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56084231 No.56084231 [Reply] [Original]

>SWIFT announces Chainlink integration
>Russia 180s and literally begging to be reconnected
>BRICS in shambles realizing they'll have to use subpar trash like L0 and Quant if they don't bend the knee
makes you think huh?

>> No.56084261

>Sergey is Russian
ever wonder what team he actually plays for?

>> No.56084280

I unironically think you are correct but only people at the very very VERY top understand this.

>> No.56084288

No we don't.
I mean, no they don't.

>> No.56084290

Wouldn't Chainlink unironically fix this, by allowing BRICS countries to communicate with SWIFT banks?

>> No.56084294

Yes, but at the current moment Chainlinks biggest partnership and work is going towards SWIFT. I don’t think they would take it too kindly if Chainlink just turned around and immediately started working with sanctioned enemies of the SWIFT system before they even finished the work they started with them.

>> No.56084663

BRICS could use the XRPL and ODL System from Ripple immediately. Why they don’t, no idea?

>> No.56084739

its not a technical issue dumbass. they are being sanctioned. how will chinlonk help with that? they will just blacklist it until they can verifiably stop sending transactions to BRICS systems. please don't bother replying.

>> No.56086383

>only people at the very very VERY top understand this
how do we understand it then? are we at the very top?

>> No.56086394

>my ethereum token is going to...
Let me just stop laughing and then you can go on.

>> No.56086408

How is it you don't realize that XRPL is replacing SWIFT?
You are working to try and save a sinking ship?
kek Linkiers are braindead retarded.

Meanwhile XRP does loops around you in a speedboat with hot women aboard.

>> No.56086410
File: 1.24 MB, 1920x1080, Screen Shot 2023-09-08 at 10.54.37 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I doubt Russia is thinking about tokenizing real world assets at the moment HOWEVER,

where are the central banks located?

>> No.56086427

Even if both Joe Biden and Vladimit Putin himself appear alongside Sergey at SmartCon with their right hand on the Bible, look straight at the camera and say clearly WE WILL USE CHAINLINK (TICKER: LINK) AND ITS TOKEN WHICH IS VERY NEEDED and then sign a blood oath with Sergey right then and there on an etherscan print where it directly says how the US and Russian government are both market buying and using LINK with Sergey then announcing official Chainlink staking going live which immediately solves the entire global financial situation and stops the war in Ukraine while Bezos and Musk throw a video shout out for Chainlink the price of LINK would still just crabdump -2% somehow.

>> No.56086459

>where are the central banks located?
That's not a map of actual locations; it's a representation of globalization.
Although it's odd they didn't put a logo in central Africa for "diversity" purposes.

>> No.56086461


>> No.56086482
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>XRPL is replacing SWIFT?
Take your meds

>> No.56086507

My friend.
I literally do INTL payments of around $200,000 a year. It's the best option. LINK serves no purpose in this equation because it's so fucking slow.
You can be in and out of XRP and into any currency you wish in under 7 seconds and with basically zero fees.

Now...the price doesn't need to go up for this to be the case. So it's not about bagholding for anyone but Linktards.
People will USE XRP. The price is irrelevant.

>> No.56086556

>I literally do INTL payments of around $200,000 a year.
Every single time you spew the same exact little story.

>> No.56086590

Because it's true.
None of you faggots do any business. I just signed PIs for $16,000 and $6,200 this morning.

I'm INFORMING you. You are basically paid retards or if not paid, just hoping to get paid at the end.
XRPL is the most efficient and has already won because of that. The price likely goes up modestly given adoption over time or by 2030.
But again, at $2 it can handle almost the entirety of world trade because it's so fucking fast and efficient.
Moonbois are retarded.
But Linkies are even more retarded because they are literally and ETH token.

>> No.56086660

fair fair

I feel you have a misunderstanding of what Link accomplishes. CCIP connects blockchains together. Each blockchain has their own settlement time.

>> No.56086674

>Russia begging to be reconnected
you mean NATO begging for their grain?

>> No.56086677

>XRPL is the most efficient
It really isn't.
Banks are working with RWAs on all kinds of (private) chains that cost them virtually nothing and take fractions of a second.

