and it was the last year when crypto still felt like crypto (before elon, reddit and doggy meme bullshit).
in defi summer you saw 100x left and right, because DEXes were the new shit. and McAfee was still alive rugging everybody with his GHOST coin, that basically ignited the whole run on IDEX

>> No.56092759

It's dead.

I'm getting slaughtered on he stock market too!

>> No.56092768

It was the last year where the world was relatively sane (it wasn't but clownworld went into overdrive shortly after). The economy was hot since Drumpf let the money printer go brrrrr, I got a new job in mid six figures and felt rich. Had lots of sex. 4cuck /biz/ was based and free of r*ddit rapefugees. Not sure if anything can take us back there desu.

>> No.56092789

KASPA has already pumped. It's done.

>> No.56092918

RIDE it out, and wait for a new wave