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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 92 KB, 1362x754, deadchat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56077613 No.56077613 [Reply] [Original]

Wow, /biz/ have never been so dead as of now. Is it unironically over?

>> No.56077622 [DELETED] 

Tranitors need to hang

>> No.56077637


but the whole site is dying that's not a exclusive /biz/ thing

>> No.56077639 [DELETED] 

it's over for 4chan, it's started for plebchan

>> No.56077659

biz is dead, so many deletions and bans for really good informative threads. Has the feel of being cucked from the inside, I think - they're slow exiting. May have been taken over.

>> No.56077682

What happened in early 2021?
t. newfag

>> No.56077701

because this is devastating its only dump dump dump

>> No.56077713


>> No.56077720

pajeet invasion

>> No.56077734

Stimmy checks + lockdown/wfh

>> No.56077749
File: 8 KB, 256x197, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, shouldn't now be the best time to invest since everyone is apparently interested in NOT investing?

>> No.56077794 [DELETED] 

Jannies keep deleting this chart everytime it's posted. Dilate janny.

>> No.56077824

>Jews buy up BTC and open up ETFs to gain financially from demand
No, this is definitely not the best time to invest.
Just invest when everybody else wants to go on board.

>> No.56077830

Any good alternatives? Every board is unusable and I feel like I'm talking to bots mostly. I miss krautchan int so much it physically hurts the culture between those days and today feels like heaven and hell.
Once in a lifetime event. Sorry lad you missed out on pretty much everything, nothing but utter garbagio bot filled worse than cesspool shit everywhere now.

>> No.56077832

/biz/ has literally never been this good since 2017

>> No.56077843
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>> No.56077863

ach bernd
I miss it too

>> No.56077866

Social media in general is dead. Killed by the "hey fellow user" advertising cancer

>> No.56077895 [DELETED] 

>Any good alternatives?
read the site description, it's revolutionary. anyone can create a board, and it's fully p2p (serverless). also plebchan will have a DAO with a treasury, literal weaponized autism awaits us

>> No.56077899

The crypto scammers are roping themselves. Nature is healing.

>> No.56077907

Every thread on /biz/ is:
1- a larp
2- weak bait
3- a scam
4- rage farming
created by different spambots for other bots to take a large dump in.
/biz/ officially fucking dead - lowest post counts per day ever, highest bots counts per day ever!

>> No.56077932

>Hey bruhhhhh why not trade an anon board
>For a copy paste where you register with your public shitcoin address

>> No.56077948

>esl jannies systemically banning every interesting post is bad for board health

>> No.56077962

no registration required it's just like 4chan, you enter and you post after submitting the captcha, but p2p. it can't get taken down, every board is unseizable and anyone can create one

>> No.56077967 [DELETED] 
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There's no point in posting on /biz/ if you get banned for the most mundane reasons.
I've been banned more times on /biz/ than any other board combined, it's just not worth it.

>> No.56077971

looks dead af

>> No.56077991

it is pretty dead for now, because it's hard to create a community, you have to use the CLI (plebbit-cli) but in a few months it will be super easy to create a board from the app

>> No.56078049


It's not even that high effort. At this point it's just shitty bots and scams everywhere.

>> No.56078079

I'm buying as much as possible for the rest of the year.
>b-b-but you might lose everything!
That's ok, I'm high test

>> No.56078390

Maybe because 4chan is fucking pointless now, it's just like reddit. Weird enough X is closer to what 4chan was in the past.

>> No.56078421

Huge bottom signal , im loading my bags today thanks

>> No.56078453

Bots and "real" advertisers posing as regular users just out to sell shit, be it goods, services or ideas, and its obvious. And regular users hate it.

Social media is dead, advertisers advertising to advertisers

>> No.56078534


>> No.56078549

So buy now?

>> No.56078561

How do people navigate/browse X?
I would just have to follow all the people related to /biz/ type interests and scroll from there?

No idea who's the right namefag to follow

>> No.56078572

Reminder, if you over lay the chart of GME, it is the exact same chart

>> No.56078711
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>/k/ has seen significant growth
>it's all shills
So what are we listening to lads?