>> No.56086796

gr8 b8 m8

>> No.56087158

LINK runs on the ETH blockchain.
It's a desperate attempt to keep ETH relevant because it's an infinite supply scam chain run by banking powers.
It's slow and shitty and not necessary because with XRPL you can simply go between chains in no time whatsoever.

CL is literally a bandaid on the sinking ship ETH. It's going down. All of it. It's too late.
I don't misunderstand anything.
You misunderstand because you never transfer money.

>> No.56087184

That's all within their own system. You literally don't have to adopt anything to use the XRPL.
You don't have to change operations, you don't have to trust anyone, you just buy and sell XRP in 7 seconds.
Irrefutable points made to bagholders of a global scam coin usually gets response very easily.

>> No.56087415

interesting... so what is the advantage, if any, of a bank using CL versus XRP?

>> No.56087487

>link needs eth
and just like that nothing else you say will be taken seriously

>> No.56087501

For banks it's the same as for businesses. It's fast and cheap and you don't need to do anything at all to your present operation to enjoy the benefits.

The Linktards and SWIFT are missing the value link provides and that's in the transfer of on chain data around. Now this value is overstated imo but at least it exists.
The entire idea that SWIFT/LINK team up ignores that SWIFT is going to be entirely irrelevant within 10 years.
CCIP does have eventual value, but not in transferring actual money around. There is simply no possible or conceivable way to make CL, running on ETH, as fast and efficient as the XRPL.
It's like trying to make a tugboat go as fast as a speedboat. NEver going to happen.

Having faster money is like having more money.
This is why you see desperate attempts all over to fix ETH. Matic, Link, etc.
The base layer is too slow and everyone knows it.

Now this does not preclude a pump in price of chainlink. I wasn't around very early for link, but bought at $3 and sold at $15 the first time it ran up.

Remember that LINK holders are literally, and I mean entirely literally, taking advice from an 80 year old man who mentioned Link in a book about the 4th industrial revolution.

>> No.56087512

I didn't say that. I said it runs on ETH blockchain.
Learn to read.
It's ETH that needs LINK. That's clearly what my post says.

>> No.56087524

>no funny icon in Africa

>> No.56087532

>LINK runs on the ETH blockchain.

This is your first mistake. Chainlink is a separate network that exists outside of blockchains. An oracle network whose primary purpose is to deliver data to and from the blockchain.

Ethereum is just one of the blockchains they're servicing; Chainlink is capable of supporting hundreds of blockchains.

>> No.56087540

The link token is an erc token though

>> No.56087546

>it runs on ETH blockchain
it literally doesn't lmao

>> No.56087565

He's a paid salesperson.
He knows what I'm saying is true so he's repeating the rebranding strategy.

>> No.56087573

I will allow you to then enlighten us please.

>> No.56087584

And please don't let your explanation be that you can through some completely convoluted and unnecessary process move the tokens around between shitchains that no one uses.
This necessary convolution is part of it's biggest problem.

>> No.56087635


also curious what you mean by this

>> No.56087650

someone literally just explained it and you called him a paid shill

>> No.56087699

That's not an explanation. That's a sales pitch and means nothing.
Tell me how it functions without ETH.

Again, THE ENTIRE POINT of Chainlink is to save an outdated, slow as fuck, infinite supply, scam blockchain called Ethereum.
Being technically true and practically true are different things and the difference is quite important.

CL must connect ETH to other better chains or it's 100% over for ETH.
So what you say can be technically true, but for practical purposes, it's only point is to work with ETH.

>> No.56087723

>THE ENTIRE POINT of Chainlink is to save an outdated, slow as fuck, infinite supply, scam blockchain called Ethereum.
cool fud bro

>> No.56087766

it takes a pretty smart person to build an argument around this type of equivocation. cheers anon

>> No.56087777

>explain to me how link doesn't run on eth
>the chainlink network is a separate network that doesn't run on eth
>nope that's a sales pitch

>> No.56087780

So before chainlink, blockchains pulled their own data?

>> No.56087911

The same thing Chainlink is attempting to do for ETH is what it's attempting to do for SWIFT.
You have entirely outdated scams desperately trying to hold on to relevance.

But nothing can be done to save them.
You can't attach at speedboat motor to a tugboat and make it as fast as a speedboat. That is pretty much what LINK is.

