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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56083277 No.56083277 [Reply] [Original]

The .com domain for my business is taken and all the other domains look fucking stupid...

>> No.56083283

People who buy domain names with no intent on using them are the real jews

>> No.56083290

all that matters is search results now, Grandpa. Nobody cares about domain names.
You'll need to hire a search optimization firm for much much more.

>> No.56083298

.biz or nuffin'

>> No.56083435

Literally the only thing that matters is the domain name. That's why the .com goes for 100x the price of any other extension

>> No.56083438

seo is dead boomer, you have to just pay larry and sirgay if you want to appear on the results

>> No.56083473

take the .net

>> No.56083483

Mine's just about $3500 might gonna have to break the piggy bank to get it.

>> No.56083485

stop caring about a tld, there's hundreds or more, overpaying for it is literally a scam

>> No.56083491

Mmmmmaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh ahh ah ah ah ah

>> No.56083504

Squatters gotta eat too
show some love, and cough up some cash. I'll negotiate it for $500. It'll still be cheaper than you attempting it.
search engines weightings are heavily domain dependant. If you are searchedforitem.com or searchedforitem.freehost.xyz, guess which is gonna be (way) more visible? Now, pay up OP.

>> No.56083728

Get a .faggot domain.

>> No.56083732

dub 7s, it gotta be pepe related
as per usual
OP is a faggot

>> No.56084242
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speed issue
both in doing so and in understanding that there is no longer a need for such a small shit
even I am faster at knowing the difference between a real 711 and the ones of my bags

>> No.56084867

Just make a facebook page then pybfor the advertisement.

>> No.56086511

That plus:
>all social media accounts are taken and have been dormant for 12+ years
It’s over. Shut it down.

>> No.56087123

>got offered 5k for my domain
>ignore the offer and continue listing it with no intention to ever sell
mmm yes, you like my domain? send me another offer bb