>> No.56078805

Not at all. They follow random people and then mute them when those people start to go shill. Or different hashtags browsing but that's also dead. These days its mostly the feed and block and mute

>> No.56078817

Can someone explain the spike in 2021?

>> No.56078834

I think this is due to tiktok wiping out peoples attemtion span.
The people who would be here in 2018 are now just doomscrolling for "content" drip fed to them by an algorithm.
Zoomers cant even watch movies, they gotta watch it in 30 second snippet format

>> No.56078845


Dead internet has become a reality. It's just bots talking to bots.

>> No.56078851 [DELETED] 
File: 52 KB, 800x329, 1694452881682.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4chan bans you more then reddit these days.
/QA/ was the canary in the coal mine.
/QA/ won btw.

>> No.56078858

/biz/ was created as the crypto containment board and crypto is dead.

>> No.56078864


QA was the only place creating OC and trannies HATED it.

>> No.56078918

Those spikes were all pajeet dogcoin posts.

>> No.56078958

>bad posts
>dumb posters
>Russian troll farms

1. Bad money drives out good money
2. simple as
3. every time

>> No.56080194

16chan was decent the last time I visited

>> No.56080216

I shit you not, today's the first day I started buying since the shrekkoning

It's go Tim bois

>screen cap it, its PvP til the other side now

>> No.56080463

Not so much dead internet. It's just that the bots and advertising scum got contained in bubbles and on places like here where they desperately trying to get a foot they are called out, hidden and ignored.

Whoever is still investing in online marketing past 2018 is a retard on a level with telemarketers in 2011

>> No.56080471

Of course biz is dead. It's just shills and scams. It was already hard picking a diamond from the rough years ago but now it's all shit.

>> No.56080482

the vax die off?

>> No.56080512


>> No.56080519

Your kind is the worst of them all.
The hey fellow user type hijacking somebody else culture to sell shit. You are ignored

>> No.56080534

I have currently 198 threads filtered on this board of which it is obvious that it is a disgusting shit poster that needs to go back to /b/ or a hey fellow Users advertisers that needs to lose his job

>> No.56080555

Of course, it's all FUD threads now...why would anyone want to post on here?

>> No.56080564

>peak correlates to btc halvening
Come back next year.

>> No.56080659

>4chan bans you more then reddit these days.
I've been banned multiple times for stuff I've not even posted on forums I don't use

>> No.56080917

At least one of the streaming services that produces their own content are now making their new movies a little under 1 hour because analytics say people stop watching at 27 minutes or something like that. I think others will follow and full length movies will be 56 minutes.

>> No.56080936

That's actually a good sign from my perspective. It's not so much reduced attention span, it's figuring out instantly that they are being propagandized and getting shown shit they either saw a thousand times, uncreativity, or that somebody tries to sell them shit and just stop watching the advertising

>> No.56080953

The truly bad part is there is no hopeful feelings of better to come like there was in the previous bear.

>> No.56081010

And here we have a bot trying his hand at shit advertising

>> No.56081020

we (BATlads) stopped making threads now cos every webm and decent user gets nuked

>> No.56081038

You are advertising bags. You are annoying advertising scum

>> No.56081041

1pbtid threads are at their worst nowadays
way worse than other boards here

>> No.56081048

No. By statistics /pol/ is still the most attacked with shit behaviorism attempts. This board just harbor the most annoying spam frog faggots

>> No.56081053

>every post is a bot
dude, if you can't comprehend the difference between a real user and a bot you should fuck off or learn to shut your mouth

>> No.56081059

/pol/ is an island unto itself but yeah the frog 1pbtid shite is awful here

>> No.56081071

That's a bot I replied to there. The script is very obvious on this dead board, not sure what retarded methodolies they follow, feels honestly like behaviorism some retarded scientology like faggots would come up with

>> No.56081092

Now I got. Yeah it's scientology faglords who are still trying to break anon after all these years and ate failing

>> No.56081093

its meant to demoralize and push the conversations and topics where they want it to
probably political groups and state agencies, I imagine

>> No.56081111

lol disgruntled scientologists
sounds crazy enough to be true, anon

>> No.56081115

No no no. Scientology. The methodology is so crude and full of charlatanerie that it only can be that bunch of lunatic mlm cultist faggots that have still a twist in their panties about getting blasted by anon

>> No.56081123

Hardly ser, people just seem to be taking a break. I popped over in the midst of my freebitco session too, so wish me luck!