It's not to say it's not "working" to some degree. But it simply can't win in the arena of global money transfer.
It's value is chain to chain data transfer. And the main value there is that it saves ETH's ass.
For the time being at least.

The main point here is that "LINK working with SWIFT" is just a sideshow bit of desperation from established SWIFT members and faggots that can't just let it go.

The true decentralization that matters in the future will be the diversity of blockchains the (hopefully) freedom to choose among them. LINK contributes to this.
But anyone serious knows it contributes nothing to global money transfer.
Interested parties attempting to use it to hold onto power is not evidence of anything.

>> No.56088239

didn't read bro

>> No.56088380

>>SWIFT announces Chainlink integration
Magnificent! move from SWIFT. Can't wait to see them join forces with CryptMi too for more seamless payment...

>> No.56088438

>Meanwhile XRP does loops around you in a speedboat with hot women aboard.
Those women are called prepubecant children you sick fuck

>> No.56088521

save them from what?
outdated by which extant messaging and standards systems?

>> No.56088572

Then you'd have to cope. I understand the psychology they've got you in.
From obviously faster operations. You had literal old people with no tech knowledge trying to run their "4th industrial revolution" on ETH for god's sake.

Any comparison to ICP, XRP/XLM, ADA, AVAX, or DOT shows them to be entirely inferior. Only the momentum of old money and power has propped them up this long.
Without LINK and the hope and cope it brings they'd already have crumbled.

They measure micrometers of ethernet cable at the stock exchange trading desk. There is no room for slow POS bullshit.

>> No.56088594

I'm happily married to a hot 38 year old mother.

>> No.56088874

And it is represented on other blockchains complete with accounting to ensure there are 1 Billion in existence but distributed on the difference blockchains.

>> No.56088881

if XRP transfers even 1B in legitimate transactions in the next 10 years, I will slice my penis off with a straight razor. It is, and shall always remain, the Quasimodo of finance. Half formed, broken from the start, riddled with disease and lame limbs. XRPL is like putting braces on a polio-stricken child.

>> No.56088902


Someone simply partnering with Ripple did a billion by themselves retard.
Ripple has done something like 30 billion.

>> No.56088926

>Again, THE ENTIRE POINT of Chainlink is to save an outdated, slow as fuck, infinite supply, scam blockchain called Ethereum.

Checked, but that isn't the case. The point of Chainlink is link blockchains together. It's in the name. The token supply was minted on Ethereum because that was the chain of the the main open and decentralized developing community. But the Chainlink Network exists outside of blockchains.

>> No.56088966

>Someone simply partnering with Ripple
None of the partnerships will please me until I see one with Wirex or CryptMi.

>> No.56088990

>things that are overt and presented to the public are the real reasons
I thought you guys pretended to be "in the know" or something like that.
I guess carbon credits are to save the planet and taxes are to maintain the roads and schools.

>> No.56089008

Well that's fine. I was simply saying, assuming the guy was just ignorant, that the XRPL has probably done 100 billion in legit tx and easily 50b.
That's peanuts, but it has happened.

And again, it barely matters what the price is for this to occur. I'm not shilling XRP as a "number go up" thing. It's a practical business matter. It's superior to everything else for cross border money tx.

>> No.56089037

Oh no. Time to slice and dice. You said you would. Now Do It!

>> No.56089088

Token use case

>> No.56089280

The token not needed meme is kinda funny because the only case where the token is needed is when the token is the thing.

BTC is slow and shitty too. I was in at $3 and using the SR and it would literally take 12-24 hours and then fail 30% of the time.
The XRPL existed at the time but it wasn't a huge glow operation so people actually thought BTC was good.

