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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56068720 No.56068720 [Reply] [Original]

This time it is different. Previously only USD could be used to buy oil. Now alternative options exist. So increasing USD rates to kill demand for oil and demand for everything else is not working anymore.

>> No.56068722

They already are working

>> No.56068727

>Now alternative options exist.
May I see them?

>> No.56068752
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>> No.56068772
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The reason you cannot show an alternative option is because an alternative option doesn't exist. I guess since you're a low IQ /pol/tard you just read headlines and bait threads and aren't current on what's actually going on in the world.

BRICS is a nightmare and the third world shitholes you're rooting for failed to agree on a reserve currency.

>> No.56068775
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No the reason is because you will not accept any evidence.

>> No.56068784

>you're a low IQ /pol/tard you just read headlines and bait threads
damn he really nailed you with that one

>> No.56068794


Here is the link https://www.reuters.com/business/energy/russia-gas-price-seen-much-lower-china-than-europe-document-2023-09-08/

In case someone reading this thread wants to read more than headlines and don't want to google screenshots.

Again I don't think anyone can be convinced after they have made up their mind.

>> No.56068796

Once again, you're an idiotic low IQ /pol/tard and you're falling for the headline again. I'm not even going to spoonfeed you on this one. See if you can come up with a reason why China is paying less. Protip, you can go look up the article your headline is from and they'll probably explain it to you.

Also, >>>/pol/

>> No.56068801

No where in the article does it say they are paying with anything other than USD. LOL

>> No.56068802
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It's almost as if China is willing to partially settle energy in a better currency to get a cheaper price.

Big signpost.

Source for pic: https://twitter.com/LukeGromen/status/1700518044823421172

>> No.56068809


USD accounts of Russia are frozen due to sanctions.

>> No.56068831
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USA is trying to kill Chinese demand for oil because high rates are not working.

>> No.56068839
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It is over

>> No.56068850

How anyone affords to live in this economy is beyond me.
People will be calling for blood in no time. Either war or change in politicians

>> No.56068851
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Supply is falling but demand is not falling. You know what this means. Prices will go up.

In USA demand is not falling due to fiscal dominance.

Outside USA, alternate means to trade oil exist.

>> No.56068882
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Risk free USD collateral is not needed because countries are switching to periodic physical gold/oil based settlements.

>> No.56068903
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This is the official narrative. Conspiracy theories like this are hard to enforce because sovereign nations are sovereign.

The real reason is commodity based settlement of trade is a viable alternative to USD risk free collateral backed trade.

>> No.56068938

ITT: Headlines and twitter screencaps

L:OL he really got you good

>> No.56068991

kek the seething subhumanoid replies to your post are absolutely delish
You predicted what they'd do like clockwork

>> No.56068992

Are you retarded? Of course Russia doesn't get paid in dollar. It would be frozen instantly

>> No.56069001

Link please
Ddo they steal it or is it headline bait?

>> No.56069006 [DELETED] 

In the 2000s the oil price was much higher with a dollar worth way more
Two more weeks

>> No.56069017

Dollar is NOT risk free
Also these numbers are small

>> No.56069021

In the 2000s the oil price was much higher with a dollar worth way more
Two more weeks

>> No.56069028

This thread kind of reminds me of that peak oil spammer on /pol/ for the last 5 years.

He was obsessed with this idea that the economy was going to implode for a lack of oil.

>> No.56069035

Well yes this thread has an interesting topic but made terrible with screencaps Handpicked to support the thesis instead of discussion and text

>> No.56069085

Agro on this thread initially: get rekt. Interest income is offset with rising interest expenses so banks are stagnating on the lending scene... imo rates may be elevated for a while... chase a strong balance sheet with heavy cash. Sharks feast in chum'd waters if company, property, and credit valuations dive. Cycles have been there, regardless of your culture or humanity, since the beginning of time.

I appreciate the late replies. I am just getting to this thread now. AMA amigos, down to gauge sentiment

>> No.56069202

> another galaxy brain twitter analysis of why oil is going higher
You are obviously wrong, you’re on the side of zero hedge and all the commentators of popular finance twitter influencers who are saying we are in a recession and oil is going higher.

Here’s what’s going to happen, oil is going to 65 then to 45 once the recession gets priced in.

Who says they can’t sell 800 million more barrels?

>> No.56069215


> oil is going to 65 then to 45 once the recession gets priced in

Kind of agree. Oil will go up and then down. Even eventually with high enough rates Americans will have to stop all commerce.

> Who says they can’t sell 800 million more barrels?

With low enough rates they can. Trucking companies are failing, and instead of reducing oil consumption, lack of trucks is making it expensive to ship oil to retail locations.

But high rates are here to stay, because prevent inflation is priority number 1.

>> No.56069228

Who said they can’t use more oil reserve? That Twitter screw cap just made shit up. All this twitter influencers alway call checkmate! The the opposite happens or politicians figure out a way to kick the bucket. Trucking has nothing to do with oil prices. I still remember when all of Twitter influencers were calling checkmate on Europe because of the war and then the opposite happened, the government printed money and found a way to reduce all prices.

>> No.56069244


> Europe didn't checkmate

Only because of warmer winters, and still active pipelines from Russia which are not Nordstream.

Just because Twitter gets things wrong does not mean they will always be wrong.

Unforeseen things happen and make predictions wrong all the time. But that doesn't mean nobody knows whats coming.

>> No.56069297

So oil controls interest rates or is it the speculation of rising oil prices during times of turmoil in supplying countries that facilitate demand? To be honest I have been tracking the commodities and they're manipulated as hell (not a revelation) easiest 3x levered options I have ever seen.
I trust in commerce and capital but those who deploy it I trust even more. It's all gauged in self-interest, which is healthy, for commodity speculation. The moment speculation starts trickling into debt, cre, and longer-term assets&valuations then we have a problem IMO.
In b4 tldr, liquidity is the new name of company valuations: easy to lend upon and easier to buy distressed companies post aggressive partners being BTFO

>> No.56069908

does this retard not know most natgas is transported by pipelines and straight into households, power generation facilities and liquification port facilities?

>> No.56069914

you get it. Companies with yuge net cash balances will feast on the overleveraged sorry suckers

>> No.56069927

Butthurt boomer.

>> No.56069931

It will. You all have no idea.

>> No.56069945

imagine siding with the fucking globalist goverment scum because it's "your people". Fuck you cunt. This country doesn't represent me, and will not until a lot of damage is done through a civil war of sorts.

Suck my fat cock, you greasy fucking troon

>> No.56069960

> No one could’ve predicted the government would step in and print money in a time of crisis!
> They get lucky sometimes!
They are complete Retards who spew whatever gets them the most clicks and likes. Normies gobble the first order of effects entertainment from twitter. No one likes the second order of effects because it goes against the obvious, it makes them look dumb and against the herd for pointing out the obvious.

>> No.56069979

Saudis are cutting because they are predicting lower demand due to a looming recession. When the government starts buying back to refil the reserve it means that the oil market is in trouble not what zero hedge or the popular finance twitter entertainers would have you believe

>> No.56070031
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All they need to do is stop creating new dollars. Money creation to Zero, as it should be by law. In fact, they should slowly decrease the money supply until the current wage come into parity with home values so working class people can afford homes. More importantly, all illegals and immigrants of any kind from over the last 23 years should be deported or exterminated. That would also drive up wages and significantly decrease housing and services costs. A return to the original US Constitution and return to a Consitutional Republic under Common Law would fix about everything.

>> No.56070041
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>> No.56070637
