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56069366 No.56069366 [Reply] [Original]

So what’s the future of housing going to be? Say by some chance you actually manage to acquire a shit box and slave enough to pay it off, you can only have one kid to pass it down to, and if he wants more than one kid he’ll have to go through the gruelling process all over again or at least one his sons will.

>> No.56069524

You’ll own nothing and be happy in your pod. You think that was just a joke?

>> No.56069527

if your family didn't secure several dozen acres of raw land to develop then they get to wageslave...and even if they did, the kids could blow it all anyway so fuck it

>> No.56069529

based answer

>> No.56069531

same thread with the same demoralization bots and underage zoomer troons spamming demoralization for free. get a life niggers.

>> No.56069584

lmao go back to ur 1 bedroom apartment studio that you lease and SEETHE more.

>> No.56069588

found the troon. no one besides mentally ill trannys acts this way. i own multiple homes in cash in nyc metro area, you likely hold a mortgage and don’t even own anything yet here you are literally seething and making up fantasies in your head.

>> No.56070112

This, my family has a "Family farm Trust" that owns hundreds of acres, whenever someone in the family is ready to move out they can take out an interest free loan from the trust to build a house on our property, we have an entire street of houses that are owned by our family.

>> No.56070158

housing and cpi is decoupled by about 50%; that means housing needs to come down or bread+milk will be 15 bucks each

>> No.56070194
File: 55 KB, 744x480, 1694304844619073.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Housing isnt getting more expensive, people are buying bigger houses and with less occupants. Whiny millennials and Zoomers are entitled brats, youre living in bigger houses than ever before.

>> No.56070199
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literally just downsize a little and you'll be paying the same price your boomer parents did in the 70s

>> No.56070205
File: 52 KB, 934x845, 1694305454341363.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literally only in the last few years has price per squ foot gone up and that's only temporarily because of inflation.

>> No.56070249

I just bought a 226sqft apartment for $65k
HOA is $110/m

I dont care anymore
I have my own place now, even if it's ze pod I OWN it!
yes I am happy

>> No.56070264

buying both sides of a duplex, having two kids max, renting out the other side until your kids are 18. when they're 18 they can live there as roomies rent free. this will accelerate their rate of savings to buy their own house. when they move out, they can co-landlord. when you die, they each get half of the duplex.

>> No.56070268

>226 sqft
my nigger... that is the size of a small living room.

>> No.56070275

it's a tiny apartment that your are still paying rent in the form of HOA and probably taxes on, how do you own it, can you even remodel it without asking for permission?

>> No.56070295

you shouldnt think about what your kids will inherit, you already gave them a priceless thing, life, it's theirs to do the best they can, if they choose to be mediucre, it's their problem really

>> No.56070325

jews tell the goyim this while they give their kids every possible leg up in life. kek.

>> No.56070413

classic low IQ take. live on a box on the street, its free! Also you're "data" is just wrong. Looking at actual data you will see the truth of the matter is that housing, even measured per square foot is more expensive than its ever been in at any other point in history.

inb4 no way fed data is all lies! zerohedge is the only reliable source of housing "facts"!

>> No.56070436

Dollars per square foot isn't bad, but holy shit I don't think there's enough room to store my huge balls in that place.

>> No.56070556

>live on a box on the street, its free
except my data literally shows you people are buying bigger and bigger houses
>even measured per square foot is more expensive than its ever been
see >>56070199 and >>56070205 its basically the same

>> No.56072037

Data about new construction is almost useless. New construction is at best 1/3 of the aoverall housing market, you need to loom at "used" house sales data

>> No.56072697

That’s actually my plan. Then each kid has 2 kids of their own and they only have to acquire one property each so they’ll have two to pass to their kids, and so on until my genes spread across the world.

>> No.56072706


The boxing ring that my wife and I use to engage in our nightly sex wrestling ritual is bigger than that.

>> No.56072741

i sincerely doubt the world as we know it will last more than 50 years, and that's being very generous

the most popular people on tiktok are soulless mannequins doing a stupid dance for 5 seconds and nobody actually talks to eachother

so to answer your question the future of housing will be building one using scrap materials and the help of some AI drone that can reprocess material

>> No.56073678
File: 130 KB, 1172x456, ihttbi8bD8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The future of housing in America and Western Europe is going to mirror Japan. America and Western Europe are going to see tremendous population decline in 20-35 years as Boomers pass on. The only way out of this is if Millennials, the largest generation in both regions, have 4 kids per household asap. Immigration is not going to save what is coming. The rest of the world also has population decline in the future, but not as stark as what Western Europe is going to come up against. We all know Millennials are not going to have 4 kids per household. They are choosing dogs and cats over kids. Zoomers are going to be too poor to even afford pets, but they are a smaller generation compared to Millennials because Generation X were selfish lazy and terrible people. The one thing they could have done to be better than Boomers was to have 5+ kids, but honestly with how their Zoomer progeny turned out we are actually blessed that Generation X did not have more kids.

>> No.56074830

Just my observation, but it's not only about downsizing, to get cheaper houses. You have to buy in a crime ridden areas to find the smaller houses to begin with in order to get an affordable house if you're starting out. To buy a house in a non-crime ridden area, you have to pay nearly double.

>> No.56074849

this. it's all pointless. death without kids is the best thing that can happen to you in life.

>> No.56074875

>dozen of acres of raw land
>develop land
>bring utilities
>50k(maybe more)
>build home on it
>buy a truck because roads are all fucked

Meh. It's easier to just buy a house.

>> No.56074879

>telling the truth is demoralization
Why do you morons not understand that coddling you isn't going to help matters?

>> No.56074883
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Housing will continue to fall in real terms, as will wages, debasement is a parasitic transfer of resource control from illiquid asset holders (note labor can be categorized as an illiquid asset) to liquid asset holders.

>> No.56074911

likely bait, but for those who need a counter point, those houses that were for sale in the 70s for that lower price are now overwhelmingly in crime and drug-infested neighborhoods, or they haven't gotten much maintenance since the 70s
those 1000-1500 square foot houses that i'd happily buy in theory are actually in neighborhoods where crime and overall living conditions have deteriorated significantly since then