>> No.56089826
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>If you get shot you'll die
>if you swim with a crocodile you'll die
>if you jump off a cliff you'll die

>> No.56091455
File: 131 KB, 750x593, 1694571570472.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek baggies
>September 4, 2020:
LINK: $12.50
BTC: $10,434
ETH: $388
BNB: $20.62
XRP: $0.23
ADA: $0.08
DOGE: $0.002
SOL: $2.71
TRX: $0.03
MATIC: $0.01

>September 4, 2023:
LINK: $5.96
BTC: $25,743
ETH: $1,623
BNB: $214.45
XRP: $0.50
ADA: $0.25
DOGE: $0.063
SOL: $19.36
TRX: $0.07
MATIC: $0.55

>> No.56091554

imagine being you loser yep it's you who make tons of link threads every day pure loser same loser same speech patterns daily did I mention you're a loser

>> No.56091608

> LINK runs on the ETH blockchain.
You put so much effort into looking smart and then you slip up and reveal you don't understand anything. You don't even realize you are revealing your ignorance because you don't know what you don't know. Overconfident retard.

>> No.56091661

>incel manifestos
literally just have sex bros

>> No.56091701
File: 619 KB, 1666x1175, fuddiesarethirdworldTRASH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

awww poor widdle fudcuck projecting about being a loser in a link thread (probably while tabbing between 6 fud threads he made in the last few hours, and samefagging in this one)
just kill yourself lmao

>> No.56091788
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I recommend you to have sex and touch grass linkchud

>> No.56091851

>LINK runs on the ETH blockchain.
>19 pbtid
>XRP baggie
you are such a beaner it hurts

>> No.56091864

XRP does this and better

>> No.56091872
File: 193 KB, 1577x1682, 1680642935445.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why do FUD spammers get so triggered over being called esl trash?
must be because they're third-worlders leeching off of the netherlands and working for an actual MLM scam company with no other job prospects

>> No.56091927

xrpaypigs are the most brain-damaged bagholders on this board
yes, even in comparison to chainshit shills because at least scams use chainshit oracles, while the only function xrp has is to fleece dumb xrpaypigs and dangle "landmark case" carrots in front of them which go absolutely nowhere
now fuck off back to your cuckshed general

>> No.56091971
File: 103 KB, 656x748, 1694576690236.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why do FUD spammers get so triggered over being called esl trash?
>must be because they're third-worlders leeching off of the netherlands and working for an actual MLM scam company with no other job prospects
Sorry lil chuddy my native language is hebrew :)

>> No.56092035

Crypto is fucking dead permanently. Let's invest in based nigger pirates.
2k rocket launcher netted some old bag 75k do the math faggots

>> No.56092890

>He's a paid salesperson.

t. 19 pbtid about XRP in a Link thread.

>> No.56092975

Any half-decent L1 can do this.
They all make the exact same claims you're making about Ripple, there's nothing fundamentally unique about any of them.

It all hinges on the argument that "everyone will be using MY chain", which is simply never going to happen.

>> No.56093113

Thanks for confirming there really are kikes paid to astroturf biz. It was safe to assume, what with what you creatures did to /gif/, but the gall is still impressive. Go beat a chicken to death in the hope that it will trick God and your sins will be forgotten, lmao. Even when you people have the world by the balls you're still hilarious worms

>> No.56093493


>> No.56093766

Why are xrp baggies so unbelievably retarded

>> No.56094830

Name one.
I do money tx. I want the best one. Right now it's XRPL. I would really like to use anything that is as fast, secure, and cheap as the XRPL.
The posts are about the SWIFT/CL connection and how retarded it is.
SWIFT is outdated. You aren't going to upgrade it. I bring up XRP because that's it's sole purpose and it does it clearly better than anything CL is going to "connect".
It's being replaced by XRP, or, possibly, and again read above, I don't care, something actually fast and cheap.
The idea something slow and relatively expensive wins is retarded and misses the entire point.

CL needs this to pump bags and give delusional hope. But their only value is CCIP and data transfer between chains.
NOT as a settlement or any part of settlement.
I made money on LINK. I did a 5x on the first run up.
My XRP is about 3x since I've had it so long.
LINK was a better play for me money wise in the past. XRP for me is about ACTUALLY USING IT.
I signed $22,000 in PIs yesterday. When I send the money for them once they are ready to ship it will cost me around $225 in processing.
I want that gone to almost zero.
XRP is great for that. I'd happily use XLM.
But everything else so far has less liquidity, is slower, or is more expensive.
Simple as.
Not hard to understand.
Just because you port something over doesn't mean everything in it's past magically becomes "not on ETH". The other chains have no liquidity, volume, or use as it goes now.
In the future they probably will. But again, unless you are a total normie NPC, you can see what the point of CL is. It's to make ETH palatable and usable.

