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56069697 No.56069697 [Reply] [Original]

kek fuddies

>> No.56069730

what does even mean you stupid fucked ? I can do you the bet that your not sleeping that good with price performance of link you monkey head

>> No.56069734
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>> No.56069743

chainlink redditor spammers try too hard to fit in its cringe as fuck

>> No.56069756

holy based GM based king chads stay based and redpilled

>> No.56069780

Every thread on /biz/ is:
1- a larp
2- weak bait
3- a scam
4- rage farming
created by different spambots for other bots to take a large dump in.
/biz/ officially fucking dead - lowest post counts per day ever, highest bots counts per day ever!

>> No.56070048

t. bot

>> No.56070659

why are you so mad fuddie? kek

>> No.56070703

Why don't you get rid of that link garbage scam token?

>> No.56072628

so mad lol

>> No.56073366
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>> No.56073512


>> No.56073524
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it's just FUD g-guys, right?

>> No.56073535


>> No.56073548
File: 28 KB, 856x352, LMFAO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek fudd-ACK!

>> No.56073627

Fuddies butthurt.

I'm laughing at their pain and misery. You can sense it in every post.
I've got 72k Linkies fuddy duddy, how does this make you feel?

>> No.56074116
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Adem has been seething on twitter and here during all his waking hours since his name and face were posted
Imagine - your fulltime job / hobby now features everyone telling you what an easily doxxed, porn addicted loser you are; so all you can do is post the same chart over and over again at people who are accumulating anyway.
Dude is legit feeling suicidal at this point imo, and it's all karmically justified since he works for actual scam companies (oh, the irony)

>> No.56074178

>skills: Photoshop
fucking hell lmao yeah show some clients your MSPaint cuck obsession portfolio

>> No.56074229

8/10 retarded esl impersonation.

>> No.56074252

the whole Adem saga is fucking hilarious.
its literally all hes been doing for years and hes doing it on weekends, holidays and at every time of the day.
kinda not surprising to find this level of obsession and dedication from a self admitted porn addict.

>> No.56074287

oh and also "communication"
the guy is an absolute wordsmith - a tunisian shakespeare, even
so it's not surprising

>> No.56074303

what i want to know is, are all the fudders like adem or is he unique? they do seem coordinated

>> No.56074359

>fudders like adem or is he unique? they do seem coordinated
I've posted a few fud threads and it seems I get no replies on mine. Might be something to test more though as n = low.

>> No.56074371

they all seem to have things in common:

>they are all from race mixed backgrounds
>they are poor
>they are into gambling
>addiction is a recurring theme in their lifes
>they are socially at the bottom
>they post a lot on /pol/
>they gambled their stack away, got hacked or stolen from by bancor, celsius etc. so all experienced loss
>They organize through twitter, telegram and discord
source: some guy here had tracked some of the fudders through the archives

>> No.56074431
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> they do seem coordinated
He has a few other retarded fudcuck regulars that he interacts with who also seem to 1. be massive losers just like he is but also 2. be based in the Netherlands, which is the timezone that most of the coordinated spam floods biz and also where The Success Factory is based.
I'm guessing that because The Success Factory is a MLM scam company, it isn't entirely unrealistic to speculate that some of their actual "marketing" activities could involve getting ESL retards to do paid stockbashing

It's funny because I know they have seen this mentioned and they try to palm it off and claim that they're actually native Dutch or something, which is kind of like rats insisting that they're horses because they live in a stable. I'd bet that pretty much all of them are brown / arabic subhumans.

>> No.56074466

but why? I wanted to pass it off as mental ilness if it was just one dude Adem which ocassionally the 50ptid user might actually be one person. But if theres more than one person and they continue to switch places like a job, they have to be incentivized right?

