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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56071761 No.56071761 [Reply] [Original]

I have 1 BTC and 10k LINK. In the upcoming bullrun, I plan to sell 1 BTC and 3k LINK. I still have 60k USD to spend before the bull run starts.

Should I buy some ETH next? I'm considering dropping 16k USD on ETH right now to pick up 10 ETH, which will bring my selling profile to:
>1 BTC
>10 ETH
>3k LINK

I think this will earn me a lot of money during the next bull run. I might even buy 20 ETH. Thoughts?

>> No.56071824
File: 1.91 MB, 390x918, BlackSwan - ChatGPT News Sniper.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy 25k Blackswan and make some plays with it. It's a AI powered news sniper. More info at blackswan dot biz

>> No.56071879

I hate the poor too!

>> No.56071964
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Can't stand them honestly.

>> No.56072802

Why don't you just cut out the bs and say sell your Link?
And no, I won't. Get fucked.

>> No.56072896

To be quite honest with you I have no clue what your schizo post is even trying to say. I do appreciate you bumping my thread.

>> No.56072902

I'd get like 15 ETH and split the rest between lower cap moonshots like REQ or ICP or ARK

>> No.56073000

these threads are pointless. either buy more link or don't. nobody care

>> No.56073013

Okay I get it now. Linkcels got mad because I mentioned I hold LINK in my post and that I'd be selling some of it in the next bullrun. Marines, I just want to take a moment to thank you for your service. While you hold during the next bull run, I'll be dumping part of my bags on you. I'd probably dump all of it but I'm staked to 7k so I'll just have to let that part of my stack sit there.

Remember marines, 1k EOY!

>> No.56073093

i didn't even think you were a link FUDer but now you've revealed it kek

>> No.56073108

You came to my thread to start whining about LINK. My thread was not about LINK. Now that you poorfag linkcels are here though I'm going to shit on you. I've held LINK for 5 years and I'm in the staking pool with 7k and you poorfag linkcels call me a fudder. Hilarious.

>> No.56073142

eth is a good play except that US blacklisting defi is gonna hurt the eth eco system a lot and we wont see regulation anywhere soon (at least past the next election) us money is still a big factor.
other then that its a good pick for sure.

I think L2s have at least 5-10x in them so could be a rather low risk play in crypto terms.
goodspeed, infrastructure igmi

>> No.56073149

What are you take profit points for BTC, ETH and LINK?

Also I'd get 32 ETH just to please my autism and have the classic /biz/ Chad portfolio of 1 BTC, 32 ETH and 10K LINK. Stake the 32 ETH indefinitely and stake 10K LINK indefinitely. Use the remaining 10K USD to buy more ETH just to have dry powder ready to buy whatever fresh new bull market shitcoin/NFT narrative to pump and dump at which nu/biz/ will only seethe at.

>> No.56073183

>the classic /biz/ Chad portfolio of 1 BTC, 32 ETH and 10K LINK.
this has never been a thing

>> No.56073187

>What are you take profit points for BTC, ETH and LINK?
I'm still deciding on this. I'm not going to be doing any swinging. Once I pick my sell point I'm just going to put the limit orders in and wait. When they're hit, I won't be buying back in until BTC is at least -60% from the new run's ATH. And I won't be buying back in with all the profit. Some kept aside for taxes, some going to savings and setting a new baseline minimum amount to my savings account where anything over that amount gets DCA'd back in to investments.

I'm planning on a conservative sell point though. Maybe +30-50% more than previous cycles ATH. Don't care about selling the top, or anywhere close to it.