>> No.56094891

You realize that you can use the XRPL with the existing supply and no one can stop you and it eliminates all but .000001% of currently existing tx fees right?
Do you use a credit card or debit card?
You are literally pyaing 2.9-3.5% on every transaction you make.
You like that?
This isn't a discussion about the price going up on either. It's a discussion on which works and actually benefits people.
The price of XRP doesn't need to go over $2 or $3 to facilitate almost all of global trade. That's what efficiency looks like.

>> No.56094913

>Name one.
>I do money tx. I want the best one. Right now it's XRPL.
Take your pick; Nano, Dash, Fantom, Algorand, ...
All at least as fast and cheap as XRPL.

>> No.56094927

>Wouldn't Chainlink unironically fix this, by allowing BRICS countries to communicate with SWIFT banks?
Why the fuck would BRICS countries need oracles to transfer value?
They can just transact stablecoins (their own, others, whatever), BTC, ETH, XMR,..

Oracles are strictly irrelevant in this entire context and this thread is more than retarded

>> No.56094943

There is nothing better than Algorand to transact value/assets, have the fastest finalty & settlement, and never had a downtime. Literally the best tech according to Amazon & other industry pillars.

Yet it's now <$1B. Makes you think, isn't it?

>> No.56094961

>They can just transact stablecoins (their own, others, whatever), BTC, ETH, XMR,..
You're posting a bunch of different chains and wondering why you need oracles lmao
Protip: chains are "off-chain data" for other chains.

Not really, L1s are mostly interchangeable and the future relies on overarching solutions.

>> No.56095208

No, it makes no sense.
There are many chains, but it's winner takes all.
Algorand or Ripple will dominate, there is no need for 1000 chains.

When you exchange value, one chain has to become the standard, to consolidate its security, and liquidity on it.

Interoperability = extremely overhyped. Interoperability isn't a cool feature, it's the response to a fundamental problem we don't need to solve, we can just avoid it

>> No.56095290

21 out of 84 posts in this thread are from your ID
Not gonna bother reading any of them, but you sure must care a lot about LINK and that's a good thing. A lot of people are generally apathetic nowadays.

>> No.56095319

>Makes you think, isn't it?

>> No.56095322

this guy gets it
the only reason "interoperability" and "side-chains" were even created was to circumvent the total absence of sufficient and cheap scaling
it's bullshit

>> No.56095365

>There are many chains, but it's winner takes all.
No, it really isn't.
Swift is the mouthpiece for 11,000 banks, and the overwhelming mood is that the DLT ecosystem is only expanding, and interoperability is one of the highest priorities.

>> No.56095397

Hey anon, anon here.
Just letting you know that you’re fudding Swift in order to fud Chainlink.
k bye

>> No.56095408

you're overestimating the importance of trials on experimental technology
but, that's the only narrative you have left to pump your heavy bags so I get it lel

>> No.56095423

This has nothing to do with trials, but with the reality of all those different banks, central banks, national authorities, ... piloting and creating all kinds of different digital currencies and tokenised assets on all kinds of different platforms.

>> No.56095453

you mean CBDCs? that has also nothing to do with public blockchains or with the crypto industry as a whole
again, you are severely overestimating the importance of all those trials and experiments

>> No.56095532

>you mean CBDCs?
Can't you read?
I said "digital currencies and tokenised assets".

>hat has also nothing to do with public blockchains
Who said anything about public blockchains?
Private chains and DLTs also need interoperability.

>you are severely overestimating the importance of all those trials and experiments
Swift, Blackrock, 97% of institutional investors, ... all agree that tokenised assets will revolutionize finance.
But ok, anon.