It doesn't seem monetary though. It just doesnt. The only thing I can think of is religous if they are arab kek. But idk I can't see Allah being against link when there are 10000 of other tokens

>> No.56074522

>It doesn't seem monetary though
my guess is its a personal thing

>> No.56074537

there has to be a financial incentive for it in some way imo, either because someone is retarded enough to think that paying for fudders on a dead board will actually help their leveraged shorts, or some salty vc just pays them per (you) they get just because
the whole "we're just having fun" narrative that they default to falls apart every time because they get angry so quickly, and won't have a bar of you trying to shitpost alongside them, and they don't understand old shitposting references (sibos toilets, sergey's philosophy degree, adelyn's soggy thesaurus etc)
there's a lot of mental illness that fuels it as well, but it would be hilarious if there was a religious angle
>tfw you realize that the pregnant sergey pasta deeply offended the muslim community to the point where they called for a digital jihad on biz

>> No.56074545

isnt Porn haram in Islam?
has the Muslim community forgiven Adem?

>> No.56074550

yeah, it could all just be mental illness
if it's personal because they actually bought the top, i just can't relate to that thinking - i lost some money on req back in the day but i never opened another req thread for the months after it was still being discussed on here as it died because i just didnt care

>> No.56074563

apparently it IS haram
maybe what he needed all along was an intervention from his muzzie family so that he can return to the path of Allah
at least his obsession with a cube would look a bit more normal after that

>> No.56074641
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>I can do you the bet
kek sir

>> No.56074642

I just cant imagine someone spending more than a month doing this as a job.
any normal brained person would look for a real job instead and move on.
so mental illness makes the most sense.
actually Adem doesnt seem all that religious, and judging by his mental issues his family situation and upbringing must be more complicated.
something along the lines of his Mother banged a muzzie and he abandoned her and she raised Adem as a single mom.
that whole cuckcage and cuck theme hes constantly reiterating shows this topic is always on his mind. why?
my theory would explain it

>> No.56074709

This is the basics of every fudded. I honestly think it's only like 3 complete retarded niggers that spend 80 hours a week fudding Link. The rest are late to the game newfags who ruined biz and invest in doggy coins. They get confused and annoyed seeing something their 90 IQ normie brain can't understand so lash out every now and then.

>> No.56074738

Now that I think about, maybe he's trying to get a social media following? That seems somewhat plausible right? Lots of people into that mlm shit, as I allude to that success factory thing, typically try to do that wierd internet quick hustle money crap. Get lots of social media followers, drop shipping, whatever it is I've talked to a few, for lack of better term niggers kek and they seem to do that. Maybe he found his niche. Only thing its not like his twitter is big at all. I just chekced he has 500 followers, and follows about 200.

A normie who made a twitter in highschool probably could get that just in their area. So idk. You know how /b use to investiage the wierdest shit back then and find stuff. This might be something to look into. Only I don't really have the time. Got a full time job kek.

>> No.56074769


>> No.56074806
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Kek baggies the facts speak for themselves. Congrats on this seriously!
>September 4, 2020:
LINK: $12.50
BTC: $10,434
ETH: $388
BNB: $20.62
XRP: $0.23
ADA: $0.08
DOGE: $0.002
SOL: $2.71
TRX: $0.03
MATIC: $0.01

>September 4, 2023:
LINK: $5.96
BTC: $25,743
ETH: $1,623
BNB: $214.45
XRP: $0.50
ADA: $0.25
DOGE: $0.063
SOL: $19.36
TRX: $0.07
MATIC: $0.55
Its amazing how you somehow managed to pick the 1/100 worst performer xD

>> No.56074812

Adem that you?

>> No.56074834
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Kek Idk why these niggas got twitter accounts desu.
Full anon is the comfiest fudding.
I just blend right in, sometimes people think im thomas, chris blec, sometimes I larp as a bagholder and accuse doomer linkies of being fudders. Im like a chameleon

>> No.56074845
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Maybe, maybe not ;)
Dont you wish i had a public handle. Sorry theres no solid boogeyman for you. Just an amorphous intangible geist of mystery.
Do I hold link?
Do I have more link then you?
Why do i fud?
You may never know :)
See you in the next thread anon

>> No.56074983

haha there he is, Adem cuck larping again.
>Do I have more link then you?
you are some unemployed basement dweller suffering from Porn Addiction and you live like a poorfag, saw your house on streetview