>> No.56081155

anyway lads, hope yer bags poomp
fook jannies tho

>> No.56081165

Go fuck yourself. The baggies advertising their bags are what in the end fucked this board up

>> No.56081184

don't be silly, anon
the wasteland economy is what's fucking the board up
everyone and everything's in the doldrums

>> No.56081198

Nah, it's poltards, pajeets and fudders who turned this board into a miserable shithole. It's no longer enjoyable to read most of the threads here. Also not having flags is a travesty. Sometimes I miss moot. He would never let this happen.

>> No.56081217

Oh you are one of those that repeat the script and want better demographic data on the poster on here. You should really stop this project, it's embarrassing to watch you idiots fail fail fail and fail more

>> No.56081232
File: 1.08 MB, 2867x1647, c9c70e865eaedd6793f118a929165daf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All blue boards are slow as fuck and barely have any posting, summer is over my nigger.

>> No.56081240
File: 153 KB, 1024x576, 1691311055702761m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I feel like I'm talking to bots mostly.
Because you're a dumb fuck and make low quality threads.

>> No.56081249

Fail what exactly? Suggest a better way to make this board worth visiting. I only open a tab out of habit every blue moon.

>> No.56081250
File: 64 KB, 602x600, 6b73b8c284eb9c1c0bfabb2c33092344.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Zoomers cant even watch movies, they gotta watch it in 30 second snippet format
>Wanting to sit there and watch Jews play pretend for millions of dollars.
I play video games, old man, get with the times, Online gaming is WAAAAAAY better than watching Jews LARP for Millions of Jewish paper squares.

>> No.56081262
File: 959 KB, 2914x2163, 1693993071108475.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/pol/ is much more intelligent than you are, but that aint saying much.

>> No.56081271
File: 133 KB, 1228x1228, 369292272_801362794971979_6045169536315841207_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How? Honestly how is he advertising? Advertising what?

>> No.56081276

Go advertise your shit somewhere else, I'm certain based melon is selling more precise data. And your retard script you repeat ad infinitum makes your kind easy to identify. Just because you repeat lies over and over and over again doesn't help you to create (((consensus))) now leave and stay gone forever

>> No.56081286

A feeling of dread. That's advertising in my book, advertising feelings, thoughts, ideas is no different from advertising goods and services, the methods are the same, the intention is the same.

>> No.56081290


They didn't get contained they run rampant on any open space meanwhile the public retreated into stuff like group chats, IRC, and discord servers. The open online space has bled users due to the over use of bots and cancel culture.

>> No.56081296

Just look at the two last threads spamed


Kys. I'm not reading your shit

>> No.56081411

The last 8 spammed thread are so low quality the spammers would deserver perma ban

>> No.56082555

Still 198 threads hidden

>> No.56082591

it's only getting better when the browns get flushed

>> No.56083320

starfield launched and we are all just waiting the dump end so I prefer to do it while playing instead of coming over here daily

>> No.56083406

Lil zoomzoom gotta watch some clickbait video game being played during a commentary in order to be able to listen to it.

>> No.56083437

/Biz/ has been dead for a long time. You see how people are on here now. It's pathetic and sad. Reddit is a much better place. Hell even Twitter is better than these losers.

>> No.56083558

Dumb dumb esl fellow poster

>> No.56084647

Still 198 thread hidden

>> No.56084655

they will first make sure to wick everyone last 10 minutes before the flip

(and that will be a 40% alt drop)
comenced by exchanges

even tho btc will drop just 10 perc

>> No.56084683

Hey retard who is "they" and are "they" in the room with you now

>> No.56084699

i much more enjoy biz in bear markets. remember all the jeet scam shills we had when it was a fast board? 3/4 of biz filled with dog tokens

>> No.56084734

>remember all the jeet scam shills we had when it was a fast board? 3/4 of biz filled with dog tokens
literally the best time to be on /biz/, that's when /biz/ is a money printer. Midwits sat on the sideline and missed out on the easiest money during dogcoin season.

