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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56068057 No.56068057 [Reply] [Original]

All jokes aside I honestly want to cry every time I look at real estate in Sydney.

How the hell am I ever supposed to own a property if everything is at least $1.3 million?

I work a good job (lawyer) and have $150K saved up from living with my parents. My borrowing capacity is $440K. I can’t move away from the city because I work in the heart of it.

I can’t even try to get a 2-3x with crypto anymore since westpac blocked Binance and payid doesn’t work anymore.

>> No.56068075

I've got no job and I don't worry about it because I don't look at it.

>> No.56068084

You're family has a house they're handing down right? Right?

>> No.56068106
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Are you retarded? Just use an australian exchange, or a different bank, then transfer your buttcoin to binance. Or don't use binance

>> No.56068114

I have no sympathy for people who complain about their problems to the internet but can’t fathom complaining to God. Maybe just maybe if you asked God for help he would help you. I say this genuinely because every time I’ve come to the Lord He has provided, please get with the program, He who knocks it shall be answered.

>> No.56068129

God doesn't exist Christcuck.

>> No.56068140

Yea it’s easy to say that when you’re safe and sound, in your time of need you WILL call for help to God, and who do you wanna be, the person who only talks to God to ask him for stuff, or the person who’s fostered a real relationship over the years? He might still help you out of love for you but it’s just hypocritical to beg for help, get what you want, and then go right back to being an atheist.

>> No.56068172
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>> No.56068173
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I cant even begin to understand these weird unironic smugposts. Like the Jewish brainrot programming has worked these people are genuinely content from owning nothing and just being provided for by parents/ government. 0 higher aspirations other than consooming and gooning

>> No.56068236

Whatever you do, do not come to Queensland under any circumstances. Enough of you Sydney fuckwits have come here and fucked real estate here as well. You are not welcome.

>> No.56068240

>borrowing capacity 440k
my8 a fucking secretary at a law firm can borrow more than that.

>> No.56068242

It's called Taoism, dude. I can't change the economy all I can do is change myself. This is the first rule of success that anyone "making it" should know. Religious people and new ageists practice this on the daily it's only the atheist fags that are in trouble if they can't learn to discipline their mind in this way.

>> No.56068309
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>> No.56068376

You are inheriting a house anon? Right?

>> No.56068444

I used to think Australia was so cool back in the /fit/ Zyzz days.

Now I see it for what it is: an overpriced shithole version of Florida with more chinks where all the wildlife tries to kill you

>> No.56068478


>> No.56068483

Now now anon, it may be bad but at least it isn't burgerland (or even worse, Florida, LOL)

>> No.56068493

>I'm a practising australian lawyer crying about my salary on a Welsh pipe bending forum
We believe you

>> No.56068496

With the exception of Miami and Naples, Florida is still very affordable.

>> No.56068516

Yes, and why do you suppose that is?

>> No.56068545

What rural towns in Australia aren’t ridden with meth use? Would be nice to live in the sticks for cheap and work remote but I know all the hicks are fucked up on ice.

>> No.56068626

Bullshit Orlando priced me out :(

>> No.56068665

I wish Scooby would come back to /fit/
Squats and oats my brother

>> No.56068774


if your borrowing capacity is only 440 you do not work a good job

>> No.56069012
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>wanting to stay in Sydney
>wanting to stay in Australia
>wanting to stay in the zogged West

>> No.56069048

Do you kill your parents when you turn 30? Or be fine with not having your own place until your 50s at least?

>> No.56069054

Why are you faggots coping with inheritance all the time? Most people are already old as shit by the time they inherit anything. I guess this board is a bunch of 40 year old faggots

>> No.56069092

nigga go get a 100k house in the desert in nsw

>> No.56069120

>borrowing capacity is $440k
As a fellow Sydney resident, dude you’re earning peanuts. I’m sorry but you need to work that income up, yesterday. You should be okay in a few years given you’re a lawyer but my brother in Christ your annual salary must be about $85k pre-tax which is well below the average full time income in Sydney.

For what it’s worth I make about $150k in a blue collar job with little career advancement opportunity and I’m trying to find ways to get out of Sydney and move somewhere rural as the benefits of living here simply don’t stack up unless you’re in a career where you can potentially work your way up to beyond $200k, maybe $300k/year.

Aus is very urbanised, something like 90% of the population of the country live in the five largest cities. So the catch is that while cities in Aus provide a very high quality of life (for significant cost), the flip side is that most of rural Aus is near third world. Big drug problems and very little purpose to life because there’s not much more than empty countryside and wheat fields.

There are some OK places. Newcastle is pretty liveable, but expensive now as it’s within the influence of Sydney. Hobart is nice to live and has a nice climate but economically is a write off as income to property price ratios are the worst in the country. The Gold Coast is quite liveable and incomes are good, property also very cheap.

>> No.56069132

We have kids and 22 here and own Houses. Low T anons like yourself could never understand having a soul

>> No.56069140

You're supposed to have a wife that can also borrow 500k and together you'll reach the 1 million mark and be able to afford something decent.
You do have a wife right? You know the modern world is built around couples, not pathetic incels.

>> No.56069151

I feel like crying everytime I wake up anon, don't fret.

This guy gets it

If I was aussie I'd definitely go for outside town. Look at the positives right, solar is basically guaranteed to be a win there so you've got the option of decoupling from the energy cuck, at least until they start taking sunlight (again*)

>*yes, this was actually a thing in serfdom englarnd

>> No.56069171


>> No.56069178

What does your reply imply? My parents own a house too faggot should I expect them to hand it down to me and go rentcuck themselves? Or do you live with your parents?

>> No.56069188

>a high income woman
lmao good luck finding her and even if you do she would rather walk through a nigger ghetto naked than date a man on the same income level. A woman with an above standard income has the same ego as a multimillionaire man

>> No.56069190

Why dont you get married to a woman (biological ticker Woman) who is also a lawyer making around the same as you, who also has like $100k saved up and who will then double your capacity for borrowing?

>> No.56069197

>What does your reply imply?
Ah so you're too dumb to understand
>she would rather walk through a nigger ghetto naked
Kek mind broke cuck mind. Sounds about right

>> No.56069206

Those are a lot of words to say you're an incel. Liberal countries are made for 2 income couples, if you fail to find a partner you fail at life simple as.
I suggest staying with your parents indefinitely or moving to the Middle East and restarting your pathetic life.

>> No.56069209

>Ah so you're too dumb to understand
sure just play it off instead of admitting your brainfart made 0 sense

>> No.56069221

I make more than 2 times the average (not median) wage in my country and most households here have less than my monthly income. I have 'le 2 income couples' in my family and they borrow money from me you betabuxing retard

>> No.56069694

How? Orlando is cheap as shit. You’re competing with boomers and subhumans who work at all the theme parks