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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 9 KB, 276x183, 312.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56079316 No.56079316 [Reply] [Original]

im not a retarted shitcoin shiller however this is actually our coin. Website is very solid. Only telling once so tomorrow when we launch you only blame yourself and not /biz/ for not warning you. Presale is only live for another 30 minutes, if you want to get in join tg.



tg @frensbiz

>> No.56079338

If you don't trust the dev, don't buy from the presale. Instead you can join the tg group and we'll see you on the Citadel. You can always buy on Uniswap frens. No need to risk!! however i sent my 0.10 eth anyways desu

>> No.56079597

>trying to shill me with a 276x183 thumbnail you stole from here
I hate India and hope you choke on a river of feces.

>> No.56080988

Yea actually, what’s wrong with that?

>> No.56081021

OP I sent in my 0.1 eth yesterday (approx) ...when do my bizfrens show up in my wallet, and when can I buy some more on unicuck?

How many tokens does each pre-sale buyer get?

>> No.56081952

I think it’s sometime tomorrow. But not sure exactly how many we get.

>> No.56081958

>only telling once
Oh good, that's decent of you.

>> No.56081985

this coin not scam ,, lot of paid fudder in here tonight

>> No.56082075

let get bump in here 4channel.,, very good coin here pepe fren !! DYOR !!

>> No.56082355

Hello Keith

>> No.56082640
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>not a retarded shitcoin shiller


>> No.56082645
File: 100 KB, 1163x508, bizjeets3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Y'all jeets know all this shit can be looked up right?

>0/100 safety score on token sniffer
Jesus you guys didn't even try and make it appear rugproof

>> No.56082648
File: 44 KB, 1102x100, bizjeets2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek I saw one person sent 0.1 ETH a few days ago, what a fucking retard.

You are never going to get a ROI because I'm going to keep posting the facts about your jeetcoin in every thread

>> No.56082691
File: 15 KB, 628x119, bizjeets.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tokensniffer shows identical code with a few other coins that, surprise to no one, are all rug pulls.

But top kek that you tried so hard to shill this on /biz/, including one thread with 20 anons even though you can see txns on dextools and see that no one has actually bought anything except for one poor fucker who put in 0.1ETH. Ooof, better luck on the next coin boys.

>> No.56082723

>coin is not tradable yet.

Could u do biz a favor and kill yourself? Why do you even live. Take your own life right now.

>> No.56082730
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Like always you samefag as a new anon and don't acknowledge any of the clear redflags in the coin and just tell people to trust the plan

>> No.56082763

Dextool score

>coin is not tradable yet

Kill yourself. Your parents were right. Your school bully makes fun you till this day. Everyone makes fun of u faggot.

>> No.56082770
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>website is very solid
It's about as jeet as you could possibly imagine

>> No.56082778

Dextool score

>coin is not tradable yet

I order you to kill yourself right now fatty.

>> No.56082793

No one said dextool score except for you friend, It's token sniffer safety score.

The transactions were like on dextools and it showed no one investing once you guys started posting here except one guy. Yet a few anons in this thread said they've invested? Hmmm

If it SMELLS like curry and LOOKS like curry...

>> No.56082796


>> No.56082817

You can't see any transaction on Dextools if the token is not even listed yet. That's it i just realized i was talking to a moron. Learn to speak english nigger and take your own life.

>> No.56082823

Yes 38 anon is invested in. Its a presale u fat fuck. Oh god how funny would it be if we were on the same school. You are a fucking retard Hahahahahh

>> No.56082826
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That's how I know you're the jeet dev because you think you've attempted to scrub dextools without remembering that internet search history from the other day when you are shilling exists.

Why are you guys so angry anyway?

>> No.56082831
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I didn't go to school in India

>> No.56082845

smell like curry
just like this thread

anyone buying deserves to lose their money

>> No.56082852

Im not the dev. Now i will enjoy my night after a good session of bullying you dumb faggot. Kys bye.