>> No.56084752

>t. Jeet spammer
Gtfo scammer spammer and die in your third world shithole

>> No.56084768

Typical midwit response. Die poor and angry little man

>> No.56084773

Typical jeet response. What next, you telling me I'm poor because I won't buy your test inu shit bag? Go and advertise somewhere else

>> No.56084795

Someone on 4chan would say x but meant twitter ?

This is a bot or shill.

Do Elon have shills here ?
holy fucking hell.

>> No.56084903

Yes shitter had shills here, Melon is an MIT cult faggot and MIT is completely subverted by scientology cultists, which are of course just another forefront for glowing niggers

>> No.56087086

go to dark dot fail and get the address for endchan, is alright.

>> No.56087223
File: 234 KB, 2106x959, -ctoxpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not at all.
I am just going beginning to moon holding QANX which just launched its private blockchain.

>> No.56087244


>> No.56088841

in 21 everyone said they would be buying once the board is dead

>> No.56088883

its good
the next is a 16 month pure-dead then a revival

>> No.56089050

This board gives the absolute worst advice on everything, is full of retarded communists raiding it from discord posting about how people should ban cars and live in overpriced urban pods and everyone else is indian or spends their time talking about how their -90% asset will come back in the next bullrun and doesn't know or care what the "next big thing" is because they're permanently married to their bleeding bag.

>> No.56089117

chinese, scientologists and advertisers. Also the moderator team are unironic communist zoomers and disability scammers

>> No.56089361

I'm utterly convinced that trannitor and other jannies joined /biz/ just to ruin it. Also making /biz/ a blue board (all of 4channel desu) was a mistake.

>> No.56089448

no, the moderators joined to make cash running scams and scamming advertisers with fake engagement markov chain bots

>> No.56089471

>lowest posting rate in 7 years
oooof, guess this was it, lads

>> No.56089482

There's so much negativity and hate here that I've given up, I visit like once a week, compared to 100x a day
There's nobody having smart discussions anymore, it's overrun by racist zoomers who are completely retarded

>> No.56089488
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>> No.56089490

I mean yes, I invested quite some time into fucking up their indexes, lol

>> No.56089491

Sometimes it takes me 2-4 attempts to post despite being sure I'm doing the captcha correctly
I imagine the vast majority of people just say fuck it and give up
We currently have the worst captcha I've ever fucking seen

>> No.56089530

has nothing to do with captcha goolag bot angry that they are missing out on petabyte of data. Its the moderator team and the obvious markov chain bots as retarded "hey fellow user" advertising

>> No.56089553

Could be that crypto is boring, fake and gay and people are fed up with it?
We could call it bullshit fatigue.

>> No.56089609

crapto failed with the failure of solving the trilemma and the oracle problem in a satisfiable way and being flooded by hordes of scamstreet lite faggots not going for innovation but pure scamming, not just a few from the moderators of this shitheaps shitcord kike circle (((frens)))

>> No.56089646

For me the best part of it has been the fact idiots paid for me to be able to laugh at Bitconnect guy meme vids for free. That was hilarious.


>> No.56089675

Crypto retards started suiciding so it's been improving lately.
Good riddance.
Hopefully the doomers go next.

>> No.56089696

You've got OGBX for have for a dinner, explore GameFi - where gaming meets real-world rewards.

>> No.56089732

That might have been the last funny thing. Its a shame that this retarded neo classic faglord sergey fucked up so bad after all. Crypto really had potential, but well, water under the bridge. At least we didnt waste 30 years on mirages like the boomers with their retardations
we wont, until the ABC correction is finalized, then we become the guys you scream at that its never going to be line go up again

>> No.56089744

Heard of indexes, will that make a Retard rich??

>> No.56089749

I'm just thinking about all the people that invested even a minute of their lives reading white papers possibly copied by other jeets, and then believing in them and hodling kek.
9 years since i stole my first bitcoins and I still don't know what proof of work or stake is hahahahahahhahah

>> No.56089752

>That might have been the last funny thing
I dunno...
>then we become the guys you scream at that its never going to be line go up again
...that was pretty funny.

