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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56084580 No.56084580 [Reply] [Original]

Is there a worse investment than eating out?

>Have to drive to a restaurant
>Usually it's in the city, which means lots of traffic
>Also have to pay for parking
>Walk to the restaurant
>Stand there in the doorway
>"Yes, can I please pay you alot of money to eat here?"
>Have some wagie tell you to please wait to be seated
>Finally get to a table
>Have to sit on a shitty chair
>Behind you is a fat person that has his chair too far away from the table
>Have almost no room to sit
>Next to your table is a group that is loudly talking to eachother
>Can barely hear your date on the same table
>Music is also blasting too loud
>Finally the waiter comes
>Can I get you anything to drink?
>Think to myself "Just give me everything at once so I can fuck out of here asap"
>Have to wait 10 minutes for them to bring your drink
>Ask if you want a starter
>Wait another 15 minutes
>Ask if you want your dinner
>Wait another 30 minutes
>Finally done with dinner
>Want any desert? Wait another 10 minutes
>Want coffee? Wait another 15 minutes
>2 fucking hours sitting on a small table, noise everywhere trying to get to know the girl in front of you
>Check comes
>$200 at least
>They also expect you to pay a tip for "The service"

Honestly I not only dislike it, I legit hate it with every fucking cell in my fucking body.

How does any fucking logical reasonable human being with a normal functioning brain thinks this is somehow a good thing?

How could any fucking person that leaves a place like this think to themselves:
>Ah yes, I feel so much better now, i'm glad I spend $200 on this experience.

Even if it was 10x as cheap, and I mean it, even if I could get the whole experience for $20 instead of $200, I still would think and feel that i'm being ripped off. EVEN IF IT WAS FREE. Even if they paid me. I'd honestly rather be at work than ever in my fucking life have to eat in a cocksocking fucking restaurant ever fucking again.

>> No.56084686

Based, i've never understood either normies are retarded.

Worst investment there is along with traveling.

>> No.56084705

most people are absolute dogshit at cooking and refuse to learn and improve, so it's their only means of consooming real (non-goyslopped) food.

anyways, when i eat out, which i do maybe a half dozen times a year, i always pick up my order to avoid this misery.

>> No.56084710

get a life chud

>> No.56084725

sounds more like an American issue than an eating out issue my fat man

>live in multiple hundred year old city
>everything organically became mixed use
>zoning laws enforce mixed use urban planning
>after work walk over to one of the many restaurants near the office
>or take a short bike ride and meet somebody elsewhere for a great restaurant
>don't tip
>go home
>might grab a drink at the pub down the street

>> No.56084735

Unless you aim for some slut who would just come to your place directly to fuck, it's a courtesy to take a woman out for dinner. And the experience as anon described doesn't matter if it's cheap or expensive. Or there would be business dinners that you would prefer to be those obnoxious people in a place that you could fuck off in 2 hours without paying anything. And if you are travelling and don't have a chance to get take away food or can't be bothered with it, that's also fine.

Other than these scenarios, going to a restaurant for pleasure really doesn't make sense.

>> No.56084753

I dont think most people care about the food, it's just like "Going out for dinner" is the activity that they like for some reason.

Yet nobody can ever explain why this is.

I'm from a small Europe town that has lots of big cities, my experience is the same.

I never take out a stranger to dinner if I havent had sex with her yet because I might waste my money, I only take out my girlfriend because it makes her happy.

>> No.56084770

Countries? Except for the tipping part Norwegian experience is similar to the burgers.

>> No.56084776

you forgot to mention the posibility of getting spit,pubic hair or worse in your food. Overpriced refrigerated food ,probably microwaved. lmao?

>> No.56084779

Doesnt matter

>> No.56084794

Yes and guaranteed the OP lives in some shit hole American town and went to some chain 'restaurant'

Meanwhile based meds literally see the local fishermen catching and delivering the fish to the restaurants and grabbing a table easily. You greet your server who expects no tips and is of your same nationality, in fact you even may know them personally . You sit and enjoy a fresh meal with local produce. Maybe after you're done eating you spot a friend and he sits down and also shares a meal or a 2 hour casual freddo espresso. You return home for summer siesta and fuck your hot hairy pussy Italian/greek GF

In b4 Mexicans and niggers seethe ITT you can easily get a gun and go hunting at any time

>> No.56084800

Can we not turn this into a /pol/ thread? Im not from the fucking USA

>> No.56084894

Italy/Greece is full of Africans and Pakis, and on top of that they are poor as fuck and live in ugly apartment blocks. You are delusional

>> No.56085016

You spoke about nothing I said. Now go away I'm going to get oak honey from a village in parnassos.

>> No.56085028

fun to do once in the while
go during the day when its quieter

>> No.56085111
File: 94 KB, 1566x880, 170430-allen-david-duchovny-twin-peaks-tease_q2jhaz.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She sucked bad huh.

>> No.56085133

>sit there and have faggy conversation for hours
I knew euros were gay but I didn't know they were this gay

>> No.56085400

>you have to le talk!!!

>> No.56085459

I pay $20 for a family sized carryout from my local Mexican Vietnamese and Arab restaurants and that's all my food for the whole day.
I walk there and total cost is only $20.
Groceries to make the same food would be ~$15 plus an hour+ to cook and clean.

>> No.56086341
File: 43 KB, 553x385, IMG_5827.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The short answer to this is women and social media. They are the main drivers of this horseshit. I don’t mind eating a nice meal with friends but I prefer it be at one of our homes instead of a crowded public place and deal with boomers. Thankfully, I think the younger generation is starting to see how retarted it is and running a successful restaurant is very difficult. You’re already seeing these kitchens that make food for 3-4 order out only restaurants.