>> No.56095566

>digital currencies and tokenised assets
digital currencies can only refer to CBDCs
tokenized assets is literally a buzzword
>Private chains and DLTs also need interoperability
kek, they don't though, that's why they're private in the first place
>Swift, Blackrock, 97% of institutional investors
are you an advertiser? cause you sure sound like one
imagine actually believing that the top institutional investors in the world would actually inform the public about the next big thing so we can all together profit from it!
remind me please, what did Swift, Blackrock, and 97% of institutional investors say about the Internet 30 years ago?
so naive it's hilarious

>> No.56095579
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>tokenized assets is literally a buzzword
>private chains don't need interoperability


>> No.56095588
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>private chains don't need interoperability

>> No.56095610

and now you're coming back at me with another buzzword-ridden marketing piece?
what does this prove exactly? why would anyone connect AVAX to any bank or private DLT? kek
>"will reach $xxxxxxxxxxxx valuation by the End of Decade
lmao, that reminds me of a Deutsche Bank report 7 years ago, predicting that 10% of the entire global GDP would be transferred onto blockchains
you people never learn

>> No.56095622

>what does this prove exactly?
That virtually the entire financial industry believes tokenised assets are the future, and that private chains need interoperability.

>> No.56095630

how is a marketing blogpost from a single entity representing "virtually the entire financial industry"? and how are you or anyone else in a position to decipher what direction the global finance is going based off public reports and announcements?
nothing of what you say makes any sense

>> No.56095637

>how is a marketing blogpost from a single entity representing "virtually the entire financial industry"?
You missed the 97% of institutional investors part.

>single entity
It's a cooperative of 11,000 banks.

>> No.56095639


>> No.56095653

I only see Swift, where are the rest of them investors dude?
>It's a cooperative of 11,000 banks.
it's literally a network for banking communications, nothing more, nothing less
kek wtf am I reading

>> No.56095664
File: 50 KB, 381x278, 1679547422022755.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I only see Swift, where are the rest of them investors dude?

>it's literally a network for banking communications, nothing more, nothing less
It's quite literally a cooperative.
And it consists of 11,000 banks.

>> No.56095684

are you retarded? you're reposting the same caps
again, Swift is the one talking about "97% of investoors" nobody else
it's called marketing
>And it consists of 11,000 banks.
kek, ok you're actually retarded now you're simply repeating the same thing disregarding my arguments completely

>> No.56095717

God I love watching you squirm.

>> No.56095726

and just to drive home my point:
notice how they move the goalposts year by year
thanks for conceding I guess

>> No.56095738

Back to plebbit retard

>> No.56095750

Only one of those has a deadline that has elapsed, the one where governments tip towards blockchain tech by 2023.
And it appears to be accurate, even.

>> No.56095783

>Swift is the one talking about "97% of investoors" nobody else
Maybe you should look at the source, the image clearly shows the footnote number.

>> No.56095866

ok bro, we should wait until all of them are invalidated
the source is Swift, they are the ones talking on behalf of "97% investors"
what is this gaslighting?

>> No.56095873

>the source is Swift
No, it’s not.

>> No.56095910

ok dude

>> No.56095921
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>Didnt read; youre down 90% + chart
Kek baggies

>> No.56096624
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Are people this fucking stupid? JFC

>> No.56097574

>cripples wandered into here from their retard containment thread desperately trying to Correct the Record
hahahah whats wrong cripplefags,
feeling insecure? you should be

your shitcoin is going nowhere and no amount cripple funded propaganda pieces designed to suck in normie trash (like you) will ever change that

now fuck off back to your designated shitting thread, you dumb animals

>> No.56098408

Canonically, cripplets are the biggest institutional whores in crypto.
Seeing them try to discredit the biggest institutional network in the world because another crypto is working with them is just such pottery.

>> No.56098654

Yes my favorite is where he pretended to be le successful business man who "doesnt care" but then spent half the threads posts on caring. Thread derailed successfully, mission accomplished.

>> No.56100019

You’re missing that literally every single major financial institution and company uses the swift network when they move money between bank accounts. A F500 company will move billions a day through swift, which makes the 25 pbtid retard bragging about transacting 200k per year truly hilarious in the grand scheme of things

>> No.56101551

This xrp guy is literally 92 iq imagine thinking that all banks would arbitrarily choose to transact on some centralized piece of shit unregistered security vaporware ran by brad garlingburger just because he has invested a lot of money into marketing

They will just run their own private blockchains. It is more secure for them and cheaper. This is the dumbest shit I have ever read but he still detailed a good thread. Thanks for replying to him though, fucking idiots

>> No.56101988

Kek fuddies

>> No.56102012

if its such a good news then why is link not pumping?