At least someone else gets me. Crypto is like the worlds most tedious zombie now. Just die, no one is interested in pretend internet money any more.

>> No.56089774

was? you mean will be. Just not sure yet what "it" will be. I really don't see anything at the end of tunnel that might be "it" - there needs to be first blood in the streets and the shitshow of the past 30 years cleared.

I just know one thing, it wont be real estate, it wont be tech related repackage of html, databases and script languages, it wont be crypto, it wont be space shit.
Maybe some alternative mobility, maybe revival of nuclear

>> No.56089782

Get active and Unlock exclusive NFTs, OGBX will make one richer.

>> No.56089785

Probably good old commodities. They're due their time in the sun. And you can't make new roads/electrical grids etc out of 1s and 0s.

>> No.56089808

how should "it" be commodities? Commodities is what "it" will use to be build, and depending on what "it" is some commodities will do better than others. Will "it" need copper, silicon, iron, some "new material". I don't know

>> No.56089824 [DELETED] 

Oh yeah but ain't gonna lose focus on OGBX, the opportunity to shape the future of gaming and NFTs is here.

>> No.56089827

It will need a functioning base - have you seen the state of things out there? Huge investment needed. But you're right that it all needs to collapse first.
They could call it "The Cleanening" as they like making up words.

>> No.56089871

the captcha killed it. yeah it blocks some bots but it ruined biz, theres no good conversations like there was in 2018 bear market.

>> No.56089886

Of course if I am wrong we just get another 10 years of............this.

>> No.56089897

desu the way I live, it could by 1950, all I personally need is a good book and a pint of Guinness to be happy. But about the shit out there, the little city scooters are honestly interesting, but you cant build an economy around them outside of cities; also with entertainment, silent discos are a pretty neat concept, but else, copy of a copy of a copy

>> No.56089928

All I meant was the electrical grid and the roads/bridges, that's just for starters.
No one's going to be scootering or Tesling anywhere without electrons and asphalt.

>> No.56089959

the road system is pretty much good as it is, could need some repairs but that is about it and yes the grid is a shitshow everywhere, but with depression looming, the demand for energy is not necessary going to increase in the midterm either; and about electric cars, nah, no chance, that shit cant compete with good old diesel powered in an industry environment or in commute outside of cities, and for cities alone too small of a market. I put electro mobility in car from at the heap of failed boomer pipe dreams

>> No.56089968

>I put electro mobility in car from at the heap of failed boomer pipe dreams
So do I but we appear to be sane, unlike the climate commies running the show and their useful idiots.

>> No.56089997

Jan 28th GME did a funny

>> No.56090024

It certainly makes sense in the public transport field, but that is already pretty much the case; electric trains for person transport, tramways and subs are the standard anyway.
And looking at the commie green energy failure, the only thing I really see long term with energy, and I think that is what most sane people see, is a revival and modernization of nuclear power production

>> No.56090036

Well there you go - it's not "it" and I suppose not a commodity but there's one investment - uranium.

>> No.56090174

not yet. when shtf likely latest January after a failed Christmas season and everything came crashing down, then its worth looking at the etfs and mining as processing companies again
Looking at the futures chart, it seems to have finished a longterm correction and is in either in a new impulse I or the start of a historic III

well could be a good a timing, though the green scam cult is currently trying to meme force hydrogen again like if it was the 1920s and blimps going up in flame.

I hope the Cleaning is going to be deep cleaning with the entire post 2008 scam zombie economy getting flushed out including its actors, pitchers and financiers alike; the 68er clearly failed. Hopefully the 89ers don't

>> No.56091841

This is bullish. Everytime /biz/ has been "dead" this way in the last 7-8 years has been he time to load up on whatever bags you want. Also a ton of great alpha and discussion going on albeit more sparse. I'm sorry it isn't filled with Pajeet and Slav shills trying to scam you out of money.

>> No.56091922
File: 255 KB, 1631x1685, 1694552797301057.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not this time
the dead comes from users being fed up with the scamming and spamming

>> No.56093403

Twitter faggots literally repeat all the memes that came from here. Those retards literally call each others "anon" when they have a fucking pseudonym and pfp.

>> No.56093617

not even close