>> No.56083075

Keith why you lie, tisk tisk. The truth is you’ve been searching the wrong address all along, yes you found the contract for the unreleased token but there is another Eth address where all the presale buys are contained. Hint: you could find it easily on etherscan if you weren’t an idiot, and it would clearly show you over 35 wallets that are confirmed for the initial presale drop. Go ahead and keep jeet spamming us and reporting us fag, I wonder what you’re going to say when token is released tomorrow, presale tokens are dropped, ownership renounced, and liquidity locked? I’m sure you’ll make up some other garbage but by then anons will know you’re lying and probably hate you for deterring them. Go ahead and try snipe if you want, our CA will be bulletproof, especially to the likes of someone like you who can’t even navigate a scanner app. See you tomorrow Keith.

>> No.56083107
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>yes you found the contract for the unreleased token

>Go ahead and keep jeet spamming us and reporting us fag
Don't worry, I will

>I wonder what you’re going to say when token is released tomorrow, presale tokens are dropped, ownership renounced, and liquidity locked?
Just like every other jeetcoin that gets rugged and is a deadcoin within a few hours or days?

Funny how you started this on the very first thread a few days ago saying how its your first time making a coin, then when I linked the identical code of a few other shitcoins that were rugpulls you've changed your tone a bit.

>> No.56083384

Gay idea

But the website looks very professional and well done. Although that foooz widget looks like amateur shit that my middle school grandson could make

>> No.56083949

Excited to laugh at queef when this coin pops off after he no lifes every thread

>> No.56083993


>> No.56084165
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>> No.56084191
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>> No.56084202

excited to laugh at you desperately samefagging when no one buys your jeetcoin that was marketed and designed towards /biz/.

You know we all can tell that no one is buying this coin here, right?

Should've atleast called it bizjeets

>> No.56084331

Take meds you schizo, lmao my ass off

>> No.56084423

>You know we all can tell that no one is buying this coin here, right?

Coin is not tradable yet lol. Lmfao Reported for being a poor fag.

>> No.56084453
File: 17 KB, 559x556, 1478644530084.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ledger history for the presale token that was linked in the previous thread shows just how many people bought.

There were about 3 or 4 people and the biggest txn was 0.1 ETH, clearly facilitated by you jeets, you jeets are seething with rage that you couldn't get anyone to buy your exit bags.

>mfw no one bought into the presale
>mfw thread up for 16 hours and no one is commenting
Gonna have to do what you did yesterday and post in tg about how Keith is derailing your thread again

>> No.56084481

This is the presale address

38 buyers 2.75 is raised from /biz/.

What is wrong with you? Are you stupid? Btw presale is over lol. Uniswap listing today.

>> No.56084485


>> No.56084518


>ledger history

LMFAO Be honest you have absolutely no fucking idea what you're talking about, right? hahahahah.

>Keith is derailing your thread again

In reality no one gives a single fuck about you lol. You're just another nolifer who never make it in crypto because you are too lazy to explore shitcoins. Keep trading chainlink with your last $100 :)

>> No.56084525

2.75 ETH, totally not from you jeets trying to buy bags to rug.

I laughed my fucking ass off at your telegram. Your dev owner is called Vishnu and he said "Keith has sent in a formal complaint to 4chan" completely unironically last night.

Oh here they come, after 16 hours. Guys Keith is fudding our thread again!

>> No.56084527

>Presale address 0xad7727c36f2Aa070eb94d11eBB04BAF873235D57

>> No.56084532

meanwhile, pepefork has already done a 10x

>> No.56084533
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>Keep trading chainlink with your last $100 :)

You must really be new here if you think Keith is buying LINK because I've fudded that coin 1000x more over the past 2 years than this jeetcoin that'll be gone and never heard of again in 24 hours.

>> No.56084543

Ok i think you're unironically a poor paid fudder. There's not even a single fresh wallet in the presale.
Also the guy who said that isn't even a mod. No one cares about what you do lol. Kys.

>> No.56084549

As i said, no one cares about what you do. Maybe you don't even have $100 lol.

>> No.56084555
File: 1.14 MB, 440x259, 123923921.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>keep VPNing 1pbtid raging at Keith
>meanwhile no one is buying your coin 16 hours later
Good Morning

>> No.56084578


Thanks for the bumps loser.