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56068824 No.56068824 [Reply] [Original]

What will real estate prices be like in 30 years?

>> No.56068855
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All the boomers will be dead, home owners will all be h1b pajeets and squattemalans (10 of them in a 1000 sqft house), downtown cores will be roamed 24/7 by drugged up niggers.
So yes, real estate prices will collapse and nobody will want to live in the third world shithole formerly known as the land of the free.

>> No.56068858

based on the last 30 years I'd say wayyyyy the fuck up

>> No.56068862

I just bought a 350k house and in 10 years it will be worth a million. In the yellow circle of another city

>> No.56068865
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Three times as high while wages will be only 1.2x what they currently are.

Majority of homes will be bought out by wealthy investors and housing development companies to create a new market where 90% of people are rentoids, even in the rural suburbs.

You will own nothing and you will be happy.


>> No.56068866

>the last 30 years
You mean back when America's population still grew? Also, people buy houses outside cities so they can commute to work, no one is going to be commuting to work if the commute is 4-6 hours there and back.

>> No.56068871

Take a gander at what Australias and new Zealand prices are like

>> No.56068879

ding ding ding ding ding ding

>> No.56068887

You guys are crazy if you think this growth is sustainable.

Lower population + More minorities = Plummeting house prices

>> No.56068935

Not sure if you’ve noticed but the AUS gov is busy importing 400k migrants a year to prop up the economy

Most are jeets, but not poor ones and cashed up which is driving property prices nuts

Migration levels will continue like this for another decade, property is not coming down.

Literally up only market

>> No.56068957

What are you going to do when you run out of wealthy immigrants and the poor immigrants can't afford housing?

What are you going to do when you run out of food, water, oil, etc?

What are you going to do when crime and pollution decrease your property values?

These are all issues you will be dealing with over the next few decades. Importing 400k people every year isn't going to fix anything.

>> No.56069640

>What are you going to do when you run out of wealthy immigrants and the poor immigrants can't afford housing?
You rent housing to the poor immigrants

>What are you going to do when you run out of food, water, oil, etc?
What are you going to do when you stop breathing? What kind of ridiculous question is that?

>What are you going to do when crime and pollution decrease your property values?
Participate in local government like I already do to control it on properties I own. This is very easy, mostly because no one else cares enough to do it.

>These are all issues you will be dealing with over the next few decades. Importing 400k people every year isn't going to fix anything.
No, these are all issues if you sit back and do nothing for the next few decades.

>> No.56069652

all you do is drive humans (whites) out which causes price bumps further out, nobody wants to live in a zoo. this isn't sustainable and is already collapsing in countries that are trying ti. and then you get the brown genocides which aren't great for the housing market.

>> No.56069654

these same threads again day after day spammed for optimal thread bump maxing makes your psyop a bit too obvious

>> No.56069724

Sometimes past performance is indicative of a bubble, not future performance.

>> No.56071482
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>lower population
dont get where you're getting this from, the US is clearly still growing just not quite as fast as it did in the 70-80s after we first opened up the floodgates to the turd world

>> No.56071501

honestly id take being underwater in my mortgage on the chin if it means undoing the migrant problem, fair trade

>> No.56073850

It'll probably be impossible to reasonably sell and anyone who does own property will be a defacto landlord.

>> No.56073854

>All the boomers will be dead, home owners will all be h1b pajeets and squattemalans (10 of them in a 1000 sqft house), downtown cores will be roamed 24/7 by drugged up niggers.
>So yes, real estate prices will collapse
> and nobody will want to live in the third world shithole formerly known as the land of the free.
Lmao even

Reread what you wrote, anon. Take ten seconds to think about how basic supply and demand works.

>> No.56075656

>urban sprawl is going to continue
>trust me bro
>cagies are totally fine with having a 4 hour commute

>> No.56075665

guess what a few companies are about to own ever middle family home in America and do whatever they want with it and I gaurentee it isn't selling it at fair prices to families white or brown. stupid fuck

>> No.56075729

>What will real estate prices be like in 30 years?
Prices as a concept won't exist any more because humanity will have collapsed.

>> No.56075757

Yellow circle is WAY too big. The growth of a circle's area is exponential of the growth of the radius. If Dallas doubled in population, the radius need only grow by 40%

>> No.56076251

I bet those that bought in Detroit totally agree with this

>> No.56076421

>Prices as a concept won't exist any more because humanity will have collapsed.
It will be exchanged for a direct pass fail challenge versus the tentacilser and it's mythra secretion. Those that last, get a house for the month. Then they must successfully defeat the beast again.

>> No.56076430
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He's assuming constant, perpetual urban sprawl and urbanization. There's going to be a decentralization/de-urbanization trend in the coming century thanks to wfh/remote work and mass virtualization of life, cities aren't as relevant anymore.

>> No.56076598

>Boomers bought homes in stop 6
>Boomers bought homes off Las Vegas Trail
>Boomers bought homes in south dallas
>Boomers bought homes in Como
This nigger doesnt live here kek.

>> No.56076643

Three words;

>> No.56077168

xeeter from a person that doesnt even know what demographics are

>> No.56077176

Imagine wanting to live in a DFW suburb/highway hellscape

Fucking yikes

>> No.56077197

Price in what? In the shitcoin that is the USD? You will surely see increases.

>> No.56078688

>>cagies are totally fine with having a 4 hour commute
Yes? They'll put up with anything as long as the media tells them to.

>> No.56078797

While OP is technically correct, the tentacle sprawls inside the yellow circle isn't a given to actually expand or even worse: Expand at a different tentacle sprawl ¨

Or even even worse: The city could suffer urban decay due critical industries leaving or demographic shifts
See Detroit, or even worse: SEA factories who got priced out due China

>doesn't that mean OP is right
Also yes, but not right enough to be a 100% surefire bet

But eventually as it drags on offices or factories gets relocated to the outskirts, since buying prime real estate is too much of a hassle unless its on prime railroad/harbor edges.

The problem isn't the commute as that it self limiting via estate prices vs commute, the problem is that if you manage to get a job at the other side of the city its going to be the same effort to relocate there as it would take to relocate to the other end of the country.

>> No.56078949

Apples to oranges comparison. Land in the United States is massive compared to those two. Their economics are entirely different.>>56073854

>why prices go down
1-Boomers dying in the next 5-10 years. Largest cohort of owners by far.
2-Interest rates makes other investments more attractive.
3-Record number of new builds coming online this year and into next. Highest since the 80s
4-Rates makes servicing the debt becomes more expensive for everyone. Landlords mortgage holders renters + student loans starting and pandemic forgiveness programs ending.
5-Housing market is artificial. It’s not like we ran out of land, it’s all numbers on a screen. Theirs actually a shit ton of land.
6-Construction has changed so newer homes can be built faster and more efficient.
7-Gov has started introducing policy to aid in home buying. States/communities are pushing back on Airbnb, and wfh opened up the possibilities of moving somewhere cheaper than in the cities.
8-While homebuyers today have record low rates, their will need to be various concessions & benefits given to future buyers to so they can justify the purchase “well I don’t have a 2% mortgage but I got this….” This has already started.

>why prices will continue to go up
1-It has in the before. Prices are never going back to 110-80k because of inflation.

2- Blackrock and other companies are buying all the homes now to turn people into renters. This will put further pressure.

3-Millennials may not be a big of a group as boomers but they are the biggest, and they are looking for a home. They have money.

4-The wealthy. They will further increase demand everywhere because they’re buying.

>> No.56080425

Miniscule percentage of jobs can be done virtually? As in wfh